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Spotting social signals in conversational speech over IP: A deep learning perspective


Academic year: 2021

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Spotting Social Signals in Conversational Speech over IP:

A Deep Learning Perspective

Raymond Brueckner


, Maximilian Schmitt


, Maja Pantic


, Bj¨orn Schuller



Machine Intelligence & Signal Processing group, MMK,

Technische Universit¨at M¨unchen, Germany


Chair of Complex & Intelligent Systems, University of Passau, Germany


Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK


EEMCS, University of Twente, The Netherlands


Nuance Communications, Ulm, Germany



The automatic detection and classification of social signals is an important task, given the fundamental role nonverbal behav-ioral cues play in human communication. We present the first cross-lingual study on the detection of laughter and fillers in conversational and spontaneous speech collected ‘in the wild’ over IP (internet protocol). Further, this is the first compari-son of LSTM and GRU networks to shed light on their perfor-mance differences. We report frame-based results in terms of the unweighted-average area-under-the-curve (UAAUC) mea-sure and will shortly discuss its suitability for this task. In the mono-lingual setup our best deep BLSTM system achieves 87.0 % and 86.3 % UAAUC for English and German, respec-tively. Interestingly, the cross-lingual results are only slightly lower, yielding 83.7 % for a system trained on English, but tested on German, and 85.0 % in the opposite case. We show that LSTM and GRU architectures are valid alternatives for e. g., on-line and compute-sensitive applications, since their ap-plication incurs a relative UAAUC decrease of only approxi-mately 5% with respect to our best systems. Finally, we apply additional smoothing to correct for erroneous spikes and drops in the posterior trajectories to obtain an additional gain in all setups.

Index Terms: Social signal classification, computational par-alinguistics, deep neural networks, LSTM, GRU, cross-lingual

1. Introduction

The detection and classification of social signals, in particular laughter and filled pauses is an important task in the area of computational paralinguistics, since these non-verbal cues con-vey information about the speaker’s emotional state, person-ality, and other speaker-related traits [1], esp. in spontaneous speech. While laughter might indicate happiness, amusement, but also embarrassment or discomfort, fillers are mostly found to hold the floor in human communication. Spotting these cues in speech could therefore also be highly valuable in situated in-teraction, where users interface with socially intelligent agents, to provide a more natural and successful dialog.

Since both laughter and fillers can occur basically at any point in the audio stream, using a separately trained expert model to detect the begin and end of these events can be bene-ficial in some use cases. One possible application could be au-tomatic speech recognition systems, since it is difficult to find a suitable language model for acoustic events that can occur ev-erywhere.

The first relevant work on detecting non-verbal vocaliza-tions from speech, and esp. laughter, appeared already a decade ago [2], but only used a 1-layer feed-forward (FF) neural network. Other work on this topic [3] applied several ap-proaches based on dynamic modelling and Hidden Markov Models (HMM), Conditional Random Fields (CRF), and Sup-port Vector Machines (SVM), or Non-Negative Matrix Factor-ization (NMF) [4].

The Social Signals Sub-Challenge of the Interspeech 2013 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE) [5] further kindled research activities on laughter and filler detection [6, 7, 8, 9] by providing a baseline database to compare research efforts.

More recently authors have continued their efforts applying deep neural networks [10, 11, 12], genetic algorithms [13], and context-aware probabilistic decisions [14]. Finally, the research community has seen a substantial increase of research activity investigating audiovisual (AV) laughter recognition [15, 16, 17, 18] in recent years. Since either early or late fusion is usually applied to merge the audio and video streams at some point, an improved pure-audio based detector could help improve the overall AV system.

