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Evaluation of satellite-derived burned area products for the fynbos, a Mediterranean shrubland


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International Jour@


-r l-re }}|;-ry, -r-r, oao-oo-r _\


of satetite-derived


area products

for the fynbos,

a Medite;;**; shrubland

Helen M. de Klerb,B,E,

Adam M. Wilsonc and Karen


Stellenbosch University, private

Bag X1, : Services, p Bag xSOl 4,stellenbosch, rrversity

of Connecticut, 75 N. JSA.

Meraka lnstitute, pO Box 395,

Additionaf keywordsl

MODIS, Sourh Africa, Western Cape. Manuscript ....tu:.d_-!

_{T uary 2llt,accepted 2 May 20tl published

online xx xxxxx xxxx Introduction

@ IAWF 2011


Int. J. IYildland Fire

_ - 4r in many Mediterranean ecosystems, f,rre in the dwarf Mediterranean shrubland typical of the ffnbos (Rebel o et al. 2006) is a vital ecological process and important for conserva_ tion management (Cowling 1 9g7; Richards on et al.1994; Bond and Keeley 2005). The flnbos biome, which occurs in the mainly winter rainfall region of the south_westem tip of South Africa (Rebelo et al.2006), is not only highly fire prone, but is




nre to reproOu..

i..g. Keeley

and Bond 1997; Rebelo et a\.2006).The fynbos biome covers a geographically small area, but is of greai conservation imoor. taace owing to its high levels ofspecies richness and endem'ism (these aspects are thoroughly discussed by Rebelo et al. 2006). W rlson e t al. (20 I 0) and van W ilgen et a l.(20 1 0) suggest that the south-western Cape is vulnerable to changes in thJ fire regime driven by human activity and climate chaise.

Iynbos is structurally and spectrally diffJrent from grassland and miombo (Wessels e/ a/. 201 0) where most testing of satellite -bumed area algorithms has been conducted (e.g. frigg and Flasse 2001; F.oy et at.2005a,2005b; Giglio'et"at. zdOby. tn addition, the fynbos biome includes areas-of topographically complex landscapes where shadowing may affeci the accuracy of the reflectance values reaching the sateilite (de Klerk 200gj. Glint from extensive coastlines and light soils can also lead to spurlous reflectance measurements (de Klerk 200g). The West_ em Cape Nature Conservation Board (CapeNatuie) manages formally protected areas of the Western Cale of South Afrla, many of which fall within the fynbos biome. Good datasets oi fire. b.oundarie^s mapped by operational fire agencies in the field, which we refer to as manager-mapped fire boundaries, are available- for these protected areai lsee full description in 'Materials

and methods') (de Klerk 200g; van Wilgen and Forsyth 2008). This enabled us to test the Meraka Institute,s new MODIS bumed area product, based on the Giglio et al, (2009) algorithm released latein200g,aswell as the MCD45A1 bumed area product, based on the Roy e/ a t. (2005a) algorithm, for which data arc available on the MODIS website.

, .In this study, we compared the two MODIS_derivedproducts rn me rcrmally protected areas within the funbos and succulent karoo biomes (Mucina and Rutherford 2b0q with carefully T,tpf.ll5^. boundaries produced by reserve managers (see de Klerk ZUUE fbr details of the database). General validation methods (after Giglio et al. 2009; Roy and Boschetti 2009) were used and included (l) an inventory accuracy assessment of the number and size of individual bum scars mapped by the reference and classified datasets; and (2) a subsefof standard confusion matrix parameters, which provided a per pixel evalu-ation ofthe spatial fidelity ofa classificevalu-ation', u.curu"u.

The additional question of whether these products can be used as a,'reliable, surrogate for mapping burned areas outside of formally protected areas, where .utr*Uy there are no ana_ logue fire history records available,was also an important one, with landscape conservation initiatives on private land increas_ ing in the Westem Cape (CapeNature 200d).

