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Nederlands Radiogenootschap


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Tijdschrift van het

Nederlands Radiogenootschap

DEEL 20 No. 4 JULI 1955

S ta n d a r d iz a tio n o f e le c tr o n ic c o m p o n e n ts

by H. W . Ghijsen *)


In the first section a survey is given of the reasons w hich lead to s ta n ­ dard izatio n in general an d of the a d v a n ta g e s to be obtained. In the f u r­

th e r sections, the field of electronic com ponents is review ed. A n im p o rtan t in ternational activity is developed b y the relev an t T echnical C om m ittee of the In tern atio n al E lectrotechnical Comm ission ( I E C ) , w hich stan d ard izes along the line: definitions -—- m easuring an d test m ethods ■— simplification.

Special attention is paid to the classification on the basis of en v iro n ­ m ental conditions of use. A short su m m ary of the progress up to n o w is given.

W hy stayidardization

I t m ay be w ell to consider the general aspects of s ta n d a r d ­ ization before startin g on the subject of this article, especially for the benefit of those re a d e rs w ho are n o t in reg u lar contact w ith this field of technology. The m ost w id e sp re ad idea ab o u t the object of stan d ard izatio n is, th a t it is the a r t of m aking a re stricte d choice betw een a g re a t num ber of types. This, h o w ­ ever, is only p a r t of the tru th . To p u t it in r a th e r general w o rd s : the object of stan d ard izatio n is to obtain economic a s ­ sets for all p arties concerned by making a sensible choice from the multiplicity of possibilities. N o te the differences betw een these definitions. F irst of all, the "economic assets ', w h a te v e r th e y m ay be, and not the choice are the object, the la tte r only being the means. This m ust be k e p t w ell in mind.

Secondly, the first definition speaks of "ty p es" w here the second mentions "possibilities". This has the ap p earan ce of a pitfall an d will be explained w ith a simple example.

Transm ission shafts are functionally characterized by the

*) C en tr. N o rm . N . V. P h ilips’ G loeilam penfabrieken, E indhoven, H olland.


228 H. W . Ghijsen

m echanical p o w e r th e y can transm it. So having decided on the m aterial, and leaving aside such details as surface condition and roundness, the obvious thing to do is to lay dow n a series of diam eters and associated tolerances.

The same procedure might be followed for one or tw o oth er sh aft m aterials, b u t it a p p e a re d to be possible to cover the g re a te r p a r t of the need by one m aterial, viz. w ro u g h t steel for automobile and general engineering purposes. This forms an example of a stan d ard izatio n of types, commonly called sim pli- fication. The “ economic a s s e ts ” also become clear for this case ; the m an u factu rer will have a bigger tu rn o v er in less types an d the users will have less types in store, resulting in sm aller to ta l stock and sm aller investm ent. T hese savings can be p a rtly expressed in money.

This, how ever, is not the end of the story. The user is generally in terested to know w h e th e r w h a t he buys conforms to specification, in this case the sta n d a rd . Checking of dim en­

sions does n o t raise undue difficulties, b u t checking of m aterial is certain ly more complicated. F o r th a t purpose, the dimensional sta n d a rd of the sh aft should be b acked by a m aterial sta n d a rd .

B u t here w e have only one “ possibility” of checking the d e ­ livery. F o r example, the u ser m ay n o t be in terested in the composition of the m aterial he gets b u t in the stren g th only.

T herefore he m ay decide to c a rry out a mechanical test, such as a torque test, in stead of checking the m aterial composition.

I t will be clear th a t “m echanical te s t” in itself re p resen ts m any possibilities.

From this example it will be un d ersto o d th a t the ta s k of stan d ard izatio n is not only to m ake a choice of ty p e s , b u t also to lay dow n w h a t p ro p erties of an article will be te ste d ac­

cording to exactly w h a t te s t m ethod. T here is a fu rth e r v e ry im p o rta n t task, viz. to define a c cu ra te ly w h a t is understood by the different term s applied to a certain article. H ere again stan d ard izatio n is a “ choice from all possibilities” . Going into d etail here runs the risk th a t you will la y aside this article because it's too dull, too theoretical. B u t w e just have to ta k e this risk because the im portance of good s ta n d a rd definitions cannot easily be over-em phasized and, furtherm ore, it will show one of the corner-stones of stand ard izatio n .

The opinion is often expressed th a t practice provides a suf­

ficient grasp of the meaning of m ost if not all term s. E v e ry b o d y know s w h a t is m eant by resistance, inductance or w a tta g e .


Standardization of electronic components 229

This is correct, because these term s are derived from physics an d have been defined there. B u t as soon as you ap p ly these term s to an article, difficulties m ay arise. F o r instance, w h a t is the ra te d w a tta g e of a re sisto r? N o w it m ust be ad m itted th at, w hen the complete sta n d a rd for resisto rs is available, it m ay follow from the te st m ethods w h a t is to be u nderstood by ra te d w a tta g e. H o w e v e r, not ev ery b o d y is able to find out so read ily from the te st m ethod w h a t the definition is.

To find a definition is not difficult in this case. I t m ay run something like: the w a tta g e th a t the re sisto r is able to dissi­

p ate continuously a t a given am bient tem p eratu re. C onsequently, a published figure for r a te d w a tta g e has no meaning unless the re lev a n t am bient te m p e ra tu re is also given and unless there is some und erstan d in g ab o u t how long “ continuous” is, th a t is a b o u t the life duration.

The above m ay be called a physical definition. The question arises w h e th e r it is ad eq u ate from the point of view of s ta n d a r d ­ ization. L e t us suppose w e have to com pare tw o resisto rs of know n ra te d w attag es. F irs t w e have to find in the m anufacturer's d a ta sh eet the te m p e ra tu re corresponding to th a t w a tta g e . If these te m p e ra tu re s are not the same, w e have to find the p e r ­ missible w a tta g e a t one tem p eratu re from the so-called d eratin g curves, i.e. the curves showing the p ercentage of r a te d w a tta g e as a function of the am bient tem p eratu re.

The a d v an tag e of such a physical definition is obviously th a t it ind uces m anufacturers to publish the w a tta g e rating to g eth er w ith the a p p ro p riate tem p eratu re, and so elem inates m isunder­

standing. H o w ev er, the comparison of resistors of diffe­

re n t m ake m ay still be a tric k y business and confusion is liable to arise. I t w ould be a g re a t a d v an tag e if it w ere possible to obtain agreem ent on one te m p e ra tu re to be used by all m anu­

factu rers and users, say 40 °C. The definition w ould then in­

clude all facto rs necessary for direct com parison and such a definition can be called a sta n d a rd definition.

