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"Stakeholder Involvement" in de KCE werkprocessen


Academic year: 2021

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Het Federa

Raad van B

aal Kennisce


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inister van Volksg inister van Sociale inisterraad ntschap van de artsen van de verpleegku genwoordigers r de Gezondhe r 2002 (artikelen Sociale Zaken. en de sector van Eff Pie er) Jo voorzitter) Dir Fra Xa gezondheid Be Ma e Zaken Oli Ri Jea Da Mic Pa Xa Ma Jea undigen Mic My Joh Jea Rit Pa Ma eidszorg is ee 259 tot 281) die . Het Centrum de gezondheids fectieve Leden erre Gillet De Cock rk Cuypers ank Van Massenh avier De Cuyper ernard Lange arco Schetgen ver de Stexhe De Ridder an-Noël Godin aniel Devos chiel Callens atrick Verertbrugge avier Brenez arc Moens an-Pierre Baeyen chel Foulon yriam Hubinon han Pauwels an-Claude Praet ta Thys aul Palsterman aggie De Block n parastatale, e onder de bevo is belast met szorg en de ziekt Plaats Benoît Chris D hove Jan Be Greet M Franço Annick Karel V Lambe Frédér Bart Oo Anne R en Yoland Geert M Roland s Rita Cu Ludo M Olivier Katrien Pierre Leo Ne Celien opgericht doo oegdheid valt va het realiseren teverzekering. vervangende Le Collin Decoster ertels Musch ois Perl k Poncé Vermeyen ert Stamatakis ric Lernoux oghe Remacle de Husden Messiaen d Lemye uypers Meyers Thonon n Kesteloot Smiets eels Van Moerkerke r de an de van den





Rege Algem Adjun Progr Fede Doorb Kruid B-100 Belgi T +32 F +32 info@ http:// ringscommissaris meen Directeur nct Algemeen Dire rammadirectie raal Kenniscentru building (10e verd dtuinlaan 55 00 Brussel um 2 [0]2 287 33 88 2 [0]2 287 33 85 @kce.fgov.be /www.kce.fgov.be s ecteur um voor de Gezon dieping) e Yv Ra Jea Ch Kri ndheidszorg (KCE es Roger af Mertens an-Pierre Closon hristian Léonard stel De Gauquier E)























Titel: Auteurs: Acknowledgem Externe Validat Belangenconflic Layout: Disclaimer Publicatiedatum Domein: MeSH: NLM classificat Taal: Formaat: Wettelijk depot:


ents: toren: ct m: tie: : “Stak Julie Healt Laure Bert Sant Geen Ine V • D ra w • V u w • To • A al 25 ja Meth Stake Q 18 Nede Adob D/20 keholder Involvem n Piérart (KCE), C thcare Projects), R ence Kohn (KCE)

Boer (College v é Publique - UCL n gemeld Verhulst, Sophie V De externe expert apport. Hun opm wetenschappelijk

ervolgens werd it een consensu wetenschappelijk

ot slot werd dit r Alleen het KCE is

lsook voor de aa anuari 2012 hods eholder involveme 80.55 erlands, Engels be® PDF™ (A4) 12/10273/09 ment” in de KCE w Christian Léonard Raf Mertens (KCE )

voor Zorgverzeker )


rten werden gera merkingen werde e rapport en ging een (finale) vers us of een meerd e rapport en ging rapport unaniem s verantwoordel anbevelingen aan ent ; Organization werkprocessen (KCE), Patrice X E) ringen, Nederland aadpleegd over e en tijdens vergad gen niet noodza sie aan de valida derheidsstem tus

gen niet noodza goedgekeurd do lijk voor de eve n de overheid. nal Objectives Chalon (KCE), F d), François Mél een (preliminaire deringen bespro kelijk akkoord m atoren voorgeleg ssen de validato kelijk alle drie ak oor de Raad van ntuele resterend

rançois Daue (Op

ard (ULg), Alain

e) versie van he oken. Zij zijn gee met de inhoud erv d. De validatie v oren. Zij zijn gee kkoord met de in Bestuur. de vergissingen ptifa - Optimum fo Deccache (Ecol t wetenschappe en coauteur van van.

van het rapport v en coauteur van nhoud ervan. of onvolledighe r e de lijke n het volgt het eden



Hoe refereren nnaar dit document

De K http:/ t? Piera werk KCE Dit Gezo KCE-rapporten w //kce.fgov.be/nl/co art J, Leonard C kprocessen. Metho reports 174A. D/2 document is be ondheidszorg. worden gepublice ontent/de-copyrigh C, Chalon PX, D od. Brussel: Fede 2012/10.273/09 eschikbaar op eerd onder de L hts-van-de-kce-ra Daue F, Mertens eraal Kenniscentr de website van Licentie Creative apporten. R. “Stakeholder rum voor de Gez

n het Federaal e Commons « b r Involvement” in ondheidszorg (KC Kenniscentrum by/nc/nd » n de KCE CE). 2012. voor de


KCE Reports 17




In 20 het g KCE word verbe ‘stak Ener van formu goed bood Intus acce edito involv huisa stuk In dit er na spec zeer techn zulle Maar meth KCE al die studi Jean Adjun S

009 nam het KCE gezondheidszorgb algemeen werde den geboekt. Zo k eterd. En daarn eholders’, nauwer rzijds was er de b ‘het terrein’, door uleren van de spe de interactie met dschappen en aan ssen zijn we ruim nten op deze the oriale aanpak van vement hebben w artsen, over de to

voor stuk een bel t rapport willen we aar de sleutelelem cifieke taken en m praktisch gericht nieken. Momente n in de komende j r de essentie van hodologische hand uitdrukkelijk defin e andere spelers e een stevige imp

n-Pierre CLOSON nct Algemeen Dir

Stakeholder Involv

het initiatief om e beleid in ons land en erkend, identifi kon, volgens de o naast klonk duid

r te betrekken. bekommernis om r de stakeholders ecifieke onderzoe de doelgroepen nbevelingen van d twee jaar verder ema’s. Op het vla

de studies, grond we niet stilgezete oekomstige nood

angrijke compone e rond deze aanp menten van stake mogelijkheden van te process notes eel is een eerste

jaren volgen. n een goede betro

dleidingen. Funda nieert vanuit een

in het gezondhe puls biedt aan dez



een externe, onaf . Terwijl de weten iceerde men toch ndervraagde acto delijk een vraag

de onderzochte s van meet af aa eksagenda. Ander n zou kunnen bij de studies. r. Het nieuwe man ak van de commu dige opfrisbeurt v en. De studies o aan residentiële o ent van intensieve ak een meer wete eholder involveme n het KCE. Het do over de concret process note ov okkenheid van de amenteel gaat het

maatschappelijke eidssysteem niet b

ze oriëntatie.

fhankelijke audit d nschappelijke kwa h ook een aantal d oren, de communi

om de belang thema’s beter te an bij de projecte

rzijds bleek dat oo dragen tot een nagementplan va unicatie werden h van de website… ver de alternatiev ouderenzorg, om e interactie met de enschappelijk en c ent en denken na ocument wil het re te modaliteiten va ver kwalitatieve m e belanghebbend t om een visie en e relevantie en me buiten de muren

door te laten voer aliteit en de geloo

domeinen waarin icatie met de doe hebbende partije laten aansluiten en te betrekken e ok in de eindfase betere impact va an 2010 legde uite heel wat initiatiev

