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A bibliography on spline functions II


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van Rooij, P. L. J., & Schurer, F. (1973). A bibliography on spline functions II. (EUT report. WSK, Dept. of Mathematics and Computing Science; Vol. 73-WSK-01). Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven.

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A bibliography on spline functions. II by

P.L.J. van Rooij and F. Schurer

T.H.-Report 73-WSK-01 January 1973



About one year ago we published a report* that contained a bibliography on spline functions. The compilation included three kinds of publications, namely, papers in mathematical periodicals, books, and doctoral disserta-tions, all of which had appeared before January 1, 1971. For various reasons a fourth kind of publication, reports, was not included in the bibliography. The report was sent to a number of mathematicians working in the field of spline approximation with a request to suggest corrections and improve-ments. As a result of that, we generously received a large number of comments on the report. Although it is impossible here to mention all those who re-sponded, we in particular want to thank B.I. Kvasov, G. Micula, J. Nitsche, K. Scherer, LJ. Schoenberg, L.L. Schumaker, E. Stark,and R.S. Varga for their contributions. Especially B.l. Kvasov supplied us with most useful information on spline papers written by Russian authors.

The present report is a revised and augmented version of the first edi-tion. To the best of our knowledge we included all papers, books and doctoral dissertations that appeared be~ore January 1,1972 and which deal with the theory and application of spline approximation. As before, reports were not included in the bibliography.

The main part of the report consists of a list ordered chronologically and, 'for publications that have appeared in the same year, alphabetically. Moreover, there is an index of authors together with a coded list of the papers they have contributed to the field. Of course, the decision for in-cluding or not a particular publication was sometimes rather difficult and the outcome may be subject to criticism. In this respect we greatly valued all the advice we received concerning the contents of the bibliography, but we did not invariably follow it. Thus the responsibility for the omissions and errors in the present report is entirely ours, while the improvements are largely due to those who responded.

As we already remarked in the first version of the bibliography there are several other sources where one can find elaborate references to the literature on spline functions. In this respect we want to mention the bibliographies in the monograph of Ahlberg, Nilson and Walsh [67-2J and l.n


the books edited by Grevillc 169-:321 and Schoenberg [69-86J, respectively.

OtlU.'l- lIseful information is contailled in tile btbliography "Recent

pUblica-tions 1n approximation tllcory willi l'lllpll:Jsis on computer. applications",

(;om-piled by C.L. Lawson . (Computing Reviews 9 (1968), 691-699). One may also consult the paper by Schultz and Varga [67-37]. In addition to these sources, we particularly want to call the reader's attention to the fine bibliography

1n the monograph of Sard and Weintraub [71-96J which recently appeared. The journal abbreviations are those given in Hathematical Reviews 41

(1971), 1939-1960. We have strived to add to each publication one or more references to reviews 1n Mathematical Reviews (MR), Zentralblatt fur Mathe-matik (Zb), Referativnyi 1urnal MateMathe-matika (RJH) , Computing Reviews (CR), Computer Abstracts eCA) , Bulletin Signaletique 110 CBS) and Dissertation Abstracts (DA). In comparison with the first version of the bibliography the references to reviews in the Referativnyi Zurnal Matematika are new. An asterisk


indicates that the publi is a doctoral dissertation,or a book that is mainly concerned with spline functions.

The compilation contains a total number of 614 items, of which 532 have been published during the years 1966-1971. Although the bibliography is certainly not complete, we hope that it gives a reasonable survey of the existing literature on spline functions until January 1, 1972.

During the project Miss Yvonne Naus of the mathematics library of the Technological University Eindhoven has been of valuable assistance to us. It 18 a pleasure to thank her again for all the work she has done.

Finally, we convey our gratitude to Mrs. E.E.F.M. Baselmans~Weijers for her superb technical typing.



1902 I. Wirtinger, W.

Einige Anwendungen der Euler-Maclaurin'schen Summenformel, insbesondere auf eine Aufgabe von Abel.

Acta Math. 26 (1902), 255-271. 1904

1. Runge,·C.

Theorie und Praxis der Reihen. § 20.

Goschen'sche Verlagshandlung, Leipzig, 1904. 1938

I. Quade, W.; Collatz, L.

Zur lnterpolationstheorie der reel len periodischen Funktionen. S.-B. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Phys.-Math. KI. 30 (1938), 383-429.

(Zb ~, p. 397.)

I. Favard, J.

Sur l'interpolation.

J. Math. Pures Appl. 19 (MR


p. 114; Zb 23,


1. Popoviciu, T. 1940 (1940), no. 9, 281-306. 24. ) 1941

Notes sur les fonctions convexes d'ordre superieur. IX.

Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. R.S. Roumanie 43 (1941), 85-141. (MR


p. 1 16. )

1944 1. Love, A.E.R.

A treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity. § 262; p. 404.

Dover, New York, 1944.

1946 1. Schoenberg, I.J.

Contributions to. the problem of approximation of equidistant data by analytic functions.

Part A: On the problem of smoothing of graduation. A first class of

analytic approximation formulae. Quart. Appl. Math. 4 (1946), 45-99.



p. 487.) -2. Schoenberg, I.J.

Contributions to the problem of approximation of equidistant data by analytic functions.

Part B: On the problem of osculatory interpolation. A second class of analytic approximation formulae.

Quart. Appl. Math. 4 (1946), 112-141.



I. Sard, A.

Best approximate integration formulas; best approximation formulas. Amer. J. Math. 71 (1949), 80-91.



p. 576;:Zb 39, p. 341.) 2. Schoenberg, I.J.; Whitney, A.

Sur la positivite des determinants de translations des fonctions de frequence de Pi5lya, avec une application


une probleme d' interpolatio.n. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sera A 228 (1949), "1996-1998 •

. (ViR.!.!., p. 86.) -3. Synge, J.L.; Griffith, B.A.

Principles of mechanics, pp. 92-98. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1949.

1950 1. Meyers, L.F.; Sard, A.

Best approximate integration formulas.

J. Math. and Phys. 29 (1950), 118-123. (MR


p. 83; Zb 39, p. 342.)

2. Meyers, L.F.; Sard, A.

Best interpolation formulas.

J. Math. andPhys. 29 (1950), 198-206. (HR


p. 396; Zb 40, p. 28.)

1953 1. Schoenberg, I.J.; Whitney, A.

On P6lya frequency functions. III: The positivity of translation deter-minants with an application to the interpolation problem by spline


Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 74 (1953), 246-259.

(MR~, p.732; RJM (1953);" 1154.) ]954


I. ShaLdaeva, T.A.


Most precise quadrature formulae for certain classes of functions (Russian) (Doctoral dissertation).

Leningrad State Univ., Leningrad, 1954. 1956

I. Sokolnikoff, I.S.

Mathematical theory of elasticity, p. 1. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1956.

1957 1. Holladay, J.C.

A smoothest curve approximation.

Math. Tables Aids Comput. II (1957), 233-243. (MR 20, 414; Zb 84, p. 349;-RJM (1960), 5897.)


2. Ionescu, D.V.

Numerical quadrature (Roumanian). Editura Tehnica, Bucure~ti, 1957. 1958


I. Nikolskii, S.M.

Quadrature formulae (Russian). Moscow, 1958.

'Translated as International monographs on advanced mathematics and physics, no. 29.

Rindustan Publ. Corp., Delhi (India), 1964. 2. Schoenberg, I.J.

Spline functions, convex curves and mechanical quadrature. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 64 (1958), 352-357.

(MR 20, 7174; Zb 85, p.~37; RJM (1959), 10957.) 1959

1. Ciesielski, Z.; Musielak, J.

On absolute convergence of Raar series. Colloq. Math. 7 (1959), 61-65.

(MR 22, 863; Zb 90, p. 281.) 2. Ciesielski, Z.

On Raar functions and on the Schauder basis of the space C[O,I].

Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Sere Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 7 (1959), 227-232. (MR 24, A 1599; Zb ~, p. 54; RJM (1960), 4232.)

-3. Golomb, M.; Weinberger, R.F.

Optimal approximation and error bounds.

in: On numerical approximation (Proc. Symp. Math. Res. Center, Univ. Wisconsin, April 1958); ed. by R.E. Langer, pp. 117-190.

Univ. of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1959.

(MR~, 12697; Zb 92, p. 58; RJM (1960), 12183.) 4. Krylov, V. 1.


Approximate calculation of integrals (Russian). Gos. Izdat. Fiz.-Mat. Lit. Mosk., 1959.