Materials and methods

Study area and protected area data

CapeNature (http://www. cape nattre.co.za/,accessed 1 2 August 2011) manages formally protected areas of the Westem Cape of

H. M. de Klerket al.

Burned'area - reference data from reserve managers

Burned area - WAMTS/Cigtio algorithm datasets

The Meraka Institute in South Africa (http://www.csir.co.za./

merckal, accessed 12 August 2011) releasid a new MODIS_


Fynbos fire mapping with MODIS satellite products

Int. J. Ilildland Fire

0 25 50 100 150 200


Fig' 1' Land managed for conservation purposes by capeNature, which includes statutory Provincial Nature Reserves (Intemational union for the conservation ofNature and Natural Resources, IUC\ category II), state Forests (also IUcN category II) and wilderness Areas (IUCN category I) (solid black) as well as privately owned, proclaimed Mountai; catchment Areas (solid grey). The insert shows the location ofthe westem cape province (sofid black) in south Aftica(hashing). Dataforthis figure are in UTM 34 S (central meiidian,2l;refercncelatitude, 0; scale factor, 0.9996; false easting, 500 000; false northing, 10 000 000) and WGSS4 (Hartebeesg4) datum.

same time series of images. Information onpersistent changes in this bum-sensitive vegetation index are combined with active

South Aliican Council for Sbientific and Indushial Research (CSIR, http://www.csir.co.za, accessed l2 August 2011), Meraka Instifute's Wide Area Monitoring Information System (WAMIS) website (http://www.wamis.co.za, accessed l2 August 201 l) for the period from I September 2007 to 30 April 2009.

Burned area - MCD45A1/Roy algorithm datasets

Bumed Area Product; Boschetti et a\.2009; http://modis_fire. umd.edu/BA_methodology.html , accessed 12 August 2011). It is based on the premise that bumed areas are characterised by


Int. J. IYildland Fire

deposits of charcoal and ash, removal of vegetatron

and an altered vegetation structure (Roy el al. 1999). iulti_temporai land surface reflectance data are used to tocate rafiO chanjes in the daily surface reflectance dynamic, tfrrougfr'tfr. use of a bidirectional refl ectance distribution nrnctlon'lnnOF) model (Roy et a\.2005a). The algorithm is applied iJependently to

geolocated 500-m pixels (Boscheni

"ih. ZOOS). A statistical measure of the difference between

the observeiBRDF values . and the predicted BRDF_values, per pixel, at the viewing and illuminating angles of the obseivation, i, ur.a to quanti$u

!!1ee lrom a previously- observed state @oy et al. 2002,

2005a; Boschetti et al. 2009). Large Aiscrefancies between

predicted and measured values are uttriUot.O

to thange (Roy et

.al. 20t05a). A temporal constraint is used to differentiate oerween temporary changes, such as shadows, that are spectrally :t:rlT from more persistent fire induced

"il** (Roy et al. 2005a).

-^"1191"::re reprojecte,d to UTM 34 S (centrat meri dian,2l; rererence latrtude,0; scale factor,0.9996;false easting,

500 000;

false northing, 1000000O) and WGSg4 (Hartebeesga) datum,

l_.-rlTt!d to a grid cell size of 463.31m, using one of the WAMIS images as a .master grid' to ensure exact ci_regrstration among all datasets. All area calculations were performed in UTM 34 S, as this provided good aerial and distainse accuracy across the study area of the Western Cape.

Al1 grid cells that fell l: :::1.^^:l rrovrnce were t"rmally protected areas in the" Westem Capeignored

for.these analyses, u, ,unug"r_rappid bumed area data are available only inside'prot .i.i u..ur, Eva I u ation of ,performa nce,

We were interested in the ability of the satellite products to accurately (1) identi$r bumed areas and measure

their size; and

(2) map their boundaries. Our evaluation consisted of an


analysis that identified whether u pu.ti.rtu, fi.. :u:.o1 yu: lapped by all databases and comparJd the sizes of individual fires with a least_squares .egr.sslon, as well as a confusion matrix that assessed geographi-c ua.uru"y.

