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A unified approach to the restoration of lost samples in discrete-time signals.


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A unified approach to the restoration of lost samples in

discrete-time signals.

Citation for published version (APA):

Veldhuis, R. N. J., & Janssen, A. J. E. M. (1986). A unified approach to the restoration of lost samples in

discrete-time signals. In D. M. Etter (Ed.), Proceedings of the 20th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems &

Computers, November 10-12, 1986, Pacific Grove, California (pp. 551-558). Institute of Electrical and

Electronics Engineers.

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Published: 01/01/1986

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R.N.J. Veldhuis, A.J.E.M. Janssen

Philips Research Laboratories, P.O. Box 80.000 5600 JA Eindhoven, The Netherlands


We consider the problem of estimating lost

sample values in discrete—time signals. The problem is treated as a linear minimum variance estimation problem, which, in principle, requires knowledge of the signal’s autocorrelation coefficients. We show that, starting from this general principle, several

sample restoration methods studied separately in

the literature, can be derived. As particular

examples we consider sample restoration methods for

band—limited signals, multiple sinusoids, autore

gressive processes and (quasi periodic) speech

signals. The restoration method for multiple sinus

oids is new, and has not, to our knowledge, been

published before.

1 Introduction

In this paper we discuss some methods for the

restoration of a number of lost or unknown samples occurring in a discrete—time signal. It is assumed

that the positions of the unknown samples are

known. Also, it is assumed that the unknown samples are embedded in a sufficiently large neighbourhood

of known ones. There are no restrictions on the

patterns of the unknown samples; they may occur in bursts as well as in more random patterns.

We start by deriving linear minimum variance

estimates for the lost samples. The lost samples

are estimated as linear combinations of known

samples. Therefore, for the computation of every

lost sampLe a set of weighting coefficients is

required. The optimal coefficients, giving the

estimates with the minimum error variance, are

obtained as the solutions of sets of equations

similar to the well—known Wiener—Hopf equations.

They can be arranged conveniently in a matrix form,

involving the signal’s autocorrelation matrix. In

principle, we have two possibilities. The first is

that the signal’s autocorrelation matrix is regu

lar. Sample restoration methods for autoregressive

processes [1,2] and for speech signals [3] are

examples of restoration methods that can be applied

in this case. The second possibility is that the

signal’s autocorrelation matrix is singular. Sample

restoration methods for band—limited signals [4]

and for multiple sinusoids are examples of methods

that can be applied in that case. For both possi

bilities we give an analysis of the restoration

error. The restoration method for multiple sinus

oids is new, and has not, to our knowledge, been

published before.

In the case of an autoregressive process where both the parameters and some samples are unknown we

present an iterative procedure to estimate both

parameters and unknown samples. This method can be applied successfully for the restoration of unknown samples in audio signals. We also present a similar procedure for the case of multiple sinusoids with unknown frequencies.

We conclude the paper by presenting some simula tion results.


___ ~ — I —-— I :0 — 3-f ~ fl 3~’ —3* U~ :0 -‘ = 0 0 .3 3: B ..l. -3. 0 4’-I.,J r It II II 0 -3. -‘ ~.. 3-0 In Li ‘S a n--3• S It — It 4 In 3 5 3-f —I rt :03-t mc m S ‘~--3 z~ 0 -3•0 C 3: .~ 5’--33 It X ci II It It -, In 3 5 It It It’—’- ‘—‘-‘—“ S V In It ‘~t B —I’ 3-. 3— --3. -, 0 3 Co ‘Sq C S ,-‘ 0 ,—..i. S—’-’-It It -4’ In — x C -, —~ Co B B z~ —. II S In Pr II Z . In ..,. In a ° ‘—~ —‘ 3-f Iniw In B x ~ 3-~ B” -Pr .3 ‘S -~ II . -4’ 0 + B 3 S .. -o S ‘. -B Co C 3-i C It -‘ -, I—’ -. -.. B -~ .43 —13-f I -3. w -~-z ~ z It ~ -3 I-’ B X In a 3-~ II C’ ‘ B V1 In~ It ‘ B ‘. ‘—-In 03 .3 5 —‘--3 3 113 II z a ~ X 0 -4, 3-3-Pr ri It Co 3-f Z I—I •-3 ~.3 Q 0 ~ II 5-C 5-= ‘ —. ‘_~ B a B -4~ a. B -— 3-’-5 3-3-B ‘_ ‘ X 0 ~ .3 o In C -rn’ ~ 3-3-0 In B B I ‘~ ~ ° ‘--3 CZ In Cr ~. B 3-f In 3-f N -~, ‘-‘ ‘ -a ‘4’ B ~ .. It n — 3-f Z —3. I~3 ~