I t will be noticed th a t the agreem ent on life d u ratio n has been left out. This is a v e ry difficult subject, to which sta n d a rd iz a ­ tion cannot give a simple solution. O f course it is possible to ad d the w o rd s “for five y e a r s ” to “ continuous” in the definition, b u t this w ould not have much technical meaning. F irstly suf­

ficient d a ta over long time perform ance are only obtained a t high cost and much trouble, and secondly, it w ould imply a long-term guaran tee. The only p ractical possibility is to p r e ­


230 H. W . Ghijsen

scribe in the sta n d a rd an endurance te s t of ad eq u ate length, say 1000 hours, u n d er severe operating conditions, and to spe­

cify the maximum permissible d eterio ratio n a fte r th a t test.

So even s ta n d a rd definitions m ay not be strictly complete b u t for p ractical ev ery -d ay life th ey are satisfacto ry an d in d isp en ­


This shows an im p o rtan t aspect of the m atter. Definitions including the m easuring and te s t m ethods enable us to define the p ro p erties of an article completely. If done in the p ro p e r w a y , different m akes of articles are directly com parable and th ere can be no m isunderstanding b etw een m an u factu rer and p u rch aser or any o th er confusion. To p u t it in a n o th e r w ay :

“ all p arties speak the same la n g u a g e 1. H e re w e have an o th er aspect of the economic assets m entioned in the beginning, p e r­

haps the m ost im p o rta n t one. To derive full ad v a n tag e from a sta n d a rd in this respect, a first condition is th a t it should be generally accepted and used. Again, stan d ard izatio n is n o t the aim b u t only the m eans to come to a b e tte r understanding.

A sta n d a rd m ay be com pletely sound technically, b u t w hen for some reason or o th e r it is n o t acceptable to some in terested p a rty , it is liable to increase confusion instead of decreasing it. The b est s ta n d a rd is the one on w hich general agreem ent can be reached, even w hen it is either incomplete or even not fully in accordance w ith the sta te of technical developm ent.

I t will be noted th a t in the above th ree distinct phases have been introduced. This has, how ever, been done in the w rong order. W h e n w o rk on a n ew subject is sta rte d , it is common practice to begin w ith definitions. As soon as sufficient idea has been form ed b y the committee as to the concepts th e y are talking about, so th a t during the discussions th ere can be no m isunderstanding, it m ay be good to leave the definitions aside for a while and to focus a tten tio n on the te s t and m easurem ent m ethods. These can be re g a rd e d as a supplem ent to the defi­

nitions and in some cases it is easier to finalize the definitions a fte r the m easuring an d te s t m ethods have been discussed.

Finally, the simplification can be ta k e n in hand, comprising the laying d ow n of levels of minimum quality, of re stric te d series for nominal values and of dimensions. This la s t activity m ust be ca rrie d out w ith g re a t caution in o rd e r n o t to lay dow n rules w hich might interfere w ith future developm ent.

A p a r t from this, th ere are often one or tw o subjects such as colour codes an d general series of p re fe rre d values, w hich


Standardization of electronic components 231

are not quite covered by these three activities, b u t which are very suitable for stand ard izatio n .

O f course the relative im portance of the th ree activities varies from case to case. In general, the more com plicated a subject is, the more im p o rtan t the first tw o activities are. E lectronic

com ponents are [complicated.

To sum up the “w h y ” of sta n d a rd iz a tio n : the aim is to prom ote b e tte r understanding, especially b etw een m an u factu rer and user, to obtain ch eap er p ro d u cts of good q uality an d sm aller stocks and similar ad v an tag es by creating a well- defined “technical language” and by restricting the num ber of types. A very im p o rta n t fa c to r is the use th a t is made of a stan d ard .

Who standardizes

This m ay seem a r a th e r silly question, b u t it is of special im portance w ith re g a rd to the application of sta n d ard s. B est know n is the national and in tern atio n al stan d ard izatio n carried out by national stan d ard izatio n authorities such as A F N O R (France), B S I (U n ite d Kingdom), H C N N an d N E C ( N e th e r ­ lands), and by in tern atio n al bodies such as I S O (In te rn a tio n a l


rganisation for S tan d ard izatio n ) an d I E C (In te rn a tio n a l E lec­

trotechnical Commission). This might be called “ general s ta n ­ d ard izatio n ” , because a ll in terested p a rties are re p re se n te d in these bodies (m anufacturers, users, education, governm ent etc.). T here is, how ever, much activity in groups of in terested p arties also. T herefore, sta n d a rd s can be roughly divided into general sta n d a rd s, users' sta n d a rd s and m anufacturers' s ta n ­ dards.

To s t a r t a t the b o tto m : a m an u factu rer m ay w a n t to s ta n ­ dardize the r a w m aterials he uses. In principle he can do so w ith o u t consulting anybody, b u t if he is wise he will ask the advice of his suppliers. H e is m aking users' sta n d a rd s of a r a th e r limited application, b u t the s ta n d a rd s will norm ally have an obligatory c h a ra c te r in his facto ry and for his suppliers.


n the oth er h an d he m ay w a n t to stan d ard ize his products.

N o w he m akes m an u factu rers' sta n d a rd s, which m ay have an obligatory c h a ra c te r for his facto ry b u t generally he will not have much chance to enforce these on his purchasers.

The m anu factu rers of similar articles in one country m ay come to g e th e r to follow the same procedure. In th a t case


national users' or m anufacturers' specifications arise, which as such do not have an obligatory ch aracter.

H ow ever, w hen a users' s ta n d a rd is accepted by a sufficient num ber of m anufacturers, it autom atically becomes an obliga­

to ry s ta n d a rd for the supplier. N a tio n a l m an u factu rers' s ta n ­ d a rd s are only recom m endations, b u t the value of these should n o t be under-estim ated, because in m any cases th ey form the first step to general standardization.

Finally, the same procedure can be rep eated on an in ter­

national basis.

U sers' specifications are not only m ade by industry, b u t also by o th er groups of users, such as governm ent d ep artm en ts, adm inistrations, m ilitary authorities (service specifications) and b ro ad castin g companies. Since the "groups" of such users w ithin one co u n try are relatively small, agreem ent w ithin the group is as a rule easily obtained an d therefore these s ta n d a rd s autom atically become obligatory for the suppliers, w h e rea s in tern atio n ally d ra f­

ted specifications of such groups are recom m endations to the n atio n al groups.

All these s ta n d a rd s can be tu rn ed into general sta n d a rd s by subm itting them to the a p p ro p riate general standardizing body (national or international) and discussing them w ith all in terested parties. G e n e ra l sta n d a rd s as such are recom m en­

dations b u t can become obligatory w hen accepted by factories, companies etc. or w hen re ferre d to in a contract.

