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Title: A transboundary cinema : Tunç Okan’s trilogy of im/migration Issue Date A Transboundary cinema Luxembourgeus A Transboundary Cinema Tunç Okan’s Trilogy of Im/migration T.tayfun E


Academic year: 2021

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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/135945 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation.

Author: Luxembourgeus, T.T.E.

Title: A transboundary cinema : Tunç Okan’s trilogy of im/migration Issue Date: 2020-08-25


A Transboundary cinema Luxembourgeus

A Transboundary Cinema

Tunç Okan’s Trilogy of Im/migration

T.tayfun E. Luxembourgeus



Targeting the sodium D lines and the calcium H and K lines, the potential planet exospheric signal was filtered out from the much stronger stellar and telluric signals, making use

Additionally, some smaller, low surface gravity hot rocky exoplanets have been found to be actively disintegrating and forming ‘comet-like’ dust tails that produce asymmetric

CONJ eat\3S.DJ QUOT INTERJ CONJ go\3S.DJ=SFT He ate all and went... DJ mother\ SG. NOM Leer- DAT = SFT But he killed Leer’s mother. CJ pipe\ SG. DJ tooth- PL. NOM open CONJ address-

The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/73814 holds various files of this Leiden University

cal Topics (paperback). Oxford: Oxford University Press... Basic Linguistic Theory 3: Volume 3: Further.. Grammatical Topics. Oxford: Oxford

Voorts kennen de meeste werkwoor- den een tonaal onderscheid tussen een conjoint vorm en een disjoint vorm; de conjoint vorm wordt alleen gebruikt als het werkwoordelijk

Since then he has been working in Ethiopia as a linguistics consultant and trainer, focusing on orthography development, dictionary making, lan- guage software, and

Contra Mühlhäusler 1994: Language Planning and Small Languages – The Case of the Pacific Area; in Lüdi, (ed.). Sprachstandardisierung