o’ 5-In ~ a ~ ° .... —~ 3_1~ It 5-It C —4’ 5 5-.< ft II .3 It 3-f .3 I-f .. In 4’ It 3 -‘-% ~..3 3 .3 0 0 It —-5--’ 5 B 3-’-~ 0 It C ~‘ -H--In 0 It It Co 3-f ‘ 3-3-. -, Co 3* a




~.. It o3-~,., -3-f B 5-X . 3-f In It - ‘—j-3+ It 3.3 5-It . a a a B B C .3 ‘S C B 3-f -3-f 5-It • a 3 3-3-~ 3-f 3: • ‘< 5 0 o -4 a -% It 0 5-.3 5-a B 0 B ~ B 3 It 3: .3 C S It 0 3-f It ~ 0 It ~0 II .~f B -I. It -1~ —‘ 0 4~ OJ ~ — B 3-f I 0 3 -i~ S a In 0 .3 Co -a a rf -1 (N —5- o It S O.~.. ‘--3. t-1. -t -4-II 3-f —.3 5-—‘ B -.3-3-f ‘—3. B




-‘ C 3-f 3-f Pr -.3 o 3-f B B -3 It In 0 C 3*3-f-I 5-5-—-3 0 It It S ‘< It3~ -‘ -~ a C -3 5 —i, --‘ 0 —--4, 3-f ‘B —3 0 —‘ N a a .3 5 -3-f 3-f • Z~ In It = 3-f 3-f_ 0._~. B 3-f -3 II It 3< In -0 a


In 3-f -0 ~ C — B 0 a 5-I .30 B In 0 In .3 C 10 It 0 Li In S~ • 3-f 0 3-f .3 3-B B I 3-f f.fl i-i CBS -s ‘--3 Pc It 3-f S It 0 C In In• 3-f In -3 B B 3 5 3— II It 0 In ~ -, It 3-f—’ It 0 = —‘S -s-i. It1A 3— —-3. In 3* in



• In B A In .3 3* • C rf a • a A It 3 3-f ‘S


B In 3-f It’ ‘C. 0 3:- 5.’ -In 3-f -4 5-B a’—’ In 3-f B Cow ~ In 3-f -3 II S-Qn B In 3-f — B~ 5- B: In B In N It i. —I o B B ‘It a —< B B In —I 0 3-f ItItIt In It.< C It -o 3-~ a ‘~0 ~, a 0 In 0 -3. 3-f -1’ 00 .4’ 0 In 5~ B B In V a C3In “3 S a B -3 B S B C B B .3 B S C) a It In 3-f B B 3-f It :0 03 II 3.3 It 3-f .3 .3 lIt 3-f B ‘-3 .3 a In C) C In In It a S 3-f S. In V B -o a -3 B 3-f ‘-‘ In ,c-3-f f~f 3: In 5-—. 0 5 Z~ 5~ 5~ B -~ ‘~0 It a a 3-75 ‘S C 3: -3 a z It B It a ~f -, a o IX’ .3 B G3 In G~’ o -o ~< ° --3 3-f -. S B


-, a ~-0 B V c In -, n II 3 a B It o c C 3-f 3-f 3 3 I B 3-f 0 a B a, n a B It • 3-f ~< 0 .3 In It a s a In II -In 0 CI --In C IN 3*3-f 5_ 3 5-— a ~ B 0 5 3-4, 3-f 5 -I 5-•i• Pr B It 3-f 5 -3 _4’ o It CIt In 0 3-f -3. In 3* o B 50 S~ -3 0 C It 3 B In -3 IN a a In <It -“ Ba(n In 0 It B 3-f It It -4, It Cl -3 It .‘


In 0 It a -3 S 3-f 3-f 0 —-3-— o 0 3-f —1’ 5


.3. -s II S o I’ Co ‘S In’ -4 3* N 5~ It It --3 -3 Ix’ — 0 Z ~ In II • C ‘ It = • 0 0