N o w let us re tu rn for a minute to the application of s ta n ­ dards. Since the usefulness of a s ta n d a rd is equivalent to its application, the logical consequence for a facto ry m aking s ta n ­ d a rd s for its own use is to m ake them obligatory to the g re a t­

est possible extent. W i t h resp ect to national and international s ta n d a rd s it can be said th a t the ideal situation is w hen all m anufacturers and users ab an d o n th eir ow n sta n d a rd s in fa ­ vour of the national or intern atio n al ones.

A simple w a y of prom oting the application of s ta n d a rd s w ould be to enforce them by law. In a dem ocratic society this w ould ob­

viously be the w rong w ay, since only the in terested p arties are able to judge w h e th e r the s ta n d a rd is acceptable to them. A n exception should be made for sta n d a rd s involving the safety of persons or p ro p erty , b u t even then enforcem ent by law should be avoided w here possible because of the slow procedure of governm ent m achinery. S ta n d a rd s have to be k e p t in pace w ith technical developm ent and th erefo re revision is necessary from time to time.

232 H. W . Ghijsen



H ow electronic components are standardized

U p to W o r ld W a r II there had not been much activity in the stan d ard izatio n of electronic components. As a result, simi­

la r com ponents of different m anufacturers w ere not electrically and mechanically interchangeable. This c rea te d enormous diffi­

culties for the A rm ed Forces, w ho therefore sta rte d to d ra w up users’ specifications.

A fte r the w ar, w hen the m anufacture of m ilitary electronic equipm ent w as sharply reduced and w a s replaced by civil p ro ­ duction, an a tte m p t w a s m ade to use the service specifications for industrial purposes.

This w a s not a complete success. In the first place, the m ilitary qualities laid dow n in the service specifications w ere not alw ay s suitable for industrial use, and, in the second place, w h a t in­

d u stry needed w ere intern atio n al specifications. S tran g e as it m ay seem, the service sta n d a rd s existing a t the end of W^orld W^ar II w ere strictly national.

F o r this reason in some countries specifications w ere d ra w n up covering industrial and en tertain m en t components. In the U n ited Kingdom, these specifications are m ade by the R adio In d u stry Council (R .I.C .) which is an organisation of both electronic equipm ent m anufacturers and component m anufacturers.

C onsequently, these specifications are of a r a th e r general ch aracter. In the U .S.A ., com ponent specifications are m ade b y the R adio, Electronic and T V M a n u fa c tu re rs ’ Association (R .E . T .M .A .). The R E T M A specifications are m an u factu rers’ specifi­

cations, which is possible because the component m anufacturers are m em bers of R E T M A .

Soon a fte r these activities w ere started , the subject w as also ta k e n up on a general international basis, viz. by the I n te r ­ national E lectrotechnical Commission ( I .E C .) .

The constitution of I E C , which last y e a r held its 50th anni­

v e rsa ry meeting, is as follows. The m em bers of I E C are w h a t are called the N a tio n a l Com m ittees, i.e. the national general electrotechnical sta n d a rd organisations in the m em ber countries, or special national committees form ed for th a t p u r­

pose. A t the moment th ere are a b o u t thirty-five members.

A t the top of I E C is the Council, consisting of president, vice-presidents (all presidents of the N a tio n a l Committees), tre a s u re r and general secretary. The p resid en t is elected every three years. A t the moment it is D r P. D u n sh eath (U n ited Kingdom).

Standardization of electronic components


234 H. W . Ghijsen

The next body is the Com m ittee of Action, consisting of the president, 9 vice-presidents, tre a s u re r and general secretary.

They! fa ke the final decisions on m ost technical questions*

The technical w o rk p ro p e r is done by the Technical C om m it­

tees and their Sub-C om m ittees. T here are now over 40 Technical Com m ittees, more th a n 10 of w hich have been installed since the la s t w a r. B ach Technical C om m ittee has a chairm an an d the se c re ta ria t is en tru ste d to a N a tio n a l Com m ittee, norm ally n o t the one to which the chairm an belongs. The S e c re ta ria t p re p a re s the docum ents to be discussed in the meetings, m akes the minutes etc. D istrib u tio n of docum ents and all o th er adm i­

nistrative functions are ta k e n care of by the G en eral S ecretariat, the C e n tra l Office, residing in G eneva.

B efore W o r l d W a r II, m ost of the Technical C om m ittees either d e a lt w ith general technical subjects, such as nom encla­

tu re an d symbols, or w ith p o w e r equipment, such as a lte rn a ­ tors, insulators and sw itch gear. O n ly one C om m ittee w a s ac­

tive in the telecommunication field, viz. T C 12 " R a d io C om m u­

nications” which discussed a t th a t time safety requirem ents for b ro a d c a st receivers. The S e c re ta ria t w a s — an d still is — in the hands of the N e th e rla n d s.

W h e n the need w a s felt to do more w o rk in the electronic field, it w a s only logical to extend the scope of T C 12. In 1948 it w a s decided accordingly and four Sub-com m ittees of T C 12 w ere installed to handle the new subjects, viz.

1. m easurem ent m ethods for receivers, 2. safety,

3. com ponents and

4. electronic tubes and valves.

A t a la te r date, Sub-com m ittees for high-frequency cables, for piezoelectric crystals and for tra n sm itte rs w ere ad d ed to the list, the la tte r only quite recently.


n the o th er hand, the subsequent re-organisation caused a reduction of the num ber of Sub-committees of T C 12. Soon it a p p e are d th a t the Sub-com m ittee for electronic tubes an d valves could n o t re stric t itself to radio communication, since tubes find general application in the electronic field. T herefore it w as decided some y e a rs ago to convert the relative Sub-com m ittee into an independent Technical Com m ittee (No. 39). The same procedure w a s follow ed la st y e a r w ith respect to the S u b ­ committee for components, which is now T C 40, absorbing the Sub-com m ittees for high-frequency cables an d for crystals.


W hat is standardized in I.E .C . fo r electronic components

W h e n a com ponent is bought it is expected to give a certain p e r ­ form ance for a certain time. I t is hoped th a t the perform ance will be as good as possible and the life indefinite, b u t if a t the same time the com ponent should be obtainable a t reaso n ab le cost, it is clear th a t a compromise has to be m ade som ew here.

N o w the concept of perform ance has m any aspects. In the first place the component is expected to have a certain p ro p e rty of a given value, let us sa y a resistance of 100 ohms which will sta y co n stan t over a sufficiently long period. Since nothing is absolute, it m ust be accepted th a t the resistance is not exactly 100 ohms b u t lies b etw een tw o tolerance limits, an d th a t it varies some­

w h a t w ith the circum stances and w ith time. The la tte r m ay be called instability.

In the second place the com ponent will be subjected to a certain load, either continuous or cyclic or in term itten t e.g. 1 w a t t in the case of the above resistor. I t is expected th a t the instability is still acceptable.