1.1. Contribution of this work

In this study we present a mono-lingual and the first cross-lingual study on the detection and classification of laughter and fillers, i. e., vocalisations such as “ehm”, “uhm”, or “¨ah” (Ger-man) in conversational and spontaneous speech on a database recently collected ‘in the wild’ by Voice over IP. We focus on the frame-wise, speaker-independent classification of the three classes laughter, filler, and garbage, comprising all other vocal-izations, including speech and silence. Further, to our knowl-edge, this is the first study on the performance differences between bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM), (forward-directional) Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) networks on a social signal pro-cessing task. Note that GRU is not considered bidirectionally, as it is considered mainly as a low computational cost alterna-tive.

In the mono-lingual scenario we train, validate, and test on either British English or German separately, and evaluate the respective network performances against each other. Further, we show the beneficial effect of posterior smoothing. Then, we extend the experiments to the cross-lingual case, where we train and validate on one language and test on the other.



In Section 2 we define the BLSTM, LSTM, and GRU mod-els we use in our experiments and shortly discuss the evalua-tion metric we used. Secevalua-tion 3 gives an overview of the SEWA database and some statistics for British-English and German, the two languages under investigation. We present and discuss our results and findings in Section 4 and give some final con-clusions and an outlook for future work in Section 5.

2. Methodology

2.1. Network Architectures

The basic LSTM with peephole connections is defined as (cf. [19]) zt= g(Wzxt+ Rzht−1+ bz) block input it= σ(Wixt+ Riht−1+ pi ct−1+ bi) input gate ft= σ(Wfxt+ Rfht−1+ pf ct−1+ bf) forget gate ct= it zt+ ft ct−1 cell state ot= σ(Woxt+ Royt−1+ po ct+ bo) output gate ht= ot g(ct) block output

where denotes the element-wise (Hadamard) product, σ the element-wise non-linear logistic sigmoid1+exp1 −xand g the hyperbolic tangent activation function. In the case of a deep recurrent neural network, we simply feed the output ˜htinto the

next layer as input xt.

In the type of BLSTM that we will use in this study, the in-puts xtare propagated through one to several layers of two

sep-arated LSTM networks – one in the forward direction, where we feed the features in their natural order, and one in the back-warddirection, where the features are fed into the network in the time-reversed order. We only combine the final outputs of these possibly deep networks at their output level to generate the output of the BLSTM.

In the GRU, proposed recently by Cho et al. [20], the output gate is omitted and the remaining gates are referred to as update gate, zt, and reset gate, rt. The GRU is defined as (cf. [21])

zt= σ(Wzxt+ Uzht−1+ bz) update gate

rt= σ(Wrxt+ Urht−1+ br) reset gate

ht= (1 − zt) ht−1+ zt ˜ht activation


ht= g(Whxt+ Uh(rt ht−1) + bh)

For any network, we pass the final output into a softmax layer defined by sof tmaxj(z) = expzj PK k=1expzk for j = 1, ..., K (1)

which normalizes the resulting output values to add up to one. This allows us to interpret the outputs of the softmax layers as posterior probabilities.

The number of total parameters Ntot in the respective

single-layer, vanilla networks with Ncell cells and Nininputs

are given by

Ntotlstm = 4 · Ncell· (Ncell+ Nin+ 1) (2)

Ntotblstm = 2 · N lstm

tot (3)

Ntotgru = 3 · Ncell· (Ncell+ Nin+ 1) (4)

which do not account for an output, e. g., softmax, layer, which is of size Nclasses= 3 in our case.

2.2. Evaluation Metric

In the Interspeech 2013 ComParE Vocalization Challenge the unweighted-average area-under-the-curve (UAAUC) was used as the official challenge measure [5].

Gosztolya later critized the UAAUC as being an unsuitable measure for social signal detection [22]. First and foremost he argues against the frame-based usage of the UAAUC and claims that exact determination of boundaries of social signals is un-reasonable in many circumstances. Second, he finds that simple posterior smoothing leads to a surprisingly high increase in the AUC of the classes. Instead, he proposes to convert the frame-level posterior scores into time-aligned, utterance-frame-level occur-rence hypotheses of the social signal labels using an HMM and subsequently rate these via measures like precision, recall, or the F-score. In cases where it merely suffices to detect, if social signals are uttered we agree that this might be a valid approach. Nonetheless, there are scenarios where it is necessary to know the respective time boundaries. In this case utterance-level scor-ing is insufficient.

