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Unlocking the untapped potential of Robotic Process Automation: Assessing the applicability of Software Robots to Knowledge-intensive Business Processes


Academic year: 2021

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Unlocking the untapped potential of

Robotic Process Automation:

Assessing the applicability of Software Robots to

Knowledge-intensive Business Processes

J.A. Smits


(11880643), j.a.smits@student.vu.nl


MSc. Information Studies: Business Information Systems

Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam

Supervisor: dr. H. Leopold, Department of Computer Science, VU Amsterdam

Examiner: prof. dr. T.M. van Engers, University of Amsterdam

Company supervisors: M. Jungbluth


(Sr. Manager), A. Baars


(Sr. Consultant)


Deloitte Netherlands, Technology Consulting, Enterprise Architecture

August 30, 2018


Businesses today face digitalization, demand for more customer-centric

pro-cesses, and cost and efficiency pressures. To stay competitive, organizations are looking

into Robotic Process Automation (RPA), as it serves as an inexpensive enabler for digital

transformation and is able to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Additionally, companies

shifted their focus towards knowledge-intensive business processes (KiBPs), as these

processes have a major impact on business value and offer a source for competitive

differentiation. However, improving KiBPs remains a fundamental issue for organizations.

Numerous business process improvement methods have been applied in vain. This gap in

research will be addressed in this study. So far, RPA has only been utilized to a limited

extent, while the real potential of RPA lies in its ability to support the more complex

processes, such as KiBPs. Through a task-based approach, this research investigates the

extent to which RPA can be leveraged to improve KiBPs. The contribution of this study

is threefold. Based on a meta-analysis of 121 case studies, it offers new insights on the

current deployment and utilization of RPA, issues that drive RPA adoption, objectives

set before and impact realized after an RPA project. Moreover, it provides a taxonomy

of types of tasks and allocates these to either a knowledge worker or robot along with

pointers to identify them. Lastly, as effective identification of suitable RPA candidate tasks

is a considerable challenge, it proposes a framework, derived from literature as well as

21 expert interviews, to structure this search. As research on RPA is scarce and its impact

on organizational performance is extensive this study is seen as relevant. It is valuable

for academics and practitioners alike as it provides theoretical ground to expand on and

offer organizations a structured operational approach to determine the extent to which

RPA can be leveraged to improve KiBPs.


Digitalization, Digital Transformation, Knowledge-intensive Business Processes,

Knowl-edge Work, Lightweight IT, Robotic Process Automation, Software Robots, Virtual Workforce.



Businesses are increasingly affected by new technological innovations (Seethamraju &

Marjanovic, 2009) and growing customer and market demands. The ongoing digitalization,

one of the main challenges, (Stople et al., 2017), has led to an increasing need for companies

to become more digital (Leopold, van der Aa, & Reijers, 2018). As the integration of

digital technologies affects multiple aspects of a business (Legner et al., 2017), such as

IT architectures, organizational structures and business processes (BPs), it “changes the


way organizations operate dramatically” (Kirchmer, 2017, p.1). It requires companies to

undergo a digital transformation (Matt et al., 2015; Lacity & Willcocks, 2016c). Moreover,

the demand for customer-centric BPs is growing (Mansveld et al., 2016) and there is immense

pressure to lower costs, improve efficiency, and provide exceptional service (Işik et al., 2013).

These increasing customer and market demands are the result of the ever strengthening

competition (Işik et al., 2012). In response, businesses have been looking for new ways to

create opportunities for competitive differentiation, such as (1) Robotic Process Automation

(RPA), as it serves as an inexpensive enabler for digital transformation (Kirchmer, 2017)

and offers promising results for business process improvement (BPI) by increasing efficiency

while reducing costs (Cewe et al., 2018). Concurrently, organizations shifted their focus

from the traditional transactional BPs, towards (2) knowledge work (KW) (Drucker, 1959) as

this higher-order, value-adding work cannot be easily imitated (Marjanovic & Seethamraju,

2008; Işik et al., 2012).