(MR 22, 2002.)

Translated at Macmillan. New York, 1962. (MR~, 2008.)

5. Shaidaeva, T.A.

Quadrature formulae with least error estimate for some classes of func-tions (Russian).

Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov 53 (1959), 313-341. (MR~, 200 I • )

6. Simonsen, W.

On numerical differentiation of functions of several variables. Skand. Aktuarietidskr. 42 (1959), 73-89.



I. Birkhoff, G.; Garabedian, H.L. Smooth surface interpolation.

J. Math. and Phys. 39 (1960), 258-268.

(MR~, 10151; Zb 161, p. 129; RJM (1962), 6VI88.) 2. Ciesielski, Z.

On the isomorphisms of the spaces Ha and m.

Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys.


(1960), 2]7-222. (MR 24, A2234; Zb 93, p. 123; RJM (1961), 7B413.)

3. Ciesielski, Z.

Some properties of Schauder bases of the space C[O,I].

Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys.


(1960), 141-144. (MR 26, 5417; Zb


p. 70; RJM (1961), 4BI2.)

4. Johnson, R.S.

On monosplines of least deviation.

Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 96 (1960), 458-477. (HR 23, A270; RJM (1963)-, 4BIOI.)

5. Rutishauser, H.

Bemerkungen zur glatten Interpolation. Z. Angew. Math. Phys. II (1960), 508-513.

(MR 26, 883; RJM (1961~ 12V311.) 6. Schwerdtfeger, H.

Notes on numerical analysis. II: Interpolation and curve fitting by sectionally linear functions.

Canad. Math. Bull. 3 (1960), 41-57. (Zb 96, p. 103; RJM-(I961), 8V245.)



I. Brudny~, Yu.A.; Gopengauz, I.E.

Approximation by piecewise polynomial functions.

Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR ~ (1961), 1283-1286 (Russian). Translated as Soviet Math. Dokl. 2 (1961), 1627-1630.

(MR 24, A2175; RJM (1962), 9B82.)-2. Schwerdtfeger, H.

Notes on numerical analysis. III: Further remarks on sectionally linear functions.

Canad. Math. Bull. 4 (1961), 53-55. (Zb 106, p.109; RJM-(1962), 4V191.) 3. Theilheimer, F.; Starkweather, W.

The fairing of ship lines on a high-speed computer. Math. Compo 15 (1961), 338-355.

(MR~, B1627; Zb 109, p. 350; RJM (1962), IIVI80.) 4. Weinberger, H.F.

Optimal approximation for functions prescribed at equally spaced points. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards Sect. B 65 (1961), 99-104.



1. Asker, B.

The spline curve, a smooth interpolating function used in numerical design of ship-lines.

BIT 2 (1962), 76-82. (Zb lIZ, p. 81.) 2. Boor, C. de

Bicubic spline interpolation.

J. Math. and Phys. 41 (1962), 212-218.

(MR 28, 1735; Zb 108, p. 271; RJM (1963), 6V48.) 3. Landis, F.; Nilson, E.N.

The determination of thermodynamic properties by direct differe~tiation techniques.

in: Progress in international research on thermodynamic and transport properties (Second Symp. on Thermophysical Properties); ed. by

J.F. Masi and D.H. Tsai, pp. 218-227. Acad. Press, New York, 1962.

4. Petersen, I.

On a piecewise polynomial approximation (Russian; Estonian and Ge~man summaries) •

Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimetised Fuus.-Mat. 11 (1962), 24-32. (MR 25, 3307; RJM (1963), IBI02.)

5. Walsh, J.L.; Ahlberg, J.H.; Nilson, E.N.

Best approximation properties of the spline t. J. Math. Mech. 1 J (1962), 225-234.

(MR 25, 738; Zb 196, p. 486; RJM (1963), 5BI12.) 1963

1. Ahlberg, J.H.; Nilson, E.N.

Convergence properties of the spline fit. J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math. 11 (1963), 95-104.

(MR~, 2763; Zb 196, p. 487;-RJM (1964), 1B574.) 2. Berger, S.A.; Webster, W.C.

An application of linear programming to the fairing of ships' lines. in: Recent advances in mathematical programming; ed. by R.L. Graves and P. Wolfe, pp. 241-253.

McGraw-Hill, New York, 1963. 3. Boor, C. de

Best approximation properties of spline functions of odd degree. J. Math. Mech. 12 (1963), 747-749.

(MR~, 398Z; Z~116, p. 276; RJM (1965), 3BI51.)


4. Brudny~, Yu.A.; Gopengauz, I.E.

Approximation by piecewise polynomial functions (Russian). Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 27 (1963), 723-746.

(MR 29, 404; RJM (1964), 4B92.)-5. Ciesielski, Z.

Properties of the orthonormal Franklin system. Studia Math. 23 (1963), 141-157.


6. Sard, A.

Linear approximation.

Amer. Math. Soc.~Providence (R.I.), 1963.

(MR 28, 1429; Zb ~, p. 54; RJM (1965), 7B88.) 7. Schaefer, H.

Latteninterpolation bei einer Funktion von zwei Veranderlichen. Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 14 (1963), 90-96.

(Zb 108, p. 300; RJM (1963), IIVI03.) 1964 1. Ahlberg, J.H.; Nilson, E.N.; Walsh, J.L.

Fundamental properties of generalized splines. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 52 (1964), 1412-1419.

(MR 36, 6846; Zb 136, p. 362; RJM (1965), I2B472; BS 26, 9981.) 2. Ahlin, A.C.

A bivariate generalization of Hermite's interpolation formula. Math. Compo 18 (1964), 264-273.

(MR~, 1725;Zb 122, p. 125; RJM (1964), JOB463.) 3. Birkhoff, G.; Boor, C. de

Error bounds for spline interpolation. J •. Math. Mech. 13 (1964), 827-835.

(MR~, 2583; Zb 144, p. 285; RJM (1965), 8B93; BS 26, 6171.) 4. Ciesielski, Z.

On the orthonormal Franklin system.

Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 12 (1964), 461-464.

(MR 29, 6241; Zb 138, p. 50; RJM (1965), 7B417.) 5. Ferguson, J.

Multivariahle curve interpolation.

J. Assoc. Comput. Mach. 11 (1964), 221-228.

(MR 28, 5551; Zb 123, p.~30; RJM (196$), 4B738; CA~, 1806.) 6. Greville, T.N.E.

Numerical procedures for interpolation by spline functions.

SIAM .T, Num~r, Anal. 1 0.964), 53-68. (MR 36, 4784; Zb ~,-p. 336.)

7. Mehlum, E.

A curve-fitting method based on a variational criterion. BIT 4 (1964), 213-223.

(MR 30, 4376; RJM (1965), 9B330.) 8. P~vlHob, I.

Sur l'interpolation


l'aide de polynomes raccordes. Mathematica (Cluj) 6 (1964), 295-299.

(RJM (1966), 9B634.) 9. Podolsky, B.; Denman, H..H.

Conditions on minimization criteria for smoothing. Math. Compo 18 (1964), 441-448.


10. Schechter, E.

Error estimation by means of differential inequalities. Mathematica (Cluj) 6 (1964), 117-128.

(Zb 221, 65119; RJM-(l966) , 12B492; BS


6082.) 11. Schoenberg, I.J.

Spline interpolation and best quadrature formulae. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 70 (1964), 143-148.

(MR~, 394; Zb 136, p.:362; RJM (1964), IIB99.) 12. Schoenberg, I.J.

Spline interpolation and the higher derivatives. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 51 (1964), 24-28.

(MR 28, 3278; Zb 136, p. 362; RJM (1965), 6BI16.) 13. Schoenberg, I.J.

On best approximation of linear operators.

Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A 67 (1964), 155-163. (MR 28, 4284; Zb 146, p. 85; RJM (1965), IB93.)

14. Schoenberg, I.J.

On trigonometric spline interpolation. J. Math. Mech. 13 (1964), 795-825.

(MR~, 2589; Z~147, p. 321; RJM (1965), 8B92; BS ~, 6179.) 15. Schoenberg, I.J.

Spline functions and the problem of graduation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 52 (1964), 947-950.

(MR 29, 5040; Zb 147, p. 321; RJM (1965), 8B502; BS ~, 6175.) 16. Schoenberg, I.J.

On interpolation by spline functions and its minimal properties.

in: On approximation theory (Proc. Conf. Oberwolfach, Aug. 1963); ed. by P.L. Butzer and J. Korevaar, pp. 109-129.

Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 1964.



