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UK courts and EC law

Boch, C.M.C.G.

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Boch, C. M. C. G. (2004). UK courts and EC law.

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Furtherr reading

Manyy suggestions for additional reading can be found in the footnotes to the text.

M.. Brealey & M. Hoskins, Remedies in EC Law (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1998) Shaww J, Law of the European Union. 3 rd edition (Macmillan 2000)

J.. Steiner, L. Woods, Textbook on EC Law (7th ed.) (London: Blackstone, 2000) S.. Weatherill & P. Beaumont, E.C. Law (3rd ed.) (London: Penguin, 1999) S.. Weatherill, Law and Integration in the European Union (Oxford: OUP, 1995) D.. Wyatt & A Dashwood: European Union Law 4th Edition (Sweet and Maxwell 2000) Casebooks s

P.. Craig and G. de Burca, EU Law Text, Cases and Materials, {2nd ed.)(Oxford: Clarendon, 1998) )

S.. Weatherill, Cases and Materials on EC Law (5th ed.) (London: Blackstone, 2000) Usefull websites:

http://europa.eu.int.(mainn home page for the European Institutions) http://www.europarl.eu.intt (European Parliament website)

http://www.curia.eu.int(Europeann Court of Justice)

Selectt Bibliography:

G.. B. Abbamonte "Competitors' Rights to Challenge Illegally Granted Aid and the Problem of Conflictingg Decisions in the Field of Competition Law" (1997) ECLR 87.

T.. R. S. Allan "Parliamentary Sovereignty: Law, Politics and Revolution" (1997) 113 LQR 443 D.. Alter Establishing the Supremacy of European Law ((Oxford, OUP, 2001).

M.. Andenas Article 177 References to the European Court, Policy and practice (London, Butterworths:: 1994).

M.. Andenas and F. Jacobs (eds) European Community Law in the English Courts (Oxford, OUP 1998) )

D.. Anderson, References to the European Court (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1995). A.. Arnull "The Use and Abuse of Article 177 (1989) 52 MLR 622.

A.. Arnull "Owning Up To Fallibility: Precedent and the Court of Justice" {1993) 30 CMLRev 247. .

A.. Arnull " The European Union and its Court of Justice. (Oxford, OUP, 1999)

S.. Arrowsmith "Public Procurement: an Example of a Developed Field of National Remedies Establishedd by Community Law" in Micklitz & Reich (eds.) Public Interest Litigation before EuropeanEuropean Courts (Nomos Verl., Baden Baden, 1996).

A.. Barav "Aspects of the Preliminary Ruling Procedure in EC Law" (1977) 2 ELR 3.

R.. Barents "The Quality of Community Legislation: Some Observations on EC Legislation in thee Agricultural Sector" {1994) 1 Maastricht Journal of Comparative Law 101.

J.. Beatson & T. Tridimas (eds) New Directions in European Public law (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 1998). .

P.. Behrens (ed.), EC Competition Rules in National Courts Part One: United Kingdom and Italy (Baden-Baden:: Nomos, 1992)



G.. Betlem & C. Joustra "The Draft Consumer Injunctions Directive" (1997) 5 Consum. L. J. 8. A.. Biondi, The EC J and certain national procedural limitations: not such a tough relationship"

(1999)) 36 CMLRev 1271

P.. Birkinshaw "European Integration and UK Constitutional Law" (1997) 3 European Public Laww 57.

C.. Boch & R. Lane "European Community Law in National Courts: A Continuing Contradiction"" (1992) 5 LJIL 171.

C.. Boch "Home Thoughts from Abroad" in "In Search of New Constitutions" Hume Papers on Publicc Policy (EUP, 1994).

C.. Boch "Rules to enforce the rules: Subsidiarity v. Uniformity in the implementation of the Singlee European Market Policy." In The Evolution of Rules for a Single European Market, Part II:II: Rules Democracy and the Environment, D. Mayes (ed) (Office for Official Publications of thee European Communities, Luxembourg 1995).

C.Bochh "The Enforcement of the EIA Directive: A Breach in the Dyke?" (1997) 9 JEL 129. C.. Boch "Language Protection and Free Trade: The Triumph of the Homo McDonaldus?"

{1998)) 4 European Public Law 379.

C.. Boch, The Iroquois at the Kirchbergin J. Usher (ed) The State of the EU (Longman 2000) C.. Boch, EC Law in the UK (Longman 2000).

J.. Boulouis & R. M. Chevallier Grands Arrets de la Cour defustice des Communautés Européennes (1991)) Vol. i, 5th edition.

C.. Bovis EC Public Procurement Law (Longman, 1997).

S.. Boyron "General Principles of Law and National Courts: Applying a/us Commune}" (1998) 133 LER 171.

M.. Brealey & M. Hoskins, Remedies in EC Law (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1998) M.. Brealey & M. Hoskins, Remedies in EC Law (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1994) J.. W. Bridge "Community Law and English Courts and Tribunals: General Principles and

Preliminaryy Rulings" (1975-76) 1 ELR 13.

