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Closed-form evaluation of the wave potential due to a spherical current source distribution


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Closed-form evaluation of the wave potential due to a

spherical current source distribution

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Boersma, J., & Doelder, de, P. J. (1979). Closed-form evaluation of the wave potential due to a spherical current source distribution. (Eindhoven University of Technology : Dept of Mathematics : memorandum; Vol. 7911). Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven.

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Department of ~~thematics

Memorandum 1979-11

October 1979

Closed-form evaluation of the wave poten~ial due to a spherical current source distribution


J. Boersma anQ P., J. de Doelder

Eindhoven University of Technology Department of Mathematics


Box 513. Eindhoven The Net...'lerlands


Closed-form evaluation of the wave potential due to a spherical current source distribution


J. Boersma and P.J. de Doelder

1. Introduction

-r -r

Consider a current source distribution with density function J(r), having a finite supportin the volume V. Then the resulting electromagnetic field


is expressible in terms of the wave potential ¢(r) given by

(1. 1) v -jkR e -r - - - dr' 471R R -r -r

stands for some rectangular component of J(r') and k is the wave number. It is 'Nell known that. (t,ri) satisfies the Helmholtz equation



...,.. r .: Ii

(1. 2) M+ k2¢



r i V

and the radiation condition at infi~ity (for the exp(j~t) time convention) . -r

The present note deals with the closed-form evaluatio~ of ~(r) in the case of J(i) having its support in the s!",herical vol'...lIlle



~ a. Introducing

-r -r

spherical coordiantes r = (r,e,~) ana r' = ( r' ,8' ,(pi), we then rewrite (1.1) as (1. 3) <P(r,8,·:p) a




dr' 71



d8' 271 -jkR j' dm' J(r',6',f!J ' ) e 471R (r,)2 sin6-'


where R [r 2 + (r') 2 - 2rr' cos ~ ~ (1. 4)

cos y cos 6 cos 5' + sin e si~ 6' cos (~ - f!J').

In section 2 it is shown that a closed-iorm evaluation of ~ is possible for a source distribution J of the form


, I I,', (L 5) J(r,a,rp) - 2 -cos sin (mrp ) m

where m,n,p are integers subject to 0 ~ m ~ n, p ~ n - 1; p stands for the n

associated Legendre function. In sections 3 and 4 two specific examples of source distributions (1.5) are examined. For these examples which were taken from Lee and Law [lJ, closed-form expressions for ~(r,a,rp) are derived valid fov r ~ a, i.e. in the interior of V. Results for ~(r,a,cp) when r ~ a might be derived in the same manner, however, we shall not go into the actual calculation. As a check the second example (section 4) is also treated by a different and independent approach based on the solution of the Helmholtz equation (1.2). Some concluding comments, additional to section 2, are pre-sented in section 5.

2. Wave potential due to the source distribution (1.5)

The key fcrmula in the analysis is the following -addition theorem:

(2. 1 ) -jkR e 41TR CD _ jk 41T


n=O (2n + 1) j (kr) h(2)(kr)· n < n > n


m==O (n - m)! e:

m (n


m)! pm (cos a) pm (cos a') cos m(rp- cp'). n n

Here r


min(r,r'), r


max(r,r'), EO


1 e:


2 for m


1,2,3, ... ;

further-< 12' > ' m

more j and h \ ' stand for L~e spherical Bessel and Hankel functions defined

n n


(2.2) J , ( ) - [ l 1 T 'T ( ' . ' (2) ( )



TT H (2) (z) •

Z - -;;-- U L Z I , n Z - -2 n+L

n LZ n+. n z .

The key formula (2.1) is readily obtained from the additi~n ~heorem for Bessel functions (2.3) -jkR e "liTR 00 jk \' 41T


n=:O (2n + 1) j (kr ) h (2) (kr ) P (cos y) n < n > n

(cf. Watson [2, form.11.41(9), (10)], Abramowitz & Stegun [3, form.10.1.4S,46J, Stratton [4, form.7.10(87)]), combined with the addition theorem for Legendre polynomials


'. I



-(2.4) p (cos y) = p (cos e cos 6' + sin 8 sin 8' cos(<p - cp')) =

n n n


m=O (n m)! m e: ?

m (n + m)! n (cos 6) pm (cos 6') cos m(<p -n <p')

(cf. Stratton [4,form.7.S(46)J, Magnus, Oberhettinger & Soni [S,p.239J).