5015; Zb 147, p. 321; RJM (1966), 6B130; BS 26, 11449.) 17. Smoluk, A.

On the approximation with piecewise functions (Polish).

Zeszyty Nauk. Wyz. Szkol. Ekon. Wroclawiu (1964), no. 21, 107-121. (RJM (1968), 2BI49.)

1965 1. Ahlberg, J.H.; Nilson, E.N.; Walsh, J.L.

Best approximation and convergence properties of higher-order spline approximations.

J. Math. Mech. 14 (1965), 231-243.

(MR 35, 5823; Z~141, p. 68; RJM (1966), IB116; BS 26, 13312.) 2. Ahlberg, J.H.; Nilson, E.N.; Walsh, J.L.

Convergence properties of generalized splines. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 54 (1965), 344-350.

(MR 36, 6847; Zb 136, p. 363; RJM (1966), 7BI58; BS


4501.) 3. MIlberg, J.H.; Nilson, E.N.

Orthogonality properties of spline functions~

J. Math. Anal. Appl. II (1965),321-337.


4. Ahlberg, J.R.; Nilson, E.N.; Walsh, J.L.

Extremal, orthogonality, and convergence properties of multidimensional splines.

J. Math. Anal. Appl. 12 (1965), 27-48.



661; Zb 136, ~ 48; RJM (1966), 7BI57.) 5. Atteia, M.

Gen&ralisation de la definition et des proprietes des "spline fonctions". C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sere A 260 (1965), 3550-3553.

(MR~, 3340; Zb 163, p. 377; RJM (1966), IB636; BS~, 10401.) 6. Atteia, M.

"Spline-fonctions" generalisees.

C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sere A 261 (1965), 2149-2152. (MR 35, 3341; RJM (1966), 9B517; BS ~, 2127.) 7. Birkhoff, G.; Boor, C.R. de

Piecewise polynomial interpolation and approximation.

in: Approximation of functions (Proc. Symp. on Appr. Functions, Gen. Motors Res. Lab., Warren, Michigan, 1964); ed. by R.L. Garabedian, pp.

!64-190. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1965.

(MR 32, 6646; Zb 136, p. 47; BS ~, 7289.) 8. Collatz, L.

Einschliessungssatz fur die Minimalabweichung bei der Segmentapproxima-tion.

in: Simposio internazionale sulle applicazioni dell' Analisi alIa Fisica Matematica (Cagliari-Sassari, 1964), pp. 11-21. Cremonese, Rome, 1965. (MR35, 633; Zb 221,65020; RJM (1967), 2B583.)

9. Glass, J.M.


A criterion for the quantization of line-drawing data (Doctoral disser-tation).

New York Univ., Bronx, 1965. 10. Kirishchiev, R.I.; Neshevich, D.A.

Some problems concerning the interpolation of functions (Russian).

U~en. Zap. Kabard.-Balkar. Gos. Univ. Sere Fiz.-Mat. 24 (1965), 113-119. (RJM (1967), 5B707.)

11. Schoenberg, I.J.

On monosplines of least deviation and best quadrature formulae. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 2 (1965), 144-170.

(HR 34, 2182; Zb 136,-p. 362; RJM (1966), 9B610; BS ~, 2149.) 12. Secrest, D.

Numerical integration of arbitrarily spaced data and estimation of errors.

SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 2 (1965), 52-68.



4176; Zb 135,-p. 386; RJM (1966), 7B532; BS ~, 2122.) 13. Secrest, D.

Best approximate integration formulas and best error bounds. Math. Compo 19 (1965), 79-83.

(MR 33, 196i";Zb 134, p. 136; RJM (1966), IB569; CA~, 831; BS~, 10411.) 14. Secrest, D.

Error bounds for interpolation and differentiation by the use of spline functions.

SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 2 (1965), 440-447.


15. Subbotin, Yu.N •.

On the relations between finite differences and the corresponding derivatives.

Trudy Mat. lnst. Steklov 78 (1965), 24-42 (Russian). Translated as Extremal properties of polynomials; ed. by S.B. Ste~kin (Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 78 (1965», pp. 23-42. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, .] 967.

-(MR 32, 7978; RJM (1966), 3BI59.) 16. Tihomirov, V.M.

Sor,le problems of approximation theory.

Dokl. Akad. Nauk 160 (1965), 774-777 (Russian). Translated as Soviet Math. Dokl. 6 (1965), 202-205.

(RJM(l965), 7B80.)

-17. Wendroff, B.

Bounds for eigenvalues of some differential operators by the Rayleigh-Ritz method.

Math. Compo 19 (1965), 218-224.



4J69;-RJM (1966), IB543; BS~, 13893.) 1966

1. Ahlberg, J.H.; Nilson, E.N.

The approximation of linear functionals. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 3 (1966), 173-182.

(MR 36, 589; Zb 147,


51; RJM (1967), 7B510.) 2. Atteia, M.


Etude de certains noyaux et theorie des fonctions "spline" en Analyse Numerique (These).

Universite de Grenoble, Grenoble, 1966. (BS ~, 6564.)

3. Atteia, M.

Existence et determination des fonctions "spline"


plusieurs variables. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. A 262 (1966), 575-578.

(MR 33, 3004; Zb 168, p. 350; RJM (1967), 8B478; BS ~, 8613.) 4. Aubin, J.P.


Approximation des espaces de distributions et des operateurs differen-tiels (These Doct. Sci. Math.).

Universite de Paris, Paris, 1966. (BS~, 16561.)

5. Barrodale, I.; Young, A.

A note on numerical procedures for approximation by spline functions. Comput. J. 9 (1966), 318-320.

(MR 34, 21ST; Zb ]68, p. ]49; RJM (1967), 5B709; CA


69; BS 28, 6535.) 6. Berger, S.A.; Webster,


Tapia, R.A.; Atkins, D.A.

Mathematical ship lofting.

J. Ship Research ~ (1966), 203-222.

7. Birkhoff, Go; Boor, C. de; Swartz, B.; Wendroff, B.

Rayleigh-Ritz approximation by piecewise cubic polynomials. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 3 (1966), 188-203.


8. Birman,


Solomjak, M.Z.


Approximation of the functions of the classes Wp by piecewise polynomial functions.

Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR


(1966), 1015-1018 (Russian). Translated as Soviet Math. Dokl. 7 (1966), 1573-1577.


35, 630; RJM (1967), 5BI20; BS-28, 7608.) 9. Boor, C. de


The method of projections as applied to the numerical solution of two point boundary value problems using cubic splines (Doctoral dissertation). Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1966.

(BS~, 10097; DA~, 3592-B.) 10. Boor, C. de; Lynch, R.E.

On splines and their minimum properties.

J. Math. Mech. 15 (1966), 953-969. (MR 34, 3159; Z~185. p. 205.) II. Carasso, C.


Methodes numeriques pour l'obtention de fonctions-spline (These). Universite de Grenoble, Grenoble, 1966.

(BS 28, 6538.) 12. Ciarlet, P.G.


Variational methods for nonlinear boundary value problems (Doctoral dissertation).

Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, 1966. (RS ~, 6141; DA~, 2437-B.)

13. Ciesielski, Z.

Properties of the orthonormal Franklin system, II.

Studia Math. 27 (1966), 289-323.

(MR 34, 3202;:Zb 148, p. 47; RJM (1967), 8B75.) 14. Coatmelec, C.

Approximation et interpolation des fonctions differentiables de plusieurs . variables.

Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. 83 (1966), 271-341. (MR38, 469; RJM (1968), IIB94.)

IS. Coatmelec, C.


Approximation et interpolation des fonctions differentiables de plusieurs variables (These Doct. Sci. Math.).

Universite de Rennes, Rennes, 1966.

(RJM (1969), 2B135; BS 29, 978.) 16. Curry, H.B.; Schoenberg, I.J.

On P6lya frequency functions. IV: The fundamental spline functions and their limits.

J. Analyse Math. 17 (1966), 71-107.

(MR~, 1884; Zb 146, p. 84; RJM (1967), 11B94; BS 28, 3756.) 17. Ehrich, H.

Untersuchungen zur numerischen Fourieranalyse. Math, Z. 91 (1966), 380-420.


18. Glass, J.M.

Smooth-curve interpolation: a generalized spline-fit procedure. BIT 6 (1966), 277-293.

(Zb T73, p. 186; RJM (1967), 9B619; CR~, 12801.) 19. Hands comb , D.C.

Spline functions.

in: Methods of numerical approximation; ed. by D.C, Handscomb, pp. 163-167. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1966.