The inventory accuracy assessment was produced by com_

paring the proportion ofbum scars in the manager_mapped

data ,l?1,*:* identified by the classified darasets ltJrmeJ .detection * ability' and calculated as the number of burn scars in the

classified datasets divided by the number in th. manager_

mappe.d data) and by comparing the sizes

of individual burned

areas in manager-mapped and classified datasets usrng the

coefflrcient of determination (R2) 1e.g. Giglio et al. 2009i Ftoy and Boschetti 2009). The size comparisons"were calculated first for all fires that occurred in eitheaor both datasets itermed .all fire events'), and then for those fires that o""rrrr.J Jnty in both datasets (termed ,shared fire events').

A confusion matrix provides a geographic accuracy assess_ ment by evaluatine the snatial fidelity o=f mapping ona per pixel basis (e.g. Gigtioir at.2009; Roy and eo^r'rh.iti-ibos).

The confusion matrix is a standard technique

used to .uropurc u cla^ssified image against a set of reference data (eg. Campbell 1996). Although compilation of the error matrix is generally s,tr$ghtforward, preparationof the maps for comparison

may be difficult (Campbell 1996). There are many ..urir"rit ut .uo u, oenved trom a confusion matrix and it is suggested

that a suite of measures be used to examine different aspects of the

H. M. de Klerk et al.



Fynbos fire mapping with MODIS satellite products

Int. J. Ilildland Fire

o All fire events X Shared fire events - Linear (All fire events)

B2 = 0.8697

- Linear (Shared fire events) Rz :0.8407

5000 10000 15000 20000 25ooo 3ooo0 35000

Manager mapped fire areas (ha)

o All fire events X Shared fire events - Linear (All fire events)

Rz : 0.2688

- Linear (Shared fire events) R2 = 0.7201


-4 -3 -2

Manager mapped fire areas (log ha)

S-*;-1;" IT_"i:ion wAMIS product ufiith-(a) of the area of individual fire events, mapped as bumed areas by reserye managers (reference dataset) and thelinearand (b) log16-transformedaxes, The least-squares regressions are presentedas solid lines. The dashed I : l. liqe indicates pe'ifect agreement,


€ zsooo

o (u E

E zoooo

& rsooo

E o s 1 0 0 0 0 (b) o q o o o o) U)

Several fireJgy,pnts that were mapped by the managers were not mapped by:WAMtS (see the low vaiues of 31.-Z-ql.tyo for detection abilify, Table 1). Note that although several points lie on the l: I perfect agreement line, there are a few notable exceptions.


Int. J. Wildland Fire q E } E 5 d { o a d 6 . 9 h P 6 H 5 o \ o v h , 9 ^ 8 Y -6 O i 3 . 5 S x ! ? -d 9 . 9 4 . t r d o \ o F 3 s ' 6

- ? E a

' g B €

F O 9 o F d -o 9 2 , 1 ^ l & d -F o Jq .'-1 -1 \ c.l \? \

n + 5 N 9 S

a r € q r

e h s e e s

s F e l I $

N E N N q

P 3 S f f i E a

a H F - d

! 5 9 ; " ; 5

@ + € @

-N s s 6 3 e

H.M. deKerket al.

or where bumed areas were either under_mapped by the managers_or over_mapped by the WAMIS product,-were q-e1era]lV low (14.6-23.4%, Tabte 1). Arr excep?ion was 2009 (3 1.9 -32.8%o, Tab le 1 ), when managers

possibly under_mapped a fire in the GrootWinterhoek by a slubstantial amount (Fig. 3e).

Low omission and commisiion and good spatial match as des.cribed above, led to overall good val-ues for foth producer and consumer accuracy (which varied from Si.Z to gl.ey", Table I).


ned areas conservativelv. pped an area of 711,9ha, r of only 2962ha, giving lo/o; Table l). This was rveral fire events (e.g. the b) and missed a few fire





il,Ji'"ffi +:i',ffii

fl."y:ll Th*ing

low percentages

of detection



t ).