-, In5 0 II 3-f 3-f ‘


S In5 B a In~ -B .4, In 0~ ‘C In C 0~ In 3-f 3-f C 3-f B C B ‘1 n .4, 0 3-f ._4 —3 a a o -o 0 -1’ S~ 5~ a C It ~ In a -h In In It 0 5-0 B o In Br-In B C C B In r-In B a ri 0 C In 3-’ 3-~ a ~ .. B 3: B In 0 S~ .4 In 3-f --t B -4’ 5 3-f .‘3-~


grin II ‘C3-Co --3-3-f -.3. It 0 I— 5 B 3 5 0~ ~


0 CD In a ‘-3 3-f In S It


• C In a o — S Li ~f S —3. -4’ —I’ °

g-In 0 B It • 3-f GSIn S a ‘— I ~. f-4 S o • —‘° B s a a -~‘ 0 ‘-3 In 5 3-f It fri It In 5-In S x ~f 0 B B In —-3- --3- 5-I— 3-f B 5 Co In It C B 1 It 3-f 3-f 5 n ‘C S In ._ a B .3 3-f a .. ° 0 In S B It O~ In ~‘ % C 3-— 3 3-f In B 0 t B ~f •O Cl In .-~, a 3-~ =-—-3. It p -3 Ct 3-f


—a Cl ~ 5 In -It It C B a 4, B -0 Cl B o — C C


V It S In C) I O In a ‘~3-‘ B In B a It 5 t .4’ In S B B It 0 ~-3. — --3-0~ 0 It In 145 r5 It a In In C) —S 3--0 3-f a 3< B In 3-f B -‘<


rf In 5. 0 B In C 3-f .3 —-3. B 0 S 5 Pr In z .+ 0 In B • ‘C -4 d ‘--3 a S 3-f = 0 B S C, a In 5-Cl 0 3: S rf 5- B 3-f -3 a It -h S a a 0~ .3< 53 B S a f_i In -1’ . Cl 53 In



In C It B a ~ It .3 —4, B 3-f B It B ri B .3 5 --3-a 3<


5-In 03 B 0 C It C It 3-f In S. B Cl -3 0 C 53 --3. i a -‘ It a 3-f 3-f 5- B 3-f 3-f C, In II S -s 0 .3 In


s B Co C B .3 z 0 3: 3: It I-3--n 3: o-a B 5~ ‘--3 3-f S It -3 0~ It It It C 3-Cl Inn a—.. a 3-f --3. QIn S It a 3-f 3-f 3-f In5-.3 0 C C S 3-f --3- 3-f 0 S C a = 0 3-f 0 0 .4’ -3 nO 4’ -4,- It — S S Co a 3-f It S~ It a z .3 .3


We can derive an expression for the error

covariance matrix D:zE[L_x)(R~x)T]. It follows

from (10) and (4) and the definition of



(12) ~ = Hs+x,

with X[5t(l)‘~“‘5t ]T~ Therefore,


(13) 0 = E[H55THTJ = HRHT.

If R is regular, it follows on substituting (7)

into (13) and using Cs) that

(14) 0 = =

If R has a rank N—rn or less, it follows on

substituting (7) into (13) and using (9) that

(15) 0 = [0].

This shows that in principle in this case an

errorless restoration is possibLe.

So far the number of samples used to estimate

the unknown samples was finite. If R,H and G are

allowed to be infinite matrices the results pre

viousLy obtained also apply for the estimation of

unknown samples in an infinite sequence. In that

case there are some additional results. For G we


(16) G.. = 9j—t(i)’ i1 m,j= ~

with the rows of S being shifted versions of an

infinite vector g, which, in the case of a regular R, is defined by ‘V 1 p1 (17) = ——— ———— exp(jek) dB, k=— ~ 2fl .1 5(9) -n

where ~ r(k)exp(—jek) is the spectrum of

the signal (s ) . In the case of a

k k=—c~

singular R, g is defined, but not uniquely, by 1

(18) ——- 5(9) d9 =

2’s -‘V

where G(e)=kz 9kexP(_iek) is the Fourier trans—

form of (g~)1 ~

For 6’ we have

(19) ~ i,j=1 m,

and for the z of (11)

(20) =


~ i,j=1 m.

In general g as defined in (17), has infinite

length. Therefore, in practical applications a

finite approximation must be used to calculate z in

(20). However, if ~ is an autore

— ~,.