In the th ird place the com ponents are subjected to m echanical and climatic stresses, by mounting them into an a p p a ra tu s, tra n sp o rtin g the a p p a ra tu s , heating during operation of the a p p a ra tu s and moist air during no-load periods. Still it is ex­

pected th a t the com ponent will not b re a k dow n and th a t the instability will sta y w ithin reaso n ab le limits.

All these factors to g eth er govern the perform ance of the component, and its life du ratio n is obviously the time for which the instability during use rem ains w ithin pre - determ ined limits. The problem is to look for some means to estim ate the in stab ility over a certain period of use.

The first step on this w a y — ascertaining the p ro p erties of the com ponent — does not raise undue difficulties. T here are scores of m easuring bridges, dynam om eters, resisto r sta n d a rd s etc. which will give exact inform ation a b o u t the com ponent as it has been received. The only thing to be done is to specify the m easuring m ethods in such a w a y th a t the same re su lt is a lw a y s an d ev ery w h ere obtained w hen the same com ponent is m easured. Such details include am bient tem pe­

ra tu re , load during m easurem ent, inaccuracy of the method, position of the com ponent etc. w ith o u t necessarily prescribing the in stru m en t to be used. F o r instance, the resistance of a carbon fixed re sisto r m ay be m easu red b y a W h e a ts to n e bridge

Standardization of electronic components 235


236 H. W . Ghijsen

or b y m easuring voltage and current, as long as the am bient tem p eratu re is b etw een 15 and 25 °C, the voltage a t the resis­

to r term inals does not exceed say 25 V and the to ta l inaccu­

racy of the m ethod used (including the influence of connecting w ires) does not exceed 0.5 °/0.

The next step is to verify th a t the com ponents will survive the handling previous to and during mounting. O n e w a y wo uld be to p u t a sample of com ponents into a setm akers fa c to ry and to see w h e th e r the resulting a p p a ra tu s are all right, b u t though highly p ractical this w ould not be a reproducible te st m ethod. F o r this purpose the com ponent specifications contain a num ber of m echanical tests, checking the stren g th of t e r ­ minals, of mounting accessories and, w here necessary, the suit­

ability of being soldered into the wiring. The bumping and vibration tests also belong p a r tly to this group of tests.

A fte r these tests, the com ponents m ust not have been dam aged an d the main p ro p erties should have changed to a negligible ex ten t only.

The th ird step is to verify w h e th e r the com ponent is suitable for the climatic conditions liable to be m et during norm al use.

A gain one m ethod w ould be to m ount the com ponents into an a p p a ra tu s and to a w a it com plaints over a num ber of y ears. I t m ust be sta te d th a t in m any cases this is the only w a y to obtain exact figures on the b eh av io u r of com ponents during norm al use, b o th for the th ird and the fourth step. H o w ev er, experience from both m anufacturers and users has m ade it possible to devise tests of reasonable d u ratio n w hich allow to make reliable predictions ab o u t the behaviour un d er p ractical circumstances.

The climatic te sts comprise : d ry heat, d ry cold, humid atm o s­

phere, change of te m p e ra tu re and low air pressure, and the special t e s t s : mould grow th, corrosive atm osphere and dust.

Because these short-lasting tests are to be a m easure of w h a t the com ponent is going to do in its life, th e y are more an ex­

aggeration th a n a simulation of practical circum stances.

A n o th er thing th a t is of im portance here is the sequence of tests. T here w ould be some logic in carry in g out every te s t on a se p a ra te lot of com ponents w hen each te s t rep resen ts the w hole life of the com ponents in a certain respect. O n the oth er hand, com ponents are subjected to all conditions of use simul­

taneously. F o r th a t reaso n the com ponent specifications generally prescribe the following te st cycle to be carried out on the same components, the to ta l cycle rep resen tin g norm al life:


Standardization of electronic components 237

initial m easurem ents (step one) stren g th of term inations


change of tem p eratu re vibration and bumping d ry h e a t

humid atm osphere (first accelerated cycle) d ry cold

low air p ressure

humid atm osphere (fu rth er accelerated cycles)

A fte r this cycle, the change of the p ro p erties w ith resp ect to the initial m easurem ents should be w ithin certain limits. In m any cases essential inform ation is obtained by m easurem ents of the insulation resistance. The to ta l cycle tak es ab o u t 14 days.

A p a r t from this a “long-term humidity te s t” is carried out w hich m ay tak e up to 84 days.

In the fo u rth an d la st step it is tried to obtain inform ation a b o u t the resistance to electrical and mechanical loads. In some cases this can be fairly exactly established. F o r instance, w hen it is kno w n th a t a sw itch is o p e rate d tw ice a d ay on the average, then it is certain th a t 10 y e a rs life d u ratio n is rep resen ted by 7500 switching operations. H o w e v e r, in m ost cases the solution does not p resen t itself so clearly.

O fte n the life te st is based upon ra te d load u nder extrem e conditions of use (e.g. maximum am bient tem p eratu re). I t is obvious th a t such tests m ust be carried out for a long time to yield accurate results, b u t for some groups of com ponents it is know n from experience th a t the change of th eir p ro perties a p ­ proaches a limit in say the first 1000 hours, and th a t failure

on the average occurs a fte r a multiple of th a t period. A test of 1000 hours then show s w h e th e r the instability is accep t­

able and, if the num ber of failures during the te s t is very small, th a t the average life is sufficient.

E specially in the case of capacitors it is tried to accelerate the life te st by increasing the load, c.q. the voltage. I t m ust be stated, how ever, th a t except for D .C . p a p e r capacitors, very little is know n a b o u t the correlation b etw een norm al life an d te st life.

The problem of life d u ratio n is extrem ely complex and of u t­

m ost im portance since it is closely re la te d to reliability. W h a t is k now n about it a t p re se n t is not y e t sufficient for sta n d a rd iz a ­ tion and therefore this m a tte r is not any fu rth e r discussed


here. In I E C specifications ab o u t com ponents very little direct reference to it can be found.

W hat I.E .C . has published fo r components

A lthough not explicitly m entioned in the foregoing section it is easy to u n d erstan d th a t the w o rk is carried out along the line: definitions — te s t m e t h o d s —sim plification. F o r electronic components, definitions, m easuring m ethods and te st m ethods go to g eth er fairly well, b u t it is a r a th e r large step to simpli­

fication. T aking into account the difficulty of obtaining in te r­

national agreem ent and the relatively short time the Com m ittee has been active, it will be u nderstood th a t only one specification covering p a r t of this field has been published. In in tern atio n al

standardization, time is m easured in units of five y ears.

