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ANNEX XII to SWOV report

Safety effects of road design standards R-94-7


H.G.J.C.M. Ruyters & M. Slop

SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, The Netherlands

R-94-7 XII


SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research PO. Box 170 2260 AD Leidschendam The Netherlands Telephone 31703209321 Telefax 31703201261


Notice to the


This volume is one of the armexes t!l a main report on safety effects o f road design standards which was compiled by SWOV in collaboration with other European partners, in !>93-1994.

The project was carried out with financial support of the Commission of the European Union. However, no authority of the European Union has responsability for the contents of this publication.

The main report is a composition of contributions from various authors, edited by SWOV and published in both English and French. The armexes were not re-edited but were published in the form in which they were furnished by the authors. SWOV is not responsible for the contents of armexes that were produced by authors from outside the institute. The full publication consists of the f>llowing volumes.

Main report: Safety effects of road design standards

H.G.J.C.M. Ruyters & M.Slop ed.); SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, Leidschendam, The Netherlands

Annex I: Road classification and categorization

S.T.M.C. Janssen; SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, Leidschendam, The Netherlands

Annex 11: Assumptions used in road design

M. Slop; SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, Leidschendam, The Netherlands




Methods for investigating the relationship between accidents, road user behaviour and road design standards

G. Maycock & I. Summersgill; Transport Research Laboratory, Crowthome, England

Annex IV: International organizations and road design standards H.G.J.C.M. Ruyters; SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, Leid-schendam, The Netherlands

Annex V: National road design standards

H.G.J.C.M. Ruyters; SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, Leid-schendam, The Netherlands

Annex VI: Road cross-section

L. Michalski; Technical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland Annex VD: Road design standards of medians, shoulders and verges C.C. Schoon; SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, Leidschendam, The Netherlands


Armex Vlll: Design features and safety aspects of exit and entry ici lt"es on

motorways in the EC (in Gennan) J. Steinbrecher; Aachen, Gennan y Armex IX(E): Curves on two-lane roads

Annex IX(F): Virages sur routes


deux voies (in French)

T. Brenac; Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur S6curit6, Salon-de-Provence, France

Annex X: "Bicycles at intersections" in the Danish Road Standards L. Herrstedt; Danish Road Directorate, Copenhagen, Denmark Armex XI: Bicycle facilities at intersections

M.P. Hagenzieker; SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, Leidschendam, The Netherlands



l. 1.1. 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 1.1.4. 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.2.3. 1.2.4. 1.2.5. 1.2.6. 1.2.7. 1.2.8. 1.2.9. 1.2.10. 1.2.11. 1.2.12. 1.3. 2. 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.1.4. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.2.1. 3.2.2. 3.2.3. 3.3.

Legislatt'on and guidelines

Legislation and guidelines issued by international organizations United Nations


European Union Other

Legislation and guidelines issued by EU member states Belgium Denmark France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxemburg The Netherlands Spain Portugal United Kingdom Others

Studies by international organizations General studies

European Union United Nations OECD


Studies by national organizations General studies

Studies on single road design standards Function and design

Signing and marking Bicycle traffic Accident analysis




Legislation and guidelines

1.1. Legislation and guidelines issued by \lternational organ "ttations 1.1.1. United Nations

1.1.2. ECMT

1.1.3. European Union

1.1.4. Other

Economic Commission for Europe, Inland Transport Committee (1975). European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries (AGR). UN. Geneva, 15 November 1975.

[Reproduced a.o. in: Tractatenblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, 1979, nr.78.]

Economic Commission for Europe, Inland Transport Committee (1988). Revised text of annexes 11 and Ill of the European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries (AGR). TRANS!SC lf332. UN, Geneva, 18 January 1988.

Economic Commission for Europe (1990). European Road Traffic Rules. Draft, informal document. UN. Geneva, October 1990.

Commission Economique pour 1 'Europe, Comit6 des Transports Interieurs (1992). Accords et Conventions interessant /es pays de la region de la CEE, Etat des signatures, ratifications, adhesions, etc. TRANS/R.352. NU. Gen~ve, 8 decembre 1992.

