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The serological gastric biopsy in primary care : studies on atrophic gastritis


Academic year: 2021

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The serological gastric biopsy in primary care : studies on atrophic


Korstanje, A.


Korstanje, A. (2006, June 26). The serological gastric biopsy in primary care : studies on

atrophic gastritis. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/4443


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The Serological Gastric Biopsy

in P rim ary C are

studies on atrophic gastritis

– –


ter verkrijging van

d e graad van D o c to r aan d e U nivers iteit L eid en, o p gez ag van d e R ec to r M agnific u s D r. D .D . B reim er,

h o o gleraar in d e fac u lteit d er W is ku nd e en N atu u rw etens c h ap p en en d ie d er G enees ku nd e,

vo lgens b es lu it van h et C o llege vo o r P ro m o ties te verd ed igen o p m aand ag 2 6 ju ni 2 0 0 6

klo kke 1 5 .1 5 u u r

– –

d o o r

Andries Korstanje



Promotor: Prof. dr. C.B.H.W. Lamers Co- p romotores: D r. ir. I . Biemon d

D r. G . den Hartog , Rijnstate Ziekenhuis, Arnhem R eferen t: D r. R .J.L.F . Loffeld, Ziekenhuis D e H eel, Zaand am O v erig e leden : Prof. dr. W.J.J. A ssen delft

Prof. dr. J.H. Bolk

Prof. dr. G .J.A . O fferh au s, U niv ersiteit v an Amsterd am D r. R .A . V een en daal

© 2 0 0 6 A . K orstan je, ’s- G rav en p older V ormg ev in g : S tu dio Witten b erg , S c h ijn del

T h e stu dies in c h ap ter 4 an d c h ap ter 6 w ere fin an c ially su p p orted b y A straZ en ec a BV .



Chapter 1 Introduction 9

Chapter 2 Character, aims and outline of the thesis 3 1 Chapter 3 The serological gastric biopsy: a non-endoscopical diagnostic 3 7

approach in management of the dyspeptic patient significance for primary care based on a survey of literature

Chapter 4 The role of Helicobacter pylori and autoimmunity in serological 49 atrophic corpus gastritis in a Dutch primary care community

Chapter 5 Comparison between serology, endoscopy and histology 63 in the diagnosis of advanced gastric body atrophy:

a study in a Dutch primary care community

Chapter 6 The 13Carbon urea breath test for the diagnosis of Helicobacter 7 9

pylori infection in patients with atrophic gastritis: evaluation in a primary care setting

Chapter 7 Short-term proton pump inhibitor administration in the non- 93 invasive diagnosis of the grade of atrophic corpus gastritis Chapter 8 Role of Helicobacter pylori infection in the development 109

of pernicious anaemia: a pilot study in primary care

Chapter 9 Summary, comments and final remarks 125 S amenvatting, commentaar en afsluitende opmerkingen 13 3

Dankw oord 145


aan Helmi

aan A d r iaan B o b T r ees



Based on these resistance data, the recommended standard 7-day triple therapy with high-dose proton pump inhibition, amoxicillin and clarithromycin is not always the

The study population comprises asymptomatic subjects with serological atrophic corpus gastritis, se- lected from the large primary cohort of 9 9 7 primary care subjects on the basis

D isturbance of the integrity of the barrier between the gastric mucosa and cir- culation in the case of inflammation gives a clear increase in the serum con- centration of

pylori infection (62%) in subjects with serological atrophic corpus gastritis in a primary care community in W estern E urope did not appear to be significantly higher compared to

Role of noninvasive tests ( 13 C-urea breath test and stool anti- gen test) as additional tools in diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with atrophic body

In Hoofdstuk 5 wordt in een exploratieve studie onderzocht of in de huisartsprak- tijk serologisch onderzoek op atrofische corpusgastritis bruikbaar is als diagnos- tisch instrument

De combinatie van hoge serumspiegels van gastrine en lage van pepsinogeen A tez amen met een lage ratio van serumpepsinogeen A en C , is bij populatie- stud ies een bruik

Helicobacter pylori veroorzaakte chronische gastritis is er Helicobacter pylori veroorzaakte chronische gastritis is er Helicobacter pylori sprake van verhoogde MMP-9 waarden