Maar ook op het ve geneeswijzen

er maar een paa e betrokken groep conceptueel kade a hoe deze best eferentieraamwer an specifieke stak methoden in voor e partijen is veel organisatiecultuu eerwaarde. En da houden. Wij hop

ren van zijn impac ofwaardigheid van nog vooruitgang elgroepen nog wor en, de zogenaa

op de verzuchtin en, met name, bij

van de projecten an de geformulee eraard ook de no

en genomen: nie vlak van stakeho , over de burnou ar te noemen, had pen op het terrein. er plaatsen. We ki te articuleren me rk zijn voor een re

keholder involvem rbereiding, en and meer dan een re ur die de taak van an kan je de stem

en dan ook dat d

Raf MERTENS Algemeen Directe i ct op n het kon rden mde ngen j het een erde odige euwe older ut bij dden . ijken et de eeks ment dere eeks n het van deze eur






S Stakeholder Involv ‘S p im In ra h in p s w b g b v la p


In e b tw in d s W o d v d • vement Stakeholder invol personen of groep mpact hebben, is n de grote meerd aadpleegt het KC het studieonderw

nbreng als expert project betrekken systematisch. Tot wanneer en waaro bij onze processe gedetailleerde me betrokkenheid in d vraag ‘wanneer’ e

aatste zal het v procesnota’s.


n het tweede hoo een conceptueel baseerden we ons weede op gepubli nvolvement zinvo de ervaringen va sociologische ond We schetsen eer onderzoeksdomein de verschillende a van de beginfasen de resultaten. Dit r de mogelijke tot echte ‘dem onderzoek wo

lvement’, of het pen waarop onze al sinds de oprich derheid, en in de CE zorgverstrekke werp te maken h t of als stakehold n van andere op vandaag hebb om we best versc en, en we ontw thodologische ha de praktijk breng n ‘waarom’, maar voorwerp uitmak


ofdstuk bekijken w

als vanuit een s op de gespecia iceerde ervaringe l en relevant blee an andere agen erzoek. rst de oorsprong n van de volksgez aspecten en bena n tot de voltooiing rapport bestudeer doelstellingen, va mocratisering’, w orden, die actief b

actief betrekken onderzoeken pot hting van het KCE verschillende fas ers en beleidsmak hebben. Het ond der is niet altijd e groepen gebeur ben we nog niet g hillende stakehold ikkelden ook nog ndleidingen over t. Dit rapport buig r zonder diep in te ken van een re

we stakeholder inv empirisch stand liseerde literatuur en uit andere secto

k te zijn. We putte tschappen en a g van stakeholde zondheid. Daarna aderingen van sta van een project e rt:

an het louter verz waarbij de stakeho

ijdragen tot de res

KCE Reports 1

van stakeholders tentieel of effectie E een aandachtsp

sen, van zijn proj kers, die dagelijks derscheid tussen eenvoudig. Het bi rt dan weer m rondig nagedacht ders kunnen betre g geen specifiek

hoe men best dit gt zich vooral ov e gaan op het ‘hoe eeks methodolog

volvement zowel v dpunt. Bij het e r in het domein, b oren, waar stakeh en hierbij niet alle actoren maar oo er involvement in a gaan we dieper akeholder involvem

en de verspreiding zamelen van infor

olders partners i sultaten; 174A s, d.i. ef een unt. ecten s met n hun ij een minder t over ekken ke en soort er de e’. Dit gische vanuit eerste bij het holder en uit ok uit n het in op ment, g van matie n het


KCE Reports 17 • hoe stakeh • het belang een project • de uitdagin • de vaardig involvemen



In dit methodolo de plaats van hinderpalen, m onderzoekers. werd opgeteke Alle KCE-onde door een extern Door de KCE adequate oplei betrekken in fu benoemd als benaderen. Ee onafhankelijkhe stakeholders ti wederzijds resp 74A holders te identific van open comm t; ngen en risico’s va gheden en princ nt.



ogisch onderzoek n de stakeholde mogelijkheden e Daarbij baseerde end tijdens vier d

rzoekers namen ne moderator. E-experten werd

ding, en aan een unctie van de beh een belangrijke en vaak uitgespro eid niet zou v ijd vraagt en sle pect.

ceren en te omsch unicatie en transp an controversiële cipes, nodig voo


KCE-ksproject hebben ers in de KCE en succesfactor n ze zich op hun discussie-fora in deel en de verg ondermeer gew n aangepaste ma hoeften van elk p groep, maar nie oken bekommern verliezen, en d echts kan gebeu

S hrijven; parantie in alle fa onderwerpen; or succesvol stak we ook gekeken E-projecten en n en volgens de eigen ervaring. H oktober-novembe aderingen werde wezen op de no anier om stakeho project. Patiënten et steeds gemak

is was dat het K at het betrekke uren in een klim

Stakeholder Involv asen van keholder we naar naar de e KCE-Hun visie er 2011. n geleid ood aan olders te werden kkelijk te KCE zijn en van maat van




O v k p W s o 1 2 3 vement




Op basis van de van het rapport ee kunnen vergroten projecten beter te We identificeerde stakeholder involv overeen met de op . Maak het onderzoekspr het tastbaar te te vragen van worden met h 2. Bepaal de j studies de e behandelen, z en of de bele onderliggende ons om de die een mogelijk diepen. Het z ook een draag is ook belan implicaties vo 3. Maak de ond er in de mate de benadering informatiebron van een ruim




hierboven vermel en aantal benade n door verschille betrekken. en vijf belangrijke vement nuttig ka peenvolgende fas onderwerp tas roject is het nuttig e maken. Dit kan n patiënten en zor et studieonderwe juiste draagwijd echt belangrijke p zoals ze door de eidsmakers worde e problemen of c epere motivaties e ke weerstand om zorgvuldig en par

gvlak voor het pro ngrijk om de reg

lledig te begrijpen derzoeksopbouw

van het mogelijke g van het KCE a nnen of data toe d





lde inzichten stelt ringen voor die d ende relevante e strategische do an zijn. Ze stem sen van een onder stbaar. Voor d g om het onderwe bijvoorbeeld geb rgverleners die da erp. dte en onderzoe problemen en be zorgverleners, de en gezien, moete controversen bloo en waarden te be m bepaalde ond rticipatief stellen oject creëren bij d glementaire conte n.

w en de methode e voor dat de bela

anvaarden. Voeg die nuttig kunnen



t het laatste hoof de impact van het stakeholders bij oelstellingen waa mmen in grote

rzoeksproject. e opstart van erp te leren kenne beuren door de inb agelijks geconfron eksvragen. Als ekommernissen w e patiënten, het pu en we proberen o ot te leggen. Dit egrijpen, soms oo derzoeksvragen u

van deze vragen de eindgebruikers ext met de finan n aanvaardbaar. angrijkste stakeho g, indien nodig, an

zijn voor het verk iii fdstuk t KCE j zijn arvoor lijnen een en en breng nteerd onze willen ubliek om de helpt k van uit te n kan s. Het nciële Zorg olders ndere rijgen


iv 4. Kom tot d een goed belangrijks duidelijk te realistisch, minstens o 5. Vind doe Probeer e pleitbezorg Deze doelstell contacten met respect, trans nieuwsgierighe In de praktijk standaardmanie dimensies, die doelstellingen, moeten we een verschillende s de stakeholders Het rapport ein uitgewerkt tot worden opgeno uidelijke resulta zicht te krijgen ste argumenten, o e kunnen formule en dus haalbaa op lange termijn. eltreffende com ervoor te zorge gers van de rappo

ingen kunnen a de stakeholders sparantie, objec id. k kan stakehol er worden toeg e variëren in de aard van het n aantal methode ituaties en de ve s.

digt met een lijst formele KCE pr omen in de onderz

ten en realistisc n op tegengeste

om de eigen bes eren. Elke aanbev ar zijn – misschie mmunicatiekanal en dat de do orten worden.

alleen bereikt w een aantal waa ctiviteit, besche der involvement gepast. Er best functie van d project en de ge en ontwikkelen di erwachte resultate van technieken d rocess notes, en zoeksmethoden v S he antwoorden. elde standpunten sluiten en aanbev veling moet hoe en niet onmiddell en en spreek oelgroepen zelf worden als we

rden voor ogen idenheid en o t niet op een taan een groot de hierboven v esprekspartners. ie overeenkomen en van het betrek die verder moeten n die uiteindelijk van het KCE.