Economic Commission for Europe, Inland Transport Committee (1993). Proposed amendments to the 1968 Convention on Road Signs and Signals, revision 2. ECE!fRANS/90/Rev.2. UN, Geneva, 24 February 1993.

ECMT (1974). European rules concerning road traffic, signs and signals. ECMT, Paris. February 1974.

EEC (1988). Council Directive on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of ihe Member States on construction products. Council Directive 89/106/EEC. EEC, Brussels, 21 December


EG (1993). Entschliej3ung zu einem Aktionsprogramm der Gemeinschaft im Bereich der Straj3enverkehrssicherheit. Amtsblatt Nr. C 115/260. EO. Brussel.

Uberet'nkommen uber Stra]Jenverkehrszeichen. Wien, 1968. Protokoll aber Straj3enmarkl'erungen zum Europdischen


Trans-European North-South Motorway (TEM) (1992). Standards and Recommended Practice. TEM, July 1992.

1.2. Legislation and guidelines issued by EU member states 1.2.1. Belgium

1.2.2. Denmark

AGR, Wet van 15 maart 1985 houdende goedkeuring van de Europese Overeenkomst inzake internationale hoofdverkeerswegen en van de

Bijlagen, opgemaakt re Geneve <:p 15 november 1975. Be1gisch Staatsblad, 19 november 1985.

Ministere Wallon de l'Equipement et des Transports (1991). Caracteristiques routieres et autoroutieres. Circulaire N° NW A/205/91,()2685. Bruxelles, decembre 1991.

Danish Road Directorate (1991). Road Standards for Urban Areas. Danish Road Directorate, June 1991.

0. Road Plaruting in Urban Areas 1. Premises for the Geometrical Design 2. Alignment Elements 3. Cross Sections 4. Intersections 5. Path/Road Crossings 6. Path Intersections 7. Speed Reducers 8. Pedestrian Streets

9. Areas for Parking, Stoppng, etc. 10. The Visual Envirorunent

Road Directorate, The Tecluu'cal Committee on Road Standards (1981). Traffic engineering, Road and pathtypes; Catalogue of types for new roads and paths in rural areas. 4.30.0 1. Road Directorate, May 1981 . Vejdirektoratet (1983). Vejteknik, Knudepunkter i et plan; Vejregler for vejkryds i avent land. 5.30.01. Vejdirektoratet, Oktober 1983.

Vejdirektoratet (1985). Vejregler for signalanlag. Vejdirektoratet, Apn"l 1985.

Vejdirektoratet (1992). Afmarkning pd k~rebanen; Tvarafmarkning. Vejdirektoratet, September 1992.

Vejdirektoratet (1992). Fardselstavler - Pavudstavler. Vejdirektoratet, September 1992.

Vejdirektoratet (1992). Fardselstavler- Vigepligtstavler. Vejdirektoratet, September 1992.

Proiekteringsregler for Mottheie. 1974.

Cirkulare om etablenng af dobbeltrettede cykelstier.


1.2.3. France

1.2.4. Germany

Code de la route. Codoroute. Paris.

SETRA (1975). Instruction sur les conditions techniques d' amenagement des routes nationales (ICTARN). Modification de l'edition 1970. SETRA, Bagneux.

SETRA (1985). Instruction sur les conditions techniques d' amenagement

des autoroutes de liaison (ICTAAL). SETRA, Bagneux.

CETUR (1990). Instruction sur les conditions techniques d' amenagement des voies rapides urbaines (ICTAVRU). CETUR, Bagneux.

Entrees et Sorties sur Autoroutes. Note d'Infonnation N° 22. Bagne ~.


SETRA, Ministere des Transports (1993). Amenagement des routes principales (ARP). Document provisoire. SETRA.

Forschungsgesellschaft fiir StraBen- und V erkehrswesen, Arbeitsgruppe StraBenentwurf (1988). Richtlinienjar Netzgestaltung (RAS-N). FGSV, Koln.

