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Inauguration event professorships Energy Transition


Academic year: 2021

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De rol van Waterstof binnen de Energietransitie

“Waterstof als Innovatiemotor”

Dr. Ir. Jan-jaap Aué

Directeur Centre of Expertise Energy Lector Energietransitie


“Yes, my friends, I believe that water will one day be employed as fuel, that

hydrogen and oxygen

which constitute it, used singly or together, will furnish an inexhaustible source of heat and light”


source: NASA source: US dep. of Energy


Why ?

• There is enough renewable energy potential only not at the right spot on the right time;

• Storage of renewable energy is key; • Mobility needs clean energy-carriers;

• Existing assets, infrastructure and investments could (and should) be used ;


Why now ?

• Decrease of renewable production prices;

• Today, renewable investments surpass fossil investments;

• Speed of development in electric mobility; • Fukishima;


Why here ?

• Urgency, due to the Earthquake issues ; • Knowledge and skills in the existing labor

market ;

• There is an existing Hydrogen market in this region;

• Geographic location and available space; • New Jobs;



• Interdisciplinary and multilevel • Co-ownership

• Co-creation • Young people • Dialogue

How: Speeding up Innovation!

At the Centre of Expertise Energy, we speed up innovations needed for the transition towards a sustainable energy society. We contribute by applied


4/17/18 Centre of Expertise Energy



• Down- and upscaling; • Reduction of costs; • Reputation;


Dr. Ir. Jan-jaap Aué

Dean Centre of Expertise Energy Professor of Energy Transition [email protected]



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