Stakeholder Involv Probeer en de velingen dan ook ijk maar kbuizen. actieve in onze houden: oprechte enkele t aantal vermelde Daarom met de kken van n worden moeten


KCE Reports 17








LI 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. S


ST OF ABBREVI RATIONA 1. POLICY C 2. SCIENTIF 3. STRUCTU KEY PRIN 1. THE RISE 2.1.1. W 2.1.2. T 2.1.3. T 2.1.4. W 2.1.5. C 2.1.6. W 2. STAKEHO 2.2.1. E 2.2.2. B 2.2.3. O 3. COMMUN 2.3.1. A 2.3.2. A 4. STAKEHO 2.4.1. R 2.4.2. R 2.4.3. C 5. DIALOGU Stakeholder Involv IATIONS ... ALE OF STAKEHO CHALLENGES AN FIC CHALLENGES URE OF THIS STU


E OF STAKEHOLD Who are stakehold The circle of stake The patient and the Why stakeholder in Criteria of effective What are the key c OLDER IDENTIFIC Explore the world : Be prepared before Organize your stak NICATION AT AN Analyse the risks a Anticipate time-con OLDER CONSULT Refer to standards Refine your proces Choose your meth

E IN CONTROVE vement ... OLDER INVOLVE ND OBJECTIVES S AND OBJECTIV UDY REPORT .... AKEHOLDER INV DER THINKING .. ders? ... holders ... e citizen ... nvolvement? ... e stakeholder invo components of sta CATION AND AN : from unfolding co e the journey ... keholder identifica EARLY STAGE .. and benefits linked nsuming commun TATION ALL ALO s ... ss ... od ... ERSIES ... ... EMENT AT KCE .. ... VES ... ... VOLVEMENT ... ... ... ... ... ... olvement ... akeholder involvem ALYSIS ... omplexity to orde ... ation and analysis ... d to communicatio nication activities .. ONG THE PROJE

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ment? ... ... ring complexity ... ... s ... ... on ... ... CT DEVELOPME ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ENT PROCESS ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 7 ... 8 ... 8 ... 8 ... 8 ... 9 ... 9 .... 11 .... 12 .... 13 .... 14 .... 15 .... 15 .... 16 .... 17 .... 20 .... 20 .... 25 .... 25 .... 27 .... 27 .... 27 .... 28 .... 29 .... 34


2 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. S 2.5.1. D 2.5.2. D 2.5.3. D 6. MANAGEM 2.6.1. A 2.6.2. U 7. STAKEHO 2.7.1. C 2.7.2. C 8. REGULAR 2.8.1. P 2.8.2. D 2.8.3. A 2.8.4. U 2.8.5. G 9. SKILLS TO 2.9.1. B 2.9.2. B 2.9.3. B 10. GUIDING CONSULT 1. RATIONA 2. METHOD 3. RESULTS 3.3.1. L 3.3.2. R 3.3.3. P 3.3.4. T 4. CONCLUS Stakeholder Involv Dialogue beyond e Dialogue to produc Dialogue beyond c MENT OF STAKE Acknowledge com Use forms and foru OLDER INVOLVE Consider added-va Consider the way t

R FEED-BACK TO Plan your commun Display relevant in Adapt your feed-ba Use electronic med Give regular feed-b O MANAGE THE Be trustworthy and Be involved ... Be expert ... PRINCIPLES ... TATION ROUND LE AND OBJECT ... S ... Lessons learned ... Requests ... Possible avenues . Treats ... SION ... vement effectiveness ... ce knowledge syn controversies ... EHOLDERS’ COM

ment and respond ums ...

MENT IN PROJE alues to involve st to deal with contro O STAKEHOLDER nication ...

formation ... ack to the level of dia and meetings back ... PROCESS OF S d respectful ... ... ... ... OF KCE EXPERT TIVES ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... nthesis ... ... MMENTS ... d ... ... ECT MONITORING takeholders in pro oversy... RS ... ... ... f stakeholder invo ... ... TAKEHOLDER IN ... ... ... ... TS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... G ... oject monitoring ... ... ... ... ... lvement ... ... ... NVOLVEMENT ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... KCE Reports ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... s 174 .... 34 .... 36 .... 37 .... 37 .... 37 .... 39 .... 39 .... 39 .... 42 .... 43 .... 43 .... 43 .... 43 .... 43 .... 43 .... 44 .... 44 .... 45 .... 46 .... 46 .... 47 .... 47 .... 47 .... 48 .... 48 .... 49 .... 50 .... 51 .... 52


KCE Reports 1774 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. 6. S STAKEHO 1. RATIONA 4.1.1. Im 4.1.2. F 2. THE FIVE 3. THERE AR 4. FROM ST 5. STAKEHO 4.5.1. P 4.5.2. C 4.5.3. R 4.5.4. F APPENDIX EXPERTS REFEREN Stakeholder Involv OLDER INVOLVE LE : ENHANCING mpact of the KCE Five strategic obje

KEY VALUES FO RE MANY DIFFE TRATEGY TO CO OLDER INVOLVE Prerequisites ... Choice of the most Required compete Further elaboration X: APPROACHE S ... NCES ... vement EMENT IN KCE P G THE RELEVAN reports: levers an ctives to overcom OR FRUITFUL ST RENT WAYS TO NCRETE ACTION MENT IN PRACT ... t appropriate meth encies ... n of methods that S ILLUSTRATED ... ... ROCESSES ... CE AND IMPACT nd barriers ... me the impact barr TAKEHOLDER IN INVOLVE STAKE NS ... TICE ... ... hod(s) ... ... were considered D DURING THE C ... ... ... T OF KCE REPOR ... riers and operate t NTERACTION ... EHOLDERS ... ... ... ... ... ... as eligible for KC CONSULTATION ... ... ... RTS ... ... the levers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... CE ... ROUND OF KCE ... ... 3 .... 53 .... 53 .... 53 .... 54 .... 55 .... 55 .... 56 .... 59 .... 59 .... 59 .... 59 .... 59 E .... 60 .... 70





Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi we Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi S gure 1: Stakehold gure 2: Bridging b gure 3: Key comp gure 4: Primary id gure 5: Actors-ne ebsites links ... gure 6 : Actors-ne gure 7: Timeline o gure 8 : Example gure 9: Core elem gure 10 : Health C gure 11: The NIC gure 12: The IQW gure 13: The VIKC gure 14: The Coc gure 15: Compara gure 16: HAS pro gure 17: The ena

Stakeholder Involv der involvement in between decision-ponents of stakeho dentification of sta etworks diagram, c ... etwork diagram, re of a KCE project .. of table of interpr ments of a partner Canada’s Public I CE key stages of c WIG production pro

