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Agendapunt Methodebesluit


Academic year: 2021

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Agendapunt Methodebesluit

• Gasopslag Nederland stelt voor dat de ACM in het Methodebesluit aangeeft hoe de TSO(’s) de toekomstige bepaling in de Europese NC TAR over

specifieke transporttarieven voor gasopslagen, moet(en) toepassen. • Article 20 NC TAR:

'When the national regulatory authority sets or approves the transmission

tariffs for the storage facilities, the following shall be taken into consideration: (1) the net benefits that the storage facilities may provide to the transmission system;

(2) the need to promote efficient investment in the transmission system; (3) the need to minimise detrimental effects on cross-border trade.'

Article 21 (3) specificeert:

'For the transmission tariffs for the storage facilities, the decision of the



I envisioned the wizened members of an austere Academy twice putting forward my name, twice extolling my virtues, twice casting their votes, and twice electing me with

For the manipulation of Domain Importance we expected that in more important domains (compared to the control condition) participants would feel more envy, but also engage

From the point of view th a t has been advanced in this paper, depreciati­ on should generally be com puted on replacem ent cost, not historical cost.3) T h is is

The decision maker will thus feel less regret about an unfavorable investment (the obtained out- come is worse than the forgone one) that is above ex- pectations than when that

The primary aim of this day, with activities organised on local, national and European level, is to promote the World Shops and different themes of Fair Trade to as wide a public

The German national association does not know how many persons (paid and volunteers) are working at the World Shops.. Some World Shops in Italy explicitly do not want to work with

Met inachtneming van het bovenstaande stelt de Raad de methode tot vaststelling van de x-factor en de rekenvolumina voor de landelijke netbeheerder als bedoeld in artikel 41,

3(3) of Directive 2003/109/EC concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents, OJ 2004 L 16/44: ‘This Directive shall apply without prejudice to