We counter that the AUC is an excellent measure of bi-nary classification performance, as it allows to estimate the gen-eral model performance without the need to fix a specific deci-sion threshold and rather embraces the range of possible thresh-olds [23]. Sub-optimal performance using precision-recall (PR) measures often arises from unsuitable threshold selection, esp. in the case of imbalanced data distributions across classes, as is usually the case for real life vocal signals. Consequently, high AUC values do not imply optimal selection of thresholds a-priori, but rather show the potential optimal performance.

3. Database

The SEWA (‘Sentiment Analysis in the Wild’) database consists of audio-visual recordings of 398 subjects from 6 different cul-tures, showing spontaneous and natural behaviour. All record-ings were made ‘in the wild’, i. e., not under laboratory settrecord-ings but on arbitrary desktop PCs or notebooks with standard web-cams and microphones. The data collection process took place over the Internet on a dedicated platform based on OpenTok

All subjects participated in pairs, staying in different rooms, either at their home or in an office. Each subject had to watch 4 different commercials, while being recorded. The spots had been chosen with the intent to evoke various emotions, such as compassion, joy, or boredom. After watching the last spot of 90 s duration the subjects were asked to discuss about this last clip in a video chat. There were no restrictions on the aspects to discuss; the maximum length of the conversation was 3 minutes, but participants were allowed to finish at any time earlier. It was required that both subjects know their partner (either relatives, friends, or colleagues), to ensure that an unreserved discussion could develop.

The pairs were balanced w. r. t. gender (female-female, female-male, male-male). Different age ranges (18+) are


rep-resented in the database; however, about half of the subjects are between 18 and 30 years old.

The whole SEWA database was transcribed manually, in-cluding the nonverbal vocalisations laughter and filler. Given the fact that most of these events occur during the video chat sessions and not during the sessions of subjects watching ad-vertisements, our experiments are restricted to the video chats of British and German subjects; only the audio recording was taken into account.

Table 1 shows the distribution over the SEWA database for the examined languages British and German.

Table 1: Distribution statistics for the SEWA database

British German

number of subjects 66 64

total duration (min) 90 89

number of frames 546 233 533 470

- laughter 10 843 (2.0 %) 16 700 (3.1 %) - filler 3 2701 (6.0 %) 32 017 (6.0 %)

4. Experiments and Results

4.1. Acoustic Feature Set

Since in this study we adopt a frame-wise detection and classi-fication approach, we use the openSMILE open-source toolkit v2.3 to extract the low-level descriptors (LLD) of the ComParE Feature Set [24] every 10 ms, which results in 130 features every time frame. In particular, 65 static, acoustic LLDs and their corresponding first-order derivatives are extracted for each frame, since previous studies showed these features to be partic-ularly beneficial for computational paralinguistic tasks [25, 26]. Feature vectors were z-score normalized, i. e., were transformed to have zero mean and unit variance, where the first-order mo-ments were computed on the corresponding training set. 4.2. Experimental Setup

For each language we divided the the set of utterances into a fixed training (17/18 speaker pairs), validation (7 pairs), and test (8 pairs) subset, and we applied gender-pair balancing, i. e., the proportion of female-female, male-male, and male-female pairs is approximately constant across the subsets. Even though the amount of data is relatively limited with respect to the number of parameters of the models we investigated, we decided to pre-scind from n-fold evaluation, in order to be able to more deeply explore the parameter space and minimize overtraining effects. All our models, described in Section 2.1, were trained with TensorFlow [27], using cross-entropy (CE) as the loss function and the first-order gradient-based Adam optimizer [28], which was used with its default parameter values, except the learning rate, which we varied between 10e−4and 10e−2. We trained our models on the full utterances, using the 130-dimensional input feature vector described in Section 4.1 without context expansion and shuffling the file order across epochs to speed up training and to improve generalization. Since Adam is an adaptive-learning rate algorithm, we did not use any annealing, but instead a patience-based approach, where we stopped train-ing if there was no improvement of the UAAUC on the valida-tion set for more than 5 epochs. After stopping we chose the network that achieved the highest UAAUC value on the

vali-dation set. This approach was found to be robust in previous studies [11, 10].