Forschungsgesellschaft ftlr StraBen- und Verkehrswesen, Arbeitsgruppe StraBenentwurf. Richtlinienjar Auj3erortsstraj3en (RAS). FGSV, Koln. Linienfiihrung (RAS-L). 1984

Querschnitt (RAS-Q). 1982 Knotenpunkten (RAS-K)

Abschnitt 1: Plangleiche Knotenpunkte (RAS-K-1). 1988 Abschnitt 2: Planfreie Knotenpunkte (RAS-K-2). 1976 Landschaftsgestaltung (RAS-LG). 1980+1983

Entwasserung (RAS-EW). 1987

Anlagen des offentlichen Personennahverkehrs. 1977+ 1979

Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das StraBenwesen (1979). Kommentar zu den Richtlinien fUr die Anlagen von Landstraj3en, Teil Linienjahrung, Abschnitt Elemente der Linienjahrung, Ausgabe 1973. RAL-L1 Kommentar. FGS.

Aktuelle Hinweise zur Gestaltung planfreier Knotenpunkte auj3erhalb bebauter Gebiete (AH-RAL-K-2). Entwurf. 1993.

Hinweise zur Anwendung der Richtlinien jar die Anlage von Straj3en

(Teile RAS-N, L, Q, K) beim Um- und Ausbau von Straj3en in den neuen Bundesliindern. 1992.

Forschungsgesellschaft fiir StraBen- und Verkehrswesen, Arbeitsgruppe StraBenentwurf. EmpfehlungenfUr lnnerortsstraj3en. FGSV. K{Hn. Empfehlungen fiir die Anlage von ErschlieBungs-straBen (EAE). 1985 Empfehlungen ftlr die Anlage von Hauptverkehrs- straBen (EAHV). 1993 Empfehlungen ftlr die Anlage von Ruhender Verkehr (EAR). 1991


1.2.5. Greece 1.2.6. Ireland

1.2.7. Italy

Empfehlungen ftlr Radverkehrsanlagen. 1982

Forschungsgesellschaft fiir StraBen- und Verkehrswesen, Arbeitsgruppe StraBenentwurf. Richt/inien fUr die Markierung von StrajJen. FGSV, Koln. Teil 1: Abmessungen und geometrische Anordnung von

Markierungszeichen (RMS-1). 1993

Teil 2: Anwendung von Fahrbahrunarkierungen (RMS-2). 1980

Forschungsgesellschaft ftlr StraBen- und Verkehrswesen, Arbei tgruppe

StraBenentwurf (1989). RichtlinienjUr passive Schutzeinrichtungen an StrajJen. FGSV, KOln.

Forschungsgesellschaft fiir StraBen- und Verkehrswesen, Arbeitsgruppe StraBenentwurf ( 1985). Empfehlungen fUr die Gestaltung von

UJrmschutzanlagen an StrajJen. FGSV, KOln.

Bundesminister fur Verkehr (30 September 1991). Mindestbreite des Verkehrsraums von 11,5 m bei zweibahnigen BundesfernstrajJen mit Standstreifen. Allgemeines Rundschreiben Stra.Ben Nr 25/1991. Bundesanstalt fUr StraBenwesen U993). Richtlinien fur wegweisende Beschilderung auf Autobahnen ( RWBA ). Entwurf. BASt, Berg ~eh G1adbach.

Forschungsgesellschaft fUr StraBen- und Verkehrswesen (19821 Radverkehrsanlagen; Empfehlungen fUr Planung, Entwurf und Betrieb. FGSV.

An Foras Forbartha (The National Institute for Physical Plarming and Construction Research) (1977). Geometric Design Guidelines. RT 180. An Foras Forbartha, Dublin, May 1977.

Part: Intersections at Grade. Revised 1981

Nuovo codice della strada. Ulrico Hoepli Editore S.p.A., Milano, 1993.

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche C.N.R. (1978). Norme sulle

caratteristiche geometriche e di trajfico delle strade urbane Bollettino Ufficiale (Norme tecniche) del C.N.R, Anno Xll, pt.IV, no.60. C.N.R., Roma, 26 aprile 1978.

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche C.N.R. (1980). Norme sulle caratteristiche delle strade extraurbane. Bollettino Ufficiale (Norme tecniche) del C.N.R., Anno XIV, pt.IV, no .78. C.N.R., Roma, 28 lugh·o 1980.

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche C.N.R. (1983). Norme su/le

caratteristiche geometriche e di trajfico delle intersezioni stradali urbane.