The source distribution (1.5) and the expar.sion (2.1) are now inserted into

the integral (1.3) for ~(r,6,cp). We employ the orthogonality relations

2rr (2.5)


dcp'~_cos m(-:p - <p')


where 0


1 when m



a ,

mm mm n (2.6)


d8 ' sin 8 ' pm n (cos 0 1 cos (m'IP') drp'


sin 2'Tf cos e:


mm , sin (mcp) m


when m ~ m'i and

8' ) , pm n' (cos 9' )de' (n + m)!


pm(x) p n' m (x) dx 2n 2


T 1 (n - n:)! nn'


-1 n

cf. Stratton [4, form.7.3(16),(17)J, Abramowitz & Stegun [3,form. 8.14.11,13J.


Then the 8'- ~ <p'-integration car. be carried out and we are led to the

fol-lowing result for ~ :

a h(2) (kr ) I ' ) p+2 (2.7) ~(r,6,9)


- jk


j (kr ) .r dr' pm (cos 6) cos m<p n < n > n sin 0


r (kr') (r' )p+2


- jk [ h' I (kr) ( jn dr' + n 0 a h (2) (kr') (r' )p+2 + jn (kr)


dr'J pm (cos e) cos n n sin m<p


r valid for r ~ a.

Now it is well known that the spherical Bessel a.nd Hankel functions can be

ex-pressed in terms of elementary functions, viz.,

(2.8) h (2) (2'.) n jn+l z-1 e-]Z n \' -,-,~nc:....,----::..;1..~~ . + 0).' L 9.! (n - Il.) ! 9.=0 '2" )-£ .. ]Z


',', - 4 -(2.9) jn (z) ~[h(l)(Z) + h (2) (z) J = n n ,-n-1 -1 jz n (n !(' , (-2jz) -90 ~ J z e


Q,! (n + -) £)


! + £=0 ,n+1 -1 -jz n (n ,Q,) ! (2jz)-1 ~


+ + J z e Q,! (n


£) ! 9,=0

cf. Watson [2,form 7.2(1), (2)J, Abramowitz & Stegun [3,form.10.1.16,17J, Mag-nus, Oberhettinger & Soni [5,p.72J. Consequently,the evaluation of <1' in (2.7) amounts to the evaluation of elementary integrals



e ±j kr ' (r ' ) p+ 1-Q, dr ' , ,Q, = 0 , 1 , ... , n •

The latter integrals can be determined through integration by parts if p + 1 - 2,

is a non-negative integer, that is, if p is an integer with p ~ n - 1, as assumed at the outset.

The evaluation of (2.7) for generai n is discussed in section 5. In the next sections we turn to some specific examples t,aken from Lee 3.nd La,,' [1 J .

3. First example from Lee and Law [lJ

As a first example Lee and Law [lJ consider a current density given ty -+

(3.1) J(r) 1-27\sln r ,28 sincpcoscp+ 3


'\' 2 Sln , 2 6 cos 8 sin ~ cos w,

1 _, I

which will be contained in the spherical volume r , ~ ), i 7\

wave length. Since

(3.2) pO (cos 8)


1, P2 (cos 2 8) 3 sin


8, p_ 2 ~cos Ell .)

(ef. Stratton [4,Appendix IV J ), we :nay rewrite (3.1) as

2w/k denotes the

15 sin~ 9 cos 8,

(3.3) 1 - -3 1 ~ P?2 (cos 8'1 sl'ni,2'",) (r, 2 D2

(co'" P)

1\ _ '" T 1 () ,II ~ 3 -.; v sin (2cp)




-By means of (2.7) we find for ~1:

(3.4) '" ( 8 ) - J'k [h

O(2) (kr)

"'1 r, ,cp


where the integration variable r' has been replaced by p for convenience. From (2.8), (2.9) we have (3.5) hence r , -1 JZ e -jz r jz + j -1, -jz e


z e- sin z z



jO(kP)P 2 dp 1



= -

1 [- kr cos(kr) + sin (kr) ]

k k3 0 0 A h (2) (k ) 2


A 1 ') -jkr 2n - j



p p dp


'k k e- J PPdP k3 (kr - J e -k3 r r (3.7)

through integration by parts. In (3.7) it was used that

A = 2n/k.