20. Hands comb , D.C.

Optimal approximation by means of spline functions.

in: Methods of numerical approximation; ed. by D.C. Hands comb , pp, 177-181. Pergamon Press, Oxford, .1966.

21. Hands comb , D. C.

Optimal approximation of linear functionals.

in: Methods of numerical approximation; ed. by D.C. Handscomb, pp. 169-176. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1966.

22. Innanen, K.A.

An example of precise interpolation with a spline function.

J. Computational Phys. I (1966), 303-304.

(CR~, 12789; CA Q, 71-:-) 23. Karlin, S.; Studden, W.J.

Tchebycheff systems: with applications in analysis and statistics. P? 140-143; pp. 436-454.

In~erscience, New York, 1966.

(MR 34, 4757; Zb 153, p. 389.) 24. Karlin, S.; Ziegler, Z.

Chebyshevian spline functions.

SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 3 (1966), 514-543.

(MR~, 7041; Zb ~,-p. 310; RJM (1967), 8B603.) 25. Malozemov, V.N.

On the deviation of broken lines (Russian, English sunnnary). Ves tnik Leningrad. Dni v. 21 (1966), no. 7, 150-153.

(HR 33, 4533; Zb 177, p.


RJM (1966), 9B124; BS


13]47.) 26. Marsden, M.; Schoenberg, I.J.

On variation diminishing spline approximation methods. Mathematica (Cluj) 8 (1966), 61-82.

(MR 35, 4648; Zb 17T, p. 310; RJM (1968), 6B142.) 27. Milnes, H.W.

A variational approach to smoothing unequally spaced data subject to random errors.

Indust. Math. 16 (1966), 77-93. (MR 40, 5108; BS~, 14397.) 28. Schoenberg, I.J.

On Hermite-Birkhoff interpolation.

J. Math. Anal. Appl. 16 (1966), 538-543.


29. Schoenberg, I.J.

On lIlonosplines of least squlln' deviation and best quadrature formulae. II.

SIA.M J. Nutner. AnHl. J (1%6), 32.)-]28.

(HI{ 34,3170; Zb 147,-p. 321; RJM (1967), IIB658.)

30. Schumaker, L.L.


On some approximation problems involving Tchebycheff systems and spline functions (Doctoral dissertation).

Stanford Univ., Stanford, 1966.

(RJM (1967), 9B106; BS .?2.., 2535; DA


240-B.) 31. Schweikert, D.G.


The spline in tension (hyperbolic spline) and the reduction of extraneous inflection points (Doctoral dissertation).

Brown Univ., Providence, 1966. (DA 28, 267-B.)

32. Schweikert, D.G.

An interpolation curve using a spline in tension. J. Math. and Phys. 45 (1966), 312-317.

(MR 34, 6990; Zb 146, p. 141; RJM (1967), 9B617; BS 28, 7843.) 33. Sharma, A.; Meir, A.

Degree of approximation of spline interpolation. J. Math. Mech. 15 (1966), 759-767.

(MR 33, 3006; Z~158, p. 307; BS 28, 706.) 34. Stern, M.D.


Some problems in the optimal approximation of bounded linear functionals (Doctoral dissertation).

Oxford Univ., Oxford, 1966. 35. Varga, R.S.

Hermite interpolation-type Ritz methods for two-point boundary value problems.

in: Numerical solution of partial differential equations (Proc. Symp. Univ. Maryland, 1965); ed. by J.H. Bramble, pp. 365-373.

Acad. Press, New York, 1966. (MR 34, 5302; Zb ~, p. 357.)

1967 1. Ahlberg, J.H.; Nilson, E.N.; Walsh, J.L.

Complex cubic splines.

Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 129 (1967), 391-413.

(MR~, 573; RJM (1968),-gB764; BS.?2.., 11591.) 2. Ahlberg, J.H.; Nilson, E.N.; Walsh, J.L.


The theory of splines and their applications. Acad. Press, New York, 1967.

(MR 39, 684; Zb 158, p. 159; BS .?2.., 976.) 3. Atteia, M.

Sur les fonctions-spline generalisees.

in: Actes du 5e Congres de l'AFIRO (Lille, 1966), pp. 113-116. Assoc. Fran~. d'Inform. et de Rech. Operat., Paris, 1967. 4. Atteia, M.

Fonctions "spline" avec contraintes lineaires de type inegalite. in: Actes du 6e Congres de l'AFIRO (Nancy, 1967), pp. 42-54. Assoc. Fran~. d'Inform. et de Rech. Operat., Paris, 1967.


5. Aubin, J.P.

Approximation des espaces de distributions et des operateurs differen-tiels.

Bull. Soc. Math. France, supplement au numero de Decembre 1967. Memoire no. 12.

(RJM (1969), 2B586; BS~, 9570.) 6. Aubin, J. P.

Behavior of the error of the approximate solutions of boundary value problems for linear elliptic operators by Galerkin's and finite differ-ence methods.

Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 4 (1967), 599-637. (RJM (l968), 9B72I; BS~, 12060.)

7. Bel'tjukov, B.A.

Approximate solution of integral equations of Volterra type by the method of piece-wise interpolation of the unknown function (Russian). Proc. Sixth Interuniv. Sci. Conf. of the Far East on Phys. and Math., Vol. 3: Differential and Integral Equations, pp. 22-31.

Khabarovsk.Gos. Ped. lnst., Khabarovsk, 1967. (MR



8. Berkovitz, L.D.; Pollard, H.

A non-classical variational problem arising from an optimal filter problem.

Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 26 (1967), 281-304. (MR


5994; RJM (1968), 9B386.)

9. Birkhoff, G.

Local spline approximation by moments. J. Math. Mech. 16 (1967),987-990.

(XR 34, 8051; Z~148, p. 292; RJM (1968), 7B84; BS 28, 13457.) 10. Birkhoff, G.; Priver, A.

Hermite interpolation errors for derivatives. J. Math. and Phys. 46 (1967), 440-447.

(MR~, 1883; Zb 176, p. 142; RJM (1968), 9B763, BS~, 11982.) II. Birman, M.S.; Solomjak, M.Z.

Piecewise-polynomial approximations of functions of the classes W~. Mat. Sb. 73 (1967), no. 3, 331-355 (Russian).

Translate~as Math. USSR-Sb. 2 (1967), 295-318. (HR 36, 576; RJM (1968), 6Bl19; BS 29, 2521.) 12. Carasso, C.

Obtention d'une fonction-Spline d'interpolation d'ordre K par une methode d'integration locale.

in: Procedures Algol en Analyse Numerique I, pp. 288-291. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1967. 13. Carasso, C.

Methode pour l'obtention de fonctions-spline d'interpolation d'ordre deux.

in: Procedures Algol en Analyse Numerique I, pp. 292-294. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1967. 14. Carasso, C.

Obtention d'une fonction lisse passant par des points donnes et ayant en ces points des derivees donnees (fonction-spline d'Hermite).

ia: Procedures Algol en Analyse Numerique I, 295-299. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1967.


15. Car,lsso, C.

Obtention de lu d~riv6e d'une fanction donnie par points. in: Prol'cdurL'l'l Algol en Analyse Numerique 1, pp. 300-)01. Centre National de la Recherche scientifique, Paris, 1967. 16. Carasso, C.

Construction numerique de fonctions-spline.

in: Actes de 5e Congres de l'AFIRO (Lille, 1966), pp. 506-509. Assoc. Fran~. d'Inform. et de Rech. Operat., Paris, 1967. 17. Carasso, C.

Methode generale de construction de fonctions spline.

Rev. Fran~aise Informat. Recherche Operationnelle 1 (1967), no. 5, 119-127. (MR,R, 667; Zb 163, p. 377; RJM (1968), 10B860; BS 29, 13887.)

18. Ciarlet, P.G.; Schultz, M.H.; Varga, R.S.

Numerical methods of high-order accuracy for nonlinear boundary value problems. I: One dimensional problem.

Numer. Math. 9 (1967), 394-430.

(UR 36, 4813;-Zb 155, p. 204; RJM (1968), 4B751; BS 28, 14094.) 19. Cybertowicz, Z.

On some approximation problems.

Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Sir. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 15 (1967), 497-501. (Zb 176, p. 352; RJM (1968), 6B696; BS ~, 2522.)

20. Ferrand, C.

Lissage par utilisation de fonctions analogues aux fonctions spline. in: Actes du 6e Congres de l'AFIRO (Nancy, 1967), pp. 14-31.