-gressive process of finite order p or the sum of a

finite number of sinusoids, then g has finite


In the following, we discuss four particular

examples of the general minimum variance sample

restoration method. The restoration of unknown

samples in autoregressive processes and in speech

signals, in which cases R is a regular matrix, is

discussed in Sections 3 and 4 respectively. The

restoration of unknown samples in multiple sinus—

iods and in band—limited signals, in which cases R

is a singular matrix, is discussed in Sections 5

and 6 respectively.

In all the examples to be discussed here, a

vector g is derived either from (17) or (18), by

making use of the signal’s spectral properties. The

system (11) is constructed by using (19) and (20)

and is solved. The quality of a restoration depends

on the error covariance matrix, given by (13) and

either (14) or (15), but also on the robustness of the restoration method. This robustness is charac

terized for instance by the sensitivity to noise

and the condition of the system (11). For some of

the examples an analysis of these items is given in [2,3,4].

Part of the results of this section can be found in [1,5,6].

3 Sample restoration in autoregressive processes, [1,2]

For an autoregressive process ~ ~

of order p and with prediction coefficients

a0,a1 a, a01, we have




a.sk.. e~, ~

j=0 ~



where Cek)k_ ~ is a white noise process

with zero mean and variance a~. The signal spec



is given by

p —1 (22) 5(8) = ( ~ b~<exp(—i8k) ) -k=—p where p—I k I (23) bk = 2~ a.a.+IkI_ k—p,...,p. j =0 p (26) z. = — ~ bkv~(~)k~ 1 k=—p



can be obtained as the solution of

(27) 8! =

In C?) the solution of this system is discussed in

detail. There it is shown that this system is

generally very well—conditioned.

In practical situations the order of prediction and the prediction coefficients are often unknown

and have to be estimated from the data. In that

case the following approach 123 can be applied. It is assumed that t(1)>p+1 and that t(m)<N—p.

Although several algorithms exist for the estima

tion of p C7], the rather arbitrary choice pa3m is used instead. It produces satisfactory restoration

results for the experiments done with digitized

music and speech. The estimates


and ! are the ±

and x that minimize

N p N

(28) Q(a,x) I E a.sk. 2 = ~ eki.

k=p+1 j=0 ~ ~ k=p+1

with 5t(i)’i’ for i=1 m. This choice can be

motivated by the facts that a) minimizing Q(a,x) as

a function of x under the assumption that .± is

known leads to an estimate ! soLving (27), and b)

minimizing Q(a,x) as a function of under the

assumption that x is known and that

is a Gaussian process is similar

to a maximum likelihood estimation procedure for ±


Since QL,x) contains 4th order terms, this

minimization is a nan—trivial problem. The folLow ing iterative procedure can be used. Starting with

a zeroth estimate !(0), (!(0)=o for instance), one

produces a first estimate for .± by minimizing

as a function of .!~ This, in fact, comes

down to the well—known autocovariance method for

estimating prediction coefficients. Then, by mini mizing Qc~~,x) as a function of x, one produces a

first estimate for x, which comes down to

solving the system (27). This can be repeated to

obtain second estimates


and ~$2) and so on. It is clear that QL,x) decreases to same non—negative number but it seems hard to determine whether this number is a global minimum or not.

For digitized music, if m<16, and for digitized

speech, if m<100, the iterative procedure just

described already produces good results without

audibLe distortion after only one iteration, al

though more iterations can improve the results.

4 Sample restoration in speech signals, [3]

The restoration method discussed here is essen

tially a restoration method for quasi—periodic

signals, but it has been developed for the restora tion of lost samples in speech. It can be success

fully applied in Mobile Automatic Telephony (MAT)

systems, where, due to fading, burst errors of up to 12.5 ms occur in the received speech signal. At a sample rate of 8 kHz, this amounts to a burst of 100 unknown samples. Because this method is greatly simplified if we deaL with burst errors only, and

these errors are realistic, we restrict ourselves

to this type of error.

The sample restoration method presented here is

based on the LPC model, [9]. In this model it is

On substituting (22) into (17) we have for g


o2b1(~. kI’(p, (24) = (0, otherwise. Also, G’=G;28, with (25) ~. . =


~ It(i)—t(j)I<p, 0, otherwise.