Inserting these results into (3.4) we find

(3.8) ~1 (r,8,cp) -jkr e [-kr cos(kr) + sin (kr)


-jkr e 1 + 2j'IT (1 + jkr) sin(kr) + sin(kr) k3r 1 1 + 2jrr sin(kr) - - + k2 k2 kr 1 1 + 2jn - - + jo (kr). k2 ,( ,2

Consider next ~2(r,8,cp) which is to be determined from

(3.9) r



j2(kP)p3dP + j2(kr)



(kp) p3 dPJ


r 2 • P (cos 8) sin (2cp) . 2 From (2.8), (2.9) we have (3.10) - JZ , -1 e-jz [; _ • ~,-1 ~JZ - 3 -2z





(3.11) hence (3.12 ) (3.13 ) j~(z) =Re L 6 -sin z 3 z 2 3 (3 - z ) - cos z 2 z 1 [8 - (8 - k2r2) cos(kr) - 5kr sin(kr)] , A



:12 (2) (kp)p 3 dp r r




1 4 2, 1 -i~r ,~ 2 2 d (8 + lOjif - 1 \ ) +"4 _e - '.:j + 5jkr - k r ). k - k

We then find after some elementary calculat~o~s

(3.14 ) .- 'k

. '-j -

J r , ) 2 2 4 4 ¢2 (:c, e, <p) = J 3" e i 3 {24j - 24kr - 8jK-r- -+-cos (k;::) [-24j - 4jk r -jk r ] A



r 1 1 2 2 4 4 8e-jkr 2 2


[~(24 + 4k r + k r ) - _ 3 (3 + 3jkr - k r ) Tfk2 k r kjr

Nex't, consider ¢3(r,e,cp) which is to be determined from

This term can also be expressed as 8lh(2)


- 2




, 1'3 (r , 9, cp) = -

2 -

[h?) (kr) 10>" 2 .) ( j3 (kp)p4 dP + j3 (kr) / '


(kP)p4 dP ] •


r 2 • ? 3 (cos 9) sin (2cp) •

Again from (2.8), (2.9) we have

(3.16) (3.17 ) hence (3.18 ) (3.19 ) h~2)(Z) -1 -jz [ 1 -1 -2 -3 z e




15z + 1 5j z ] ,

j3(z) =Re h (2) 3 (. 2, \ sin 4 z (15


6z2) + - -cos 3 z (-15 + z ) 2


z z r 4 • r 22 1 : : : 23


j3(kp)p dp =~


sin(kp) (15 -Bk p )dp -~


cos(kp) (15p -k p ldp


~< 0 k- 0 1 -jkP'48 33 1 ~k2 2 - e ' + , J' Kp - ::I,' P - 5 \ k 3 J


- jk P ) r

Inserting these results into (3.15), 'lie find in a straightforwa:::d manner


, (7 20 .. 2' 2 2 c. k4 4

-J + I ~ r + c. r + k6 r ) e 6, jkr




8 -3


1 2 2 + 6k4r4 k6r6)

- - -

- - -

(720 + 72k r + 4'/ k2 k4r4 48e-jkr (15 + 2 2 ,,3 3)


+ 15jkr - 6k r - JK r k4r4 + j(48 + 66jn - 36n2

The final closed-form expression for ~(r,e,~) is now obtained by addition of the results in (3.8), (3.14),(3.20). The expression for ~ is valid for r ~


i.e., in the source region.

Lee and Law [lJ are especially interested in the numerical values of the deri-vatives


at the origin r


0; here x

1,x2,x3 are Cartesian coordinates. To evaluate these derivatives we expand ~1'~2'~3 in power-series in powers of kr, viz.,

(3.22) (3.23 ) (3.24) '" e --..L[2J''''' _ 1 + 2jn k2r2 + (k44.1 "'l(r,,~) k 2 " 6 o . r ) J 3


-, 2


s~n sin (jl cos ~ , 48j 3 3 4 4 2 3 k3r 3 105 k r +O(k r ) +j(48+66jn-36n -8jn )~

sin2 e cos


sin cp cos (jl •

The second derivatives of


of order k3r 3 and higher vanish at the origin; for example


9 -a2 4 a2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


ar r 0, r (xl + x 2 + x 3 )


4(x 1 + x2 + x3) + 8x1


2 2 aX 1 aX1 3 , 2 (r s~n 8 sin ~ cos ~) aX13~ r 2 , 4 2 , 2 J rL1 + sin 8 -s~n 8 cos ~ s~n ~


at r


0, 32 (3 , 2 , ) 2 r s~n 8 cos


s~n ~ cos ~ 3x 1 0, etc.