A p a r t from this, it w a s possible to reach agreem ent on some special subjects which w ere laid dow n in the following I.E .C . Publications :

N o. 62: C o lo u r code fo r fixed resistors

N o. 63: Series of p re ferre d values an d th eir associated tolerances for resistors and capacitors.

The first publication is a compromise b etw een the m ost im portant colour codes for resisto rs th a t a lre a d y existed. I t is expected th a t it will be in general use in the n e a r future.

The seco nd one gives th ree geom etrical series, based upon the same principles as the series of p re fe rre d values or R e n a rd series (R-series). The E-series h o w ev er have 6, 12 or 24 term s p er decade instead of 5, 10 or 20. Though generally reg retted , it proved to be necessary to stan d ard ize these exceptional series for electronic components because they correspond very closely to the values used in practice. The reaso n for this is the fact th a t the term ratio of the E24-series is 1.10, so th a t in the case of a 5 °/0 tolerance th ere are no gaps b e tw e en the tolerance ran g es of tw o subsequent r a te d values. This featu re m ay sometimes be of im portance in mass production.

The m ost im p o rtan t publication, w hich has been m entioned a t the beginning of this section, is N o. 68: Basic C lim atic an d M e ­ chanical robustness T esting procedure for com ponents (B C M T ).

W h e n w o rk w as s ta rte d on com ponent specifications it w a s found th a t the electrical m easuring and te s t m ethods h a d to differ from one group of com ponents to the other, b u t th a t this is not the case for the climatic an d m ost of the m echanical tests, because the com ponents are used side by side in the same

238 H. W . Ghijsen


Standardization of electronic components 239

equipm ent and consequently are subjected to the same condi­

tions of use. ^Therefore, all the tests indicated under “ step th re e ” of the foregoing section and p a r t of the tests of “ step tw o ” could be laid dow n in a general specification.

This, how ever, does not m ean th a t all com ponents are sub­

jected to exactly the same tests. T h a t w ould not be logical, since th ere are internally hot a p p a ra tu s and relatively cool a p p a ra tu s, arctic climates and tropical climates, equipm ent for en tertain m en t and equipm ent for strictly professional purposes, etc. F o r th a t reason, each te s t of the B C M T is specified in tw o or more grades of severity, the m ost severe grade being num ­ b e red 4 and the less severe grades 5, 6 etc.

The com ponent specifications indicate to w h a t grade of severity a certain type of com ponent shall be subjected.

I t w ould be possible to p u t all these figures indicating the te st severities in a row , startin g w ith the first te s t and ending w ith the last, alw ay s in the same order. Then a num ber of some ten digits is obtained telling how the component has been tested and also w h a t climatic an d m echanical conditions it is supposed to w ith sta n d in use. Such num bers are not very practical and th ey give rise to some 10000 possible types or ,,groups ’, as

I.E .C . calls them.

W h e n the first com ponent specification w a s d ra fte d — which covered p a p e r capacitors for D .C . — an a tte m p t w as m ade to solve the problem by m aking a limited choice of four groups.

A p a r t from the fact th a t this over-simplified the m atter, it w a s found w hen tackling the next specification th a t the limited choice there did n o t a t all correspond to the first one. So in fact, w hen thinking of all components there w ere still 10000 p o s­

sible groups which did not m atch the idea of s id e - b y - s id e operation in the same equipment.

I t w as then proposed to ap p ro ach the m a tte r from the equip­

m ent side and the follow ing very simple equipm ent classification w as g iv e n :

1. E quipm ent for high-altitude a irc ra ft

E quipm ent for norm al-altitude a irc ra ft an d h eavy-duty ground use

E quipm ent for industrial use

D om estic equipm ent (entertainm ent) 2. E quipm ent for tropical climates

E quipm ent for tem p erate climates S ealed equipm ent


240 H. W . Ghijsen

3. M axim um internal tem p eratu re of the equipm ent 55, 70, 85 or 100° C

This made it possible to reduce the above num ber to a three- digit num ber, leaving some 50 possible groups, some of which can be deleted because th e y are unrealistic.

The three-digit num ber is composed as follows. The first digit corresponds to the severity of the dry-cold te s t and a t the same time defines the severities of the following associated tests : bumping, vibration, ra p id change of te m p e ra tu re and low air pressure. All this corresponds to item 1 of the above classification.

The second digit corresponds to the sev erity of the d r y h e a t te s t and thus covers item 3 of the classification. T here are no associated tests.

The th ird digit indicates the grade of severity of the humidity te s t and is asso ciated w ith the mould g ro w th and sa lt mist test. I t corresponds to item 2 of the classification. A ccording to I.E .C . Publication 68, severity grade 4 of the humidity te s t is a te s t w ith a d u ratio n of 84 days which is especially suit­

able for herm etically sealed components. S everity grade 5 has a d u ratio n of 28 d a y s ; such com ponents are suitable for m ost tro p ical applications.

C om ponents for use in en tertain m en t appliances in tem p erate climates need only m eet the tests of severity grade 6, lasting 7 days.

Th ere is still a fo u rth type of com ponent, i.e. for use in sealed equipment. A ccording to I.E .C . these are te ste d as com ponents for domestic use, b u t such com ponents need n o t have any m oisture protection on the condition th at, a fte r drying, th eir p ro p erties are closely equal to the original properties. I t is therefore possible th a t a fu rth e r severity grade will be a d d e d in the n e a r future.

I t has a lre a d y been pointed out th a t the highest severity grade of every te s t is indicated by 4, the n ex t lo w e r one by 5 etc. Thus the highest sturdiness group is designated by 444, indicating a com ponent suitable for te m p e ra tu re s from —55° C to +100° C and u n d er conditions of the g re a te s t humidity.

A complete survey of the group num ber system is given in the table below . The a d v an tag e of this system is th a t it can be un d ersto o d by com ponent users w ith o u t a d etailed k n o w ­ ledge of com ponent testing. B ro ad ly speaking the first tw o digits define the extrem e te m p e ra tu re s b e tw e en w hich the


Standardization of electronic components 241

com ponent may be operated, taking into account the a p p ro ­ p ria te derating. A p a r t from this, the first digit indicates the intended use (first p a r t of the classification). The third digit defines the humidity protection.

I t rem ains to be seen w h e th e r the system is sufficiently flexible to be suitable for the m ajority of components, especial­

ly w ith re g a rd to the association of the m echanical tests to the minimum tem p eratu re rating. I t is fairly certain a lre a d y th a t the group num ber system can be used for n early all non­

variable com ponents and it is expected th a t the group num ber system will play an im p o rtan t p a r t in the com ponent trad e, because it is re la te d to both component testing and the extrem e conditions of use the com ponent is expected to sta n d up to.

