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The United Nations and the Evolution of Global Values Spijkers, O.


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Spijkers, O. (2011, October 12). The United Nations and the Evolution of Global Values.

School of Human Rights Research Series. Intersentia, Antwerpen. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/17926

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We also organized a national workshop at Leiden University and an international conference in the Peace Palace on the theme of the United Nations and global values.. The

The United Nations and the Evolution of Global Values..

The working hypothesis is that global values guide international affairs, and that the United Nations General Assembly, aided by scholarship, should play a leading role

Global values were defined as a set of enduring, globally shared beliefs that a specific state of the world, which is possible, is socially preferable, from the

“the profound desire of all mankind to live in enduring peace and security,” and expressed its confidence that “if all governments faithfully reflect this

Fleur van Leeuwen, Women’s Rights Are Human Rights: The Practice of the United Nations Human Rights Committee and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

De Verenigde Naties heeft een hoofdrol gespeeld in de totstandkoming van een verzameling van op mondiale waarden gebaseerde algemene normen van internationaal publiekrecht, aanvaard

We also organized a national workshop at Leiden University and an international conference in the Peace Palace on the theme of the United Nations and global values.. The