Thus i t is sufficient to retain only the terms up to and including O(k2r2), yielding (3.25) ¢(r,e,(,o)


[2jrr k 1+2j'Tl k22 10+4jrr. 22 , 28 ' Otk33)J 6 r + 15 k r s~n s~n ~ cos <P + II r 1 [2' 1 + 2jrr 2 2 2 2 10 + 4jrr 2 3 3 k 2 J1T - 6 k (xl +x2 +x 3 ) + 15 k x1x2 + O(k r )J All second derivatives I

mn 2

a ¢/ax


at the origin can easily be determined m n now: (3.26) 1 + 2jrr 3 10 + 4jrr 15 ' 113 O. As a check we have ~ (3.27) 6~(r




III + 122 + 133


-1 - 2jrr

in accordance with the Helmholtz equation(1.2). The magnitude and phase of 1

11,112 are found to be

2 ~


- 10

-(3.28) 1



2.1207 55044 exp(-j 99.043°), 112


1.0706 4606 exp(j 51.488°),

which should be compa~ed to the values of Lee and Law [lJ , viz.,

(3.29) 2.1327 exp (-j 100.13°), 112 1.0740 exp(j 50.73 ).


4. Second example from Lee aud Law [IJ

As their second example Lee and Law [lJ consider a current density given by


again contained in the spherical volume



A. Clearly,


in (4.1) is of the form (1.5) with m


0, n


O. Thus we have from (2.7) that the correspond-ing wave potential ~ is given by

(4.2) 1>(r,E),cr) JO(kp){p . 2 -3 2 .2- + A \ 3 4 +jO(kr)





r \ valid for r :;; \. By means cf (3.5) we determine (4.3) (4.4) r 2 3 k


sir.. (kp) {p - 2


+ 3


2 }dp 2 - kr 'IT / . (2)(k.){ 2 ? 03 :)4, :\ : n . c: 0 - _ - -+ 3 - , d.)

= i


' 0 ~ . ).. '» k r . /, <. J~ -jkp, 2c2


e t p - - . - + } dp A \2 -J. ko 20-') ' 3 ' ~ . 4J'p 2 4 18 lS'


~ [ •. p + _ _ _ ~_ + 1. _ _ + -,]p P J ] , - A ) 2 k kA


2 - k2 +


2 - ,)(3,2 r K . " A · , 1\


through integration by parts. - 11 --jkr e


-k3 9j _ (1 + 2j ') 2 IT .. IT 3 1 3 3 ] --2 K r 4-:r

The present results are inserted into (4.2), thus leading to

9 )kr + 2IT2 (4.5) <P(r,e,ql) _ j k[=-j _e-:--_] k_r_ k4r ? 2 Q 1 2.2 J k3 3 - jkr-{-=- - [ - + (1 - -::-) kr - -;, k r- +"""2 r Je } + + 1 3 k r IT IT 2rr2 40-sin(kr) kr 2 3 -:rk r -jkr e

The latter result is now re-de=ived by a different and independen~ approa~h.

We observe that for the present example the wave potential <P is spherically

symmetric, i.e., <P


<P(r). Then we fi~d from (1.2) that <P(r) must satisfy

the Hel~1oltz equation




2 , 0 $ r <


1\ I


, r >


Moreover <P(r) must satisfy the radi~t~on condition at infinity a~d OCr) must

be finite at r = O. Equation (4.6) is easily solved, viz.,

(4.7) 9(r) sin(k~) A + <P (r) 0 5 r $


kr 0 ' -jkr B e kr r 2: A,

where A and B are arbitrary constants, and <i>O(r) is a particular solution


- 12


determined by trial and error.

The integration constants A and B are found by requiring continuity of ¢ and

¢' at r = A, i.e.,

(4.9) ¢(A - 0) ¢(A + 0), ¢'(A - 0) ¢' (A + 0).

Thus we obtain

(4.10) A j 1T (4 - .=.!I.. -6; -7 '- + - ) 9j B

k 2 1T n 2 2n3 '

Insert these values into (4.7), then the result (4.5) is recovered, valid for r $


In addition we find


-jkr e

kr when r ~ A.

