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Power- and machine-electronics 1914-1966: a selected bibliography and review on the electronic control of electrical machines


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Power- and machine-electronics 1914-1966

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Wyk, van, J. D. (1966). Power- and machine-electronics 1914-1966: a selected bibliography and review on the

electronic control of electrical machines. South African Institute of Electrical Engineers.

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"A selected bibliography and review on the electronic control of electrical machines"



D. van Wyk, formerly with the Group on Electromechanical Energy Conversion,

Techno-logica! University, Eindhoven, Netherlands, and at present with the Group on Automation,

The South African Iron and Steel lndustrial Corporation, Ltd., Vanderbijlpark.

85 pages: 21


27 cm,

1 099 items entered,

20 figures.

This bibliography has been compiled by the author in the course of several years of research

work at the Technological University Eindhoven, Netherlands. The purpose was to collect

the relevant information from all available sourees published from the turn of the century

to 1966. A second volume covering the literature from 1966 to 1970 is in preparation.

Brief summary of contents:

Historica! notes and evaluation.

Classification of the fields of power-electranies and machine-electronics.

List of journals cited in the bibliography.

Bi bliog ra ph i cal i nformation, classified systematically.

Alphabetical author index.

The bibliographical information has been arranged chronologically within each defined

systematic class. This facilitates retrieval and gives an indication of the subject development.

Copies of the Bibliography can be obtained from the lnstitute at the above address.









A selected bibliography and review on the electronic control of electrica/ machines




Van Wyk*


Formerly with the Group on Electromechanical Energy Conversion, Technological

University Eindhoven, Netherlands, and at present with the Group on Automation,

lscor, Vanderbylpark.







lntroductory remarks



Historical notes



Classification of the fields of power electranies and




Practical comments concerning the bibliography .





List of Journals



General published work



Power electronic frequency changers



PEREM-systems or machine electronic systems


Group I systems (Frequency changers in combination

with induction and synchronous machines)



Group 11 systems.

(a) Rotor regulated induction machines .



Voltage regulated machines



Semiconductor power switches



Alphabetical list of authors





This work contains a bibliography concerning

power electranies and machine-electranies or

PEREM-systems. In a short historica! introduetion

some aspects of the development of electronic

power switches, circuits and some electrical

machine regulation systems are outlined.

In this way the history of the mercury-arc

ree-tifier and the thyristor is traced. lt is attempted to

ascertain the origin of the idea of building an

inverter, of using it tor electrical machine control,

of electronic choppers, of electronic voltage

regu-lation of electronic machines and of electronic

rotor controL

Classification of the fields of power and

mac-hine electranies is discussed briefly, and some

practical comments on the bibliography given.



Rotating electrical machines have a relatively

long history compared to some other branches of

electrical engineering. For the duration of this

historica! development schemes have been

de-vised to change the relationship between torque

delivered by, and mechanica! speed of, a

par-ticular machine. The relationship between these

two mechanica! variables of the machine, being

determined by the electrical parameters of the

machine, the parameters of the supply and the

type of machine, is of a predestined farm tor a

specific machine operating trom one of the

nor-mally available supplies. The motivation tor the

above mentioned search has been the


that the

requirements of the driven loads will nat always

match the predestined relationship between

torque and speed. Practical execution of the

theoretica! schemes suggested to achieve this end

did nat always follow so easily and the eventual

widespread practical application of the solutions

to the problem was in many instances prevented

by the intricate combination of economics,

reliability, efficiency, power factor, speed range,

regulation, simplicity, ease of control and

main-tenance, power-to-weight ratio, obsoleteness

and the many other factors determining the

prac-tical future of a salution to a problem in

engineering practice.

During this development it is interesting to

note the interest stimulated by every new device

showing promise tor the control of electrical

machines. The enthusiasm with which the search

tor changing the torque-speed relationship has

always been persecuted may be experienced even

in 1896 in the work of Görges


where he reports

on the first observations concerning the


The methods of achieving this much sought

after result by using power-electranies farms the

basis of this study. Apart trom these solutions,

however, the years have presented a rich array of

methods to change the torque-speed relationship.

An interesting and comprehensive survey has been

presented by Laithwaite


indicating the extent of

the demand tor simple variabie speed drives.

When the study of the subject of

machine-electranies was cammeneed by the author no

bibliography on this subject could be found. This

resulted in the present work. The bibliography

does nat pretend to be comprehensive. The extent

of the technical-scientific literature at present is

such as to almast exclude the possibility of one

person compiling a comprehensive bibliography

in the span of a tew years. The work does,

how-ever, pretend to present the growth of the subject.



3.0 General remarks.

3.1 The development of the different switching


3.2 Power electronic frequency changers.

3.3 The development of machine electronics.

3.3.1 Electronic commutators.

3.3.2 Rotor control of induction machines.

3.3.3 Voltage control of machines by power

electron i es.


General remarks

The history of the control of electrical machines

by switching devices appears to consist of

alter-nating periods of supremacy of mechanica! and

static (gaseous or solid-state) switches.

The aidest known switch used in the control

of electrical machines is the mechanica!

commu-tator. Subsequently the gaseaus valves showed

promise tor generating the switching functions

necessary to control machines. These devices had

some disadvantages and at a time it appeared

that the mechanica! metallic rectifier (a modified

commutator!) was the future promise. Almast

simultaneously it was succeeded by a device

developing in parallel-the transductor or

mag-netic amplifier. The era of the semiconductor

switches then dawned-an era trom which we,


being still concerned in its development, are able

to derive but little historica! perspective.

