Developmental morphological diversity in caecilian amphibians: systematic and evolutionary implications
Müller, H.
Müller, H. (2007, November 8). Developmental morphological diversity in caecilian amphibians: systematic and evolutionary
implications. Leiden University Press. Retrieved from
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H endri k M üll er · D eve lop m en tal m orp ho log ica l d ive rs ity i n c aec ilia n a m ph ibia ns
In 2006 Leiden University has initiated a series Leiden Disserta- tions at Leiden University Press. This series affords an opportunity to those who have recently obtained their doctorate to publish the results of their doctoral research so as to ensure a wide distribution among colleagues and the interested public. The dissertations will become available both in printed and in digital versions. Books from this LUP series can be ordered through The large majority of Leiden dissertations from 2005 onwards is available digitally on
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l u p d i s s e rtat i o n s
Hendrik Müller
morphological diversity
in caecilian amphibians
systematic and evolutionary
leiden university press