1.2,8. Luxemburg 1.2.9. The Netherlands

1.2. 10. Spain

Bollettino Ufficiale (Nonne tecniche) del C.N.R., Anno XVII, pt.IV, no.90. C.N.R., Roma, 15 aprile 1983.

Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat (1990). Reglement verkeersregels en verkeerstekens (RW). Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat. Den Haag. Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat (1990). Besluit administratieve bepalingen inzake het wegverkeer (BABW). Ministerie van Verk.eer en Waterstaat, Den Haag.

Rijkswaterstaat, DVK. Richtlijnen voor het ontwerpen van autosnelwegen (ROA). DVK, Rotterdam.

Hoofdstuk I: Basiscriteria (november 1992) Hoofdstuk 11: Alignement (mei 1991) Hoofdstuk lll: Dwarsprofielen (maart 1993)

Hoofdstuk IV: Knooppunten en aansluitingen (maart 1993) Hoofdstuk V: Verlichting december 1990)

Hoofdstuk VI: Veilige inrichting van bermen (juli 1989) Hoofdstuk VII: Diversen (juli 1992)

1. Wegbeeld 2. Landschap

Rijkswaterstaat, DVK. Richtlijnen voor het ontwerpen van niet-autosnelwegen buiten de bebouwde kom (RONA). DVK, Rotterdam. Hoofdstuk I: Basiscriteria (januari 1992)

Hoofdstuk IT: Dwarsprofielen (december 1986) Hoofdstuk lll: Kruispunten (december 1986) Hoofdstuk IV: Alignement (1989)

Hoofdstuk V: Verlichting (1991)

Hoofdstuk VI: Wegen in plattelandsgebieden (1986)

Rijkswaterstaat, DVK (1986). Richtlijnen voor het ontwerp van Geluidbeperkende Constructies Jangs Wegen. DVK, Rotterdam.

Rijkswaterstaat, DVK (1991). Richtlijnen Bebakening en Markering van Wegen. DVK, Rotterdam.

Rijkswaterstaat, DVK (1987+1988). Richtlijnen Maatregelen bij Werken in Uitvoering. DVK, Rotterdam.

C.R.O.W (1988). ASW Aanbevelingen voor verkeersvoorzieningen binnen de bebouwde kom. Publikatie 10. C.R.O.W, Ede.

C.R.O.W (1993). Richtlijnen Bewegwijzering. C.R.O.W, Ede.

Ministerio de Obras Pt1blicas y Transportes ( 1993). N ormativa vige nte en pro ye a os de la Direccion de Carreteras. Ministerio de Obras PUbl icas y


1.2.11. Portugal

Ministerio de Obras PUblicas y Urbanismo, Direccion General de Carreteras (1990). Trazado. Instruccion 3.1.-IC. Ministerio de Obras PUblicas y Urbanismo, June 1990.

Ministerio de Obras PUblicas y Urbanismo, Direccion General de

Carreteras (1988). Trazado de Autopistas. Norma complementaria de la 3.1.-IC, fifth edition. Ministerio de Obras PUblicas y Urbanismo. Ministerio de Obras PUblicas y Urbanismo, Direccion General de

Carreteras (1989). Recomendaciones sabre Glorietas. Ministerio de Obras PUblicas y Urbanismo, May 1989.

Ministerio de Obras PUblicas y Urbanismo, Direccion General de Carreteras (1987). Senalizaci6n de Obras. Norma de carreteras 8.3.1C. Ministerio de Obras PUblicas y Urbanismo, September 1987.

Ministerio de Obras PUblicas y Transportes, Direccion General de Carreteras (1991).Seflalizacion vertical. Borrador de Instrucci6n 8.1.-IC. Ministerio de Obras PUblicas y Transportes, June 1991.

Ministerio das Obras PUblicas, Transportes e Comunic~6es, Junta Aut6noma de Estradas (1978). Normas de Projecto. Ministerio das Obnts PUblicas, Transportes e Comwu·cac6es, Lisboa

Ministerio das Obras PUblicas, TIIDlsportes e Comunicac6es, Junta Aut6noma de Estradas (1992). Normas de lntersec~oes. Ministerio das Obras PUblicas, Transportes e Comunica~6es, Lisboa.