Numerous works have been published and

circuit configurations and methods of regulating

electrical machines electronically worked out or

suggested in the past. lt has therefore become

extremely difficult to ascertain the origin of most

of the circuits and methods of control employed

at present in machine electronics. The aim of this

historica! introduetion is to present the knowledge

acquired on these matters during compiling of the

bibliography in an attempt to clear up some of

these aspects.

3.1 The development of the different

switching devices

lt has already been pointed out that the first

switching device used in rotating electrical

mac-hines was the mechanica! commutator.


may be

said that this development, through many forms,

took place during the nineteenth century. This

is evident when one compares the cammutators

employed by Page in the years 1840, in his

elec-trical imitation of steam engines, to the rotating

cammutators used subsequently in direct voltage


Although interesting from a historica! and

educational point of view, this development will

not be traeed here.

The first static non-linear device discovered was

the crystal detector by Braun in 1874 in



Much later, after 1920, this was

ex-tensively used in the radio field, but was never

developed to power levels applicable to electrical

machines. The selenium rectifier of Presser



and the cuprous oxide rectifier of

Grondahl (1926)



were used in the power field

with good results. As far as a controllable

switching device is concerned, the grid controlled

mercury-arc-rectifier was the only predecessor of

the present-dav controllable semiconductor

swit-ching devices. Therefore the development of this

device will now be considered.

Although the practical development of this

device did not come into being before nearly a

third of the twentieth century was past, it is

interesting to note that the physical pricinples

underlying the behaviour of

mercury-arc-recti-fiers had apparently been recognised in 1882 by

Jemin and Meneuvrier


They gave an account of

the property of an electric are established between

mercury and carbon electrodes, mentioning that

the current will flow in one direction only. In

1889 Fleming investigated the property of

uni-lateral conductivity of the electric are in air, while

between 1894 and 1898 Sahulka described the

results of identical investigations pertaining to

atmospheric arcs between mercury and iron or

carbon electrodes.

All these experiments were conducted under

atmospheric conditions. In the years 1890-1892

Arons made the first vapour lamps by enclosing

the are in an evacuated vessel. Apparently a

rectifier based on the unidirectional conduction

principle of the mercury are emerged around 1900

when Cooper- Hewitt took up the manufacture of

these lamps on a commercial scale. The stage was

then setfora gradual development of the

mercury-arc rectifier as a switching device, reaching general

application in all types of service probably after


In 1903 Cooper-Hewitt indicated the possibility

to control the current are in a mercury rectifier by

means of grids between anode and cathode, and

even mentioned the possibility to apply impulses

to these grids, but the development of the

con-trolled rectifier did not follow immediately

7 .


1914 Langmuir in the U.S.A. indicated the

possi-bility of cantrolling the time of starting of the

current in a thyratron tube by means of a grid in

such a way that the average value of the current

changed at will. He employed a steady grid

potential of variabie magnitude. In subsequent

years other techniques for grid control, including

phase control by an a.c. potential on the grid, were


lt was not befare 1928 that the first practical

mercury are controlled rectifier seems to have been

developed by Langmuir and Prince



afterwards the application of control grids tosteel

tank mercury-arc rectifiers was undertaken by

Brown- Boveri, Siemens-Schuckertwerke and the

Allgemeine Elektrizitäts Geselischaft almast

simul-taneously. When the Second World Power

Con-ference was held in Berlin in 1930 these three

firms staged comprehensive displays of the new

technique in their laboratories


Thus, 48 years

after the first principles appear to have been

realised, the controlled mercury-arc rectifier was

ready for large-scale practical application.

The controlled mercury-arc rectifiers had some

severe shortcomings such as being fragile, bulky,

expensive and prone to "arcing back". In many

cases the advantage of having a piece of static

apparatus was more than off-set by these

dis-advantages. Subsequently the mechanica I metallic

rectifier received an increasing amount of

atten-tion. Much development work along these lines


was done by Koppelmann



being one of the ma in

exponents of this technique. Even at present it is

ditticuit to judge whether this device would have

found widespread practical application as a

ree-tifier finverter if the magnetic amplifier did nat

appear. At the time of the Second World War the

principles underlying the functioning of the

transductor had been known for a long time, yet

only during these and subsequent years did it

come to full development.

lt is at present well known that early in the

1950's the junction transistor foliowed the

pioneering workof Bardeen, Brattain and

Shock-ley in semiconductor devices at the Bell

Labora-tmies in the U.S.A.


Furthermore it is extremely

interesting to note that in the very fjrst

compre-hensive work to appear on the p-n junction

transistor in 1951, Shockley and his co- workers

mention the p








structure with an

elec-trode attached to the p




-a structure we

know as a thyristor at present. Yet it appears that

the importance of this device when used as a

switch was nat realised. Following the work of

Shockley, Ebers developed the now famous two

transistor analogue to indicate what type of

characteristics might be expected trom such a

p-n-p-n device



Although silicon p-n junction devices as power

rectifiers gained an increasing importance in the

subsequent years, the matter of a controlled

silicon rectifier rested until 1956, when Moll and

his associates at Bell saw the promise of the tour

layer structure



Yet the p-n-p-n switch was still

.,at widely appreciated, and the actual initiative

,,f building a high current switch and introducing


to the practical application field should probably

ne credited to York of the General Electric


He was awara of the workat Bell, and

. ·Nith his co-workers built the first high current

version of the thyristor or p-n-p-n switch in 1957.

