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University of Groningen Sodium and potassium intake as determinants of cardiovascular and renal health Kieneker, Lyanne Marriët


Academic year: 2021

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Sodium and potassium intake as determinants of cardiovascular and renal health

Kieneker, Lyanne Marriët

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Publication date: 2019

Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database

Citation for published version (APA):

Kieneker, L. M. (2019). Sodium and potassium intake as determinants of cardiovascular and renal health. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.


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Sodium and potassium intake

as determinants of cardiovascular

and renal health


Groningen, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, the Dutch Kidney Foundation, and the Dutch Heart Foundation for publication of this thesis is gratefully acknowledged.

Financial support for printing of this thesis was also kindly provided by:

ERBE Nederland B.V., ChipSoft B.V., Astellas Pharma B.V., Pfizer B.V. en Noord Negentig accountants en belastingadviseurs.

Lay-out: Thomas van der Vlis, persoonlijkproefschrift.nl Printing: Ridderprint BV – www.ridderprint.nl

ISBN (printed): 978-94-6375-212-1 © 2019, L.M. Kieneker, the Netherlands.

All rights reserved. No parts of this thesis may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means, without prior written permission from the author.


Sodium and potassium intake

as determinants of cardiovascular

and renal health


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

op gezag van de

rector magnificus prof. dr. E. Sterken en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties.

De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op woensdag 13 februari 2019 om 16.15 uur


Lyanne Marriët Kieneker

geboren op 18 mei 1989 te Smallingerland


Dr. M.M. Joosten


Prof. dr. S.A. Reijneveld Prof. dr. J.M. Geleijnse Prof. dr. E.J. Hoorn



Chapter 1 General Introduction 9

Chapter 2 Urinary potassium excretion and risk of developing hypertension: Prevention of Renal and Vascular End-stage Disease study.

Hypertension 2014; 4: 769-776.


Chapter 3 Association of low urinary sodium excretion with increased risk of stroke.

Mayo Clin Proc 2018; 93(12): 1803-1809.


Chapter 4 Urinary potassium excretion and risk of cardiovascular events.

Am J Clin Nutr 2016; 103: 1204-12.


Chapter 5 Low potassium excretion but not high sodium excretion is associated with increased risk of developing chronic kidney disease.

Kidney Int 2016; 90; 888-896.


Chapter 6 Urinary potassium excretion, renal ammoniagenesis and risk of graft failure and mortality in renal transplant recipients.

Am J Clin Nutr 2016; 104: 1703-11.


Chapter 7 Plasma potassium, diuretic use and risk of developing chronic kidney disease in a predominantly white population.

PLoS ONE 2017; 12(3): e0174686.


Chapter 8 General Discussion and Conclusions 219

Nederlandse samenvatting/Dutch summary 243

Dankwoord/Acknowledgements 253

Author Affiliations 261

About the author 265




Other than our study, most of the studies which observed a positive association between sodium intake and risk of stroke, assessed intake of dietary sodium via

So far, only 2 studies have assessed potassium intake in 24-hour urine collections with respect to cardiovascular events, of which one observed a nonsignificant inverse

After additional adjustment for baseline eGFR, UAE, weight, height, smoking, alcohol consumption, family history of CKD, race, diabetes, and 24-hour urinary excretion of

In the second mediation analyses with the use of the procedures of Preacher and Hayes (18) (Supplemental Figure 3), no evidence was found for mediation by urinary ammonia

Association of plasma potassium with risk of developing chronic kidney disease stratified by use of diuretics in 5,130 participants of the Prevention of Renal and Vascular

An interaction between sodium and potassium intake on health outcomes has been observed in several studies; e.g., raising potassium intake blunts the effects of high sodium intake

In hoofdstuk 5 hebben we het verband tussen natrium- en kaliuminname, gemeten in 24-uurs urineverzamelingen, en de kans op het ontwikkelen van chronische nierschade onderzocht in

Misschien ben je niet heel direct betrokken geweest bij mij promotietraject, toch vond ik de gesprekken die wij hebben gehad altijd erg prettig en jouw suggesties hebben