C key stages of g ck Burning & Honi ative chart for par ocedure followed i blers/resistors spe


n research-use the -making and resea older involvement akeholders in lega connections betwe ... epresentation of B ... retive frames of ac rship process ... nvolvement Conti clinical developme ocess of reports .. uideline developm ngh decision tree rticipatory method n formal consens ectrum ... eoretical models .. arch domains ... t ... al texts ... een osteopathic u ... Belgian osteopath ... ctors involved ... ... nuum ... ent ... ... ment used in KCE to identify releva s... us method ... ... ... ... ... ... unions in Belgium ... hic unions and sch

... ... ... ... ... ... E project on Prosta nt participatory m ... ... ... KCE Reports ... ... ... ... through their ... hools in 2010 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ate cancer ... ethods ... ... ... ... s 174 .. 10 .. 11 .. 16 .. 18 .. 19 .. 22 .. 23 .. 24 .. 26 .. 28 .. 31 .. 32 .. 33 .. 33 .. 34 .. 42 .. 44


KCE Reports 17




Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta pa Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta S

able 1 : EBM agen able 2: Six questio able 3 : Consultat able 4 : Dimension able 5: The potent articipatory resear able 6: Rationale f able 7: Levers and able 8. Dimension able 9. Timing of t able 10: Impact en

Stakeholder Involv

ncies’ stakeholder ons to identify rele ion approaches a ns for analyzing p tial added value o rch process ... for stakeholder in d barriers with res ns of stakeholder i the different intera nhancing strategie vement r involvement’ tas evant consultation nd application in K public policies ... of participatory res ... volvement ... spect to the impac

involvement ... actions with stake es ...

sks and group type n methods with sta KCE projects ... ... search approache ... ... ct of KCE reports . ... holders ... ... es ... akeholder involve ... ... es across the three

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ment ... ... ... e phases of the ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 .. 29 .. 30 .. 31 .. 35 .. 40 .. 45 .. 53 .. 56 .. 57 .. 58





Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo S ox 1: Stakeholder ox 2: Evolution of ox 3: an epistemo ox 4: Diving in ma ox 5: Information d ox 6: The ADAPT ox 7: Acceptability ox 8 : The Deliber ox 9: DACEHTA r ox 10: Some guid ox 11: List of ques Stakeholder Involv r engagement ... knowledge-to-act ological shift from agma, the cartogra

disclosure ... E assessment of y as the most com rative Process – A recommendations

ing principles to s stions for the cons


... tion thinking and s

matter of facts to aphy of controvers ... acceptability and mplex dimension o A Snapshot ... s to create the bas support the use of sultation round of ... semantics ... matter of concern sies ... ... applicability of re of the analysis ... ... sis for a good and f research in pract KCE experts ... ... ... ns ... ... ... commendations . ... ... rewarding coope tice ... ... KCE Reports ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... eration ... ... ... s 174 .... 9 .. 10 .. 11 .. 16 .. 26 .. 28 .. 35 .. 36 .. 45 .. 46 .. 47


KCE Reports 17





S ABBREVIATION ADAPTE AGREE AHRQ CCOHTA CIHR DACEHTA EBM EUnetHTA HAS HTA IQWiG KBF NCCHPP NICE (P&)CP VIKC Stakeholder Involv N DEFINITI http://www Appraisa http://www Agency fo http://www Canadian http://www Canadian http://www Danish C http://www Evidence European http://www Haute Au http://www Health Te Institut German King Bau http://www National http://www National http://www (Patient & Verenigin vement ION w.adapte.org l of Guidelines Re w.agreetrust.org/ or Healthcare Res w.ahrq.gov/ n Coordinating Of w.cadth.ca/ n Institutes of Hea w.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/ Centre for Health T

w.sst.dk/English/D e-Based Medicine

n Network for Hea w.eunethta.eu/ utorité de Santé /

w.has-sante.fr/ echnology Assess

für Qualität u Institute for Qualit udouin Foundation

w.kbs-frb.be/ Collaborating Cen w.ncchpp.ca/ Institute for Healt w.nice.org.uk/ &) Citizen-Patient ng van Integrale K

esearch & Evaluat search and Qualit ffice for Health Te alth Research Technology Asses DACEHTA.aspx alth Technology A French National A sment und Wirtschaftlic ty and Efficiency i n

ntre for Healthy P h and Clinical Exc

Kankercentra tion ty chnology Assessm ssment Assessment Authority for Healt

chkeit im Ges n Health Care htt ublic Policy cellence ment th sundheitswessen tps://www.iqwig.de 7 / e/





Although stake processes sinc willingness of diversified way ‘when’ to involv societal pertine only linked to t the policy and p

1.1. Policy


The ‘raison d fundamentally p be seen as ‘em finite resources healthcare nee challenge requ unambiguous re Obviously, for a in several othe also have to anthropology. perceptions, ex independence a

1.2. Scienti

Combining a tru of scientific rigo as the achieve study processe This must, witho When address involve the diff



eholder involveme ce its early days the organization . The primary aim ve stakeholders, w ence and the imp

he scientific qual practical challenge

challenges and

d’être’ of scientif political and pragm mployed’ by society s of the healthcar eds of the popula uires that we for

esults and propos addressing this br er disciplines than mobilize method We must find ad xperiences and op and objectivity.

fic challenges

ue openness to p or and objectivity ement of valid res es, including quali

out any doubt, be ing this challeng ferent groups of



ent has been pa s, this methodolo to address it in m of this work is t with as an ultimate pact of the KCE r ity of the researc es are met.

d objectives

fic advice institu matic. In this sens y to help and find re system for me ation. Taking up rmulate relevant se realistic recomm roader perspectiv n medicine and h ds specific to so dequate ways to pinions of stakeho

and objectives

articipative appro y poses serious s sults by means o itative research a e part of the core b ge, i.e. learning t stakeholders, we



art of the KCE r ogical study refle

a more systema to reflect about ‘w e objective to incre reports. The latte ch, but also to the

utions such as se, KCE collabora d the best ways to eeting the virtually

this fundamenta research questio mendations. ve, we need comp health economics; ociology, law, an

deal with and va olders, without lo


oaches with the sa cientific challenge of systematic and and sociological m business of KCE.

to master valid e can tap into a

Stakeholder Involv research ects the atic and why’ and ease the er is not e degree KCE is ators can o use the y infinite al policy ons, find petences ; we will nd even alue the sing our afeguard es, such d robust methods. ways to body of k s e


In W in In K p fo th in F in e a s vement knowledge availa similar institutions experiences from o

1.3. Structure

n chapter 2, we e We address the nvolvement but fro n chapter 3, we p KCE researchers principles could or our group discus heir perception of nvolving stakehold Finally, chapter 4 nvolvement at K endeavour fruitfu appendix, illustrate study processes.

ble in the scient s in other coun

our own work.

of this study re

explore the key pr e ‘who’, ‘why’,’

om a theoretical a present how we

themselves, in t r could not mean ssions, the exper

f the threats and t ders in their day t synthesizes the s KCE, including th l. A number of e how we involved

tific literature and tries, but also g


rinciples of the sta how’ and ‘whe and empirical poin

involved our own the reflection abo in practice for th rts have shared the barriers but al

o day work. strategic objective he key values n f succinct techni d stakeholders at KCE Reports d the know-how get inspiration in akeholder involve en’ questions of nt of view. n stakeholders, i.e

out what the iden e KCE studies. D their experiences lso the opportunit es of the stakeho needed to make ical sheets, give t different stages i s 174 from n the ment. f this e. the ntified During s and ties of lder’s e this en in in our