Ministerio das Obras PUblicas, Transportes e Comunica~6es, Junta Aut6noma de Estradas ( 1992). Normes de No de Liga~tio. Ministerio das Obras PUblicas, Transportes e Comunica96es, Lisboa.

Ministerio das Obras PUblicas, Transportes e Comunicac6es, Junta

Aut6noma de Estradas ( 1990). Elabora~ao de Projectos, Nos de Liga~ao. Norma P6 - 90. Ministerio das Obras PUblicas, Transportes e

Comunica96es, Lisboa.

1.2.12. United Kingdom

Department of Transport ( 1993). The highway code. HMSO, London.

Department of Transport ( 1984). Highway link design. Departmental Advice Note TA 43/84. HMSO. London.

Department of Transport (1993). Highway Link Design. Departmental

Standard TD 9/93. HMSO, London.

Department of Transport (1985). Traffic flows and carriageway wzdth

assessment. Departmental Standard TD 20/85. HMSO, London.

Department of Transport, Highway and Traffic (1986). Cross section and

headroom. Departmental Standard TD 27/86. HMSO, London.

Department of Transport (1992). Layout of Grade Separated Junctions.


1.3. Others

Deparnnent of Transport (1992). Layout of Grade Separated Junctions. Departmental Advice Note TA 48/92. HMSO. London.

Department of Transport ( 1984). Junctions and accesses.· The byoul of maJor/minor junctions. Departmental Advice Note TA 20/84. HMSO, London.

Department of Transport (1992). Traffic signs and road markings for lane gains and lane drops on all-purpose dual caariageway and motorway trunk roads. Departmental Advice Note TA 58/92. HMSO, London.

Department of Transport (1989). Making way for cyclists. Planning, design and legal aspects of providing for cyclists. Local Transport Note

1/89. HMSO, London.

Department of Transport (1986). Cyclists at road crossings and junctions. Local Transport Note 1/86. HMSO, London.

Department of Transport (1987). Signs for cycle facilities. Local Transpo n Note 2/87. HMSO, London.

Department of Transport, Traffic Signs aranch (1984). Traffic Slgns for cyclists. Leaflet. HMSO, London.

Manual of contract: Highway Construction Details HMSO, London .1992.

Institution of Highways and Transportation (1990). Highway safety guidelines: accident reduction and prevention. International edition.

London, August 1990.

Transportation Research Board (1985). Htghway Capaciry Manual (HCM -1985). Special Report. TRB, Washington.





international organizations

As studies are also regarded documents that serve as tentative legislation, communications (e.g. of the EU), leaflets (of safety institutions), campaign documents, articles in reviews and others.

2.1. General studies 2.1.1. European Union

2.1.2. United Nations

2.1.3. OECD

Commission of the EC, Directorate General for Transport (1992). The future development of the Common Transport Policy. COM(92) 494 fmal. EC, Brussels, December 1992.

Tauran, J. (1993). Report on a Community programme of action on road safety of the Committee on Transport and Tourism. PE 201.756/fin. European Parliament, 28 January 1993.

Commission of the EC, Directorate General for Transport (1993). Communicationfrom the Commission to the Council for an action programme on road safety. COM(93) 246 final. EC, Brussels, June 1993. Motorway Working Group, Action START (1993). Road Typology in the Trans-European Road Network. EC, Brussels, November 1993.

Motorway Working Group, Action START (1994). Interoperability on the Trans-European Road Network. EC, Brussels, January 1994.

Economic Commission for Europe (1992). Trans-European North-South

Motorway (TEM), Standards and Recommended Practice. GE.92-22880.

UN, Geneva, July 1992.

OECD (1976). Methods for determining geometric road design standards. OECD, Paris, 20 October 1976.

OECD (1977). Geometric road design standards. OECD, Paris. O.C.D.E. (1984). Programmes integres de securite routiere. O.C.D.E., Paris.

OECD (1986). Economic design of low-traffic roads. OECD, Paris. OECD (1990). Behavioural adaptations to changes in the road transport system. OECD, Paris.

OECD (1992). Marketz'ng of traffic safety. Draft. OECD, Pans, 14 December 1992.