Lee and ~aw [lJ are interested in the numerical value of the derivative III




at the observation point xl


0, x



0, x3


0.4'/... Such a

deri-vative is obtained from


which reduces to

(4.13) r) 1 ¢' (r)


for an observation point on the x

3-axis. Through differentiation of ¢(r) in

(4.5), and setting r


0.4A, we find


, _6J'_9 9J' ?' ]

- ~ (4 - -2 + -2J kr) sin(kr)

k 3r 3 1T 1T 21T 3 - 1T r- 2 A


5. 125 = - - ( 1 32'TT4 13 -2 8,,) 25j §.i 9


(4'TT) 125 + -16'TT (4 - 'if -


+ 3 ) cos 5 'TT 'IT _ 12Sj (4 _ 38j


+2L) sin (4'TT5) 2 5 'IT 2 2 3 64 'IT 'TT 'IT - 0.9273 7407 - 1.6017 7327 j or in magnitude-phase-representation (4.15) III (xl


0,x2 1.8508 6474 exp( -j 120.069 ). o

This result agrees reasonably well to that of Lee and Law [lJ in their table III. A simpler result is obtained at the cbservation point xl


0, x



0, x3


~A, viz. , (4.16) I 11(x1 0, x 2 ~ 0, x3 ~A) 13 17


(4 ~) -0.5713 2684 0.9829 7573 j. +


-2 'IT 2 2'TT 4 'IT 'if 2

Addendum to section 2

C::msider a cur::cent densit.y

-+ (E.)p pm cos

(5.1) J(r) (cos 8l

sin (mcp) , a n

similar to (1.5), and contained in the spherical volume


~ ai again, m,n,p are integers subject to 0 ~ ill ~ n, p ~ n - 1. Let the corresponding wave


tential be denoted by ¢ (r). From a study of the specific results in (3.8),


(3.14), (3.20) and also (4.5), it is believed that in general ~ has the


following structure: If P - n is even, then

(5.2) 1 cos

sin (mcp)

where Qe(k2r2) is a polynomial in k2r2 of degree


- n), and A is a constant which depends on p,n and kai


if P - n is odd, then


(5.3) <I> (r)



-where QO(k2r2) is a polynomial in k2r2 of degree


+ n + 1), and A,B are

constants which depend on p, nand ka.


According to (2.7), <I> (r) can be expressed as

pmn j ~ h (2) (kr) kr (5.4) <I> (r) -+ =


jn pmn k2(ka)P n 0 ka h (2) (x) xp+2 dx] + j (kr)


p m (cos 8) n kr n n p+2 (x)x dx cos (mq» sin

where we introduced the new integration variable x = kr'.


An interesting special case occurs when p = n~- Then by use of the recurrence

relations [3, form.l0.1.23] (5.5) we have (5.6) d rr n+2 dx LX jn+1 (x)] = x n+2 jn (x), dxd -_ [n+2 h(2) (x)] x n+1 = xn+2h(2) (x), n h (2) (kr) n kr


j (x) xn+2dx + j (kr)


n n ka


h(2) (x) xn+2 dx kr n (kr) n+2[h (2) (kr) j 1 (kr) n n+ j (kr)h(2)1(kr)] + (ka)n+2h (2)1(ka)j (kr)-n n+ n+ n _j(kr)n + (ka)n+2h (2)1(ka) j (kr) n+ _ n

by means of the well-known Wronskian relation [3,form.l0.1.31]. Thus we find

(5.7) <I> (r) -+


For n = m = 0 and a =


the present result reduces to that in (3.8). Notice

that (5.7) has the structure conjectured in (5.2).

Next we reconsider the evaluation of the second derivatives of-<I> at the origin




-by expanding 1> in ~ pcwer-series in powers of kr while retaining only the terms up to and including O(k2r2). From the estimates [3,form.10.1.4,5]

(5.8) j (x) =O(x n ), h(2)(x) =


(x-n-1) as x +0,

n :1

:.t is readily found that

h (2) (kr) kr p+2 ka h (2) (x) xp + 2 (5.9) { jn (x)x dx + jn (kr)


dx n J n 0 kr = O\(kr)-n-1)


((k:!:")n+p+3) +O«kr)n) -+ since p + 2 ~ n + 1. v~nish when n ~ J.