Assoc. Fran9' d'Inform.et de Rech. Operat., Paris, 1967. 21. Greville,T.N.E.

Spline functions, interpolation and numerical quadrature.

in: Mathematical methods for digital computers, Vol. II; ed. by A. Ralston and H.S. Wilf, pp. 156-168.

Wiley, New York, 1967. (CR



22. Greville, T.N.E.

On the normalization of the B-splines and the location of the nodes for the case of unequally spaced knots.

in: Inequalities I (Proe. Symp. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1965); ed. by O. Shisha, pp. 286-291.

Acad. Press, New York, 1967. (MR 36, 6848.)

23. Joly, .T.L.

Utilisation des fonctions spline pour Ie lissage.

in: Actes du 5e Congres de l'AFIRO (Lille, 1966), pp. 349-352. Assoc. Fran~. d'Inform. et de Rech. Operat., Paris, 1967. 24. Joly, J.L.

Theoremes de convergence des fonctions spline generales d'interpolation et d'ajustement.

C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. A 264 (1967), 126-]28.


25. Karlin, S.; Schumaker, L.L.

The fundamental theorem of algebra for Tchebycheffian monosplines. J. Analyse Math. 20 (1967), 233-270.

(MR 36, 582; Zb 187, p. 20; BS ~, 4264.) 26. Karlinp S.; Ziegler, Z.

Chebyshevian spline functions.

in: Inequalities I (Proc. Symp. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1965); ed. by O. Shisha, pp. 137-149.

Acad. Press, New York, 1967.



1854; Zb 1LL, p. 310; RJM (1969), 5B925.) 27. Loscalzo, F.R.; Talbot, T.D.

Spline function approximations for solutions of ordinary differential equations.

Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 73 (1967), 438-442.

(MR~, 1218; Zb 1LL, p-.-363; BS ~, 4318.) 28. Loscalzo, F.R.; Talbot, T.D.

Spline function approximations for solutions of ordinary differential equations.

SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 4 (1967), 433-445.

(MR 36, 4808; Zb 1LL,-p. 363; RJM (1971), 3B588; CA


90; BS 29, 10044.) 29. Malozemov, V.N.

Polygonal interpolation.

Mat. Zametki I (1967), 537-540 (Russian). Translated as-Math. Notes I (1967), 355-357.

(MR 35, 5816; RJM (1968), TB145; BS 28, 13482.) 30. Meinguet, J.

Optimal approximation and error bounds in seminormed spaces. Numer. Math. 10 (1967), 370-388.



6012;~JM (1968), 9B790; CA


878; BS ~, 11991.) 31. Nord, S.

Approximation properties of the spline fit. BIT 7 (1967), 132- 1 44.

(MR 36, 1887; Zb 1LL, p. 373; RJM (1968), 5B820; CA


2215.) 32. Perrin, F.M.


&1 application of monotone operators to differential and partial differ-ential equations on iftfinite domains (Doctoral dissertation).

Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, 1967. 33. Reinsch, C.H.

Smoothing by spline functions. Numer. Math. 10 (1967), 177-183.

(Zb ~, p. 362; RJM (1968), 6B850; CR~, 14528; BS ~, 8230.) 34. Rice, J.R.

Characterization of Chebyshev approximations by splines. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 4 (1967), 557-565.

(MR 36,6851; Zb 187,-p. 329; BS 29, 11993.) 35. Sard, A.

Optimal approximation.

J. Functional Analysis (1967), 222-244. (MR 36,3037; Zb 158, p. 136.)


36. Schoenberg, I.J.

On spline functions.

in: Inequalities I (Proe. Symp. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base~ Ohio, 1965); ed. by O. Shisha, pp. 255-286.

Acad. Press, New York, 1967. (MR 36, 6848; RJM (1969), 5B926.) 37. Schultz, M.H.; Varga, R.S. L-splines. Numer. Math. 10 (1967), 345-369. (MR


665; Zb 183, p. 444; RJM (1968), 6B842; CA.,!l, 872; BS


11995.) 38. Smoluk., A.

On piecewise approximation of functions (Polish).

Prace Nauk Wyzszej Szkoly Ekon. Wroclawiu (1967), no. 6, 101-)08. (RJM (1968), IB776.)

39. Smoluk, A.

Examples of piecewise approximation of functions (Polish).

Prace Nauk Wyzszej Szkoly Ekon. Wroclawiu (1967), no. 6, 109-126. (RJM (1968), IB775.)

40. Stern, M.D.

Optimal quadrature formulae. Comput. J. 9 (1967), 396-403.

(MR 35, 3885; RJM (1969), 8B748; CA


836; BS 28, 10880.) 41. Subbotin, Yu.N.

Piecewise polynomial (spline) interpolation. Mat. Zametki 1 (1967), 63-70 (Russian). Translated as-Math. Notes I (1967), 41-45.

(MR~, 4645; Zb 159, p. 84; RJM (1967), 10B142; BS 28, 11774.) 42. Subbotin, Yu.N.

Interpolation by functions with nth derivative of minimum norm. Trudy Mat. lnst. Steklov 88 (1967). 30-60 (Russian).

Translated as Approximation of functions in the mean;ed. by S.B. Steckin (Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 88 (1967»,pp. 31-63. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 1969.

--(RJM (1968), 8B93; BS ~, 4270.) 43. Young, J.D.

Numerical applications of cubic spline functions. The Logistics Review 3 (1967), no. 14, 9-14.

(RJM (1968), IOB861; CR


19816.) 1968 1. Ahlberg, J.H.; Nilson, E.N.; Walsh, J.L.

Cubic splines on the real line.

J. Approximation Theory 1 (1968), 5-)0. (MR 37, 6650; Zb 179, p.-365.)

2. Ahuja, D.V.

An algorithm for generating spline-like curves. IBM Systems J. 7 (1968), 206-217.


3. Ahuja, D.V.; Coons, S.A.

Geometry for construction and display. IBM Systems J.


(1968), 188-205.


Amunrud, L.R.


Tchebycheff approximations by general spline functions (Doctoral disser-tation) .

Montana State Univ., Montana, 1968. (DA~, 4254-B.)

5. Anselone, P.M.; Laurent, P.J.

A general method for the construction of interpolating or smoothing spline-functions.

Numer. Math. 12 (1968), 66-82.

(11R 40, 3145;:Zb 197, p. 135; RJM (1969), 2B838; CA


55; BS 30, 5050.) 6. Atkinson, K.E.

On the order of convergence of natural cubic spline interpolation. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 5 (1968), 89-101.

(MR 37, 1853; Zb 208,-p. 408; RJM (1971), 4BI000j CR..!..!., 18292; BS 29, 17087.)

-7. Atteia, M.

Fonctions "spline" definies sur un ensemble convexe. Numer. Math. 12 (1968), 192-210.

(MR 41, 2265;:Zb 186, p. 452; RJM (1969), 4B659; CR~, 21056; BS 30, 6605.)

-8. Aubin, J.P.

Interpolation et approximation optimales et "spline functionsl l • J. Math. Anal. Appl. 24 (1968), 1-24.

(MR 37, 6651; RJM (1969), 7BI02; BS 30, 6358.) 9. Aubinp J.P.

Best approximation of linear operators in Hilbert spaces. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 5 (1968), 518-521.

(MR 38, 6743; Zb 176,-p. 131; RJM (1971), 3B434; BS 30, 12694.) 10. Bickley, W.G.

Piecewise cubic interpolation and two-point boundary problems. Comput. J •. II (1968),206-208.

(MR 37, 6036; Zb 155, p. 480; RJM (1969), 2B790; CA~, 2551; BS 30, 5010.)

-11. Birkhoff, G.; Schultz, M.H.; Varga, R.S.

Piecewise Hermite interpolation in one and two variables with appplica-tions to partial differential equaappplica-tions.

Numer. Math. 11 (1968), 232-256.

(MR 37, 2404;:Zb 159, p. 209; RJM (1968), 11B732; CA~, 2291; BS 29, 17158.)

-12. Birkhoff, G.; Gordon, W.J.

The draftsman's and related equations. J. Approximation Theory ~ (1968), 199-208.

(MR 38, 4055.)

J 3. Boor, C. de

On local spline approximation by moments. J. Math. Mech. 17 (1968), 729-735.


14. Boor, C. de

On the convergence of odd-degree spline interpolation. J. Approximation Theory I (1968). 452-463.

(MR 38, 6273; Zb 174, p.-99.) 15. Boor, C. de

On aniform approximation by splines.