I t should of course alw ay s be rem em bered th a t it can be a g reat help to the equipm ent designer, b u t never a substitute for experience.

first digit second

digit third digit

test d ry

cold b u m p ­

ing vibr.

rapid temp.

c h a n ­ ge

lowair press.

d ry h eat

mid-hu- ity


h u ­ midity


growth salt mist

4 -55 °C X X X 85

m b a r 100°C 84

d ay s 6

day s X X

5 -40 °C X X X 300

m b a r 85 °C 28

d a y s 2

d ay s - -

6 -25 °C X X - - 70 °C 7

d ay s - - -

7 -10 °C X - - - 55 °C

Finally a sum m ary of the subjects w hich are now u nder consideration is given.

The specification for D .C . capacitors has been accepted for publication.

The following specifications have been circulated under the six-months' rule, meaning th a t th ey are in a final s t a g e :

C eram ic dielectric capacitors (D .C . types) for te m p e ra tu re com pensation and general tuning purposes (so-called type I) E lectrolytic capacitors

The following subjects are in the discussion stage or will sh o rtly be subm itted for discussion:


242 H. W . Ghijsen

Fixed carbon resistors M ica dielectric capacitors

Shaft dimensions and fixing dimensions of variable resistors etc.

Q uartz oscillator crystals H .F . C ables

Plugs and sockets (both audio and radio frequency types) Radio interference suppression capacitors


Juli 1955 - Deel 20 - No 4 243

C h a r a c te r iz a tio n o f th e n o is e o f tu b e s a n d tr a n s is to r s b y fo u r m e a su r a b le q u a n titie s

by H. Groendijk and K. S. Knol *)

Lecture delivered before the Nederlands Radiogenootschap on November 5th, 1954


T he noise of a neutralized triode is first calculated b y investigating the m echanism o f noise production an d then b y reg ard in g the triode as a lin ear four-term inal n e tw o rk . It ap p ears, from the first method, th a t the physical quantities connected w ith the generation of noise m a y not readily be determ ined. 1 he second m ethod show’s, how ever, th a t it is still p o s­

sible to characterize the noise by four m easu rab le quantities and, if once these are know n, to calculate the noise factor. 4 his holds for a n y linear four-term inal n etw o rk , triodes, pentodes, transistors, etc. In general, no simple relationship exists b e tw e e n these quantities and the physical p r o p ­ erties giving rise to noise. In the case of a triode the four noise q u a n ti­

ties depend on frequency in a simple w a y .

1. Resistance noise.

Though the term noise is originally derived from acoustics it is now generally used for random fluctuations of cu rren t or vol­

tage as occurring in resistances, tubes, tran sisto rs, etc. L et us first consider a resistance R (fig. la). I f w e do not connect a voltage source in series or in parallel w ith this resistance, a voltage still ap p ears to exist b e ­ tw een the term inals. This voltage is continuously fluc­

tuating in am plitude and polarity. F o r a finite time

*) Philips R esearch L ab o rato ries, N .V . P h ilip s’ G loeilam penfabrieken, E in d h o v en -N etherlands.


b c

F ig .l.

A resistance R an d its equivalent noise circuits.


244 H. Groendijk and K. S. Knol

interval this noise voltage m ay be expressed in term s of a F o u r i e r integral [1], W e next consider only the contribution to this integral of those frequencies w hich lie b etw een the fre ­ quencies ƒ an d f + A f . The physical in te rp reta tio n of this p ro ­ cedure is, th a t we p u t b etw een the noise source and the m easuring device a filter having th a t p a ssb an d w ith a re cta n g u la r ch a ra c ­ teristic.

U p to very high frequencies the noise energy p re se n t in the frequency in terv al A f a p p ears to be p ro p o rtio n al to A f an d independent of the frequency f itself. The noise energy p ro ­ duced by the resistance R m ay be calculated by regarding it as a voltage source (fig. lb ) w ith an in tern al resistance R and a noise e.m.f. e the m ean square value of which is

~? = 4 k T R A ƒ (1)

From T h e v e n i n ' s theorem it follow s th a t this voltage source is equivalent to a noise c u rren t source (fig. lc) having an in­

te rn a l conductance g = l / R and a short-circuit c u rren t i w ith a m ean square value of

7 = 4 k T g A ƒ (2)

2. Tube noise.

W e shall now deal w ith the noise of tubes. L e t us first consider the physical aspect an d discuss the causes of noise in­

side the tube. This is the w a y one began to stu d y tube noise w hen for the first time it becam e im portant. In section 5 w e shall consider this problem from a more form al point of view by startin g w ith the noise of linear four-term inal n etw o rk s. F o r signal an d noise voltages and currents in a r a th e r n a rro w fre ­ quency b an d and w ith small am plitudes, amplifying tubes are indeed linear four-term inal n e tw o rk s and it will be show n th a t w ith this tre a tm e n t of tube noise certain difficulties appearing in the physical tre a tm e n t do n o t occur.

3. P hysical yioise sources.

To simplify our tre a tm e n t of the physical noise sources in an amplifier tube w e confine ourselves to a neutralized triode in a grounded-cathode circuit. By „n eu tralized ” is m eant th a t the capacitance b etw een grid and anode is tuned. As w e are only in terested in a lte rn a tin g cu rren ts and voltages w e omit the direct


Noise of tubes and transistors 245


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246 H. Groendijk and K. S. Knol

c u rren t and voltage sources. F u rth e r it is easily proved by theory th a t the anode load does not affect the noise perform ance of a tube. F o r th a t reaso n the output has been short-circuited (fig. 2a). A cross the input of the tube a signal source (e.g. an antenna) an d a tunable circuit are connected having a to ta l adm ittance Y.

3.1. Low-frequency noise.

W e consider first the noise beh av io u r of the tube a t low frequencies. If w e p u t such direct voltages b etw een the elec­

tro d es th a t a direct c u rren t is flowing in the output lead, su p er­

imposed upon this direct cu rren t a fluctuating cu rren t iz is also p re se n t (fig. 2b). This noise cu rren t iz is caused by the electrons being therm ally em itted from the cathode. I t is called the shot noise current. A t low frequencies the tube noise can be ascribed to this effect only. The triode noise m ay therefo re be d e ­

scribed by giving the m ean square value of t1. H o w ev er, it is common practice to describe it in a n o th e r w ay. ix can be th ought of as being g en erated by a noise voltage i f S in the in­

p u t lead, if vS is the m utual conductance. This voltage source m ay be characterized b y the value of the resistance giving the same noise e.m.f. This resistance is called the equivalent noise resistance R eq. If w e consider again only the contribution to the noise of the frequencies b etw een ƒ an d ƒ + A ƒ, w e have, acco rd ­ ing to (1),

Yj/S2 = 4 k T R eq A ƒ (3)

3.2. Triode at higher frequencies.

The noise behaviour of a tube a t low frequencies is thus r a th e r simple, it being described by one quantity, the equivalent noise resistance. A t higher frequencies, how ever, the phenom ena become more intricate. T hen w e have to ta k e into account th a t% the tra n s it time of the electrons in the tube is no longer negli­

gible as com pared w ith one period of the frequency considered.

