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Adaptive wavelets and their applications to image fusion and compression - List of publications


Academic year: 2021

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Adaptive wavelets and their applications to image fusion and compression

Piella, G.

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Citation for published version (APA):

Piella, G. (2003). Adaptive wavelets and their applications to image fusion and compression.

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List of publications

J o u r n a l p a p e r s

1. H E I J M A N S . H. J . A. M., P E S Q U E T - P O P E S C U . B., AND P I E L L A , G. Building nonredundant adaptive

wavelets by update lifting. (Based on technical report 17, see below.) Submitted to Applied and

Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2003.

2. PIELLA. G. A general framework for multiresolution image fusion: from pixels to regions. (Based on technical report 16, see below.) To appear in Information Fusion. 2003.

3. P I E L L A , G., P E S Q U E T - P O P E S C V . B . . AND H E I J M A N S . H. J . A. M. Adaptive update lifting with a

decision rule based on derivative filters. IEEE Signal Processing Letters 9, 10 (October 2002). 329 332. 4. PIELLA. G.. AND HEIJMANS. H. J . A. M. Adaptive lifting schemes with perfect reconstruction. IEEE

Transactions on Signal Processing 50, 7 (July 2002). 1020 1030.

C o n f e r e n c e p a p e r s

5. ABIIAYARATNE. C . PIEI.I.A. G.. P E S Q U E T - P O P E S C U , B . . AND H E I J M A N S . H. J. A. M. Adaptive

integer to integer wavelet transforms using update lifting. In Wavelets X. Proceedings of SPIE (San Diego, California. Augustus 3 8 2003).

6. PESQUET-POPESCU, B., HEIJMANS, H. J. A. M.. ABHAYARATNE, C . AND PIELLA. G. Quantization of adaptive 2D wavelet decompositions. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image

Processing (Barcelona, Spain. September 14 17 2003).

7. PIELLA. G.. AND HEIJMANS. H. J . A. M. A new quality metric for image fusion. In Proceedings of the

IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (Barcelona. Spain. September 14 17 2003).

8. HEIJMANS, H. J. A. M., P I E L L A , G.. AND P E S Q U E T - P O P E S C U , B . Building adaptive 2D wavelet

de-compositions by update lifting. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (Rochester, New York. September 22 25 2002).

!). PlELLA, G.. AND HEIJMANS. 11. J. A. M. Multiresolution image fusion guided by a multimodal segmentation. In Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (Ghent. Belgium. September !) 11 2002). pp. 175 182.

10. PESQUET-POPESCU, B., PIELLA. G.. AND HEIJMANS. H. J. A. M. Construction of adaptive wavelets using update lifting and quadratic decision criteria. In Proceedings of the European Signal Processing

Conference (EUSIPCO) (Toulose. France. September 3 0 2002).



List of publications

11. PlELLA. G. A region-based mult iresolut ion image fusion algorithm. In Proceedings of the 5th

Interna-tional Conference on Information Fusion (Annapolis. Maryland. July 8 11 2002), pp. 1557-1564. Award

for best student paper.

12. PE.SQUET-POPE.SCU. B . . PlELLA. G.. AND H E U M A N S . H. .1. A. M. Adaptive update lifting with gradient criteria modeling high-order differences. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference

on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (Orlando. Florida. May 13 17 2002).

13. PlELLA. G.. HEUMANS. H. .1. A. M.. AND P E S Q U E T - P O P E S C U . B. Adaptive wavelet decompositions driven by the gradient norm. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Symposium (Leuven. Belgium. March 21-22 2002), pp. 109- 112.

11. PlELLA. G.. AND HEUMANS, H. .1. A. M. An adaptive update lifting scheme with perfect reconstruct ion. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (Thessaloniki. Greece. October 7 10 2001), pp. 190 193.

O t h e r s

15. H E U M A N S , H. .1. A. M.. P I E I . L A . C , P E S Q U E T - P O P E S C U . B . . AND ABHAYARATNE. C. Adaptive

wavelets for image compression using update lifting: quantization and error analysis. In preparation. 1G. P I E L L A . G. A general framework for multiresolution image fusion: from pixels to regions. Research

Report. PNA-R0211. CWI, Amsterdam, May 2002.

17. HEUMANS. H. .1. A. M.. PESQUET-POPESCU. B.. AND PIELLA. G. Building nonredundant adaptive wavelets by update lifting. Research Report PNA-R0212. CWI. Amsterdam. May 2002.

18. HEUMANS, H. J . A. M.. KAMSTRA, L.. PIELLA. G.. AND GOUTSIAS. J. Building nonlinear wavelets. In Fourth Quinquennial Review 1996 2001. Dutch Society for Pattern Recognition and linage Processing. 2001. pp. 381 398.



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Methods Study population Patients

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