If, in this case, one defines the syndrome z by


assumed that a speech signaL can be described as the output signal of an alL—poLe filter, having a

transfer function i/A(z), This filter is excited

either by a white noise signal, or by a (nearly)

periodic signaL, consisting of (nearly) equidistant

pulses. In the first case one speaks of unvoiced

speech, in the second case of voiced speech. In the

voiced case, the distance between the pulses is

called the pitch period. The pitch period is

usually between 2 and 20 ms. At a sample rate of 8 kHz, this implies that the pitch period contains a

number of samples, further denoted by q, that is

between %1in~6 and ~~=ióO.

The samples in i originate either from voiced or

from unvoiced speech. In principle, voiced and

unvoiced speech require different sample restora

tion methods. Here only a restoration method for

voiced speech is presented. it is found in practice that this method can also be used satisfactorily on

unvoiced speech. In this way a complicated and

usually unreliable voiced/unvoiced decision is a— voided.

A basic characteristic of voiced speech is its periodicity, the period being the pitch period. For

the samples ~ ~ we may assume that

(29) tmk = c 5k—q + ek~ k=— ~ cc,

where c is a positive constant 0<c<1, close to 1, known as the pitch coefficient. The signal ek is a white noise process. Note that this expression is

simi lar to (21). Therefore the same approach is

applied here. Assume that c and q are known. Then, as in Section 3, we can derive a sequence

(i, k = 0,

(30) bk = ~a = —c/(1 + c2), jkJ = q,

0, otherwise.

For the mxm matrix B, we then have

(i, i =

(31) 8~ ~a, i—j~=q,

0, otherwise.

This matrix is sparse, containing only three non

zero diagonals. The m vector z is also simple: (32) z~ —a


+ vt(i)+q)~ i=1

with the N vector .! defined in Section 2. Finally,

can be solved from (27). The factor a used in

(31) and (32) is defined in (30). The simplicity of the matrix B brings down the complexity of solving


the system (27) from 0(m ) to 0(m), as is discussed

in [3]. This makes the restoration of large bursts

feasible in real time. Note that if m<q, G is the

identity matrix and the restoration problem is

solved by putting x=z. The result of this procedure is that the restored signal segment conforms to the

assumed periodicity as well as possible in a

quadratic sense.

in the previous part of this section it was

assumed that c and q are known, Of course, c and q

vary in time and have to be estimated before the

system (27) can be solved. The procedure of esti

mating q is generally known as pitch estimation.

Several suitable pitch estimation methods are dis

cussed in [9]. A well—known method for pitch

estimation that also provides an estimate for

uses the estimate N—j

(33) 1’. = 1/N E 5k5k~’ jq.


for the autocorrelation function of the speech

signal, It attains its global maximum at j=0. If

(sb) — are samples from voiced speech, with

k—i N

a pitch period of q samples, the next maximum is at

jq. Since o~.<~<q, q is the index of the

global maximum in the interval [q.,q]. The

constant c in (29) can be estimated as clhq/1L0, but

experiments have shown that without loss of re

storation quality, it may be fixed to a value less

than but close to 1. Before calculating the

unknown samples have to be set equal to zero. In

[3] a method is given to simplify the calculation of the autocorrelation coefficients.

5 Sample restoration in multiple sinusoids

For a signal ~ ~ ~ consisting of t

sinusoids, with random amplitudes (A.)..,

3 3— ,. .

random phases (4,.)..~ , uniformly distributed

3 3— ,. .

over the interval


and frequencies

the spectrum is given by

3 J—1,...,t


(34) 5(8) = I ——— A~( 6(8—8.) + 8(8+8.)).

5=1 2

The autocorrelation function of the signal is given by

t 1

(35) rk = I A~cos(k8.)

5=1 2

It is well known that the rank of the autocor—

relation matrix R of this signaL is at most 2t,

independent of the dimensions [10]. This impLies

that if N2t+m, a matrix G has to be found that

satisfies (9). In the foLlowing we assume that

N>4t+m, and that t(1)>2t+1 and t(m)>N—2t.

Let the 2t+1 vector uCu ) k k—a,... ,2t— be a vector

in the nulL—space of the (2t+1)x(2t+1) autocorrela— tion matrix R. If we define the sequence

~k~k=~2t 2t by

2t+1—I ki

(36) =


u.u.÷IkIt k—2t 2t,

then it can be shown that g(g ) k k— 2t,.—— ..,2t is in

the nulL—space of the (4t+1)x(4t+1) autocorreLation

matrix R. Moreover, since the Fourier transform

U(S) of (u1,)1,_—0,. ..,2t has zeros at frequencies

(+9.) .~ , G(S)1 U(S) satisfies (18) and S

— ] ]— t

and 5’ can be obtained by using (18) and (19). The

unknown samples can be calculated by constructing

the syndrome z according to (20) and by soLving the system (11).