3.21. T ransit time conductance.

To investigate the effect of the electron tra n sit time w e first p u t b e tw e e n grid an d cathode an a ltern atin g voltage w hich is


oise of tubes and transistors 247

so large th a t the noise curren ts do not play an appreciable p a rt. A n altern atin g electron cu rren t will then s ta r t from the cathode, and will induce a c u rren t in the input lead flowing from cathode to grid. A fte r the electrons have passed the grid! a cu rren t from grid to anode is induced (fig. 3). A t low freq u en ­

cies both cu rren ts in the input lead cancel. A t high frequencies, how ever, w e have to ta k e into account th a t these curren ts no longer have exactly opposite p h a ­

ses. A c u rren t is therefore produced in the grid-cath­

ode circuit and it m ay be show n th a t the direction of this cu rren t is such, th a t the signal source has to supply energy. In o th er w ords, a t these frequencies there is an e x tra conductance over the input of the tube, the so-called tra n sit time conductance gx. W^e insert this conduct­

ance in our equivalent circuit (fig. 2c). The effect of the in­

duced grid curren ts on the noise is accounted for se p a rate ly in 3.23 for the reasons discussed there. W e th erefo re have to con­

nect g% in such a w a y in the equivalent circuit th a t it acts only on the signal and not on the noise, i.e. it has to be placed before the fictitious noise voltage source tj/S.

In duced cu rren ts flowing in a triode w h e n an electron is going from cathode to


3.22. Feedback conductance.

T here is y e t a n o th e r conductance appearing a t high freq u en ­ cies. I t is caused by the self-inductance of the cathode lead.

The output c u rren t flows through this lead, and as the la tte r is common to o u tp u t and input circuits an additional voltage is created in the input circuit. This feedback can be re p rese n te d b y a real adm ittance g z-. This holds for the signal as well as for the noise. F o r th a t reason g i has to be placed in the equi­

valent circuit behind the noise source (fig. 2c).

3.23. H igh frequency noise.

Like the signal cu rren ts the shot noise cu rren t flowing b e ­


248 H. Groendijk and K. S. Knol

tw een cathode and anode successively gives curren ts in the ou ter leads from cathode to grid an d from grid to anode. If w e call these cu rren ts \iQ and i1 respectively, the cu rren t flowing into the grid is a noise c u rren t ig — ix — i0 . The w a y in which this noise c u rren t is produced, how ever, differs from th a t in which the induced signal current, tre a te d in 3.21, is generated.

In the la tte r case an a ltern atin g voltage is p u t b etw e en grid and cathode, influencing the electrons w hen th e y pass from cathode to anode. But the noise voltage source tJ S is not actu ally p re se n t; it is only a fictitious source used to r e p r e ­ sent the shot noise c u rren t in the o u tp u t lead. Therefore, the induced noise c u rren t ig cannot be rep resen ted in the same w a y as the induced signal c u rren t b y means of the tra n s it time conduc­

tance, so we have to introduce a se p a ra te noise cu rren t source ig (fig- 2d).

3.3. A eria l noise.

To complete our equivalent circuit we m ust still introduce the noise produced b y the re al p a r t of Y. Y is the sum of the ad m ittan ces of signal source an d input circuit (a coil and a capacitor). To simplify the form ulae w e neglect the conductance of the input circuit, as it is small com pared w ith th a t of the signal source. In m ost cases this is allow ed. W e w rite Y = g + j b t w h e re g is called the source conductance and b the circuit susceptance. F o r the first tube of a receiver, g is the tr a n s ­ form ed an ten n a conductance. O u r considerations, how ever, hold for the second and following tubes as well.

The source conductance g produces resistance noise which m ay be rep resen ted b y a noise c u rre n t source is (fig. 2e). A c­

cording to form ula (2) w e have i] = 4 k T g A f . 4. The noise factor.

In the equivalent circuit of fig. 2e the noise p ro p erties of the tube are re p rese n te d b y tw o noise sources in the cathode-grid circuit. The tube itself should then be assum ed to be noiseless.

H o w e v e r, we are generally not in terested in the noise itself, b u t in the ratio of noise p o w e r P n and signal p o w e r P s . A tube increases this value since the P n and the P s th a t are avail­

able a t the input are amplified b y the same fa cto r an d the tube produces excess noise. So if w e com pare the ratio of the


oise of tubes and transistors 249

noise p o w e r P n and the signal p o w e r P s th a t are available a t the o u tp u t w ith the same ratio a t the input, the first one is largest. The quotient of these tw o noise-to-signal ratios is called the noise fa cto r ^ [ 2 ] . W^e have

P no P so

P ni Psi

P no

G • 1 mP ■

w here G = Pso • Psi is the p o w e r gain. P ni is pro p o rtio n al to the mean square of the noise c u rren t arising from the signal so u rc e :

PnojG , the o u tp u t noise p o w e r divided b y the p o w e r amplifi­

cation factor, is the noise p o w e r w e should have to a p p ly a t the input of a noiseless tube in o rd er to get the noise p o w e r P no a t the output. So P no\G is p ro p o rtio n al to the mean square of the noise cu rren t produced by all equivalent noise sources a t the input together. This noise cu rren t is is H- ig H----Y g z),i

since the voltage source ~ in series w ith the adm ittance Y -I- gx i

is equivalent to a cu rren t source — ( Y + g t) in p arallel w ith Y + gx . W e have thus »S

B y substituting (5) and (6) in (4) w e obtain the form ula for the noise facto r

+ f r + ^ +<^7)}


W e could now evaluate F if w e k new : (1) The shot noise zl/S* or R rg,

(2) The induced grid noise ig ,

(3) The tra n sit time conductance gx and (4) The correlation betw een ix and ig .

B u t if w e look for the tube d a ta in a handbook we only find R eq if even th at. The usual w a y to proceed is, then, to calculate gx from the dimensions of the tube. From the value of gx thus found, Yg m ay be calculated using a th eo retical for-


250 H. Groendijk and K. S. Knol

mula derived b y B a k k e r [3]. The correlation is n o t tak en into account a t all. The form ulae used are b a se d upon simpli­

fying assum ptions, a.o. ideal triode. The tra n s it time conduct­

ance can neither be m easured accu rately as w e are only able to m easure the to ta l input conductance gx + g i .