Conseque:1tly, all second deriv~tives of <i> at r


This leaves t.."le followir,g" t.l,ree cases to be considered ;

(i) n = 0, m = O. ThreE subcases are to be distinguished, namely,

a) p -1. Then 'tiE; have from (5.4),

kr ka


(5.10) -+

= _

j ka -h (2) I k ) 1> -1 ,0 I 0 (r) 2 L· 0 \.r k


jO(x)xdx + jO(k:!:")




(2 ) hO (x) xdx] _ j,~a 1 2 K [ -' j - e -jk!:" kr kr



sin x dx + sin(kr) j kr ; j -jkr [ _ _ . J _ + e sir. (kr) kr -jka e ] kl.' kr -+ ka


e -jx dx j kr

The second derivatives of <i> do not exist at r 0 i:1 ~his case; this is

not surprising since J(;) = ar-1 is singular at the origi.':1.

b) P


O. 'I'his subcasoe h~s been treated in (3.22) and (5.7),vi2.,

(5. III 1 [1 + j (ka i 2 fl 1_( 2) (ka) {1 k2 1 ~ ? -"-,,L. _ [;, r " A " 'k'" -r. '. ] + L \. r ' ;


, ' - 16 -c) ~. Then we have frcr.l (5.4) , (5.9) , (5.12 ) (5. 13) , ~2 ka (2) 2 J [O«kr)P')+ jO(kr)


hI) .


dx] . 2(. )p 0 .< Ka The i:1tegro.l I P ka


e-jx xp+1 dx


may be determi~ed r.ecursively t t rough

(5.14 ) I


J '(k ' a ) ,p+1 - J.p '( + 1) I , P

P ~1 0,1,2, ... ; 1_1 j (e

-j ka - 1).

(ii) n = 1, m = 0 or 1. Two subcases are to be distinguished, namely,

a) P


,0. Then we have £rom (5.4),

(5.15) ell ( \ + . Qml r; m cos • P1 (cos 8) (m<p) sin +


Again t.'1e second jerivatives ::>f 01> do not exis"C at r v, e.g. -for m =

2 2 12 ,) 3'") ~ 2 x3 (;:2 + x3) :2 2~. (5.16) '\ 2 [r"'P1 \COS 6)] ~[x3(x2 +}:2+x3'


2 .: A~)3/2 oX 1 oX1 (x 1 + h2 + -' / , 2 2

- cos 6(sin-e s~n Q + cos 6)




- 17 -

-+-depends on the direction in which r -+- O. Again this is not surprising,




pm(cos 8) cos(mw) is not continuous at



0 (let alone

-1' S1."

Holder continuous).

b) P ~ 1. Then we have from (5.4), (5.9),

(5.17) ¢ 1 (r) -+ pm -; ,! ka


h '1 (2) ( x ) p+2 X \.. ~, •• .. ,



All second derivatives of ¢ vanish at r O.

ka ]




fi 2) ( ) p+2d l x x x


kr 3 31m cos ~ + O(k r ) J,P1 (cos 8) , (mrp). J s~n

( i i i ) n = 2, m 0, 1 or 2, p ~ 1. Then we have from (5.4), (5.9),

-+ (5.18) ¢ 2(r)





«'Kr\jP+2), ,ka (2) ( , P+2d ] m 6) co, s (m )

+J2(krloJ h2 XIX x P2'cOS s~n q>


ka 2 2


( (2)( \ p+2d k r


k3 3) m! 8'cos()

J h" XI X X --,-~- + ../ (. r


P ~ ,cos I ' mq>.



l:: L. s~n

Here one has from (3.10),

(5.19) ka ka


h '2 (2) ~XIX-. \ p+ 2d x -- J'



0 -J'x p-l P 0+1 e [3x + .3 j x - x · ] ax , [ r l ' I I ] J ~p-2 + -J p-1 P to be determined from (5. 14) . -+

The second derivatives of the pertaining l 's at r

tained from (5. 11), (5. 12), (5.:8).






[lJ S.W.Lee and C.L. Law,Singularity in Green's function anj it;;; numerical

evalua~ion, Electromagr .. Lab., U:1iv. of Illinois, Tech.Rep. Etv!79-10,

June 19/9; a revised versi.on of the report, co-authored by J. Boersma

and G.A. Deschamps, will appear in IEEE Trans.Antenn~s Prop.

[2J G.N. Watson, A treatise on the theory of Bessel f'.lnctions, Cambridge

Univ.Press, Cambridge, 1958.

C3J M. Abramowitz & I.A. Stegun, Handbook of mathematical functions, Dov~r.

Publ., New Ycrk, 1965.

[4J J.A. Strattcn, Electromagnetic theory, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1941.



W. Magnus, F. Oberhettinger e, R. P. Son1, FOrIDLllas and theorems for t:.he



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