This touched off a world-wide investigation that

has continued to this day. Although it is ditticuit

to judge history oversoshort a span of time (only

ten years have elapsed since), it appears that if

a birth date for the practically useful thyristor has

to be named, it should be 1957-1958. Thus, ten

years after the first work on useful semiconductor

amplifiers and switches was done by Bardeen,

Brattain and Shockley, the new device was ready

to conquer the power field. lt must be remarked

that the invention of the thyristor came at an

extremely opportune moment, due to the high

degree of development already reached at that

time in the field of transistor-logic and amplifying


The thyristor stimulated study of multi-p-n

junction semiconductor devices during the past

ten years, and this has resulted in a family of

switching devices of a remarkable degree of

sophistication, yet at present still in their infancy.

At present the most promising, the "triac" or

bilateral triode switch, appears to be due to

workers at the General Electric Company again

14 .

Other promising devices include the bilateral

diode switch ("diac"), gate-turn-aft-switches

(G.T.O.'s), light activated thyristors (Lasers) and

some other tour terminal devices. At present the

thyrislor is employed almast exclusively in

machine electronics, and therefore the historica!

development of these other devices will nat be


Although, as remarked previously, the history

of the semiconductor power switch is very brief,

it is already possible to make two important


(i) Compared to the rate of development of

previous switches, the development of the

new family of devices is rapid.

(ii) Due to these circumstances one must be

extremely caretul in making forecasts with

regard to the application of these switches.

Pessimistic views as to the maximum

attain-able voltage ratings of these devices saw the

value of 600V generally obtainable on devices

tour years ago as near the limit, yet at present

thyristors with a rating of more than 3000V

are on the market.

lt is therefore worthwhile to consider every

possible application of these devices in

machine electranies with a view to the future.

The academica! thoughts of today build the

practical drives of tomorrow.


Power electronic frequency-changers

The role of power electronic frequency changers

in machine-electranies is primary. Normally

available supplies are of a fixed frequency. To

obtain other frequencies trom this

single-fre-quency supply, a non-linear device is incorporated

in the system. The spectrum arising out of this

may be used in all its components or in one

only-depending on the application. However,

machine-electronic systems are energy processing, and

therefore the losses in the non-linear element

should be small, or zero if possible, in order to

obtain a high efficiency. The ideal switch answers

to this description. When thinking about "high

frequency" of operation and adverse operating

conditions dependent on external influences, it

becomes clear why electronic devices have

always been sought. The development of these


types of devices known today has been examined

in 3.1, and some remarks about the historica!

development of the circuits using these will now

be made.

Soon after the practical value of the mercury

vapour tube as a rectifier was realised,

investiga-tions into its circuit implicainvestiga-tions started (see for




In the following years till 1930 most of the

u neontrolled rectifier circuit configurations known

today were developed. These circuits are well


Although actual practical controlled

mercury-arc rectifier units were not developed before 1928,

the first inverter dates trom 1925. The term

"inverter'' is due to D. C. Prince of the General

Electric Company in the U.S.A.


lnteresting is the

S.M. Synchronous machine

following comment of the editor of that journal

at the head of the abovementioned artiele: "In

the September, 1924, issue of this magazine, Mr.

Prince contributed an artiele dealing with the

tube-rectifier and its characteristic waveforms. In

the present contribution the author has taken the

rectifier circuit and inverted it turning in direct

current at one end and drawing out alternating

current at the other.

The new apparatus, consisting of pliotron

tubes, transformers, reactances etc. is known as

the "lnverter" and offers a means of converting

direct current into alternating current without

the u se of any rotating machines."

From this quotation the origin of the word

"inverter'' still in use today is obvious-it was

meant to indicate a circuit doing the inverse of

what a rectifier does.

G Generator supplying direct voltage

P1, P2 : "Piiotron" tubes

T: I nverter transfarmer

Fig. 1. The inverter circuit of Prince16

The switching elements used by Prince were

vacuum tubes. Due to the fact that he employed

15 kV as operating voltage, the voltage drop over

the tubes was not important. The problem of

supplying reactive power to the system was

over-come by using a synchronous machine in the

output. lt should be noted that the contiguration

of the switches in the above system is already of

the parallel type.

The parallel-configuration is sometimes referred

to as the "Wagner-inverter", yet it would probably

be more truthful to refer to it as the

"Prince-inverter", since Wagner worked much later


After Prince, Sabbah


and Tompkins



dis-cussed the characteristics of parallel and series


Following the invention of the steel tank

con-trolled mercury-arc rectifiers in Europe at the

beginning of the 1930's, an enormous activity in

the field of inverters was initiated. This may be

verified by consulting the histograms of the

bibliography. These developments concerned

many aspects of the problems associated with

inverters. lt is probably worthwhila to note two

further interesting points regarding development

of these circuits. The first inverter proposed by

Prince needed a synchronous machine in the

out-put to furnish the reactive power. This was the

case with all inverters proposed afterwards-in

absence of a machine they could not handle

reactive power. In 1932 Petersen


proposed the

use of two additional valves (S


and S'


fig. 2) in

the parallel inverter to handle reactive power. lt is


possible to extend this principle also to systems

having more than one phase. Petersen still used

an additional voltage E for commutation-purposes.



apparently first employed

commuta-tion capacitors in order to obtain a self-contained

inverter ("selbstgeführte Wechselrichter") (Fig.

3(a) ). This may be regarded as another major

advance in the art of inverters.