Ine reverse scenario was seen in one instance where managers under-mapped a fire in 2009 it the GrootWinterhoek, which WAMIS also identified as being considerably larger tnan the area mapped by the managers (Fig. 3e). fne UbO+ial product seldom identified a burned area that did not burn, leading to very low euors of commission

-of g.l*19.1% ffrbfe ll uirO friei, consumer's accuracy of g0 .9 to 919% lfatL t;. There were no D45A1 thatwere notalso ry be responsible for the 1.76-0.80), even though rresentrng perfect agree_ atasets.


The high levels of omission seen in MCD45A1 compared with WAMIS (40.1-80.8%, v. 12.443.g%,Table 1; see fewerpoi,rts along the x-axis in Figs 2, 4) were-expected because of the approach of the MCD45A1 product (eg. Roy and Boschetti 2009). MCD45A1 aims to map burned u..u, .onr.ruutively, in that it.specifically aims to reduce errors of ,ornrnirrion by ,only selecting.fire affected pixels where there are burn candidates that provide persistent evidence of fire occurrence, (Roy et al. 2005a), P.oy et al. (2005a) observed that this l.ud. to lure.. missed orunde.-rupp-.d

. f i r e a n d a t t h e e d g e s o stiictimjllem-entaiionrjf - (oy et al.2005a). The stng shong fire affected ich neighbouring pixels s (Roy ef aL.2005a), In axation of the temporal to reduce ,false rejec_





or the


;il:li3,:l'r3; il?ijfli

application, as suggested, applied in specific cases

(Roy et a/. 2005a), may improve on the error oi omission ral anC ttre

q6 qH 6d

K E K h S S

h N g h R E

H E $ R 8 *

@ € r r -o f + a h N r @ r ) O $ € * ' + € v r r - N N

i S N S F *

n a o N 9 -a s +

P e c * * f r

> > > x x x

* s g e g g



Fynbos fire mapping with MODIS satellite products

Int. J. Wildlqnd Fire



J .


'..r'', ttrl'-t


Jrl a i 0 0 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 f f i K i t o m e t e r s , i

, A

" n

Fig' 3' Differences between burncd areas mappcd by the managers (black linc) and the WAMIS product (horizontal hashing) and the MCD454lproduct (diagonal hashing); where WAMIS maps a very sirnilar fire extcnt to the managers in (a) Jonkershoek and (6) Cedcrberg fires in Fcbruary of2009; (c) whcre WAMIS undermaps thc fire extent rnapped

by managcrs in the southem Cederberg firc in February 2008; and (/) whcre WAMIS misses small fires mapped by managers, such as the 274 ha that bumed in GrootVadersbosch in October 2008. (e) A case wherc both satellitc bumed area products (WAMIS and MCD45A1) show a larger area than mapped by the managers rs seen in thc GrootWinterhoek firc of Febmary 2009. protected Area boundaries are in white.

producer's accuracy' The algorithmt*"t"tJr\ttur low- com-

2005a). Moreover, the algorithm appears to be very reliant on bustion completeness (i'e. when a cool fire doesn't burn all plant the posiltre presence of black ash and the authors comment that material in the burned area) or when a fire is smaller than a this^ may pose a problem when ,more reflective underlying MODIS 500-m pixel and at land-water interfaces (Roy et al. surfa."s 1in MoDIS bands 2, 5 and 6) are exposed by the action


Int. J. llildland Fire

H.M. deKlerk et al.

0 0 . 5 1 2 g - 4

Fig,3. (Continued)

offire' (Roy et al.2005a). Such an instance will arise when the fire occurs on highly reflective soil C; iib* ffi;l.ii*ilr.ty, this may occur when hot fires produce frigfiy,-.fi;.iive white ash (Roy and Landmann 2005). if *ioO uoO"ruildirriput,

trr. u.t and charcoal qapidly after tire fire, the po.ffii.-l.n..r*.u values may be higher than the algorithm u^ntffii..

lnoy "r ol.