KCE Reports 17

2. KEY


2.1. The


Stakeholder th evolved1: • from stak stakeholde process-or • from a bu dynamic in well as influ A set of similar conceived to d possibilities to i Rational-linear makers rarely communicatioSupply-sid of research • Demand-s research u (rational-lin These models emphasize linka Interactive m relationships research: multi context of its us a See the S b See the IN 74



se of stakeholde

inking grew up i keholders viewed ers as individua riented view; uffered dependen nterdependency uential stakeholde r theoretical mode escribe whether ncrease the resea r models focuse y used researc on between resear de research initi h by adapted publ side research i users about the near model with fe

were abandoned ages between res odels, recently

between the ke ple actors, multip se. These variable

SUPPORT program NVOLVE program d



er thinking

n the economic d as subjects als in a networ ncy on stakehold between a firm ers.

els has emerged and how researc arch impact2.

d on disseminatio ch it was bec

rchers and policy atives were deve ication formats an nitiatives were ir needs and p eedback loop)b.

in favour of mor searchers and dec

developed, put ey variables tha ple exchanges, na es are no longer c description in Lavis description4. S


c area in the 193 to be mana rk-based, relatio ders towards a and its surround in the knowledg ch is used and to on of research. I cause of proble makers: eloped to support nd effective packa developed to q rovide tailored r re interactive mod cision makers5. a focus on c at shape policy ature of the resea considered in isola s, 20093 Stakeholder Involv


30s and aged to nal and bridging dings as ge area, explore f policy-ems of the use aginga. question research dels that complex use of arch and ation but in ra a e th B In a s s in in s d a c vement n interaction. And ationalc. These in and rational mode experience in the he postmodern cr Box 1: Stakehold n 1984, Freema academic attentio stakeholder. The subsequent ones nfluences. These nfluence and how stakeholder enga diffusion of these a good practice ha Recently, ano to establish n process by process (Nut

d the ways resear nteractive models els, incorporate the

research use pro ritique (and the re

der engagement an pushed a st on and provided core idea that is that manageme e theories aim to w firms respond t agement. The Wo ideas by publishin andbook in 20117.

other set of initiative new kinds of relatio developing interme ley 2008, p246)2.

rch is used are n s, in comparison t e role of research ocess, and ask th al possibility to em takeholder theory boundaries of underlies Freem ent choice is a fu o understand the to those influence orld Bank Group ng a good practice .

es between supply onship between res ediary broker orga

no more considere to the traditional users’ knowledge e question of pow mpower partners) y to the forefro what could defi man’s theory and

nction of stakeho types of stakeh es with what is c has contributed t e manual in 1998

and demand have b searchers and the nizations into the

9 ed as linear e and wer in . nt of ine a d the olders’ holder called to the 86 and begun policy policy


10 Figure 1: Stake Figure inspired by Canada 2000, p. eholder involvem y “Health Canada’s 128 and “Spectrum ment in research s public involvement of stakeholder enga S -use theoretical t continuum » in He agement” in IFC 20 Stakeholder Involv models alth 11, p.3 7 B B th c L R v T “ R T d K re re “ S T m it th R s in vement Box 2: Evolution Best and colleagu he knowledge-to-cited in Nutley, 20 Linear models (19 Research is disse various settings. W The predominant knowledge trans Relationship mod The key processe develop within ne Knowledge produ elationships and elationships is the knowledge exch System models ( The way knowledg most important fac

t needs not only t he priorities, cu Research use is system. The lang

ntegration”, “tran

of knowledge-to ues provide a fram -action thinking i 10, p.135)9: 960s to mid-1990 eminated as resul Whether it gets us t language of sfer” and “dissem dels (mid-1990s t es for improving re etworks of collabo ucts are defined improving the int e key. The langua hange”.

more recently) ge is embedded w ctor in improving r to be embedded i ultures and cont

thus a dynamic uage of research nslation” and “mo

o-action thinking mework that descr n three phases ( 0s) ts are handed ov sed is a function o research use f mination”. to present) esearch used are orating research and utilized in terpersonal comm age of research u

within organizatio research use. For n relationships bu texts of organiz c process within h use for these m obilization”.

KCE Reports

g and semantics ribes the generati (Best et al frame

ver to others for u of effective packa for these mode

e the relationships producers and u the context of t munication within

use for these mod

ons and systems r knowledge to be ut also interwoven zations and sys n a complex ada models is “knowl s 174 ion of ework use in aging. els is s that users. these these dels is is the used n with tems. aptive ledge


KCE Reports 17 Box 3: an epis concerns The knowledge models toward epistemologica research know Research-policy systems thinkin become blurred • In the trad provide d straightforw (Nutley 200 • In interact arrive as u decisions, its use thr 2008, p.25 EXAMPLE: Th (DACEHTA) DACEHTA pub new scientific m only with eleme and ethics, but HTA may be co and the researc focus of an HT documented ba 74 stemological shif e-to-action thinki ds more intera l shift which req wledge as some y relations becom ng, the boundaries d”9. ditional linear an discrete, unamb wardly be transfe 08, p.123)2. tive models, we r uncomplicated “fa but may be trans rough ongoing di


he Danish Centr blished in 2008 a methods and appr

ents of HTA, i.e. t also with the step onsidered as brid ch domain. In ord A must be based asis for decisions

ft from matter of

ing has historica ctive models in quires us to ret ething separate me at least two-wa s between these nd rational mode biguous, factua

erred and applie recognise that “re acts” to be weigh slated and recons

alogue with rese

re for Health Te a new handbook roaches to HTA10. technology, patien ps in the HTA proc ging between the er to fulfil such a d on the need of t about the use of h


facts to matter o

ally evolved from n association w

think our conce from policy kno ay and in some ve two realms of kno els research was

l accounts th ed to policy or esearch evidence hed up in makin structed in the pro earch producers”. echnology Asse presenting upda This handbook d nt, organisation, e cess. e decision-making purpose, the prob the decision make health technology Stakeholder Involv of m linear with “an ption of owledge. ersion of owledge seen to at can practice may not ng policy ocess of (Nutley essment ated and deals not economy g domain blems in ers for a y. F T o m d b 2 2 In T E c in d e vement Figure 2: Bridgin

The DACEHTA mod one-way flow repres making domain. It se decision-makersd bu between the policy-m 2008, p15)10 2.1.1. Who are n the economic ar “any group or achievement o The International F “those who m influence its “stake” that e project or inve EUnetHTA recentl characteristics of nterested in and

See the “two

(Freeman 19

g between decis

del is inspired by the sentation, where the eparates two comm ut allows some spac making paradigm an

e stakeholders? rea, Freeman def r individual who c of the firm’s objec Finance Corporati may have interest outcome, either ach of these diffe estment will vary” ly referred to thes f stakeholders : d/or potentially infl

communities” thesi 84, p25)12 cited in ( sion-making and e rational-linear mod e research domain ta munities, one of rese

ce for interactions in nd the HTA paradig

fined stakeholders can affect or who ctives”e. ion’s definition ad ts in a project an positively or neg erent individuals o (IFC 2011, p.10-1 se two definitions

they are affec luent.

s of Caplan11.

