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Antibodies against antibodies: immunogenicity of adalimumab as a model - List of publications


Academic year: 2021

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Antibodies against antibodies: immunogenicity of adalimumab as a model

van Schouwenburg, P.A.

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Citation for published version (APA):

van Schouwenburg, P. A. (2012). Antibodies against antibodies: immunogenicity of

adalimumab as a model.

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ter 8

list of PubliCations

Wouters D, van schouwenburg P, van der Horst A, de Boer M, Schooneman D, Kuijpers TW, Aarden LA, Hamann D. High-throughput analysis of the C4 polymorphism by a combination of MLPA and isotype-specific ELISA’s. Mol Immunol. 2009 Feb;46(4):592-600.

van schouwenburg Pa, Bartelds GM, Hart MH, Aarden L, Wolbink GJ, Wouters D. A novel

method for the detection of antibodies to adalimumab in the presence of drug reveals “hidden” immunogenicity in rheumatoid arthritis patients. J Immunol Methods. 2010 Oct 31;362(1-2):82-8.

Jamnitski A, Bartelds GM, Nurmohamed MT, van schouwenburg Pa, van Schaardenburg D, Stapel SO, Dijkmans BA, Aarden L, Wolbink GJ. The presence or absence of antibodies to infliximab or adalimumab determines the outcome of switching to etanercept.

Ann Rheum Dis. 2011 Feb;70(2):284-8.

Bartelds GM, Krieckaert CL, Nurmohamed MT, van schouwenburg Pa, Lems WF, Twisk JW, Dijkmans BA, Aarden L, Wolbink GJ. Development of antidrug antibodies against adalimumab and association with disease activity and treatment failure during long-term follow-up. JAMA. 2011 Apr 13;305(14):1460-8.

van schouwenburg Pa, Krieckaert CL, Nurmohamed M, Hart M, Rispens T, Aarden

L, Wouters D, Wolbink GJ. IgG4 Production Against Adalimumab During Long Term Treatment of RA Patients. J Clin Immunol. 2012 Oct;32(5):1000-6.

van schouwenburg Pa, van de Stadt LA, de Jong RN, van Buren EE, Kruithof S, de Groot E,

Hart M, van Ham SM, Rispens T, Aarden L, Wolbink GJ, Wouters D. Adalimumab elicits a restricted anti-idiotypic antibody response in autoimmune patients resulting in functional neutralisation. Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 Jul 3. Epub ahead of print.

van schouwenburg Pa, Krieckaert CL, Rispens T, Aarden L, Wolbink GJ, Wouters D.

Longterm measurement of anti-adalimumab antibodies using pH-shift-anti-Idiotype Antigen binding test shows predictive value and transient antibody formation. Submitted


Chapter 8


van de Stadt LA, van schouwenburg Pa, Kruithof S, Bryde S, van Schaardenburg D, Haman D, Wolbink GJ, Rispens T. Monoclonal Anticitrullinated Protein Antibodies to Fibrinogen have distinct Targets with different cross reactivity Patterns. Submitted for publication.

van schouwenburg Pa, Rispens T, Wolbink GJ. The immunogenicity of therapeutic



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