2.1.4. Other

OECD (1993). Road Transport Research Outlook. 25th aruu'versary. OECD, Paris.

ECMT (1984). Costs and benefits of road safety measures. Round table 63. ECMT, Paris.

ECMT (1986). Principal actions of ECMT in the field of road safety.

ECMT, Paris.

IRU (1986). Road transport and road safety. IRU, Geneva.

PIARC (1987). Road safety and infrastructure. Conference discussion no.l, XVIII World Road Congress. Brussels, 13-19 September 1987. PIARC (1987). German contrzbutz'on to question N: lnterurban roads a rtJ

motorways. XVIII World Road Congress. Brussels, 13-19 September 1987.

IRF (1991). Proposals for harmonized practices for road signing and safety devices. IRF, Geneva, September 1991.

AIT (1992). Advanced Pan-European Motorway Network, AfT-Point of





national organizations

Under this heading are also included studies made by any author who is just expressing his own opinion.

3.1. General studies

Anderson, H.L. (1980). lncompatibilities between highways. vehzcles and drivers. Proc. American Associa ~n for Automou·ve Medicme. Oct. 7-9,


Babkov, V.F. (1968). Road design and traffic safety. In: Traffic Engineering and Control (1968) (Sept), 236-239.

Berthelon, C. (1987). Essai de mise en relation entre le niveau de dysfonctionnement de I' usager et les caracteristiques de I' infrastructure. Rapport intenn6diaire de recherche. INRETS.

Beys-Kanrnarokos, G. (1987). Vergleich der Richtlinienfilr Straj3en-entwurf in den Land ern der Europiiischen Gemeinschaft. Technisc le Hochschule Dannstadt.

Bjorketun, U. Safety of rural roads; Descnption of the traffic safety

situation on rural roads. In: European Worksoop on Recent ~velopment,

BA St.

Brenac, T. (1990). Speed, safety and highway design. Rechercle Transports S6curit6, English Issue, No 5. June 1990.

Duncan, J., Williams, P. & Brown, lD. (1991). Components of driving skill: experience does not mean expertise. Ergo,IOmics 34, 919-937. Durth, W. (1987). Vergleich der Richtlinien filr den Straj3enentwurf in den

Liindern der Europiiischen Gemeinschaft. Technische Hochschule

Dann-stadt. Oktober 1987.

Fontame, H., Malaterre, G. & Van Elslande, P. (1989). Evaluation de

I' efficacite potentzelle des aides


la conduite. Rapport No. 85. INRETS.

Gambard, J.M. & Louah, G. (1986). Vitesses pratiquees et geometrie de la

route. SETRA.

Hauer, E. (1988). A case for science-based road safety design and

management. In: 'Highway Safety: At the Crossroads', ASCE, 1988,


Helliar-Symons, R. ( 1983). Automatic close following sign at Ascot. Report LR 1095. TRL, Crowthome.

Insu'tution of Highways and Transportation (1987). Roads and .-affic ~

tt'ban areas. HMSO. London


Jamroz, K. & Michalski, L. (1992). Traffic safety related to types of road and traffic signals. In: Proc. of Conference "Safety in Europe", Berlin.

J~rgensen, N.O. (1986). Road network planning and traffic safety,· a Danish perspective. In: Proceedings of Seminar P, 14th PTRC Summer

Aruual Meeting, 97-104.

Kimber, R.M. (1980). The traffic capacity of roundabouts Report LR 94 2. TRRL, Crowthome.

Kosasih, D., Robinson, R. & Snell. J. (1987). A review of some recent geome tic road standards and their application to developing countries. Report No. 114. TRRL, Crowthome.

Lee, B.H. & Brocklebank, P.J. ( 1993). Speed/flow/geometry relationships for rural Slngle carriageway roads. Report CR 319. TRL, Crowthome.

Leisch, J.P. (198 1). Design features for achieving operah·ona.l efficiency and safety on multi lane highways and freeways. In: International Highway

Safety Conference, Be~rade, 20-23 October 1981, pp. 349-372.

Leutzbach, M. & Zoellmer, K. 0988). Relationship between road safety

and highway design elements. Federal Minister of Transport, Road Construction Department, Bollll-Ba.d Godesberg.