The use of the commutating capacitor had one

unwanted effect-it discharged over the

trans-farmer winding, impairing commutation.

lncor-poration of the decoupling diodes D


and D


RL = load resistance

LL = load inductance

E: Commutation EMF

(Fig. 3) eliminates this effect. As far as it is

possible to ascertain at present, this salution is

of a relatively recent date. According to Ward


these diodes are due to B. Y. Umarov and were

first described by Hamudhanov


On the other hand these diodes were used quite

independently by de Zeeuw in 1961 at the

Technological University of Eindhoven


In the literature befare 1940 Tröger drew

inverter diagrams with mercury are rectifiers in

series with the commutation capacitors in a

review assay

23 •



S" S' ,, S



2 gas tubes T: lnverter transfarmer L: Commutating inductance



Fig. 2. Proposed inverter circuit of Petersen19 with "Petersen valves".


1 2 (a) S 1 , S 2 : Controlled rectifiers D 1, D 2 : Decoupling diodes (b) C: Commutating capacitor L: Commutating inductance T: lnverter transfarmer

Fig. 3. Development of parallel-inverter with decoupling diodes21


Unfortunately the references given by Tröger

are inadequate to be able to deduce the original

function, and therefore this question will most

probably have to remain unsolved for the time


The frequency changing circuits developed in

the period of the controlled mercury-arc rectifier

were limited in their complication by the cast,

speed and size of these valves. The thyristor is

much smaller, tasterand already cheaper, and has

therefore started off a development of extrenely

complex circuits, with a corresponding increase

in possibilities tor application. To attempt to

trace the historica! development of these circuits

involve much detail and may safely be left to the

specialized student of these units. At present no

comprehensive survey of these circuits exists in

the literature, the existing works being of limited

scope (see tor instance




Another type of frequency changer that has

known a remarkable development is the so-called

cycloconverter. The terms "cyclo-conversion" and

"cycloconverter" were invented by Rissik



the years befare 1935 (see Fig. 4). The main

disadvantage of this type of cycloconverter was

the non-sinusoidal output voltage more or less

resembling a trapezium.

To eliminate this, the envelope cycloconverters

were developed. The Löbl-cycloconverter was of

a synchronous type, having a definite phase

relationship between the two


The Krämer-cycloconverter



asynchro-nous, yet still had a fixed ratio of output to input


Credit tor the development of a continuously

variabie grid-controlled cycloconverter goes to

Schenkel and van lssendorff

27 28

This type of

circuit contiguration is again used to great

advantage in modern thyristor circuits.

s::;GL~ P'iAS;è S\"STD!

Fig. 4. Original cycloconverter circuit of Rissik, 1935'.


The development of


Although the field of "machine-electronics"

has yet to be defined (Section 4), let it suffice at

present to say that it concerns the systems

con-sisting of rotating electrical machines and power

electronics. In this case power electranies is a

loosely defined entity, indicating electronic

cir-cuits in which the main tunetion is nat

informa-tion processing, but supplying power to some or

other system to be controlled. The level of this

power is nat defined, and may even be

micro-watts. lt will be realised that this present

definition is intuitive rather than exact.

ldeas to use electronic elements to control,

reg u late or augment electrical machines appear to

have been put into practice tor the first time

during the years immediately befare and after


1920. lt is possible that these contributions may

nat be characterised as machine-electranies as

it is known today, yet it may be considered as the

very beginning of the subject.

In the year 1917 Bolliger came upon the idea

of a "high-voltage" d.c. machine (published

1921) in which the substantial part of the

com-mutator action is executed by a mercury-arc

rectifier. Ta quote Bolliger: "Der Kommutator

arbeitet lediglich als ein bei leerlaufenden Phasen

kontaktmachender Spannungsschaltapparat, ohne

jede Stromwendung unter den Bürsten. Der

Gleichrichter hingegen wirkt als ein durch dié

Betriebsphasenspannungen gesteuerter

Strom-wendeapparat .... "





M.G. Mechanica! commutator M.R. Mercury-arc rectifier

From the previous paragraph and from Fig. 5

it may be gathered that by connecting the valve

in series with a mechanica! switch he was able

to obtain the characteristic of a controlled

rectifier. This is the more remarkable, since at that

stage the controlled mercury-arc rectifier still

belonged to the future. The high voltages in the

reverse direction, and the actual commutation

were the responsibilities of the rectifier. This

indicates that Bolliger had already fully realised

the necessity for a static electron ie commutator;

but did nat yet have the necessary circuit

elements. His appropriate camment on his own

work was: "Einen Anfang zu etwas dass noch

nicht ist".


W ,-W 6 Machine armature windings

F.W. Field winding

Fig. 5. lllustration of the principle of the "high-voltage" d.c. machine of Bolliger.

Van der Bijl described control systems for

d.c. generator current and voltage in 1920


attributing=the=origin of the ideas to Wold.

In these systems a vacuum triode ("audion")

was connected either in series or in parallel with

the field winding of the generator, the essential

control element.



A: Audion, G : d.c. generator, R 1 : Current resistance,

Rg: Grid resistor, FW: Field winding

Fig. 6. Schemes presented by van der Bijl

In the years before 1930 Voorhoeve in the

Netherlands investigated possibilities to control

generator voltages by electronic means. Contrary

to the work reported by v. d. Bijl, he employed

vacuum diodes, the heating current being the

variabie (Fig. 7). This is understandable, since

at that time the grid controlled mercury-arc tube

had not yet been made widely known by Langmuir

and his associates.

Later work by the same group included the use

of vacuum triodes, but was overshadowed by the




tast developing control schemes by

grid-con-trolled mercury-arc rectifiers

30, 31.