In the previous derivation, u couLd have been

used instead of g, since repLacing 5(8) in (18) by U(S) gives the same result. However, by using ~ as defined in (36) it is guaranteed that the matrix 5’

in (11) is positive definite and therefore the

system (11) can be solved.

In this case the restoration method can also be

made adaptive. This is usefuL if the number of

sinusoids in the signal and their frequencies are unknown and both u and x have to be estimated from the available data. Let in this case t be an upper

bound for the maximum number of sinusoids in the

signal. The estimates 0 and ~ can be found by


N 2t

(37) P(A,u,x) = 1 I 2; u~skSI + A(uTti_l)

k2t+1 50

as a function of A, u and x, with s~(.)x~ for

i=1 m. This choice can be motivated by the

facts that a) minimizing PC1,u,x) as a function of

x under the assumption that A and u are known

Leads to an estimate R solving (11), and b)

minimizing PC,u,x) as a function of A and ii under

the assumption that x is known Leads to estimates A

and Li for the minimum eigenvaLue and the corre

sponding eigenvector of the (2t+1)x(2t+1) autoco—

variance matrix C(c. .). , with

13 i,]0 ,...,2t


(38) c. . =


5k—5k— , i,j0 2t.

~ k=2t+1 ~

As in the case of the sample restoration in

autoregressive processes in Section 3 minimizing

P(A,u,x) can be done iteratively. Starting with a

zeroth estimate ~$0), ~ for instance), one

produces first estimates and ~,(1) for u by

minimizing p(A,u,R~0~) as a function of A and u.

Then, by minimizing PU ~ as a function of


x, one produces a first estimate ~ for x. This

can be repeated to obtain second estimates

.(2) .(2)

ii and x and so on. Again it is clear that,

since C is positive definite, PU,u,x) decreases to

some non—negative number but it seems hard to

determine whether this number is a global minimum or not.

If the iteration process converges to the cor

rect minimum, will converge to zero, because

the c?variance matrix becomes singuLar. The value

of can then be used as a criterion to stop the

iteration process.

6 sample restoration in band—limited signals, [4]

In the case of a band—limited signal, the signal

spectrum 5(8) is zero on one or more subintervals

of the interval [—7T,7z). Any function 5(8) that is

zero on the subintervals where 5(8) is non—zero

satisfies (18). To ensure that 5’ in (11) is

positive definite we demand that 6(8) is positive


on the subintervals where 5(8) is zero. Unfortu

nately, a sequence that has a Fouriei transform

that is zero over some subinterval of C— YT,2z) has

in principle infinite Length. The finite sequence

— for some p that is used in practi— — p,..

cal cases, is always an approximation of the ideal infinite sequence.

As an example we consider a low—pass signal that

is band—limited to the subintervaL (—Uic,ait),

D<a<i. The ideal G(8) is a high—pass fiLter, being zero on the subintervaL (—alc,an), 0<ct<1, and one on the subintervaLs C—it ,—flit) and (an ,71). For we then have

sin(a k7r)

= 8k - k=— =


In [4] the robustness of this method has been

investigated for bursts of unknown samples in

Low—pass signals. In particular the condition of

the system Cli) is considered. The main conclusion is that for Larger amounts of unknown samples this method is very sensitive to out—of—band components in the signal. It can be shown that in the case of

a band—limited signal, corrupted by white noise

with a variance ‘a2, the restoration error

W(t(l) t(m)) as defined in (2) is given by

(40) W(t(l) t(m)) = a2 traceCG’1),

where tCi)tCi—1)÷l, i=2 m. In [4] it has been

shown that trace(G’~) increases roughly as

exp( am 7t/2). This shows that even for small bursts

and small a the restoration error can become


7 Results

In [1,2,3,4] an extensive account is given of

the performance of the sample restoration methods

for autoregressive processes, speech signals and

band—limited signals. The main conclusions are

summarized here. The use of the restoration method for speech signals is restricted to speech signals

only. For these signals the method performs very

well. The restoration method for autoregressive

processes is more general, because many signals can

be modeled in that way. It has turned out that

especially for signals with a peaky spectrum, such as music, speech and multiple sinusoids the method

performs very well. An advantage is that it is

relatively insensitive to the presence of noise.