4.3. Mono-lingual Classification Performance

First, we examined the mono-lingual case in order to gain some understanding of the performance of the different model ar-chitectures and to find a suitable topology that worked well on this database. We trained our networks on the respective training set and evaluated on the validation set for each lan-guage under investigation separately, until the stopping crite-rion was met (cf. Section 4.2). We varied the topology per-forming a grid search over the number of cells Ncell in each

layer with Ncell ∈ [4, 512] and over the number of layers

Nlayers∈ [1, 2, 3]. For each combination, we varied the

learn-ing rate over the values reported in Section 4.2 – in most cases 10e−2gave best results. Table 3 shows the optimal values we obtained for three different topologies for both languages.

Interestingly, for both languages and all model types a two-layer, inverse pyramidal topology with 32 cells in the first layer and 16 cells in the second layer worked best. The results com-pare very favorably against the previously reported numbers on the SSPNet Vocalization Corpus (SVC) [5], given the more dif-ficult recording conditions of the SEWA database.

The results for British and German are close to each other, which shows the robustness and language-independence of spotting social signals purely from speech with a deep learn-ing approach. Further, removlearn-ing or addlearn-ing another layer does not improve classification accuracy.

We find it highly interesting that the LSTM and especially the GRU architectures compare very favorably to the BLSTM model. We conjecture that one of the main reasons GRU wins over LSTM is because it has lower complexity, i. e., has fewer parameters, which usually improves generalization.

Finally, we also tried training the models with dropout reg-ularization (p = 0.5), where dropout was only applied to the input and outputs of the recurrent layers [29], i. e., not the re-current connections; however, this slightly decreased the per-formance and we decided to not further follow this idea in this study.

4.4. Effect Of Posterior Smoothing

In previous studies [11, 10], it was found that the trajectories of the posterior probabilities at times show some unwanted fluctu-ation which leads to false detection and that performing smooth-ing of the posteriors at the output of the networks improves per-formance. This makes sense from an articulatory point of view of the human speech production system.

Hence, for each trained system (feature model) we trained another model using the resulting posteriors before applying the softmax nonlinearity at the output layer, i. e., the logits, as input for another model performing the smoothing (posterior model). Note that the posterior models were trained separately without propagating any updates down to the feature model.

For all experiments we used matching network types for the feature and posterior models, e. g., for a BLSTM feature model we also used a BLSTM posterior model. Moreover, we trained the posterior models in a similar way as described in 4.3 and performed a grid search of the number of cells Ncell ∈ [1; 64].

We found that the optimal number of cells in the posterior net-work is around Ncellposterior = 8. Table 4 shows the effect of combining the best feature model topology from Table 3 with the posterior model, resulting in a full network topology of 130-32-16-3-8-3.


Table 2: UAAUC [%] for cross-lingual setups British (train & validation) – German (test) and German-British for various deep neural architectures, all with topology 130-32-16-3 (no posterior smoothing) and 130-32-16-3-16(blstm)/8(lstm,gru)-3 (with posterior smoothing). For a detailed description refer to the text.

train/validation – test British-German German-British


smoothing no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes

approx. # parameters 48k 51k 24k 25k 18k 18k 48k 51k 24k 25k 18k 18k

valid 85.6 87.6 82.4 85.0 86.9 86.8 88.0 88.7 86.6 77.9 86.6 86.8

test 83.7 84.4 78.4 79.6 81.1 81.3 85.0 85.6 80.6 82.4 83.7 83.8

Table 3: UAAUC [%] for mono-lingual training and testing without posterior smoothing for three different model topolo-gies.

