Phoma belangrijkste oorzaak van bladvlekken
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Of the total mining electricity bill 40% is consumed by water pumping systems.. Manual load shifting is attempted on approximately 15% of these pumping
Automated dewatering pumping systems should be implemented to improve load management. By reducing the maximum electrical demand during peak periods,
Forte JP “Environmental Due Diligence: A Guide to Liability Risk Management in Commercial Real Estate Transactions” 2011 Fordham Environmental Law Review 349. Knebel 2011
The S allele of VNTR in the SLC6A4 gene showed the strongest association to ADHD in terms of type of ADHD (mainly inattentive), presence of ADHD, and severity of inattention
en veilingen. Vooral in de grote produktiegebieden zoals de "nieuwe" polders NOP en O. Flevoland alsmede het zuidwestelijke kleigebied over- weegt de afzet aan de
Behandelingen met N2012TP geven geen gewasbeschermingseffect; zowel uitgedrukt in de mate van aantasting als in het aantal tripslarven per plant werd geen significant verschil
The research reported in this paper is concentrated on the following question: What were the educational implications of the segregation policy of the National