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November 29


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Climate Prediction Center’s Central America Hazards Outlook November 29 – December 5, 2018

Abnormal dryness to continue over Central America as the August-November rainfall season is ending.

1. Following a poor Primera, May-August, rainfall season, poorly-distributed Postrera, August-November, rainfall has resulted in abnormal dryness and degraded ground conditions across many regions of Honduras and western and northern Nicaragua.

2. Since early August, suppressed rainfall has maintained moisture deficits, which has led to deteriorating ground conditions, unfavorable for cropping activities in central Guatemala.


Questions or comments about this product may be directed to Wassila.Thiaw@noaa.gov or 1-301-683-3424.

Below-average seasonal rainfall observed over a wide area of northern Central America

A comparison of the accumulated rainfall since August with the long-term average has indicated drier conditions across a wide area of northern Central America. These included western and central Guatemala, northern Belize, much of Honduras, north-central and western Nicaragua, and central Costa Rica. Seasonal rainfall deficits ranged between 100-500 mm, with the largest (> 300 mm) departures from the average over central Guatemala, western and eastern Honduras, northeastern Nicaragua, and northern Costa Rica. The poor performance of the rainfall season was attributed to an uneven rainfall distribution both in time and space throughout the region since August. Despite enhanced and above-average rainfall over Nicaragua during October, suppressed rainfall returned since then, strengthening moisture deficits over the region. During the past observation period, a dry weather pattern was once again observed over Central America, except southeastern Nicaragua and the southern Caribbean, where locally moderate rainfall was registered.

With the August-November rainfall season coming to an end, ground conditions could further degrade, potentially worsening crop conditions.

During the next week, rainfall forecasts suggest a continuation of near-average weather pattern, with light rainfall along the Atlantic tier of Central America and little to no rainfall elsewhere. Farther south, moderate to heavy showers are possible over Costa Rica and Panama. Meanwhile, as for surface temperatures, minimum temperature is expected to average near normal. However, it may still fall near or below freezing point, which could potentially impact the livelihoods of residents over higher terrains.

Week 1 Rainfall Total Forecast and CMORPH climatology (mm) November 28 – December 5, 2018

Figure 1: Source NOAA / CPC



The largest (> 100 mm) rainfall amounts were received over portions of western Guatemala, northern and eastern Honduras, El Salvador, Gulf of Fonseca, eastern Nicaragua, and

During late April to early May, moderate to heavy rainfall was observed over northern Central America, particularly Guatemala, El Salvador, and western Honduras.. The largest (>

Torrential (> 100 mm) rainfall fell over southwestern and northern Guatemala, western Honduras, southern Costa Rica, and western Panama, based on satellite

For the Primera, May-August, rainfall season performance, seasonal deficits spread across parts of northern Guatemala, Belize, southern and eastern Honduras, and

Over the past thirty days, however, rainfall was above-average across Central America, with the largest (> 100 mm) rainfall surpluses over west-central and

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Negative anomalies have ranged between 100 – 300 mm across much of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, with cumulative rainfall faring below 25 percent of the

Over the past thirty days, much of the Island has received below-average rain, with the largest (> 100 mm) deficits in southwestern and northern Haiti and