J. Approximation Theory I (1968), 219-235. (UR


1866; Zb 193, p.-25.)

16. Buchanan, J.E.; Thomas, D.H.

On least-squares fitting of two-dimensional data with a special structure. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 5 (1968), 252-257.



3740; RJM (1971), 4BIOI2; BS ~, 4929.) 17. Bulirscb, R.; Rutishauser, H.


in: Mathematische Hilfsmittel des Ingenieurs, Vol. 3; hrsg. von R. Sauer und I. Szabo, pp. 265-277.

Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1968. (MR


71 IS; Zb 193, p. 352.)

18. Cavendish, J.C.; Price, H.S.; Varga, R.S.

Numerical methods of higher-order accuracy for diffusion-convection equations.

Soc. Petroleum Engrs. AlME J. ~ (1968), 293-303. 19. Cheney, E.W.; Schurer, F.

A note on the operators arising in spline approximation. J. Approximation Theory I (1968), 94-102.



5580; Zb 177, p.-89.) 20. Cherruault, Y.


Approximation d'operateurs lineaires et applications (These). (Monographies d'Informatique, Vol. 4). Dunod, Paris, 1968. (MR 38, 4879; Zb 169, p. 196; RJM (1969), 5B909; BS 29, 16864.) 21. Ciarlet, P.G.

AIL 0(h2) method for a non-smooth boundary value problem. Aequationes Math. 2 (1968), 39-49.

(MR 38, 869; Zb 159, p. 117; RJM (1969), 2B794; BS 30, 14610.) 22. Ciarlet, P.G.; Schultz, M.H.; Varga, R.S.

Numerical methods of high-order accuracy for nonlinear boundary value problems. I I : Nonlinear boundary conditions.

Numer. Math. 11 (1968), 331-345.

(MF. 37, 4965jZb 176, p. 149; RJM (1968), 12B769; CA


2548; BS 30, 2368.)

-23. Ciarlet, P.G.; Schultz, M.H.; Varga, R.S.

Numerical methods of high-order accuracy for nonlinear boundary value

p~oblems. III: Eigenvalue problems.

Numer. Math. 12 (1968), 120-133.

(XR 38, 1838;


p. 183; RJM (1969), IB746; CA


277; BS 30, 5023.) 24. Ciarlet, P.G.; Schultz, M.H.; Varga, R.S.

Numerical methods of high-order accuracy for nonlinear boundary value problems. IV: Periodic boundary conditions.

Numer. Math. 12 (1968), 266-279.

(HR 39, 2337;Zb 181, p. 183; RJM (1969), 4B609; CR.!.!.., 19297; BS 30, 10923.)


-25. Ciarlet, P.G.; Schultz, M.H.; Varga, R.S.

Numerical methods of high-order accuracy for nonlinear two-point boundary value problems.

in: Programmation en Mathematique Numerique (ColI. Intern. CNRS, no. 165, Besan~on, 1966), pp. 217-22S.

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1968.

(MR 38, 1837; Zb 207, p. 164; RJM (1968), 12B768; BS~, 17160.) 26. Ciesielski, Z.

A bounded orthonormal system of polygonals. Studia Math. 31 (1968), 339-346.

(MR 38, 3686;:Zb 169, p. 402; RJM (1969), 9B83.) 27. Cybertowicz, Z.

On some approximation problems. Frace Mat. 12 (1968), 61-74.

(MR 38, 2496; RJM (1969), SB76S; BS 30, 8117.)

28. Diring~r, P.


Interpolation, derivation et integration


l'aide de fonctions spline. Recherche Aerospat. 124 (1968), 13-16.

(RJM (1969), 2B841; BS 30, S046.) Ducateau, Ch.F.

Condition pour l'interpolation par des fonctions de Hk[a,SJ sur un nombre infini de points.

C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser A 267 (1968), 309-312. (MR 40, 4652; RJM (1969), SB642.)

30. Einarsson, B.

Numerical calculation of Fourier integrals with cubic splines. BIT 8 (1968), 279-286.

(MR 39, 1114; Zb 187, p. 105; RJM (1969), 9BS69; CR!Q, 17886; CA~, 542.) 31. El Tom~ M.E.A.


Numerical approximation of functions of one or more variables (Doctoral dissertation).

Oxford Univ., Oxford, 1968. 32. Fix, G.


Bounds and approximations for eigenvalues of self-adjoint boundary value problems (Doctoral dissertation).

Harvard Univ., Cambridge (Mass.), 1968. 33. Forrest, A.R.


Curves and surfaces for computer aided design (Doctoral dissertation). Cambridge Univ., Cambridge, 1968.

34. Golomb, M.

Approximation by periodic spline interpolants on uniform meshes.

J. Approximation Theory 1 (1968), 26-6S.

(MR 38, 1444; Zb 18S, p.-309.) 35. Hall, C.A.

. On error bounds for spline interpolation. J. Approximation Theory 1 (1968), 209-218.


36. Herbold, R.J.


Consistent quadrature schemes for the numerical solution of boundary value problems by variational techniques (Doctoral dissertation). Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, 1968.

(CR,2., 15006; DA 30, 165-B.)

37. Horsley, A.; Parker, J.B.; Parker, K.; Price, J.A.

Curve fitting and statistical techniques for use in the mechanized evaluation of neutron cross sections.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods ~ (1968), 29-42.

38. Hulme~ B.L.

Interpolation by Ritz approximation.

J. Math. Mech. 18 (1968), 337-341.



7090; Z~165, p. 386; RJM (1969), 10B627; BS 30, 9852.) 39. Ikaunieks, ~.A.; Ermuta, A.E.

Concave piecewise-polynomial interpolation (Russian; Latvian and English sunnnaries).

in: Latvian Math. Yearbook, Vol. 4, pp. 149-163. 17.dat. "Zinatne", Riga, 1968.

(MR~, 2293; Zb 208, p. 409.) 40. Jerome, J.W.; Schumaker, L.L.

A note on obtaining- natural spline functions by the abstract approach of Atteia and Laurent.

SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 5 (1968), 657-663.

(MR 40, 6127; Zb 185,-p. 409; RJM (1971), 4BI001; BS 30, 14544.) 41. Johnson,



Convergence, error bounds, sensitivity, and numerical comparisons of certain absolutely continuous Rayleigh-Ritz methods for Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems (Doctoral dissertation).

Univ.of California, Berkeley, 1968. (DA~, 3396-B.)

42. Karlin, S.

'Cotal positivity, Vol. }. pp. 357-364; pp. 501-564. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, 1968.



S667; RJM (1969), SB651.) 43. Karlir., S.; Karon, J.M.

A variation-diminishing generalized spline approximation method. J. Approximation Theory 1 (1968), 255-268.

(MR 38, 3664; Zb 165, p.-386.) 44. Karon, J.M.

* The sign-regularity properties of a class of Green's functions for ord.inary differential equations and some related results (Doctoral dissertation).

Stanford Univ., Stanford, 1968. (RJM (1969), 12B300; DA~, 2529-B.)

45. Lauren~, P.J.

Representation de donnees experimentales


l'aide de fonctions-spline d'ajustement et evaluation optimale de fonctionnelles lineaires conti-nues.

ApI. Mat. 13 (1968),154-162.


46. Laurent, P.J.

Theoremes de characterisation en approximation convexe. Mathematica (Cluj) 10 (1968), 95-111.



70 1; RJM (1969), JOV302; BS 30, 4581.)

47. Loscalzo, F.R.


On the use of spline functions for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (Doctoral dissertation).

Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, 1968. (DA 29, 2983-B.)

48~ Marsden, M.J.


An identity for spline functions with applications to variation-dimin-ishing spline approximation (Doctoral dissertation).

Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, 1968. (DA 29, 2985-B.)

49. Meir, A.; Sharma, A.

One-sided spline approximation.

Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 3 (1968), 211-218.

(MR 38, 1445; Zb 175, p. 350; RJM (1969), 6B151; BS 30, 6601.) 50. Meir, A.; Sharma, A.

Convergence of a class of interpolatory splines. J. Approximation Theory I (1968), 243-250.

(MR 38, 3665; Zb 186, p.-114.) 51. Munteanu, M.J.

Observations on the optimal solution of a nonlinear differential boundary value problem in the subspace of generalized spline functions (Roumanian). Bul. sti. lnst. Politehn. Cluj 11 (1968), 47-56.

(MR 40, 7522.)

--52. Ostapenko, V.N.; Khazankina, N.P.

On a method to approximate signals (Russian). Avtomatika (Kiev) ~ (1968), 75-80.