model topology British German

valid test valid test

130-32-3 79.7 82.7 82.7 83.8 BLSTM 130-32-16-3 84.7 87.0 83.0 86.3 130-32-32-32-3 83.4 85.0 83.0 86.1 130-32-3 79.9 80.2 81.1 82.9 LSTM 130-32-16-3 80.4 81.6 81.6 83.1 130-32-32-32-3 80.7 81.6 78.6 77.6 130-32-3 77.4 78.9 81.6 84.3 GRU 130-32-16-3 80.0 84.0 83.3 85.9 130-32-32-32-3 80.7 81.6 82.8 85.6 Table 4: Mono-lingual UAAUC [%] on the test set with poste-rior smoothing for the optimum topology 130-32-16-3-8-3.


British German

posterior smoothing posterior smoothing

no yes no yes

BLSTM 87.0 87.5 86.3 86.7

LSTM 81.6 82.7 83.1 83.9

GRU 84.0 84.3 85.9 86.1

The overall gain in UAAUC lies between 0.2 % and 1.1 %. It should be noted that this gain depends on the amount of laugh-ter and filler events found in the data.

4.5. Cross-lingual Classification Performance

In the cross-lingual experiments, we followed the same ap-proach as described for the mono-lingual case, the only differ-ence being the use of data sets. For each language, we trained on the combination of the mono-lingual training and validation sets, in order to increase the amount of training data, and used the mono-lingual test set as the validation set. Then, we evalu-ated on the other language’s full data set.

We found that the optimal network topology for all model architectures was 130-32-16-3 for the feature models, as in the mono-lingual case, and 16 for BLSTM or 8 for LSTM/GRU, respectively, for the posterior model. Table 2 depicts the results for the best setups.

As in the mono-lingual case the BLSTM models outper-formed LSTM and GRU models, but the gap is relatively small.

Also, GRU again beat the LSTM models and in the German-British setup is only approximately 2.0% below the BLSTM results. This finding is very important, since it shows that for on-line or low-resource applications resorting to GRU models constitutes a viable approach and the expected decrease in per-formance is very limited.

We further investigated also the effect of posterior smooth-ing and found that it consistently improves results in all experi-ments. Interestingly, the gains were smallest for the GRU mod-els and largest for the LSTM modmod-els.

5. Conclusions and Outlook

This study presents the first mono-lingual and cross-lingual re-sults on the detection of laughter and fillers in conversational and spontaneous speech collected ‘in the wild’ over IP, the SEWA database. Further, we present a first extensive compar-ison of BLSTM, LSTM, and GRU networks and find that the latter models, esp. the GRU models, compare very favorably to the more complex BLSTM models. This finding is especially important for applications which cannot afford long time delays or have limited compute constraints.

In the mono-lingual setup our best deep BLSTM system achieves 87.0 % and 86.3 % UAAUC for English and German, respectively. The cross-lingual results are almost on-par, yield-ing 83.7 % for a system trained on English, but tested on Ger-man, and 85.0 % in the opposite case. Finally, we show that smoothing the posterior trajectories obtained with these models further improves the results by approximately 0.5 % absolute.

We plan to extend these investigations to the full SEWA database, comprising 6 languages, and to perform a more in-depth cross-lingual analysis. Further, we will look into the data imbalance effects of the database and how this could pos-sibly improve robustness. Moreover, we will combine LSTM and GRU networks on the recently proposed Bag-Of-Audio-Words approach [30]. Finally, we also plan to do a full end-to-end training of the combined feature and posterior models and examine other network architectures, such as variants of the LSTM models or Convolutional Neural Networks.

6. Acknowledgements

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 and Seventh Framework Programmes under grant agreements no 645094 (IA SEWA) and no 338164 (ERC StG iHEARu).


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