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RAGE and the innate immune response in infection and inflammation
van Zoelen, M.A.D.
Publication date 2009
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Citation for published version (APA):
van Zoelen, M. A. D. (2009). RAGE and the innate immune response in infection and inflammation.
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List of publications
• . van Zoelen, K.F. van der Sluijs, A. Achoiti, S. Florquin, J.M. Pater, H. Yang, P.P. Nawroth, K. Tracey, A. Bierhaus and T. van der Poll. Receptor for advanced glycation end products is detrimental during influenza A virus pneumonia. Virology, 2009. In press.
M.A.D. van Zoelen, T. Vogl, D. Foell, S.Q. van Veen, J.W.O. van Till, S. Florquin, •
X. Wittebole, P.F. Laterre,M.A. Boermeester, J. Roth and T. van der Poll. Expression and role of myeloid-related protein-8/14 in clinical and experimental sepsis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2009. In press.
M.A.D. van Zoelen, A.M. Schmidt, S. Florquin, J.C. Meijers, R. de Beer, A.F. de •
Vos, P.P. Nawroth, A. Bierhaus and T. van der Poll. RAGE facilitates host defense during Escherichia coli induced abdominal sepsis in mice. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2009. In press.
M.A.D. van Zoelen, S. Florquin, R. de Beer, J.M. Pater, M. Verstege, J.C. •
Meijers and T. van der Poll. Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor deficient mice demonstrate reduced hyperoxia induced lung injury. American Journal of Pathology, 2009 May 12. [Epub ahead of print].
M.A.D. van Zoelen, M. Schouten, S. Florquin, J.C. Meijers, P.P. Nawroth, A. •
Bierhaus and T. van der Poll. The receptor for advanced glycation end products impairs host defense in pneumococcal pneumonia. Journal of Immunology, 2009
Apr 1;182(7):4349-56.
L.C. Lemaire, M.D. de Kruif, I.A. Giebelen, M.A.D. van Zoelen, C. van ‘t Veer and •
T. van der Poll. Differential dose-dependent effects of prednisolone on shedding of endothelial adhesion molecules during human endotoxemia. Immunology Letters, 2008 Dec 22;121(2):93-6.
M.A.D. van Zoelen, H. Yang, S. Florquin, J.C. Meijers, S. Akira, B. Arnold, P.P. •
Nawroth, A. Bierhaus, K.J. Tracey and T. van der Poll. Roll of toll-like receptors 2 and 4 and the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) in HMGB1 induced inflammation in vivo. Shock, 2009 Mar;31(3):280-4.
T.G.A.M. Wolfs, I. Dunn-Siegrist, C. van ‘t Veer, C.M.I.M. Hodin, W.T.V. •
Germeraad, M.A.D. van Zoelen, R. van Suylen, C.J. Peutz-Kootstra, J. Pugin and W.A. Buurman. Increased secretion of MD-2 during human endotoxemia and sepsis; a crucial role for endothelial cells. Molecular Immunology, 2008
M.A.D. van Zoelen and Tom van der Poll. Targeting RAGE in sepsis.
• Critical
Care, 2008 ;12(1):103.
M.A.D. van Zoelen, A. Ishizaka, E.K. Wolthuis, G. Choi, T. van der Poll and •
List of publications
M.J. Schultz. Pulmonary levels of high mobility group box (HMGB)1 during mechanical ventilation and ventilation-associated pneumonia. Shock, 2008
M.A.D. van Zoelen, P.F. Laterre, S.Q. van Veen, J.W.O. van Till, X. Wittebole, •
P. Bresser, M.W. Tanck, A. Ishizaka, M.A. Boermeester and T. van der Poll. Systemic and local HMGB1 concentrations during severe infection. Critical Care Medicine, 2007 Dec;35(12):2799-804.
M.A.D. van Zoelen, S. Florquin, J.C.M. Meijers, R. de Beer, A.F. de Vos, O.J. de Boer •
and T. van der Poll. Platelet activating factor receptor contributes to host defense against Pseudomonas aeruginosa but is not essential for the accompanying local
and systemic inflammatory and procoagulant response. Journal of Immunology,
2007 Mar 1;180(5):3357-65. M.D. de Kruif, L.C. Lemaire,
• I.A. Giebelen, M.A.D. van Zoelen, J.M. Pater, P.S. van den Pangaart, A.P. Groot, A.F. de Vos, P.J. Elliott, J.C. Meijers, M. Levi and T. van der Poll. Prednisolone dose-dependently influences inflammation and coagulation during human endotoxemia. Journal of Immunology, 2007 Feb
H. Wittkowski, A. Sturrock, M.A.D. van Zoelen, D. Viemann, T. van der Poll, J.R. •
Hoidal, J. Roth and D. Foell. Neutrophil-derived S100A12 in acute lung injury and respiratory distress syndrome. Critical Care Medicine, 2007 May;35(5):1369-75.
M.A.D. van Zoelen, A.F. de Vos, G.J. Larosa, C. Draing, S. von Aulock and T. van •
der Poll. Intrapulmonary delivery of ethyl pyruvate attenuates lipopolysaccharide and lipoteichoic acid induced lung inflammation in vivo. Shock, 2007
T. Vogl, K. Tenbrock, S. Ludwig, N. Leukert, C. Ehrhardt, M.A.D. van Zoelen, W. •
Nacken, T. van der Poll, C. Sorg and J. Roth. MRP8 and MRP14 are endogenous activators of toll-like receptor 4 promoting lethal endotoxin-induced shock.
Nature Medicine, 2007 Sep;13(9):1042-9.
C. van ‘t Veer, P.S. van den Pangaart, M.A.D. van Zoelen, R.S. Birjmohun, M.D. •
de Kruif, E.S.G. Stroes, A.F. de Vos and T. van der Poll. Induction of IRAK-M is associated with lipopolysaccharide tolerance in a human endotoxemia model.
Journal of Immunology, 2007 Nov 15;179(10):7110-20.
M.A.D. van Zoelen, K. Bakhtiari, M.C. Dessing, C. van ’t Veer, C.A. Spek, M. •
Tanck, J.C. Meijers and T. van der Poll. Ethyl pyruvate exerts combined anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant effects on human monocytic cells. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2006 Dec;96(6):789-93.
C.A. Spek, M.A.D. van Zoelen, S.H. Diks and M.P. Peppelenbosch. Functional •
Evolution of Tissue Factor, the Archetype of the Cytokine Receptor Family.