The restoration method for band—limited signals

only works if the input signal has no out—of-band

components and if the product of bandwidth and

number of unknown samples is small. In other cases large errors are made.

Here we present a comparison of the restoration method for autoregressive processes, being the best of the known methods discussed here, and the new restoration method for multiple sinusoids. The test

signals are the same sinusoids as in [2]. The

noiseless signal is given by

(41) 5k = 100 sin(0.23nk+Q.3n) +

60 sin(Q.4nk+fl.3n), k =

two other test sequences were generated by adding

Gaussian white noise. The signal—to—noise ratios

are respectively 40dB and 20dB. The pattern of

unknown samples is a burst of length m=16. The

methods were both tried on a short segment of

length N=64 and on a longer one of length N=512.

For both methods results are given after one and

after three iterations. In the case of the restora tion method for autoregreasive processes p denotes the assumed order of the process, in the case of the restoration method for multiple sinusoids p=2t, where t is the assumed upper bound for the number

of sinusoids. For p the values p=4, corresponding

to the true number of sinusoids, and p10 were

tried. The restoration errors e, defined by


I~—xI /m

(42) e =

I!i /N

are presented in Table 1. The restoration errors

obtained by the restoration method for autoregres sive processes are denoted by a~. the restoration

errors obtained by the restoration method for

multiple sinusoids are denoted by . Here the

subscript i denotes the number of iterations.


oids is assumed too high, the restoration method

Si s≥__~

Lint. 16 4 64 0.56E+00 D.59E20 0.19E—02 0.16E271


16 10 64 O.90E—02 0.77E—26 0.13E—03 0.15E—301

140dB 16 4 64 0.57E+00 D.48E—O2 0.58E—02 0.48E—021

140dB 16 10 64 0.73E—02 0.13E—03 O.40E—01 0.1ZE—01I

120dB 16 4 64 0.76E+0O 0.27E+00 Q.76E+00 0.35E+00l

20dB 16 10 64 0.18E—01 0.13E—O1 0.19E+01 0.66E+001

lint. 16 4 512 0.64E02 0.28E28 0.65E08 O.61E281

lint. 16 10 512 0.15E—06 XXXXXXXX 0.15E07 xxxxxxxXI 140dB 16 4 512 0.24E—01 0.90E—02 O.94E—02 0.92E—021 140dB 16 10 512 0.21E—03 0.11E—03 0.23E—02 0.12E—02l 120dB 16 4 512 0.58E+00 0.54E+00 0.96E+00 0.90E+001 20dB 16 10 512 0.91E—02 0.11E—01 0.46E+0D 0.18E+001

Table 1 Restoration errors in muLtiple sinusoids,

given by (40), for various signal to noise ratios.

In the cases denoted by XXXXXXXX the restoration

error couLd not be calculated, because the routines

caLculating the prediction coetticients and the

eigenvalues tailed. This was caused by singuLarity ot the matrix C in (38).

From TabLe 1 it can be seen that the restoration

method for sinusoids performs better, especially

with respect to the convergence rate, on the

noise—tree test signals. It the signal is noisy the assumed order must be correct, or at least not too high, otherwise the pertormance of the restoration

method for multiple sinusoids decreases signifi

cantly compared to the other method. Inspection of

Gce) in this case shows that in the case ot the

restoration method for multiple sinusoids, many

spurious dips appear. This leads to other frequency

components in the restored part. The restoration

method for autoregressive processes, on the con

trary, shows an increased performance if the assum ed order is increased.

It we consider the complexity of both methods,

then it is clear that the restoration method for

multiple sinusoids is the most complex one, because it requires the computation of an eigenvalue and an

eigenvector.• The order ot complexity of this is

0(p4), whereas the order of complexity of the

calculation of the prediction coefficients in the

restoration method for autoregressive processes is

0(p2). For the eigenvector problem iterative meth

ods, which take fewer operations, have been propos ed in the literature, e.g. Cli].

Owing to the higher complexity and the fact that

the performance decreases it the number of sinus—

for multiple sinusoids is most suitable in cases

where the number of sinusoids is known and low. In those cases, the convergence rate is high.


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