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Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/46112


Academic year: 2021

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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/46112 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation

Author: Mickler, T.A.

Title: Parliamentary committees in a party-centred context : structure, composition, functioning

Issue Date: 2017-02-22



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Parliamentary Committees in a Party-Centred Context - Structure, Composition, Functioning

1. The congressional theories of legislative organisation, despite being developed for the U.S. Congress, have merit for the study of legislative organisation in other legislatures.[this dissertation]

2. Parliamentary party groups and committees are the two crucial organisational structures in parliaments but the former clearly dominate the latter.[Damgaard, E. & Mattson, I. (2004). Conflict and consensus in committees. In H. Döring & M. Hallerberg (Eds.), Patterns of parliamentary behaviour: Passage of legislation across western Europe (pp. 113-140).

Hants: Ashgate.]

3. The variables connected to the parliamentary party group centred informational rationale are best able to capture the structure, composition and functioning of committees in the analysed legislatures. [this dissertation]

4. Multiple membership multilevel models are the most appropriate way to analyse the assignment process of legislators clustered in committees.[this dissertation]

5. Arguing from a normative perspective of how parliaments should fulfil their functions, the results of this study provide a positive view of how committees work within the analysed legislatures.[this dissertation]

6. Getting interviews with elites is easy: All you need is a topic that is not too sensitive but intriguing, along with a friendly, personalized cover letter, weeks of careful planning with enough financial support to stay in the field for an extended period and the flexibility to reschedule at a moment’s notice.[subject area]

7. In order to allow citizens to better understand their processes, parliaments should improve the way they make essential information (speeches, committee membership lists, bills) accessible on their websites.[subject area]

8. Looking back in a couple of decades, the recent improvements in automated content analysis methods will mark a watershed in the study of legislative behaviour.[subject area]

9. Much research conducted under the label of international relations nowadays is actually comparative politics in disguise.[subject area]

10. The possibility to play video games online offers great benefits but it remains a poor replacement for the option to actually play them in the same room as your friends.[own choice]

11. “The pursuit of knowledge is hopeless and eternal. Hooray!” (Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth, Futurama 6×26, “Future Challenge 3000”) [own choice]



With regard to the first group of actors (‘rank-and-file’ legislators from the same parliamentary party group who sit on the same committee) it can be concluded that

Based on the framework committees are either seen as (more or less) representative microcosms to increase the efficiency of the parliamentary process (‘parliamentary party group

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The next two empirical chapters of this book provide more insight into the restrictions of parliamentary party group organisations on individual legislators in committees by focusing

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