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Hermeneutical explorations of multiple religious belonging

Oostveen, D.F.


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Oostveen, D. F. (2020). Hermeneutical explorations of multiple religious belonging.

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Introduction 7

Chapter 1 36

Multiple religious belonging: a hermeneutical problem

1.1 Multiple religious belonging from the perspective of theology

1.1.1 Terminological diversity in theology 1.1.2 Pluralism and particularism Multiple religious belonging from a pluralistic perspective Multiple religious belonging from a particularistic perspective 1.1.3 Critiques of theology of religions

1.2 “Multiple religious belonging” in the social scientific study of religion

1.2.1 Terminological diversity in the social scientific study of religion Syncretism Spiritual, but not religious From patchwork to hybridity

1.2.2 Approaches to multiple religious belonging in the social sciences Lived religion

1.3 Hermeneutic of multiple religions and hermeneutic of religiosity


Chapter 2 84 Conceptual analysis of religious multiplicity, religion, and religious belonging 2.1. The multiple

2.1.1 Two hermeneutics, two understandings of religious multiplicity 2.1.2 Spatial multiplicity: hermeneutic of multiple religions

2.1.3 Temporal multiplicity: hermeneutic of religiosity

2.2. Religion

2.2.1 Historical overview of the concept of “religion” 2.2.2 Contemporary critiques of “religion”

2.2.3 Religion as a contested concept

2.3 Belonging

2.3.1 Theological critiques of belonging 2.3.2 Conceptual approaches to belonging 2.3.3 Three ideal types of religious belonging

2.3.4 Absence of belonging or a belonging of ultimate concern?

Chapter 3 144

A comparative approach to multiple religious belonging from the perspective of Chinese religious culture

3.1 Multiple religious belonging in Asia


3.3 Historical overview of hermeneutical reflections on religious diversity in China from the Han until the Ming

3.4 Pragmatic nature of Chinese religion 3.5 Contemporary religious hybridity in China 3.6 Religious belonging in China

3.7 The world religions paradigm in contemporary China 3.8 Conclusion

Chapter 4 181

A rhizomatic hermeneutic of multiple religious belonging

4.1 Subverting the logic of the One

4.2 The arborescent schema and religious diversity 4.3 Multiple religious belonging and the rhizome

4.4 Principles of the rhizome and multiple religious belonging 4.5 Multiple religious belonging as assemblage

4.6 Rhizomatic belonging in China and the West 4.7 Conclusion

Conclusion 207

Bibliography 224

Summary 247



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