Andriof 2002, p30)1

research domai

del of research use argets the decision-earchers and the oth n the overlapping zo gm. From (Kristense

s as

is affected by the


nd/or the ability to gatively. […] The or groups has in a 11)7. to underline the cted by the pr 1. 11 ns in a -her of one en e o e a three roject,



When compari lists, the most c • industry • policy mak • patient/use • health care • health relat • academia • commercia 2.1.2. The c Depending on w is more or less Wid Following the G (IQWiG) has c institutions, or the preliminary preliminary rep interim results13 restricted. Pr institutes, and c Clo In contrast, th approach in w stakeholders. S representatives health profess practices. Thes entire producti representatives included in thes ng several EBM commonly cited st

ers and/or institut er representatives e professionals ted media al enterprises circle of stakehol which stakeholder open to these sev

de-open consulta

German Institute chosen an appr

commercial ente y report plans, o ports and thereby 3. The circle of pe rivate persons, companies, may s

osed monitoring g

he French Natio hich all actors ha Stakeholders may s. An equilibrium ionals, types of se stakeholders a ion process of s, health insuran se groups ; they m M or health-relate takeholders appea tions lders r involvement met ven types of stake


for Quality and E roach in which a erprises may subm

on amendments y comment on th ersons entitled to as well as pr submit comments groups

nal Authority for ave to candidate be health profess m is searched be opinions, types are involved in di recommendation nce companies may be consulted S ed agencies’ stak ar to be : thod is chosen, th eholders. Efficiency in Hea all interested p mit written comm to report plans he methods or p submit comment rofessional asso . r Health (HAS) e or to be design sionals and patien etween types of s of practice, pl fferent groups du s. But public a and industries on a more ad hoc Stakeholder Involv keholder he circle lth Care persons, ments on and on ublished ts is not ciations, has an nated by nt/users’ involved aces of uring the agencies' are not c basis. E W d a S b a E E F • • • • • • f vement EXAMPLE in the When identifying s definition as in the a consultative role Stakeholders are g by, or have an int actions or aims of EUnetHTA has ch European level, an Following groups a Policy makers a Policy makers a Patient organiz Healthcare pro Industry Health related Definition cite research area : E stakeholders, the e economic area b e: groups or organiz terest in and may an organization, p hosen to focus on nd on generic rat are targeted: at national/region at hospitals/statut zations fessional organisa media ed by Nielsen 20091 EUnetHTA defini EUnetHTA Collab but restrains stake zations which pote y in a consultative project or policy d umbrella organiz her than disease al level

tory health insuran

ations 14. KCE Reports ition of stakehold boration used a s eholder involveme entially will be affe e role influence o directionsf. zations operating a specific organiza nce/HMOs s 174 ders similar ent to ected on the at the ations.


KCE Reports 17 2.1.3. The p A p There exist ma corresponding consider that w application: (1) the involvemen the involvemen healthcare inst involvement of the P&CP in th these 5 domain his or her opinio the first domain public health. There exist dif ranging from m approach, both are needed. Ye and execute s Tronto17. A tr ‘car Tronto suggest human activity and repair our world includes o seek to interw p.143)17. It h ‘capacitating’ b A liberty to exp hope18-20. This individual relati 74

patient and the c

patchwork of pos

any forms of patie to different obje we can divide th the involvement nt of the patient i nt of the patient titutions (hospital CP in the financi e determination o ns, the P&CP has on, to co-decide o n, the research ac fferent models to mere information h generic and spe

et, each of these should be chara ransversal qualit re’ ts that on the m “that includes ev ‘world’ so that w our bodies, ourse weave in a com has been sugge ecause it could ‘r press an opinion, condition of ‘car ionship between itizen ssibilities

ent and citizen-pat ectives and dom is kind of involve of the P&CP in th n its relationship t in its relationsh l, mutuality’s, pr ng options to ado of health priorities to be informed, to or to decide. We li ctivities and more o involve the ci n up to actual d ecific technical a procedures that w acterized by the ty of the involvem

ost general level verything that we we can live in it a elves, and our env mplex, life-sustain sted that this p reveal’ a certain l an anxiety, a wis re’ seems to be

the patient and


tient (P&CP) invo mains of decisio

ement into 5 dom he research activ

with her practitio hip with the hea ivate insurance) opt (5) the involve s and choices. In

o give information imit the present se

precisely the res tizens and the p decision15, 16. F

nd human comp we have to conce

‘care’ defined b

ment: the practic

, caring be view do to maintain, c as well as possib vironment, all of w ning web.”(Tronto practice of care liberty for the ben sh, an expectation quite trivial in th the practitioner. Stakeholder Involv olvement n. We mains of vities, (2) oner, (3) alth and (4) the ement of each of n, to give ection to search in patients, or each etencies eptualize by Joan ce of ed as a continue, ble. That which we o, 2009, can be neficiary. n and an he inter-But it is m in 2 N in if A fo g p a w W ( c in in d d im a F h s fo p ‘i 2 W th th e vement

much less straight n public health. Involv

Nevertheless, we nvolvement, effec f this concept was A first example of or normal low-ris group of gynaeco plain-language ve all socioeconomic with the input from We also find ex

National Institute cited example, the

nform the resear nstitution is able developed a syst details can be fou

mpressive list of anxiety25 or the Alz Furthermore, the helpful to confirm somewhat unexpe or every patient permanent presen nvasion’ of their l Evalua Whereas publicati he pertinence of he patient involv evaluation remain tforward to concre vement of the pa

e can find seve ctively characterize s not explicitly ‘nam

such type of patie sk childbirth, deve logists and midw rsion has been de categories of wo m women of differe xamples of patie

for Health and Cl e information follo rch institution and to provide better tematic procedure und on the NICE f guidances for zheimer disease26 information origi research hypoth ectedly, peritonea t. It appeared nce of medical eq ives by their disea

ation of the patie

ons attest the infl the research28-31, vement32, 33. The

to be defined.

etize in other setti

tient in the ‘rese

eral examples o ed by the practice med’ or ‘used’. ent involvement is eloped by KCE i ives21. On the ba erived, in order to omen. This exerc ent education leve nt involvement i linical Excellence, ows a ‘reciprocal’

d, given this info information to th e to involve pati E website 23, whi patients (e.g. on 6).

inating from the heses. This is ho al dialysis was no that some of t quipment in their ase27.

ent and citizen-p

luence of the way , there is also a actual format a

ings, such as rese

earch activities’

of successful p e of ‘care’ indeed,

s the practice guid n collaboration w asis of this guideli o be understandab

cise has been rea els22.

in the work of , UK). As in the ab pathway: the pa ormation, the rese he patients. NICE ents and citizens ch is also offerin n caesarian sect

patients can als ow NICE learned ot the preferred o them experience r home as a com patient involvem y to involve patien need for evaluati and modalities o 13 earch atient even deline with a ine, a ble by alized NICE bove-tients earch E has s; full ng an tion24, so be that, option e this mplete ent nts for ion of f this


14 2.1.4. Why s Reasons to inv numerous, and described as us • provide leg • promote EB • prevent dis • improve ac • enhance re • reduce dup Stakeholder inv • Transparen • Accountab • Participatio • Objectivity • Evidence-b • Patient-orie • Scientific w The ‘objectivity of a richer pic practices, in a s EXAMPLES of EBM and healt EUnetHTA: bec sense that the improve the he legitimacy has relation to the transparency o stakeholder invo volve stakeholde d vary between seful to : gitimacy or credibi BM practices and sagreement or con cceptance of resu elevance of resea plication. volvement is seen ncy ility on based outcome ented outcome work. and scientific wo cture and the o so-called second-d

f declared reaso th-related agenc

cause HTA agen ey are (often) pu ealthcare system s to be conside scientific quality of the production olvement? rs in a research n agencies. Stak

lity to the agency EBM culture ; nflicts ;

lts and increase im rch ;

n as serving the pr

ork mentioned her bjective renderin degree heuristic o ons to use stak

ies ncies resemble p ublic, tax-finance m by their activitie ered. Legitimacy y of HTA product processes14. S h production proc keholder involve ; mpact ; rinciples of: re point to the ac g of all viewpoi objectivity. keholder involvem political institution d institutions see es, the question must be unders ts and the fairne