53. Phillips, G.M.

Algorithms for piecewise straight line approximations. Comput. J. ] 1 (1968), 21 ]-212.

(MR 37, 6013; Zb 165, p. 512; RJM (1969), IB792; CA


2529; BS 30, 4927.) 54. Powell, M.J.D.

On best L2 spline approximations.

in: Numerische Mathematik, Differentialgleichungen, Approximationstheorie (Proc. Conf. Oberwolfach, 1966); hrsg. von L. Collatz, G. Meinardus und H. Unger, pp. 317-339.

Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 1968. (MR 42, 2631; BS 30, 6604.) 55. Sard, A.

Optimal approximation: an addendum.

J. Functional Analysis 2 (1968), 368-369.

(MR 38, 1457; Zb ]59, p7 438; RJM (1969), 6B721; BS 30, 4584.) 56. Schoenberg, I.J.

On the Ahlberg-Nilson extension of spline interpolation: the g-splines and their optimal properties.

J. Math. Anal. Appl. 21 (1968), 207-231.


57. Schoenberg, I.J.

On'spline interpolation at all integer points of the real axis.

M~thematica (Cluj) 10 (1968), 151-170.

(~IR 38,6274; Zb 183, p. 331; RJM (1969), 7B101; BS 30,4578.)

58. Schoenberg, I.J.

Spline interpolation and the higher derivatives.

in~ Abhandlungen aus Zahlentheorie und Analysis; hrsg. von P. Turin, pp. 279-295.

Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1968. (ZbI98, p. 90.)

59. Schumaker, L.L.

Uniform approximation by Tchebycheffian spline functions. J. Math. Mech. 18 (1968), 369-377.

(MR 39, 3203; Z~165, p. 386; RJM (1969), 12B146; BS 30, 8110.) 60. Schumaker, L.L.

Uniform approximation by Chebyshev spline functions. II: Free knots. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 5 (1968), 647-656.

(MR 39, 3204; Zb 169,-p. 394; BS 30, 14545.) 61. Schurer, F.

A note on interpolating periodic quintic splines with equally spaced nodes.

J. Approximation Theory 1 (1968), 493-500. (MR 38, 6275; Zb 186, p. 14.)

62. Schurer., F.; Cheney, E.W.

On interpolating cubic splines with equally-spaced nodes. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A 71 (1968), 517-524.

(MR 40,6129; Zb 184, p. 379; RJM (1969), 10B113; CR 12, 21413;

BS 30, 9851.) -

-63. Shisha, O.

Trends in approximation theory. Appl. Mech. Rev. 21 (1968), 337-341.

(RJM (1969), IB797; BS 30, 2197.) 64. Simpson, R.B.

Approximation of the minimizing element for a class of functionals. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 5 (1968), 26-41.



3414; RJM (1971), 3B522; CA~, 1956; BS 29, 17096.) 65. Smirnov, V.M.

A method for the smooth interpolation of functions.

Z. Vy~isl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz. 8 (1968), 1330-1331 (Russian).

Translated as USSR Comput. Math. and Math. Phys. 8 (1968), no. 6, 190-193.

(MR~, 5839; Zb 206, p. 467; RJM (1969), 4B662;


30, 10861.) 66. Spath, H.

Ein Verfahren zur flachentreuen Approximation von Treppenfunktionen durch glatte Kurven.

Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 48 (1968), TI06-TI07. (RJM (1969), IOB676; BS30, 18375.)

67. Swartz. B.

O'(h2n+2-x,) bounds on some spline interpolation errors. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 74 (1968), 1072-1078.


68. Van Armau, D.J.


Classification of experimental designs relative to polynomial spline regression functions (Doctoral dissertation).

Purdue Univ., Lafayette, 1968. (DA 29, 3967-B.)

69. Young, J.D.

Numerical applications of hyperbolic spline functions. The Logistics Review 4 (1968), no. 19, 17-22.

(RJM (1969), 7B659; CR


19817.) 70. Young, J.D.

Numerical applications of damped cubic spline functions. The Logistics Review 4 (1968), no. 20, 33-37.

(RJM (1969), IOB677; CR


19818.) 1969 1. Ahlberg, J.H.; Nilson, E.N.; Walsh, J.L.

Properties of analytic splines. I: Complex polynomial splines. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 27 (1969), 262-278.

(MR~, 8136; Zb 185,])'. 135; RJM (1970), 2B209; BS


3145.) 2. Ahlberg, J.H.

Splines in the complex plane.

in: Approximations with special emphasis on spline functions; ed. by I.J. Schoenberg, pp. )-27.

Acad. Press, New York, 1969. (MR~, 2264.)

3. Albasiny, E.L.; Hoskins, W.D.

Cubic spline solutions to two-point boundary value problems. Comput. J. 12 (1969), 151-153.

(MR 39, 3710; Zb 185, p. 414; RJM (1969), 12B825; CR


18302; CA 13 , 3112; BS 31, 1368.)

4. Amos, D.E.; Slater, M.L.

Polynomial and spline approximation by quadratic programming. Comma ACM 12 (1969), 379-381.

(MR 43, 5681; Zb 187, p. 127; RJM (1970), 3B873; CA


2422; BS


7789.) 5. Barnhill, R.E.; Wixom, J.A.

An error analysis for the bivariate interpolation of analytic functions. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 6 (1969), 450-457.

(~~ 43, 5683; Zb 187,-p. 501; CR~, 21058; BS


13242.) 6. Bedau, X.D.

Darstellung und Fortschreibung von Einkommensschichtungen unter Verwen-dung von Spline-Funktionen.

Viertelj ahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung (1969), 406-425. (RJM (1970), 11B864.)

7. Bellman, R.; Roth, R.

Curve fitting by segmented straight lines.

J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 64 (1969), 1079-1084.

(MR~, 7760; RJM (1970),-SB780; BS


12212.) 8. Berkovitz, L.D.; Pollard, H.

A variational problem related to an optimal filter problem with self-correlated noise.

Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (1969), 153-175.


9. Bhattacharyyu, B.K.

H;cubic spline interpolation IlH It method lor treatment of potential

fidd dutll.

GeophysicB 34 (1969), 402-423. 10. Bickley, W.G.

Piecewise cubic interpolation and two-point boundary problems. (Letter to the editor.)

Comput. J. 12 (1969),105. (CA Q, 278"'9:")

II. Birkhoff, G.

Numerical solution of elliptic equations.

in: Lecture series 1n differential equations, Vol. 2; ed. by A.K. Aziz; pp. 197-232.

Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1969. (Zb 208, p. 192.)

12. Birkhoff, G.

Piecewise bicubic interpolation and approximations in polygons. in: Approximations with special emphasis on spline functions; ed. hy I.J. Schoenberg, pp. 185-221.

Acad. Press, New York, 1969. (MR~, 6469.)

13. Blue, J.L.

Spline function methods for nonlinear boundary-value problems. Comm. ACM 12 (1969), 327-330.

(MR 44, 1225; Zb 175, p. 161; RJM (1969), 12B823; CR..!.Q., 17706;

CA 13, 2032; BS 31, 3179.) 14. Boor, C. de

On the approximation by y-polynomials.

in: Approximations with special emphasis on spline functions; ed. by

I.J. Schoenberg, pp. 157-183. Acad. Press, New York, 1969.




15. Carasso, C.; Laurent, P.J.

On the numerical construction and the practical use of interpolating spline functions.

in: Information Processing 68 (Proc. IFIP Congress, Edinburg, 1968); ed. by A.J.H. Morrell, Vol. 1 - Mathematics, Software, pp. 86-89. North-Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 1969.

(MR 40, 8219; Zb ~, p. 449; CA~, 1477.) 16. Cavendish, J.C.; Price, H.S.; Varga, R.S.

Galerkin methods for the numerical solution of boundary value problems. Soc. Petroleum Engrs.AlME J. 9 (1969), 204-220.




-17. Ciarlet, P.G.; Schultz, M.H.; Varga, R.S.

N~merical methods of high-order accuracy for nonlinear boundary value problems. V: Monotone operator theory.

Nl'mer. Math. 13 (1969),51-77.

(MR 40, 3730;Zb


p. 186; RJM (1969), IOB654; CA


2420; BS }O, 18488.)


18. Ciesielski, Z. (I) 2 A construction of basis in C (I). Stadia Math. 33 (1969), 243-247.

(MR 40, 1759;zh 185, p. 376; BS


4710.) 19. Dailey, J.W.


