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Duration of antibiotic treatment and symptom recovery in community-acquired pneumonia - Contents


Academic year: 2021

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Duration of antibiotic treatment and symptom recovery in community-acquired


El Moussaoui, R.

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Citation for published version (APA):

El Moussaoui, R. (2006). Duration of antibiotic treatment and symptom recovery in

community-acquired pneumonia.

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Chapter 1 Introduction 7

Chapter 2 Short Course Antibiotic Treatment in Acute Exacerbations of Chronic

Brochitis and COPD: meta-analysis of double-blind studies



Chapter 3 The Development and Validation of a Short Questionnaire in

Community-acquired Pneumonia

Thorax 2004; 59 (8): 591-95


Chapter 4 Effectiveness of Discontinuing Antibiotic Treatment after Three Days

versus Eight Days in mild to moderate-severe Community-acquired Pneumonia: randomised, double blind study

BMJ 2006; 332:1355-62

Chapter 5 Discontinuing Antibiotic Treatment after Three Days versus Eight Days

in mild to moderate-severe Community-acquired Pneumonia: an economic evaluation.




Chapter 6 Determinants of Early Symptom Recovery in Patients with

Community-acquired Pneumonia



Chapter 7 Long-term Symptom Recovery and Health-Related Quality of Life in

Patients with mild to moderate-severe Community-acquired Pneumonia

Chest 2006; 130: 1165-1172


Chapter 8 Large Variability in Outcome Measures in Community-acquired

Pneumonia (CAP) Antibiotic Treatment Trials - a systematic review

Submitted 105 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Summary Samenvatting 119 127 Dankwoord 135




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