J.W.. Bridge "The European Community and Criminal Law" (1976) CLR 88.

N.. Burrows & H. Hiram "The Official Control of Foodstuffs" in T. Daintith Implementing EC LawLaw in the UK (Wiley, 1995).

G.. de Bürca "Giving Effect to European Community Directives" (1992) 55 MLR 215. T.. Burns "Law Reform in thee European Community" {1996) 16 YEL 243.

R.. Caranta "Judicial Protection Against Member States: A New ius commune is Taking Shape" (1995)) 32 CMLRev 703.

D.. Chalmers, "The Application of Community law in the UK 1994-1998", (2000) 37 CMLRev 83. .

L.. Collins, European Community Law in the United Kingdom (London: 4th edition Butterworths, 1990) )

J.. Convery "State Liability in the UK after Brasserie du Pêcheur" (1997), 34 CMLRev 603. J.. Coppel "Rights, Duties, and the end of Marshall" (1994) 57 MLR 859.

P.. P. Craig "Francovich, Remedies and the Scope of Damages Liability" (1993) 109 LQR 595. R.. Craufurd Smith "Remedies for breaches of EC law in National courts: legal variations and


D.. Curtin "The Effectiveness of Judicial Protection of Individual Rights" {1990) 27 CMLRev 709. .

D.. Curtin & D. O'Keeffe (eds). Constitutional Adjudication in European Community Law and NationalNational Law (London: Butterworths, 1992)

D.. Curtin & T. Heukels (eds). The Institutional Dynamics of European Integration (The Hague: Kluwer,, 1994)

T.. Daintith "The Indirect Administration of Community Law" in T. Daintith (ed), ImplementingImplementing EC Law in the United Kingdom (Chichester: Wiley, 1995)

P.. Diamond "Dishonourable Defences: the Use of Injunctions and the EEC Treaty - Case Study off the Shops Act 1950" (1990) 54 MLR 72.

J.. Dine "European Community Criminal Law?" {1993) Criminal Law Review 246.

F.. Dumon "The Case Law of the Court of Justice - A Critical Examination in the Methods of Interpretation"" (Judicial and Academic Conference 27-28 September 1976; Court of Justice off the European Communities Luxembourg 1976).

D.. Edward and R. Lane, European Community Law - An Introduction (2nd ed.) (Edinburgh: Butterworths/Laww Society of Scotland, 1995)

T.Eickee 'The European Charter of Fundamental Rights: Unique Opportunity or Unwelcome Distraction'' [2000] EHRLR 280

Fernandezz Esteban de la Marre "National Judges and Community Law: the Paradox of the Two Paradigmss of Law" (1997) 4 MJECL143.

K.Feuss (ed) the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Text and Commentaries (Federal Trust

2 0 0 0 ) )

L.. Fletcher "Enforcement of Community Sex Equality Law" in Hervey & O'Keeffe (eds.) Sex EqualityEquality Law in the European Union (Wiley, 1996).

C.C.. Gialdino "Some Reflections on the Acquis Communautaire" (1995) 32 CMLRev 1089. L.. Gormley "The Application of Community Law in the UK" (1986) 23 CMLRev 287. L.. Gormley "Remedies in Public Procurement: Community Provisions and the United

Kingdom"" in Lonbay & Biondi (Name of book?).

N.. Green & A. Barav "National Damages in the National Courts for Breach of Community Law"" {1986) 6 YEL 55.

C.. Haguenau, LApplication effective du Droit Communautaire en Droit Interne (Bruxelles: Bruylant,, 1995)

C.. Harding "The Choice of Court Problem in Cases of Non-Contractual Liability under EEC Law"" (1979) 16 CMLRev 389.

C.. Harding & A. Sherlock "European Community Law: Text and Materials" (Longman, 1995). C.. Harding "Member State Enforcement of European Community Measures: The Chimera of

Effectivee Enforcement" 1997 MJECL vol. 4 5.

C.. Harding & B. Swart (eds), Enforcing European Community Rules: Criminal Proceedings, AdministrativeAdministrative Rules and Harmonization (Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1995) C.. Harlow "Francovich and the Problem of the Disobedient State" (1996) 2 ELJ199. T.. C. Hartley "The Impact of European Community Law on the Criminal Process" (1981)

Criminall Law Review 75.

T.. Heukels & A. McDonnell (eds), The Action for Damages in Community Law (The Hague: Kluwer,, 1997)



C.. Himsworth "No Standing Still on Standing" chapter 9 of Leyland & Woods (eds.) AdministrativeAdministrative Law Facing the Future (Blackstone, 1997).

C.. Himsworth "Things Fall Apart: the Harmonisation of Community Judicial Procedural Protectionn Revisited" (1997) 22 ELR 291.

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