Stakeholder Involv cess are ment is cquisition nts and ment in s in the eking to of their stood in ess and C a D c T A h a C F w S ta p N a s b IQ t o H p re vement CCOHTA: stakeho an enhanced awa DACEHTA: stakeh course by preven To improve the po AHRQ: stakeholde helps avoid priorit and reduces poten CIHR: there are tw First, the creation widespread adopt Second, all of the axpayers’ dollars practice/action (ac NICE: comments assurance and p stakeholders offe balance the scienc

QWIG: stakehol ransparency wh objective and evid HAS: stakeholder principles which a

epresentatives), t

older consultation areness and cult holder involvemen nting the occurr ossible acceptanc er involvement p izing topics that h ntial duplication. wo primary reason of new knowled tion or have an im interested parties s invested in hea ccountability, Tet from stakehold eer-review proces r specialist expe ce of the guideline lder involvemen hich is one of thi ence-based, patie

involvement me are : participatio transparency and

s are important a ture of best pract nt is to ensure the rence of disagre ce and applicatio rovides credibilit have no relevanc ns. ge often does no mpact on patients s want to see the alth research by

troe 2007, p.1)34. ers are “a vital sses” (NICE 2007 ertise and a pra e methodology. nt corresponds is agency’s princ ent-oriented and s thodologies are g on (of professiona d independency. KCE Reports as it helped in cre tices. e most efficient p eement and conf on of the HTA resu

ty to AHRQ rese ce to real-world is

ot, by itself, lead s’ health. benefits reaped b moving research part of the qu 7, p.80)35. In this actical perspectiv to its principl ciples36 : indepen scientific. grounded in the als and patients/u

s 174 eating roject flicts. ults. earch, sues, to its by the h into uality way, ve to e of ndent, same users’


KCE Reports 17 2.1.5. Criteri Invo DACEHTA und involved from th feel co-respon acceptance of t cooperative beh high work ethics Invo IQWIG, NICE involvement pro tasks to do and the amount of w Invo

The CIHR poin occurs in the in resulting in mu complexity, and research result 2007, p.1)34. Si research-use is “dissemination” “translation” or Invo As influence an attention to sta process and it about the purpo of the outcome. 74 ria of effective st olved at an early derlines that it is he beginning in th nsible for the p the different occu haviour is required

s among the proje

olved in transpa

and HAS have ocess to clarify c d planning. Stake work needed (the

olved in mutual l

nts out the impo nteraction betwee utual learning. T d level of engag ts and on the ne nce stakeholders s no more descri ” but “knowledg “mobilization”.

olved with satisf

nd impact are elu akeholders’ satis ts outcome. Sati ose and power of .

takeholder involv

y stage of the pr

s important that he project. It helps project and crea pational backgrou d in stakeholder i ect participants. rency e developed spe confidentiality issu eholders have to number of meetin learning ortance of the kn n the knowledge These interactions gement, dependin eeds of the partic s are involved in th

ibed in terms like ge exchange”,


usive concepts, N faction with the isfaction relates f stakeholders, th




all relevant bod s to make the par ates understandi unds. Implicit is th

nvolvement with t

ecific guidelines ues and publicatio

be informed ear ngs) and tasks to

nowledge exchan user and the res s may vary in i ng on the nature cular stakeholder he research-use p e “knowledge tran “knowledge inte NICE recommends stakeholder invo to realistic expe e usability and re Stakeholder Involv dies are rticipants ing and hat good trust and on the on rules, rly about do. nge that earcher, ntensity, e of the r (Tetroe process, nsfer” or gration”, s to pay olvement ectations elevance 2 S d • • • • • • • • vement 2.1.6. What are Stakeholder involv developed in furth Stakeholder id Communicatio Stakeholder c Dialogue in ca Management Stakeholder in Regular feed-Skills to mana

e the key compo vement encompa er sections. dentification and a on at an early stag consultation all alo

ase of controversi of stakeholders’ c nvolvement in pro -back to stakehold age the process o

onents of stakeh asses a range of

analysis ge

ong the project de ies comments oject monitoring ders f stakeholder invo holder involveme f activities that w evelopment proces olvement 15 ent? will be ss


16 Figure 3: Key c Figure inspired by components of s y Key component o stakeholder invo of stakeholders enga S olvement agement in IFC 200 Stakeholder Involv 07, p.127.


A s s in o a 1 2 T in o B “ v N s u o M g S vement

2.2. Stakehold

Also called envi stakeholder ident stakeholder involv nterested or infl outcome of your analysis has two a . to clarify who 2. to assess whi identify which This task is comp nterconnections b of stakeholders to “Collective sit concerned, th Box 4: Diving in m “The cartography visualize issues, d Network Theory t socio-technical de unfortunately, not of controversies h MACOSPOL (Ma gathers eight Euro Source : Venturini 20

der identificatio

ronmental scan tification and a vement. To negle uential stakehold project. As men aims (Kristensen 2

are the stakehold ch stakeholders a function to assign plex as one nee before being able


tuations are alway he more intricate th

magma, the carto y of controversies developed by Brun to train students ebate. Today it a much documen as also become t pping COntrover opean universities 010, p137

on and analysis

n when it is qu nalysis is the ect or to miss ide ders may impac tioned by DACE 2007, chapter 1)10 ders;

are the most impo n them to in the co ds to explore the to order it and to ys intricate and th hey can get.”(Ven

ography of contr s is a set of tech

no Latour as a did s in the investiga is a full resea nted one. […] Rec the object of the rsies on Science s and research cen

KCE Reports


uickly performed first crucial ste entification of affe ct negatively the

HTA, this stakeh 0:

ortant to include, a ontext of the proje e social complex

produce one’s ow he more actors are nturini 2009, p.6)37


niques to explore dactic version of A ation of contemp arch method, tho

cently, the cartog EU funded conso e for POLitics), w nters.” s 174 , the ep of ected, e end holder and to ect. xity of wn list e 7 e and Actor-porary ough, raphy ortium which


KCE Reports 17 2.2.1. Explo compl “Social ca description Obs “Following statements consider c Statements beings, tec and so on” Starting by read on websites, in opportunity to them. Figure 4 mental health s a careful scrutin Perplexity is re connections. In condition for th approach. But, quickly ordered Des

Notes and map visibility to diffe to: 1. representa 2. influence : 3. relevance original per 74

re the world : fro lexity rtographers shou ns at once”.(Ventu servation : from the webs of s, social cartog connections that s are always part chnical objects, na ” (Venturini 2010, p

ding texts about t n press, in legal t identify potential 4 illustrates in a services for childr ny of the successi equired in such e n this way, perpl he second-order h

quick increase in notes and map

scription : from a ps have to rende erent stakeholder ativeness : how ma actors on influent : even if stake rspectives and qu om unfolding com

uld work out the

urini 2010, p.2)38

texts to actors

relations surrou graphers are ine spread beyond t t of larger network atural organisms,


the issue under s exts or in scientif l stakeholders an

graphical way h ren and adolescen ive legal text on th exercise to take i lexity becomes a heuristic objectivi in complexity of ps. actors to texts er the complexity rs we need to be any actors subscr tial positions dese holders are mino uestion what is giv


mplexity to orde

eir observations

unding controver evitably brought the textual unive ks comprising hum

metaphysical enti

scrutiny (in grey lit fic literature) offer nd connections b how the stakeho nts can be identif he subject. into account a lot a research tool, ty that characteri f connections ha

legible. To give e proportional ac ribe to their viewp erve special attent oritary, they mig ven for granted.