After the invention of the controlled gaseous

valves an increasing amount of attention was

given to the study of machine-electronic

sys-tems. With reference to the histograms included

in the bibliography it is evident that there exists a

definite shift in time between the research work

devoted to power electranies and

machine-electron i es.

(a) + ç---~ G 1 : A.v. generator D: Vacuum diode F: Field winding T 1 : Current transfarmer T


Voltage transfarmer G 2: D.v. generator



Electronic cammutators

Reference has already previously been made

to the fact that the electronic switches may be

used to perfarm the same tunetion as mechanica!

switches in conjunction with an electrical

machine. One of the initial ideas that sprung from

the availability of the controlled mercury-arc

rectifier was to build an electronic commutator.

The first machine to use an electron

ie commutator

was the machine of Kern-a now famous



In fact, Kern suggested various

con-figurations, one being shown in Fig. 7. In the

years befare 1940 these types of machines were

studied by many workers, and were originally

primarily intended for traction purposes.

Although it was applied on the European

con-tinent and in the U.S.A. to a certain extent




thyratron or controlled mercury-arc commutator

motor never attained true widespread practical

application. In some cases smaller motors were

driven by vacuum-tube oscillators or by thyratron

relaxation oscillators, but all these applications

remained special solutions to a limited number of

problems. The motors used were mostly of the

synchronous type.

lt is understandable that since the thyristor

has come of age, the thyristor commutator motors

have received renewed attention. The

character-istics of this element makes universa! application


grid control

W1 .. •12 machine stator windinga L . - - - '

R rotor and field winding

T transtormar

CR ::cntrc::.:~.; r~etifier

Fig. 8. Thyratron-commutator machine proposed by Kern32

In most cases the modern technology tends

towards a separate inverter and motor, and not

towards using the motor windings as part of the

inverter. This approach may change with time,


One of the ideas being worked out at present

is the use of thyristor-frequency changers in

conjunction with squirrel-cage induction

mac-hines for electric traction purposes


• 35•

This idea

has been considered in the past, but rejected


The reason for the rejection of this proposal in

1940 was the enormous amount of equipment

needed, it being impossible to transport it aboard

an ordinary locomotive. Thyristors are relatively

small in size and eliminate this problem, as has

been illustrated by the present experiments. The

ma in hazards besetting the application of this type

of traction at present seem to be economics and


The interest in electronic cammutators

stimu-lated anew by the thyristor have apparently

stimulated the use of transistors for the same

tunetion in small machines. This is the inevitable

conclusion, as it was not befare 1962 that this

type of electronically commutated machine

re-ceived serious attention


although switching

transistors were available years before. lt

origi-nated in the U.S.A. and later spread to Germany


At present the future for these devices appears



Rotor regulation of induction


Compared to direct current machines wound

rotor induction machines are relatively cheap and


it is therefore interesting to investigate all

pos-sihilities to control them. Electronic regulation in

the rotor current of these machines has only

recently received some worthwhile attention,


This may be verified by examination of the

appropriate histogram, and may be ascribed to

the high voltage drop over the previously

available electronic devices, as well as to their

cast and size.

The first work on electronic rotor control of

induction machines concerned electronic

Scher-IM: lnduction motor

RT 1, RT 2 : Rectifier transfarmers

bius ascades. Due to the considerations

men-tioned in section 3.3.1 the application was only

interesting tor larger machines. In 1939 Stöhr


• 57

apparently proposed the first electronic Scherbius

cascade, indicated in Fig. 9. Subsequently Hölters



also investigated this type of system.

To his system the rather unfortunate name of

"Asynchron-Stromrichtermotor" was given. This

name has si nee been used to indicate a nother type

of system, i.e. that of a variabie frequency

inverter feeding an induction motor, the motor

windings being part of the inverter.


M R: Mercury-arc rectifier

CMR: Controlled mercury-arc rectifiers Fig. 9. Electronic Scherbius cascade of Stöhr.

The magnetic amplifier was, and still is, applied

with good results to this type of control


but it is

only during the last decade after the development

of the thyristor, that this type of control has

received increasing attention in the farm of

elec-tronic switching of the rotor current, notably in

Germany (See for instanee


Development of

silicon rectifiers renewed the interest in systems

consisting of wound-rotor induction machines

and frequency converters in the rotor4




thyristors holds the promise of making this drive

economie and






Voltage regulation of machines


power electranies

The systems employing control of the applied

voltage of the machines by electronic methods,

are to be divided mainly into two categories:

induction machines having antiparallel switches

on the stator side, and d.c. machines with

armature voltage controL (In some instances d.c.

machines are also operated with electronic field

control as already mentioned). The d.c. machines

having armature voltage control may be fed


either an a.c. or a d.c. system.

Control of d.c. machines fed by three phase

or single-phase a.c. systems drew attention after

the introduetion of the controlled mercury-arc

rectifier in 1928. lt was realised that this offers

the possibility to regulate the main current in the



and was apparently first extensively

investigated by Schilling



As is evident from the

histograms, interest in these types of control

increased steadily through the years. Later

attention was devoted to constructing static

Ward-Leonard drives in this way. (See for



Semiconductor switches increased

the possibilities (see histogram) and it may be

expected that the present popularity of this type

of semiconductor controlled drive will still

con-tinue for a considerable time.


Apparently the inventor of armature voltage

control of d.c. machines by pulse modulation, the

so-called series chopper-was Blaufuss in 1940


The problem was to obtain a mechanica! ar

elec-tronic switch that could be operated reliably and


enough to achieve this controL lt taak years

befare the idea of Blaufuss was taken up again.

Gutenbaum did theoretica! work on this type of

h 11



F.T.: Field Transfarmer M.T.: Ma in Transfarmer MR: Mercury rectifier r



-"· 46

but it is nat clear whether a system

was practically realised. The first practical

realisation of this scheme by electronic means

appears to be due to Jones


in the U.S.A. and to

Abraham, Heumann and Koppelmann



Ger-many, the two groups working independently,

and employing thyristors as switches.

lt is interesting to note that the electronic


CMR: Controlled mercury rectifier



Switching inductor Direct cutrent motor

Fig. 10. Original scheme for a.c. fed d.c. motor investigated by Schilling'".

chopper as employed by these groups was

discussed in 1932 by Tompkins in relation to the

parallel inverter


These types of power-electronic systems have

since developed rapidly-especially with respect

Re Laad resistance Re: Charging resistance Cc: Commutating capacitor

T: Thyratron

to the circuit improvements possible. Electronic

choppers reg u lating series direct voltage machines

is one of the most successful machine-electranies

systems at present, finding widespread application


low loss control in traction circuits.

Th: Main thyristor

Thc: Commutating thyristor

Sc: Commutating switch


Regulation of alternating voltage and current

by using electronic switches in antiparallel

con-tiguration appear to have foliowed the same line

of development. The idea is not new, and due to


4 9

(Fig. 12) who published it in 1933.

Previously the idea of using grid controlled

mercury valves tor current control had been used

in welding equipment


but in a one-sided

configuration. Strangely it does not seem to have

been worked out further for the control of

squirrel-cage motors, although the idea was

later applied in conjunction with magnetic

amp-lifiers51. The possibility of using thyristors has

renewed the interest in this type of control




and the development of the triac will

make this type of drive still more compact and

robust, and in the end much cheaper.

CM R I• CM R, Controlled mercury-arc rectifiers

T 1 Transfarmer


LL Load

Fig. 12. Antiparallel system investigated by Lenz (1933).





4.1 Definitions of power electranies and

machine electranies

Under normal conditions the accent in an

electronic system may fall on the information

processing aspect or on the power processing

aspect, quite apart trom the power levels involved.

In the electronic systems used in combination

with electrical machines, these two functions are

both present. lt will be postulated here that part

of the system in which the accent is on

intar-mation processing be called the inforintar-mation-

information-electronics and the other part of the system

correspondingly the power electronics. lt will be

realised that it is not in all practical systems

possible to distinguish between these two

tune-tions explicitly, especially in the case of

micro-motors with electronic commutators


yet it

remains advisable to make the distinction with a

view to the classification system being developed.

The word "machine-electronics" in itself is

misleading, since as such it merely means

electranies used with a machine, not necessarily

an electrical machine, and it is specifically

inten-ded to indicate a system consisting of an electron


part and a rotating electromechanical transducer

or rotating electrical machine. The use of this

word is only justified since it farms a handy

acronymn for sarnething that may be specified

as a "Power- Electron ie Rotating

Electromechani-cal transducer system", from which the more

appropriate acronymn PEREM-system may be


From the preceding it is clear that a

machine-electronkor PEREM-system consistsof two

sub-systems-the electranies and the rotating

elec-trical machine. Such a system is used instead of

a singular electrical machine in order to be a bie to

establish a torque-speed relationship differing

from the predestined farm for the machine when

connected to a "normal" supply. lt may be

remarked that mostly the information-electronics

is left out of the analysis of the system, and the

subsystem electranies (see Fig. 13) becomes the

power electronics. In Fig. 13 the dotted line marks

that part of the system most commonly referred

to, and being studied as machine-electronics.

Since a mutual influence exists between the

componentsof the system, the subject of machine

electranies does not merely combine the

"clas-sica!" knowledge of power electranies and

electrical machines.


Electrooie rotating electromechanical trans Subsystem Electronica

--- ---,

in formation El6ctronics Electronica 1 - - - -.... Subsyetea rotating electromecha-nical transducer





- -





- -





--- - -


- - - --


Fig. 1 J. Electronic-rotating-electromechanical-transducer-system.

As definitions may therefore be considered:

Power electranies concerns itself with the

study of that part of an electronic system in

which the accent falls on the processing of

power necessary at the output rather than on

information. The definition is nat coupled to a

certain absolute level of power, but is relative.

Machine electranies or study of

PEREM-systems concerns itself with the study of

systems consisting of power-electranies in

con-junction with rotating electromechanical

trans-ducers (or rotating electrical machines).

Prac-tising of this branch of electrical engineering has

as its objective the alteration of the "traditional"

torque-speed relationship of a specific type of


4.2 Brief indication of a classification

system for PEREM-systems

lt is possible to employ various different

approaches to classify the different type:; . <;Jf

machine-electron ie systems. One of the

poss1bi11-ties is to use the power relation in the whole

electrical system. This approach will be used here.

Befare considering these power relations it is

necessary to make certain agreements regarding

the electrical machines. The stator and rotor

carry windings of m-phases and 2-p poles.

Circular rotating magnetic fields of angular

velocity of




with respect to the

stator and rotor bodies are set up when these

windings carry m-phase symmetrical current

systems of frequency f


and f


on the stator and

rotor respectively. To be able to obtain a d.c.

machine in this configuration, the frequency

changer must be inserted between the direct

current supply and the stator windings (see for

instanee reference



A certain amount of power is fed into the

power electronics, passes trom the power

elec-tranies to the air gap of the electrical machine,

and under the assumption of negligible

power-electronic and stator loss (this is nat essential to

the argument however) this power is split



the rotor into two components- meehamcal

power delivered to the laad, and a remaining

amount of power that manifests itself as rotor

losses unless fed back to the supply system.

lf constant laad torque be assumed, and the

mechanica! speed of the machine changes, the

mechanica! power will also change. Insome types

of PEREM-systems the power electranies are used

to change the stator frequency, and therefore the

amount of power fed across the air gap in such a

case. This makes it possible (in principle) to

deliver a si mil ar torque at two different mechanica I

speeds without changing the losses in the


machine-electronic system, as the speed of

rotation of the magnatie field in the air gap has

been adjusted. This class of systems camprise all

machines where the stator frequency is changed

by the power-electronics, such as

semiconductor-commutator motors ("Stromrichtermaschinen")

frequency-changers feeding squirrel-cage and

synchronous machines etc.

These primary systems or group-1 systems

con-stitute one section of the bibliography.

The relation between mechanica! speed of the

machine and torque delivered may not only be

changed by changing the supply frequency as

indicated above, but amongst other thing·s by

influencing the induced current in the rotor or

adjusting the mean applied stator voltage. In the

case of either of these methods, however, the

amount of power tor the fundamental frequency

fora specific electromagnetic torque in the airgap

remains constant to a first approximation, so that

the system suffers trom heavy rotor losses at low

speeds. lt follows immediately that induction

motors with electronic rotor control and stator

voltage switching will fall in this class.

The remaining types of machine-electronic

systems all camprise conventional d.c. machines

(with mechanica! commutator) with armature

voltage control or field control by electronic

chopper circuits. Strictly speaking it will probably

be better to consider these systems in a class of

their own. In termsof the agreements made

con-cerning the machine configurations (see second

paragraph of this section, 4.2) the power

elec-tronics is located in series with the machanical

frequency changer in the stator for

armature-voltage control or in the case of a field-chopper

in the rotor circuit. The torque-speed relationship

of the transducer without the machanical

fre-quency changer is a vertical line in the

torqua-speed plane (in this case the line is located at

zero speed), and the tunetion of the power

electronics in this case is to change the maximum

torque. The adaptation of the amount of power

crossing the air-gap is the responsibility of the

machanical frequency changer, not of the power

electronics. When the definition of group 11 or

"secondary" systems is the following: Group 11

systems are those systems in which the power

electranies do nat have the tunetion of changing

the amount of power fed across the air-gap of

the machine, but changing the maximum amount

of torque that may be delivered at a specific

speed, all voltage-controlled, field controlled and

induced current controlled systems fall into this


4.3 Comments concerning the

classification that may be found in this


In the first instanee one may expect the

existence of a certain amount of general works

dealing with the subject of PEREM-systems or

machine-electronics systems.


will also be

necessary to include works not directly dealing

with the subject. but treating problems of

im-portance to the subject, or by their method of

attack being of value to the study of

PEREM-systems. All works judged to be of such a nature

were included in section


of the bibliography.

Power electranies in itself constitute an

important part of the activities of any group

working on machine-electronics, and much work

has been done in this field in the past.

1t was

therefore judged to be necessary to include a

section on power-electranies in the bibliography

in order to obtain a balanced survey. Specialised

questions pertaining to semiconductor power

switches constitute an important part of the

problems in the field of machine-electronics at

present. As these works proved to be numerous

the section on power electronics was split into

two parts. Section 6.2 of the bibliography

there-fore deals with the circuit aspects of

power-electronics, while section 6.4 is devoted entirely

to semiconductor power switches. Works on the

nature of all other types of power switches used

in the past, such as controlled and uncontrolled

mercury-arc tubes, thyratrons, vacuum tubes,

copper oxide and selenium rectifiers, etc. have

not been included in the present bibliography.


was feit that the physical aspects of these

elements are not so actual at present tor

engineering purposes.

As discussed in section 4.2 group I

PEREM-systems are included under section


of the

bibliography. Group 11 systems are included under

section 6.3.2, and due to personal interests of

the author have been divided into two

sub-sections, i.e.


(a): systems with rotor control,

and 6.3.2 {b): systems with voltage controL

The different sections of the bibliography are


6.0 List of journals cited in the bibliography.


General publishad work (concerning power

electronics, rotating electromechanical

transducers and machine-electronics).


6.3 PEREM-systems or machine-electronic


6.3.1 Group 1-systems (works concerning

the study of inverters in

com-bination with synchronous and

in-duction machines).

6.3.2 Group 2-systems.

(a) Works concerning rotor control

of induction machines.

(b) Works concerning voltage

con-trolled machines.

6.4 Semiconductor power switches.

6.5 Alphabetical list of authors.





5.1 Selection

As previously stressed the bibliography

re-presents a selected colleetien of works on machine

and power electronics. lt is not possible to obtain

or read every item of publishad literature on the

subject, nor include all these in a bibliography.

In many cases an abstracting journal was

em-ployed to evaluate the contents of a certain

publication. lt is realised that this procedure is not

only dependent on the judgment of the author,

but also on the abstracter, and not always


Many of the publishad contributions concern

description of fabricated apparatus, discussion of

oparation or installation problems etc. While this

material is in itself necessary


the engineering

profession, it is not of great significanee to the

present study, and has been omitted as far as

possible. Practical or descriptive work has been

included only when it contained an essential



developing a theoretica! background.

5.2 Histograms

To indicate the growth of the different fields,

histograms of the amount of publishad literature

included in the bibliography have been compiled.

Units of five years have been assumed reasonable.

Befare drawing conclusions trom these histograms

(a tempting tendency) one must remamber that

the bibliography represents a selected collection.

On the other hand these histograms are valuable


judging the relativa activity at a certain time.

5.3 Further extensions of the bibliography

Depending on circumstances it is hoped that

in the future the bibliography may be brought

up to date periodically. The author would be

extremely grateful for any correspondence

poin-ting out errors or adding to or correcpoin-ting the

historica! background.



Görges, H.

Ueber Drehstrommotoren mit verminderter Touren-zahl.

ETZ no. 33, 517-518, 1896.

2 Laithwaite, E. R.,

Electrical varia bie speed drives.

Engineer's Digest, 25 (1 0), 115-165, 1964. 3 Braun, F., Pogg. Ann. 153, 556, 1874. 4 Spenke, E., Elektronische Halbeiter. Springer, 1955. 5 Presser, E., ETZ, 53, 339, 1932. 6 Grondahl,


0., Science, 36, 306, 1926. 7 Rissik, H.,

Mercury-arc current converters. Pitman, Londen, 1935. 8 Prince, D. C.,

The direct current transfarmer utilizing thyratron tubes.

G. E. Rev. 31, 347-350, 1928.

9 Kopelmann, F.,

Der Kontaktumformer.

ETZ, 62, 3-16, 1941.

10 Shockley, W., Sparks, M., Teat G. K., p-n Junction transistors.

Phys. Rev.


(1 ), 151-162, 1951.

11 Ebers, J. J., Moll, J.


Large signa! behaviour o.f junction transistors.

Proc. I.R.E., 42, (12), 1761-1772, 1954.

12 Moll, J.


Tannenbaum, M.; Goldey, I.M.; Holonyak,


p- n- p- n transistor switches.

Proc. I.R.E., 44, (9), 1174, 1956.

13 Gentry, F. E.; Gutzwiller, F. W.; Holonyak, N.; Zastrow, E. E. von,

Semiconductor controlled rectifiers. Prentice-Hall. New Jersey, 1964.

14 Gentry, F. E.; Scace, R. I.; Flowers, J.

A three terminal a.c. switch.

IEEE Electron Device Conference, Washington, Oct. 31-Nov.1963.

15 Tschudy, W.,

Experimentene Untersuchungen am Quecksilber-dampf-Gieichrichter für Wechselstrom.

Diss. ETH., Zürich, 1914.

16 Prince, D. C., The lnverter.

G.E. Rev. 28, 676-681, 1925. 17 Wagner, C. F.,

Parallel inverter with resistive load.

Al EE Trans., 54, 1227-1235, 1935.

18 Sabbah, C. A.,

Series-parallel type static converters.

G.E. Rev .. 34, 288-301 1931.

19 Petersen: discussion of M. Schenkel:

Technische Grundlagen und Anwendungen ges-teuerter Gleichrichter und Umrichter.

ETZ, 53, 761-770. 1932.

Discussion: 771-773. 20 Ward, E. E.,

lnvertor suitable for operatien over a range of frequency.

Proc. I.E.E., 111, 1423-1433, 1964.

21 Hamudhanov, M. Z.,

"Variable frequency operatien of asynchronous motors using electronic frequency changers" in: Technica! problems of electric drives.

U.S.S.R. Academy of Science. 1957.

22 Zeeuw, W. J. de,

Private communication.

Technological University Eindhoven. 23 Tröger, R.,

Technische Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Stromrichter.

Elekt. Bahnen,


51 -58, 1932.

24 Mapham, N. W.,

The classification of SCR inverter circuits.

IEEE Intern at. Conv. Rec., 12 (Pt. 9), 99-105, 1964.

25 Löbl, 0.,

Bahnumrichter System Löbl/RWE.

Elektr. Bahnen, 8, 65-69, 1932.

26 Elektr. Bahnen, 11, 235, 1935.

27 Schenkel, M., lssendorff, I. von,

New arrangement of high power rectifier for power control, inverted eperation and frequency conver-sion.

Siemens Zeitschrift, 11. 142-146, 1931.

28 Schenkel, M.,

Eine unmittelbare asychrone Umrichtung für

niederfrequente Bahnnetze.

Elektr. Bahnen,


69-73, 1932.

29 Bolliger. A.,

Die Hochspannungs- Gleichstrommaschine. Springer, Berlin, 1921.



Verder bleek in een experiment in het proefbedrijf van de sector Paddenstoelen van Plant Research International (PRI-Paddenstoelen) dat een preventieve toepassing van

Voor de agrarische sector als geheel is ook het aantal bedrijven dat in een bepaald jaar een vernieuwing doorvoert die alleen voor dat betreffende bedrijf tot verbetering

Een biologische veehouder moet door het leveren van gezond voedsel met zijn bedrijf binnen de regels voor biologische veehouderij de kost verdienen met gezonde dieren die lang

Het wiskunde-onderwijs in Nederland is zich maar steeds aan het ontwikkelen. Of er van groei of van bloei en misschien nog erger gesproken moet wor-. den, laten we in het midden.

Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of

The preceding genera! consideration leads to the conclusion that determina- tion of the electromagnetic torque necessitates a knowledge of the electro- magnetic-field

Mate waarin gesprekken tussen cliënt en zorgverlener zijn verbeterd door de zorgplanbespreking Bijna 54% van de zorgverleners geeft aan dat zij er altijd op letten dat het zorgplan

As an aside, (i) an esti- mator of the conditional support is derived and is extended to the setting of conditional quantiles, (ii) its theoretical properties are derived, (iii)