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Academic year: 2021

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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/65502 holds various files of this Leiden University


Author: Saadah, N.H.

Title: Hemovigilance, heterogeneity, and hyperfibrinolysis : evaluating the Netherlands'

switch to solvent/detergent plasma

Issue Date: 2018-09-11


Hemovigilance, heterogeneity, and hyperfibrinolysis –

evaluating the Netherlands’ switch to

solvent/detergent plasma

Proefschrift ter verkrijging van

de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden, op gezag van Rector Magnificus prof.mr. C.J.J.M. Stolker,

volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties te verdedigen op

dinsdag 11 september 2018, klokke 11:15 uur

Nicholas H. Saadahdoor geboren te Oklahoma City, USA



Prof. dr. J.G. van der Bom (Leiden University Medical Center)


Dr. M.R. Schipperus (Haga Teaching Hospital)


Prof. dr. J.J. Zwaginga (Leiden University Medical Center) Prof. dr. K. Meijer (University Medical Center Groningen) Prof. dr. J.C.M. Meijers (University Medical Center Amsterdam)


Cover art: Heather Divoky www.heatherdivoky.com

Cover photo inset: Hubble Deep Field 1995 image source: NASA public archive

In December of 1995, the Hubble Space Telescope held its orientation fixed for ten days and focused on

an unremarkable, seemingly empty point of space – smaller than the period at the bottom of this page with this book held at arm’s length. The resulting long

exposure, the famous Hubble Deep Field image, is the cover image inset. Each of the thousands of light

clusters in the picture is a galaxy with hundreds of millions of stars, most of which have orbiting planets.

Earning a PhD in clinical epidemiology and becoming good at one specific part of it has left me feeling

smaller in the grand scheme and in awe of how much more there is to learn.

That in mind, consider that the scene on the front

cover surrounds us 24 million

times over




Author’s notes

Statistical notation and language (American vs. British English) differ between chapters, corresponding to the linguistic and formating styles of their journals of publication. Supplemental material referenced in unpublished chapters is available upon request from the author (saadah@alumni.stanford.edu).

Printing costs generously subsidized by Sanquin and LUMC

This research is the result of a working partnership between Sanquin, the nation’s blood supplier, and TRIP (Transfusie- en transplantatieReacties In Patiënten), the national bio- and hemovigilance office of the Netherlands. It was made possible by a grant from Sanquin, funding four years of independent PhD research at Sanquin’s Center for Clinical Transfusion Research (CCTR) in partnership with the department of Clinical Epidemiology at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). Advisorship was provided by Prof. J.G.

(Anske) van der Bom (head, CCTR; professor, LUMC) and Dr. Martin Schipperus (hematologist, Haga teaching hospital; chairman, TRIP).


Chapter 1 3 Introduction

Chapter 2 9


Transition from fresh frozen plasma to solvent/detergent plasma in the Netherlands: comparing clinical use and transfusion reaction risks

Chapter 3 25

TEG study

Effect of solvent/detergent treated pooled plasma on fibrinolysis in reconstituted whole blood

Chapter 4 43


Comparing transfusion reaction rates for various plasma types:

a systematic review and meta-analysis/regression

Chapter 5 63

ISTARE study

Comparing transfusion reaction incidences of various plasma products – an analysis of seven years of ISTARE haemovigilance data

Chapter 6 79

Methodological study

Comparison of various methods in meta-analysis of sparse count data – addressing the challenges of analyzing hemovigilance datasets

Chapter 7 95


Closing 117

Nederlandse samenvatting Curriculum vitae


Table of Contents



The research described in this thesis was conducted at the Department of Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion of the Leiden University Medical Center and at the Sanquin Blood

De boventallig verklaarde werknemer, die voor de formele ontslagdatum met wederzijds goedvinden zijn arbeidsovereenkomst beëindigt teneinde een functie bij een andere werkgever

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