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Studies in the syntax of Targum Jonathan to Samuel Kuty, R.J.


Academic year: 2021

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Studies in the syntax of Targum Jonathan to Samuel

Kuty, R.J.


Kuty, R. J. (2008, January 30). Studies in the syntax of Targum Jonathan to Samuel.

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Writing a doctoral dissertation is without a doubt an uncommon adventure. At its term, it is wise to look back and reflect for a moment upon the five years it took me to complete it. It is also a time to think about the many individuals who, knowingly or unknowingly, in one way or another, made it possible for me to write these lines.

I wish to extend my sincere thanks to those I was fortunate to have as colleagues these five years in Leiden. I am thinking most particularly of Dr.

Martin Baasten, drs. Amber Gemmeke, drs. Clara ten Hacken, Prof. Dr. Dineke Houtman, drs. David Kroeze, Dr. Wido van Peursen, and Dr. Eveline van Staalduine-Sulman. There are several others I would have wished to thank here were it not for the fact that this would contravene Leiden doctoral regulations — I trust they themselves will know who they are. All of them showed me unfailing support and friendship over the years, especially in the more distressing times that inevitably punctuate the birth and growth of a researcher.

I also express my gratitude to the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), without whose financial and scientific support this doctoral dissertation could not have been realized. In Leiden I was fortunate to be provided with a roof over my head by the Research School CNWS; the working context and facilities it offers its researchers are without parallel.

Even researchers do not live by intellect alone. Many people outside academic circles have played an important role in my life, and I consider myself blessed that they continue to do so. I think first and foremost of my parents, who encouraged me all along this process. Having lived in Liège, Gent, Cambridge, Leiden over the past ten years, and now in Heidelberg, it is unfortunately impossible to mention all others by name. In the five years that spanned this doctoral research, however, the warm friendship of R. Demoulin, P. van Eeten, R. Hartsuiker, P. Jousson-Heim, my brother F. Kuty, Th. Partsch, and B. Wolf was precious to me. It is a pleasure to thank them here.

As I now turn to the one person who, aside from the Highest, deserves all praise, I must confess that I am at a loss; words fall short of what I would like to convey. My wife Judith, the sweetest of all ladies, supported me and assisted me in all imaginable ways over the years. She also put to use her skills as a professional editor by proofreading the whole text in its final stage. Yet these merits are nothing when compared to who she is and what she brings into my life. But on this I shall remain silent. This doctoral dissertation is dedicated to her.

Heidelberg, October 2007.



The present study brings another tendency to the fore: in construct relations, if the A-term is a plural noun or participle the B-term, if it is sg., is systematically

1. The use of the singular and plural is consonant with the other.. Aramaic dialects: the singular is used with the numeral ‘one’, the plural with all other numerals. The noun is

c) Anthroponymic B-terms are also found in construct relations, but all of these instances also feature parameters that have been found to promote (and successfully impose) the use

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181 Cf. On periphrastics in Hebrew, cf. In a few cases TJS inserts after an already existing in the Vorlage, e.g. non-periphrastic) conjugation in the Vorlage with a

The Aramaic of TJS knows only one intra-clausal special position, P 1 , which, as we have seen, is open to constituents with the pragmatic functions of Topic, Focus and Setting.

If the state of affairs witnessed in the Aramaic of TO as regards determination should be seen as an immanent development within Western Aramaic (from a type of Aramaic in which

JANES – Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society JAOS – Journal of the American Oriental Society JBL – Journal of Biblical Literature. JJS – Journal of Jewish Studies JM: