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Spatial correlations and deformation modes in sheared colloidal glasses
Chikkadi, V.K.
Publication date 2011
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Citation for published version (APA):
Chikkadi, V. K. (2011). Spatial correlations and deformation modes in sheared colloidal glasses.
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List of publications
Related to this thesis
1. V. Chikkadi, G. Wegdam, D. Bonn, B. Nienhuis and P. Schall,
Long-range strain correlations in sheared colloidal glasses, Submitted.
2. A. Ghosh∗, V. Chikkadi∗, P. Schall and D. Bonn, Connecting structural
rearrangements with the low frequency modes in a hard sphere colloidal glass., Submitted.
3. V. Chikkadi, B. Nienhuis and P. Schall, Anisotropic scaling of strain
correlations in sheared colloidal glasses, In preparation.
4. V. Chikkadi and P. Schall, non-Affine measures of plasticity in sheared
colloidal glasses, In preparation.
5. V. Chikkadi and P. Schall, Shear banding in colloidal glasses - a
dy-namic first order transition, In preparation.
Not related to this thesis
1. V. Chikkadi and M. Alam, Slip velocity and stresses in granular Poiseuille
flow via event driven simulation, Phys. Rev. E, 80, 021303, 2009.
2. P. Moller, A. Fall, V. Chikkadi, D. Derks and D. Bonn, An attempt
to categorize yield stress fluid behaviour, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Ser. A,
367, 5139, 2009.
126 List of publications
3. M. Alam, V. Chikkadi and V. K. Gupta, Density waves and the effect
of wall roughness in granular Poiseuille flow: Simulation and linear sta-bility, Eur. Phys. J. ST, 179, 69, 2009.
4. M. Alam and V. K. Chikkadi, Velocity distribution function and
cor-relations in a granular Poiseuille flow, J. Fluid Mech., 653, 175, 2010.
5. A. Ghosh, V. K. Chikkadi, P. Schall, J. Kurchan and D. Bonn, Density
of States of Colloidal Glasses, Phys. Rev. Lett., 104, 248305, 2010.
6. A. Ghosh, R, Mari, V. K. Chikkadi, P. Schall, J. Kurchan and D. Bonn, Density of states of colloidal glasses and supercooled liquids, Soft Matter, 6, 3082, 2010.
7. A. Ghosh, R, Mari, V. K. Chikkadi, P. Schall, A. C. Maggs and D. Bonn, Low-energy modes and Debye behavior in a colloidal crystal, Phys-ica A, Accepted.