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University of Groningen Right ventricular function and pregnancy in congenital heart disease Siegmund, Anne


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Right ventricular function and pregnancy in congenital heart disease

Siegmund, Anne



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Siegmund, A. (2020). Right ventricular function and pregnancy in congenital heart disease. University of

Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.144690990


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Right ventricular function and pregnancy

in congenital heart disease


Anne S. Siegmund

Right ventricular function and pregnancy in congenital heart disease

Financial support for the publication of this thesis by the following institutions and companies is gratefully acknowledged: University of Groningen, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Groningen University for Drug Exploration (GUIDE), Noordnegentig, Medis Medical Imaging Systems bv, ChipSoft, Servier Nederland Farma B.V.

Cover design: Nine van der Wal Lay-out: Publiss | www.publiss.nl

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© Copyright: A.S. Siegmund ISBN : 978-94-6416-263-9

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Right ventricular function and pregnancy in congenital

heart disease


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

op gezag van de

rector magnificus prof. dr. Cisca Wijmenga

en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties.

De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op

woensdag 25 november 2020 om 14:30 uur


Anne Suzan Siegmund

geboren op 19 mei 1993

te Zoetermeer



Prof. dr. Dirk Jan van Veldhuisen

Prof. dr. Catherina M. Bilardo


Dr. Petronella G. Pieper

Dr. Michael G. Dickinson


Prof. dr. Rudolf A. de Boer

Prof. dr. Basky Thilaganathan

Prof. dr. Werner Budts

Financial support by the Dutch Heart Foundation for the publication of this thesis is gratefully acknowledged.



Drs. Bernadet T. Santema

Drs. Sebastiaan H.C. Klaassen



Chapter 1 Introduction 9

Part I Pathophysiological mechanisms

Chapter 2 Uteroplacental Doppler flow and pregnancy outcome in women with Tetralogy of Fallot.

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Feb;49(2):231-239


Chapter 3 Pregnancy in women with corrected aortic coarctation: uteroplacental Doppler flow and pregnancy outcome. Int J Cardiol. 2017 Dec 15;249:145-150.


Chapter 4 Maternal right ventricular function, uteroplacental circulation in first trimester and pregnancy outcome in women with congenital heart disease.

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Sep;54(3):359-366.


Chapter 5 Reduced right ventricular function on cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging is associated with uteroplacental impairment in Tetralogy of Fallot. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2020 Jul 16;22(1):52-020-00645-9


Chapter 6 Abnormal venous hemodynamics in pregnant women with Tetralogy of Fallot: A case series.

In preparation


Chapter 7 Cardiovascular determinants of impaired placental function in women with cardiac dysfunction Submitted


Part II Clinical factors

Chapter 8 Early N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide is associated with cardiac complications and function during pregnancy in congenital heart disease. Submitted


Chapter 9 Doppler gradients, valve area and ventricular function in pregnant women with aortic or pulmonary valve disease: left versus right.

Int J Cardiol. 2020 May 1;306:152-157.


Chapter 10 Summary, discussion and future perspectives 169

Appendices I Dutch summary | Nederlandse samenvatting II Acknowledgements | Dankwoord

III List of publications IV About the author

182 184 189 191




3.3 Validation and application of tissue-velocity magnetic resonance imaging and tissue Doppler imaging for the assessment of regional myocardial diastolic velocities at the

Advanced echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance in congenital heart disease : insights in right ventricular mechanics and clinical implications..

children: normal age-related peak systolic velocities, timings, and time differences 2.3 Relationship between temporal sequence of right ventricular deformation pattern

Our study provides a direct comparison of tissue Doppler imaging and velocity-encoded magnetic resonance imaging to assess peak systolic velocities and timings of the right

The present evaluation demonstrates that in adult CHD patients, long total atrial activation time as assessed with echocardiographic techniques (PA-TDI duration) is associated

Early evaluation of RV function, NT-proBNP and uteroplacental circulation is of additional value to identify pregnant women with increased risk of complications and is useful

De buren van de hartfalen kamer: Bernadet, Koen, Jan, Eva en Rebecca, veel dank voor de tijd die jullie altijd hadden als ik aanklopte voor hulp, maar zeker ook erg bedankt voor

MRI zou in theorie de gouden standaard moeten zijn voor de beoordeling van rechter ventrikel dysfunctie tijdens de zwangerschap, maar dit zal in de praktijk niet altijd haalbaar