2005b), flre \oV algorithm is more likely to detect fires on su1fa19s that^have a high pre_fir" ,.n..iu*.

ttu-n on less relecuve surtaces because it seeks large changes in reflectance from-pre-bum state (mainly orory gra;; t; uii.i,_ir'tn.y,"c

Landmann 2005). This -uy opluin why the VfCO+Saf ufgo_


Fynbos fire mapping with MODIS satellite products

Int. J. IYiklland Fire

, 0 0 . 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I t O 1 1 t 2 ==rE--Fhr l , r ' \ t , 1 ,

product help to account for the influence ofvarious vegetation structure and fire types on the post_fire reflectance character_ istics (Giglio et aI.2009). The fact that the WAMIS product testing included a vegetation type similar to the $rnbos, the Californian chaparral (Giglio er at. 20091, probably improved WAMIS performance in the fynbos.

The difference between these two bumed area products was particularly evident when considering the burned areas of large fires (e.g, Fig. 3b). Giglio et al. (2009) would probably attribute the success of the WAMIS product in mapping larger bumed areas to 'the inclusion of a region growing phase, which also permits the algorithm to function in the presence of extremely large burned areas,, as well as the accurate identification ofboth burned and unburned pixels through the incorporation ofactive fire pixels and through the use of both spectral and texfural information.

Both.products struggle to accurately map the extent of fire events ln topographical complex areas, as is seen where WAMIS under-mapped certain fires, such as in the southeur Cederberg in February 2008. Both products missed several small to medium fires that had complex boundaries and occurred in topographically complex areas, such as Grootvadersbosch (27 4ha, Fig. 3Q, Riviersonderend (1695 ha) and Limietberg (5 I 6 ha).


We have compared two MODIS derived burned area products with reliable field-mapped reports for the protected areas in the fynbos biome of South Africa. Our results showed that the two burned area products have different strengths; both may be useful for specific applications. The MCD4SAI had low emors


Int. J. Ilildland Fire (a) 25000 1 5 0 0 0 H. M. de Klerk er a/. 1 0 0 0 0 o o o F o (g E o





(b) G I o (E I (d E o (d v o




All fire events Shared fire events Linear (All fire events) Rz = 7987

Linear (Shared fire events) Rz = 0.775

I _ - l

20000 25000

X ,

1 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 Manager mapped fire areas (ha)

o All fire events X Shared fire events -*--- Linear (All fire events)

R 2 :0 . 3 7 1 s

- Unear (Shared fire events) Ra = 0.2612

Manager mapped fire areas (log ha)

tr'ig' 4' Regression ofthe area (ha) ofindividual fire events, mapped as bumed areas by reserve

managers (reference dataset) and the




o x u #

However, the less common omission errors and improved producer's accuracy ofthe WAMIS product are tikely to make it

a more useful data source to supplement and check the field

mapping of bumed areas.

Although WAMIS shows much promise, we would not

recommend that it replace the gathering of manager_mapped

fire boundaries within the flinbos prote-cted

ur'"-*l Ho*.urr, WA-[4IS may be useful in the'fo]lowing contexts:

1t io r,ig],fight medium and large fires missed by man-agers

lbecause of gaps in :"T:Tj]T:lrlgnal lnlnsements, or fires that rained our deep ln wllderness areas before manager became aware of themi;


Fynbos fire mapping with MODIS satellite products


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A!!: We can keep this as 'lo916'; however, it need only be 'log' (as base 10 is assumed). ,ln' is the natural logarithm. AQ2: Please confirm the place of publication.



In het late voorjaar en de zomer van 2008 werd massale sterfte onder Japanse oes- ters (Crassostrea gigas) waargenomen in verschillende gebieden in Frankrijk en Ierland..

Er is een breed scala van onderwerpen die voor het overgrote deel worden samengevat in (Engels- talige) posters die ook op 24 april te zien zijn.. Een aantal voorbeelden: bij

contender for the Newsmaker, however, he notes that comparing Our South African Rhino and Marikana coverage through a media monitoring company, the committee saw both received

Vierhoek ABCD is een koordenvierhoek: E en F zijn de snijpunten der verlengden van de overstaande zijden. Bewijs dat de lijn, die het snijpunt der deellijnen van de hoeken E en F

In deze multiple case studie was de derde vraag of de psychofysieke Rots en Water training bij de jongeren die worden behandeld in JJC voor een toename van het zelfbeeld zorgt..

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