Stakeholder Involv ering and rsial t to erse. man ities terature, rs a first between olders in fied from t of new and the izes this as to be different ccording oint. tion ght offer vement 17



Figure 4: Prim

Working docume

ary identification

ent from KCE Repor

n of stakeholders

rts 170 “Organisatio


s in legal texts

on of child and adole

Stakeholder Involv

escent mental health vement

h care: study of the literature and an innternational overview

KCE Reports

w” 39


KCE Reports 17 Figure 5: Acto Mapping of the in “[Ostheopathy an 74 rs-networks diag

ntensity (or paucity) nd chiropractic: state gram, connection of the connections e of affairs in Belgiu S ns between oste between osteopath um]” 40. Stakeholder Involv eopathic unions i

hic unions in Belgium vement

in Belgium throu

m through their web

ugh their website

bsites links. Working

es links

g document from KCCE reports 148



2.2.2. Be pre A social cartog trying to ident p.7)38:

1. you shall lis 2. you shall o 3. you shall methodolog 4. you shall a 5. you shall s 6. you shall a 7. you shall flexible. 2.2.3. Organ Using the bas European MAC stakeholder ide 1. The glossa 2. The docum 3. The analys 4. The review 5. The tree of 6. The scale o 7. The diagra 8. The chrono 9. The table o 10. The forum epared before th grapher has to f

ify and analyze sten to actors’ voi observe from as m not restrain you gy;

adjust your descrip implify complexity attribute to each ac

provide descrip

nize your stakeh sic framework of COSPOL project, s entification and an ary of non-controv mentation reposito sis of scientific lite w of media and pu f disagreement of controversies am of actors-netwo ology of dispute of interpretive fram

(see the negotiat

he journey follow all these

stakeholders’ po ices more than to many viewpoints as

ur observation t ptions and observ y respectfully;

ctor a visibility pro tions that are a

holder identificati controversy ma several tasks may alysis, including t versial elements ory erature blic opinions orks mes

ion and partnersh


recommendations ositions (Venturin your own presum s possible; to any single th vations recursively oportional to its we

adapted, redunda

ion and analysis pping, developed y be required for he production of: hips chapter) Stakeholder Involv s before ni 2010, mptions; heory or y; eight; ant and s d in the relevant 2 In o p re id E F H vement The gl n HTA, GCP or organizations of s pictures or diagram esponsible of th dentified, these ac EXAMPLE : Sourc

Figure used in KCE Hulpmiddelen Komp lossary of non-c HSR projects, ne services or practic ms to underline th eir construction ctors may be invo ces of oxygen for

report 156C “Home pas 2004, Zuurstofa

controversial elem

ew technologies ces, may be adeq heir various comp

or implementatio olved in the study.

home therapy

e oxygen therapy”, p pparatuur – ISBN 9

KCE Reports


and devices, com quately described ponents and the a on. After having

page ii41. Source: 90-70918-38-2 s 174 mplex d with actors been


KCE Reports 17 The From observat complexity of simplifications, documents, i.e. Publication of t keeping regard considered ca experts and sta The “Scientometrics the analysis o research cente ideas through literature may identify pools o The Since articles a no longer nece to quickly scan See the figure the KCE study “ The “Cartograp connected 74 e documentation tion to descriptio interrelationship. field notes, in all traces should this material mus ing information d arefully to guara akeholders (see ne

e analysis of scie

s can reveal the n of co-authorship, rs, journals…) thr lexicographic an be investigated r ‘schools’ of scie e review of medi

and press releases essary. Useful too

debates and/or co 6 with connectio “Osteopathy and

e tree of disagre

phers should not r and structured i

n repository

on, analysis is To assure the nterview recordin be kept and offer st be discussed in isclosure and/or antee trustworthy ext chapter). entific literature networks of scien the relative aut rough citation ana nalysis”(Venturini

not only to colle ntists and stakeho

ia and public opi

s are digitally pub ols such as intern

ontroversies to id ns between osteo chiropractic : stat ement renounce to trace in discourses. A S needed to simp e reversibility o ngs, raw data,

red to public exam n the project team publication rules y relationships b

: bibliometric an

tific collaboration thority actors (sc alysis, and the diff 2010, p.14)38. S ect evidence but

olders. inions blished, hand-sea et crawlers may entify stakeholder opathy websites, e of affairs in Belg e how arguments position taken o Stakeholder Involv plify the of these archive mination. m. Gate-must be between nalysis through cientists, fusion of Scientific also to rching is be used rs. used in gium.”40 are on a 2 T p th th d S in c 2 D S u in vement specific issue issues. This r (Venturini 201 The sc “Cartographer investigation, in the scale of This scale has t potentially involve

he opportunity to heir European u disputes that arise See the interna nterventions for G can it be prevente The di “[…] every a every networ single actor. W in an explosio constellation o (Venturini 201 During a research Some stakeholder umbrella of organ nteresting ways o

e limits the positi ramification can b 10, p16)38.

cale of controve

rs are free to but they must be f disputes where i to be chosen to

in the study. Inte o follow connectio

umbrella organiz e at that level of di ational confrontat GP’s burnout in “

d and how can it b

iagram of actors

ctor can be dec rk can be conne What used to be a on of conflicting a

of agents can soli 10, p.16)38.

process, it’s not rs become closer nizations may exp

f representation o

ions that could b be represented in


choose the gra able to situate th it belongs” (Ventu limit the numbe ernational compa ons between natio zation; and to d iscussion. tion of philosop Burn-out of gene be cured ?”42 s-networks : map omposed into a ected tightly enou a single actor can gents and what u idify into a unique

rare that stakehol than before, othe plode. Evolutive of these magmatic

be taken on othe n numerous ways

anularity of thei heir object of study urini 2010, p.16)38. er of stakeholde arisons in projects onal stakeholders describe coalition phies underlying eral practitioners : pping burnout network and [… ugh to become a suddenly dissolve used to be a loose e source of action. lders’ positions ev ers become distan graphs and map c movements. 21 er s” ir y . ers to s offer s and ns or g the : how …] a e e .” volve. nt. An s are


22 Figure 6 : Acto Working docume The “Obviously, the controversies r sudden cascad most events ar (Venturini 2010 ors-network diag

ent from KCE Repor

e chronology of d e evolution of c remain dormant f e of quarrels. This re packed in shor 0, p.17)38. But the gram, representa rts 148 “[Ostheopath dispute controversies is for years or deca s makes timelines rt periods separa ese timelines offe


tion of Belgian o

hy and chiropractic:

not uniform: som ades and then bu

s difficult to draw b ated by long emp

r renewed possib Stakeholder Involv osteopathic unio : state of affairs in B metimes urst in a because ty gaps” bilities to d K a vement ns and schools Belgium]”40. distinguish ‘perma KCE appears in th a flow of interactio in 2010 anent’ stakeholde he timeline, it’s in ons that may have

ers from intermitt teresting to positi e a long history.

KCE Reports

tent ones. And, ion its intervention

s 174

when n into


KCE Reports 17

Figure 7: Time

Working docume 74

eline of a KCE pro

ent from KCE Repor oject

rts 165 “[Burnout am


mong general practit

Stakeholder Involv

tioners: prevention a vement

and management]”442



It is argued that these students have little interest in the local residents which can cause tensions that influence the student-local resident relationship due to different

Maximizing business returns to corporate social responsibility (CSR): The role of CSR communication. "On the distribution of a variate whose logarithm is.. Fridays For Future

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24 2.4.4 Materiality of Public Participation in