Approximation by spline-type functions and related problems (Doctoral dissertation) •

Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, 1969.




·20. Denmar~, H.H.; Larkin, W. J.

Invariance conditions on ordinary differential equations defining smooth-ing functions.

SIAM J. Appl. Math. ~ (1969), 1246-1257. (MR



21. Einarsson, B.

Erratum to: Numerical calculation of Fourier integrals with cubic splines. BIT! (1969), 183-184.

22. Elhay, S.

Optimal quadrature.

Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. I (1969), 81-108.



2925; Zb 175, p. 351; RJM (1970), 5B772; BS


15862.) 23. Esch, ~.E.; Eastman, W.L.

Computational methods for best spline function approximation. J. Approximation Theory 2 (1969), 85-96.

(MR 39, 1867; Zb ~, p.-176; RJM (1970), IB8IS.) 24. Fitzgerald, C.H.; Schumaker, L.L.

A differential equation approach to interpolation at extremal points. J. Analyse Math. 22 (1969), 117-134.



2257; BS 31, 15430.) 25. Fix, G.

Higher-order Rayleigh-Ritz approximations.

J. Math. Mech. 18 (J969), 645-657.

(MR 39, 2349; Zb234 , 65095; RJM (1969), IOB636; BS 30, 16414.) 26. Fix, G.; Strang, G.

Fourier analysis of the finite element method in Ritz-Galerkin theory. Studies in Appl. Math. 48 (1969), 265-273.



2944; Zb 179, p-. 225; RJM (1970), 4B874; BS


9902.) 27. Freeman, H.; Glass, J.M.

On the quantization of line-drawing data.

IEEE Trans. Systems Sci. Cybernetics SSC-5 (1969), 70-79. (RJM (1969), 12V564.)

28. Fyfe, D.J.

The use of cubic splines in the solution of two-point boundary value problems.

Comput. J. 12 (1969), 188-192.

(MR 39 5065; Zb 185, p. 414; RJM (1969), 12B824; CR!l, 18303; CA _1_, 3137; BS




29. Golomb, M.

Spline interpolation near discontinuities.

in: Approximations with special emphasis on spline functions; ed. by I.J. Schoenberg. pp. 51-74.

Acad. Press, New York, 1969. (MR



30. Gordon, W.J.

Distributive lattices and the approximation of multivariate functions. in: Approximations with special emphasis on spline functions; ed. by I.J. Schoenberg, pp. 223-277.

Acad. Press, New York, 1969. (MR 43, 77 9 • )

31. Gordon, W.J.

Spline-blended surface interpolation through curve networks. J. Math. Mech. 18 (1969), 931-952.



7333; Zb192, p. 422; RJM (1970), 2B963; BS


S03.) 32. Greville, T.N.E.


Theory and applications of spline functions (Proc. Seminar Math. Res. Center, Univ. Wisconsin, Oct. 1968); ed. by T.N.E. Greville.

Acad. Press, New York, 1969. (¥~ 38. 3663; BS 33, 3567.) 33. Greville, T.N.E.

Introduction to spline functions.

in: Theory and applications of spline functions; ed. by T.N.E. Greville, pp. 1-35.

Acad. Press, New York, 1969. (~lR


186S; Zb 215, p. 176.) 34. Guglielmo, F. di

Construction d'approximations des espaces de Sobolev sur des reseaux en simplexes.

Calcolo ~ (1969), 279-331. 35. Hall, C.A.

Error bounds for periodic quintic splines. Corum. ACM 12 (1969), 450-452.

(MR 43, 5685; Zb 185, p. 408; RJM (1970), 3B871; CR


18293; CA 13, 2778; BS 31, 7762.)

36. Hall, C.A.

Bicubic interpolation over triangles. J. Math. Mech. 19 (1969), )-11.

(MR 39, 6523; Zb194, p. 471; BS


9893.) 37. Heindl, G.

Spline-Funktionen mehrerer Veranderlicher. I: Definition und Erzeugung durch Integration.

Bayer. Akad. Wiss. Math.-Natur. Kl. S.-B. (1969), 49-63. (Zb 221, 41012; RJM (1971), 3BS6; BS 32, 5690.)

3S. Herbold, R.J.; Schultz, M.H.; Varga, R.S.

The effect of quadrature errors in the numerical solution of boundary value problems by variational techniques.

Aequationes Math. 3 (1969), 247-270.


39. Herbold, R.J.; Schultz, M.H.; Varga, R.S.

The effect of quadrature errors in the numerical solution of boundary value problems by variational techniques.

Aequationes Math.


(1969), 197-198. 40. Hilbertp S.R.


Num~rical methods for elliptic boundary problems (Doctoral dissertation). Univ. of Maryland, College Park, 1969.

(DA~, 1399-B.) 4 I. Hill, LD.

Note on algoritm 40: Spline interpolation of degree three. Comput. J. ~ (1969), 409.

42. Hosaka~ M.

Theory of curve and surface synthesis and their smooth fitting. Information Processing in Japan 9 (1969), 60-68.




-43. Hulme, B. L.


Pi~cewise bicubic methods for plate bending problems (Doctoral disser-tation).

Harvard Univ., Cambridge (Mass.), 1969. 44. Jerome, .J.W.; Varga, R.S.

Gen~ralizations of spline functions and applications to nonlinear boundary value and eigenvalue problems.

in: Theory and applications of spline functions; ed. by T.N.E. Greville, pp. 103-155.

Acad. Press, New York, 1969. (MR 39, 685; Zb 188, p. 130.) 45. Jerome, J.W.; Schumaker, L.L. On Lg-splines. J. Approximation Theory 2 (1969), 29-49. (MR


3201; Zb 172, p.-345; RJM (1970), IB 817.) 46. Jerome, J.W.; Schumaker, L.L.

Characterizations of functions with higher order derivatives in Lp' Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 143 (1969), 363-371.



8600; Zb 187, p.-Y]7; BS~, 11303.) 47. Johnson,' O.G.

Error bounds for Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue approximations by several piecewise cubic Rayleigh-Ritz methods.

SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 6 (1969), 317-333.

(MR 41, 4789; Zb 183,-p. 446; RJM (1970), 5B732; CR!!, 19634;

as 3 I , I 3288. ) -48. Karlin, S.

Best quadrature formulas and interpolation by splines satisfying bound-ary conditions.

in: Approximations with special emphasis on spline functions; ed. by I.J. Schoenberg, pp. 447-466.

Acad. Press, New York, 1969. (MR








Karlin, S.

The fundamental theorem of algebra for monosplines satisfying certain boundary conditions and applications to optimal quadrature formulas. in: Approximations with special emphasis on spline functions; ed. by I.J. Schoenberg, pp. 467-484.

Acad. Press, New York, 1969. (MR~, 2276.)

Karon, .T.M.

The sign-regularity properties of a class of Green's functions for ordinary differential equations.

J. Differential Equations 6 (1969), 484-502.

(MR~, 3863; BSi!., 5127.) . Kershaw! D.

The explicit inverses of two commonly occurring matrices. Muth. Compo 23 (1969), 189-191.

(MR 38, 6754;-RJM (1969), IIA313; BS 30, 16385.) '0/'// " v

Korne1cuk, N.P.; Luspa1, N.E.

Besc quadrature formulas for classes of differentiable functions and piecewise-polynomial approximation.

Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 33 (1969), 1416-1437 (Russian). Translated as Math. USSR-Izv. 3--(1969), 1335-1355.

(MR 43, 4249; Zb 198, p. 89; BS i!., 9377.) 53. Krinzesza, F.


Zur periodischen Spline-Interpolation (Dissertation). Ruh~-Universitat, Bochum, 1969.

(RJM (1971), 8B72.) 54. Lathrop, J.F.


AFplication of spline functions to the numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations (Doctoral dissertation).

Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, 1969. (DA 30, 4701-B.)

55. Laurent, .P.J.

Construction of spline functions in a convex set.

in: Approximations with special emphasis on spline functions; ed. by

1. J. Schoenberg, pp. 415-446. Acad. Press, New York, J969.

(MR 40, 6147.) 56. Lee, J.W.


The study of a class of boundary value problems with cyclic totally positive Green's functions with applications to spline approximation and eigenvalue problems (Doctoral dissertation).

Stanford Univ., Stanford, 1969. (DA 30, 1244-B.)

57. Logincv, A.S.

Approximation of continuous functions by broken lines. I

Mat. Zametki 6 (1969), 149-160 (Russian). Translated as-Math. Notes 6 (1969), 549-555.



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