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Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/119363


Academic year: 2021

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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/119363 holds various files of this Leiden University


Author: Salome Abarca, L.F.

Title: Metabolomic characterization of plant exudates and their correlation with plant

defense systems


Stellingen (Propositions accompanying the thesis) behorende bij het proefschrift van Luis Francisco Salomé Abarca

1. Plant exudates are one of the first barriers of the multi-layer defense system of plants using the least number of components with the maximum number of potential functions, which is reflected on their chemical simplicity but with high complex functionality (this thesis). 2. The importance of defense features in plants varies depending on the stage of the defense mechanism, and ‘speed’ is the key point in plant latexes. That is, not a full killing or repelling range but giving an immediate response to them. Thus providing time even to other plant organs to prepare themselves. (this thesis).

3. Any biological process takes time to get set, hence, there should be a factor to retard the course of an attack, and for this purpose the constitutive metabolites in latexes play a major role (this thesis). 4. Terpenoids, of which physiological functions still not fully clear, might be associated to a broad spectrum defense characters in plant exudates during an early stage of defense (this thesis).

5. Constitutive and induced metabolites have their own roles in plant defense, for which constitutive metabolites may play a basic or general role and induced ones do specific or targeted functions against pathogens.

6. Chemical diversity comes not only from single organisms but from their interactions too.


8. Producing a single signal molecule to control internal and external circumstances is much cheaper than producing one molecule per function.

9. Chemicals in latexes are naturally selected for their bioactivity, which could suggest their use as a new source of bioactive compounds. This would help to overcome giant complexity of natural products. 10. Organisms differ by their genetic background and/or environmental niches, but there are some common features through organisms even from different kingdoms; plant latexes and animal toxins are very similar in biological and chemical characters.



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He got his Bachelor degree in the Chemical Biologist Parasitologist program of the Faculty of Chemical and Biological Sciences, Autonomous University of