McKeiUla, F.P. & Cn'ck, J.L. ( 1992). Hazard perception: can it be trained? In: Grayson, G. (Ed.). Behavioural Research in Road Safety II, Proceedings of a Seminar at Manchester University 17-18 September

1991. TRL, Crowthome.

Moniteur Beige (1985). Conditions auxquelles doivent repondre les grandes routes de trafic international. 19 novembre 1985.

Murray, D.P. & Carter, A.J. (1980). Achievement of safety objectives


a road funding program. In: Proceedings of the workshop of road design

standards, Vol.l, 163-197, Canberra.

Navin, F.P.D. (1990). Safety factors for road design: can they be

estimated? ln: Transportation Research Record 1280, TRB, Washington, O'CiiUl~ide, D., McAuliffe, N. & O'Dwyer, D. (1993). Comparison of road design standards and operational regulations in EC and EFTA coun-tries. Conducted within the framework of DRIVE II, Project V2002,

Commission of the European Union, DO XIII. Traffic Research Unit,

University College Cork. February 1993.

O'Ci1Ul6ide, D. & Murphy, E. (1993). The relationship between Geometric Road Design Standards and Driver/Vehicle Behaviour, Level of ServiCe and Safety. Drive ll Project, University College Cork, Ikcember 1993. Quimby, A.R. & Watts, G.R. (198 1). Hwnan factors and driving performance. Report LR 1004. TRRL, Crowthome.


Reason, J.T., Manstead, A.S.R., Stradling, S.G .• Parker, D. & Baxter. J.S. (1991). The social and cognitive determinants of aberrant driving

behaviour. Report CR 253. TRL. Crowthome.

RRL (1965). Research on road traffic. HMSO, London.

Ruyters H. (1993). Established international road design standards. Contribution to the 1st workshop "Research on safety effects of road design standards", SWOV, Leidschendam, 1-2 July 1993.

SWOV (1993). Towards a sustainable safe traffic system in the Nether-lands. SWOV, Leidschendam.

Shinar. D., McDowell, E.D. & Rockwell, T.H. (1974). Improving driver peiformance on curves in rural highways through perceptual changes. Ohio State University.

Van Elslande, P. & Malaterre, G. (1987). Les aides


la conduite, analyse des besoins en assistance des conducteurs. Rapport No. 23. INRETS. Yerpez, J. (1987). Road characteristics and safety. INRETS Research and the Contribution of the road data bank. Highway Appraisal and Design Seminar, PTRC Summer Meeting.

Yerpez, J. & Ferrandez, F. (1986). Road characteristics and safety. Identification of the part played fyy road factors tn accident generatl"()i.l"t INRETS Synthesis Nr 2, Arcueil.

3.2. Studies on single road design standards 3.2.1. Function and design

Classification of roads

Dijkstra, A. (1991). Categorisering van wegen: Deel 1: Verkeersplanolo-gische gezichtspunten. Binnen- en buitenlandse benaderingen van catego-risering. R-91-52. SWOV, Leidschendam.

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Geometric road design standards

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Voor Sir Rowland Hill se plan moes die (afsender/- ontvanger) die posgeld betaal.. Thomas Edison se eerste laboratorium was in 'n

These are demographic quality and geographical quality, which are then combined with the widely used human development index to determine the non-economic qualiry of

quantitative no no no yes PR2 Total number of incidents of non- compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safety impacts of products

inteI1&gt;retasie-daaraan gegee. In Tn enkele geval het dit niegebeur nie, en die geval is deur die betrokke eksaminator as afwykend gemotiveer. Die eenvormige

By creating an adequate infrastructure, and through the training of healthcare workers, a substantial proportion of patients historically referred to tertiary hospitals now

Het ene geval beschrijft een versterkte maatschappelijke en economische positie van de landbouw onder meer ingegeven door zorg om voedselveiligheid; in het andere geval is de

In de landbouw blijken vrouwen die elders werken veel vaker motieven te noemen die gerelateerd zijn aan de eigen arbeids- keuze en het realiseren van economische zelfstandigheid dan

To better understand these relationships, data from field and museum collected samples of South Africa were combined to test for the associations between host and parasite length