W h e n using tubes in circuits w e are n o t in the first place in terested in the physical causes of the noise in these tubes, b u t w e should like to have a t our disposal such d a ta th a t we could calculate the noise fa cto r of a tube for any input circuit.

This result has n o t been o b tain ed w ith the above con sid era­

tions. Though w e have derived a form ula for the noise fa cto r w e cannot evaluate it since w e do not know several quantities occurring in this form ula and, above all, w e do n o t know for certain th a t o th er effects n o t ta k e n into account in the theory, m ay be neglected. A n investigation of the physics of noise p r o ­ duction is, of course, very im p o rtan t if w e w a n t to m ake low- noise tubes. B ut w e do n o t concern ourselves w ith this problem here.

5. Noise o j four-term inal networks.

W e th erefo re shall s ta r t w ith a n o th e r m ethod. F o r small signal and noise am plitudes and in a n a rro w frequency band

Fig. 4.

A linear four-term inal n e tw o rk containing voltage and c u r ­ re n t sources (a) is equivalent to a n e tw o rk w ith o u t internal sources {/?), b u t w ith a voltage source E and a c u rre n t source J across the input. T he second n e tw o rk is derived

from the first one b y omitting all the in tern al sources.

A f aro u n d a frequency f , tubes, tra n sisto rs, amplifiers etc.

m ay be re g a rd e d as linear four-term inal n e tw o rk s (fig. 4a). In the th eo ry of linear four-term inal n e tw o rk s w ith in tern al c u rren t and voltage sources [4] it is kno w n th a t the effect of these sources can be re g a rd e d as being caused by a voltage and a c u rren t source across the input (fig. 4b). So an active linear


oise of tubes and transistors 251

four-term inal n e tw o rk w ith internal sources is equivalent to the same n e tw o rk w ith o u t sources, b u t w ith these tw o sources E an d J connected across the input.

This theorem , w hich resem bles the theorem of T h é v e n i n for tw o-term inal n etw o rk s, w as used recently by B e c k i n g to rep resen t the noise behaviour of tra n sisto rs. H e show ed th a t w ith the aid of this theorem , a form ula for the noise facto r can be derived, containing only m easurable quantities.

W e shall not give a proof of this theorem here, b u t we shall only show its validity for the idealized triode th a t has been tre a te d in section 3.

5.1. The idealized triode as a jour-term inal network.

If w e com pare the equivalent circuit derived by the physical tre a tm e n t (fig. 2e) w ith the circuit in term s of E and J (fig. db), they appear, a t first sight, n early the sam e; how ever, there is one im p o rtan t difference, viz. in fig. db both noise sources are connected across the input of the n etw o rk , while in fig. 2e the noise voltage source is connected b etw een tw o p a rts of the input conductance both belonging to the tube. N o w this m ay be changed as follows. W e have seen a lre a d y th a t the noise voltage source t J S in series w ith ( V + g z ) is equivalent to a noise cu rren t source (iI/ S ) ( Y + gz) in p arallel w ith ( Y + g r).

So the to ta l im pressed noise c u rre n t is ts + tg + ( y + gz) This, how ever, m ay be w ritte n as

from which w e can infer th a t the equivalent circuit m ay also be d ra w n as in fig. 2f. If w e call the noise e.m.f. i J S = E and the im pressed noise cu rren t zg + (ixIS) gz = J y w e get fig. 2g w here both noise sources are connected across the input term inals of the tube ju st as in the form al noise circuit of B e c k i n g .

5.2. The noise fa cto r in term s o f the equivalent sources.

The noise fa cto r m ay be expressed in term s of E and J.

I t has been show n a lre a d y th a t F is the m ean square of the


252 H. Groendijk and K. S. Knol

to ta l equivalent im pressed noise cu rren t a t the grid divided b y Zj. H ence

77_ (it + J + Y . E f


In this form ula occurs Y . E = g E + jb E . H e re jb E — b . j E is a noise cu rren t obtained b y first changing the phase of each F o u r i e r com ponent of the noise in the frequency in terv al A f considered by a q u a r te r of a period ol its ow n frequency and then multiplying it b y the susceptance b. Then we get for the mean square of Y . E the expression (g 2 + b2) E 2 as (j E )2 = E (the phase shift does not affect the mean square value of E ) and E . j E — O (the m ean of each sine-function multiplied b y the corresponding cosine-function vanishes).

is is not c o rrelated w ith eith er J or E . H o w e v e r, J an d E m ay be p a rtly correlated. So the mixed term s are zero except for 2 J . y E — 2 g J . E + 2 b J . j E . T hen w e get for F

F l i r + ( g + b * ) & + 2g . j ^ + 2 b . j rj E


F o r C we have the expression (2) : tl = 4 k T g A f.

F orm ula (9) holds for a n y linear four-term inal netw ork. It contains four quantities characterizing the noise, viz. J ,

2 J E and 2 J . j E . These quantities m ay be determ ined by m easuring E for four different values of g + jb . This may be accomplished b y connecting a s a tu ra te d diode across the input.

The shot noise produced b y such a diode if a d irect cu rren t is flowing through it, is exactly know n, and it m ay be com pared w ith the to ta l equivalent im pressed noise cu rren t of the tube by m easuring the noise output p o w e r w ith this diode tu rn ed on an d off. If once the four noise quantities have been m easured in this w ay, F m ay be ev alu ated for any circuit or an ten n a adm ittance Y.

5.3. R esults o f the fo rm a l treatment.

By this form al tre a tm e n t of noise we have obtained tw o r e s u l t s :

(1) Though form ula (7) for F, derived b y the physical tre a t-



Deze commissie is inmiddels tot de conclusie gekomen dat in een sterk gevoelde behoefte kan w orden voorzien door de instelling van een examen voor Televisie-

in het geheel niet besproken worden; m erkw aardig is dat daarentegen veel plaats is ingeruimd voor een behandeling van de elementaire eigenschappen van

nic circuit.. In the receiver the signals must be tested.. Six sender and receiver are governed.. This is done because the receiver in an outlying station is

The signal output of the tube does in fa ct rise with the beam current, but only to a limited extent, since the increased redistribution current is more

Reeds tijdens zijn studie had hij grote belangstelling voor de problemen, die zich bij de radar-apparatuur voordeden, zodat hij dan ook besloot zijn loopbaan

gen kleiner dan de vorige malen, w at wel zijn oorzaak vindt in het feit dat de radiosterrekunde zich na de storm achtige beginperiode van de eerste tien

zonder diversity de veranderlijke drem pelfactor (drem pelspanning omgekeerd evenredig met de quasi-stationnaire am plitude) een zeer grote verbetering geeft.

In de laatste jaren is vele malen en van verschillende zijden ongerustheid tot uiting gebracht ten aanzien van de verhouding tussen beschikbare en verkrijgbare