The interest in KW is growing rapidly (Auer et al., 2016) as organizations recognize its

significant importance (Işik et al., 2012; Scheithauer & Hellmann, 2013). This increased

the focus on the role of creativity and expert knowledge in BPs (Işik et al., 2013) and

demanded a higher degree of complexity (Slembek, 2003; Marjanovic, 2005), flexibility

and adaptability (Auer et al., 2016) of them. As these BPs comprise a major KW component,

they are considered knowledge-intensive business processes (KiBPs). Due to the important

role of knowledge workers (Davenport, 2005) and the major impact they have on business

value, the need to deal with KiBPs has become a leading research topic in the BPM domain

(Işik et al., 2013; Di Ciccio et al., 2015). Currently, KiBPs are the most important BPs for

organizations (Işik et al., 2013) as they offer a sustainable competitive advantage (Marjanovic

& Freeze, 2012). Estimates show that, nowadays, knowledge workers represent almost 40%

of the workforce (Motahari-Nezhad & Swenson, 2013).

Nevertheless, KiBPs have not been the focus of systematic BPI initiatives (White, 2009).

Some authors focused on examining the notion of KiBPs (Işik et al., 2012; Di Ciccio et al.,

2012, 2015), knowledge-intensity (Marjanovic & Seethamraju, 2008) or knowledge workers

(Davenport, 2005). Others have studied knowledge-based improvements (Dalmaris et al.,

2007; Eppler et al., 2008) or modeling languages (Gronau & Weber, 2004). Moreover, there

is extensive research on the integration of knowledge management practices (Kulkarni &

Ipe, 2010; Sarnikar & Deokar, 2010; Marjanovic & Freeze, 2012) and on supporting KiBPs

through Adaptive Case Management (Swenson & Palmer, 2010; Swenson, 2011; Herrmann

& Kurz, 2011). However, literature about improving KiBPs is very limited (Manfreda et al.,

2015). This gap in research will be addressed in this study as recent discussions show there

is a pressing need for solutions to improve KiBPs (Marjanovic & Freeze, 2011, 2012; Işik

et al., 2013; ter Hofstede et al., 2015). Marjanovic and Freeze (2012) stress that further

research is required to help organizations with the improvement of KiBPs whereas Işik et al.

(2013, p.582) hope their work encourages researches “to dig deeper into the dynamics of

KiBPs” to find solutions for improvement.

The thesis proceeds as follows. The next section illustrates the problem being addressed

in this thesis. Section 3 discusses the aforementioned concepts by means of literature review.

This is followed by the research design, next are the findings, finishing with the discussion,

conclusions and future research.


Problem Statement

To make sense of the research problem, causal mapping (Ackermann & Eden, 2010) has

been used to structure the problematic situation and reveal the “nub of the issue”


. The

underlying cause to the research problem turns out to be the fundamentally different nature


of KiBPs (Kemsley, 2011). Therefore, KiBPs should be improved differently (Dalmaris et al.,

2007; Seethamraju & Marjanovic, 2009; Marjanovic & Freeze, 2011, 2012). Işik et al.

(2013) found that despite these differences, organizations apply the same traditional BPI

techniques (e.g. Lean, Six Sigma) to improve their KiBPs and they are struggling as these

methods are proven to be ineffective and unsuitable.

Meanwhile, the time that knowledge workers actually spend performing

knowledge-intensive tasks that require capabilities such as creativity and emotional intelligence is

minimal (Lacity & Willcocks, 2015; Chui et al., 2015). Due to the inability of traditional

IT systems to complete BPs end-to-end, knowledge workers currently spend a substantial

amount of time dealing with systemantics (Lacity & Willcocks, 2015), a form of motion

waste, which arises when the knowledge worker has to switch between applications during

the performance of a task (Dumas et al., 2018b). Knowledge workers have to perform

repetitive, data-intensive tasks manually, such as extracting and merging data, or

copy-pasting information from one system to another (Aguirre & Rodriguez, 2017), which hinders

them from delivering business value. There is a high demand from knowledge workers to

be liberated from these mundane tasks (Lacity & Willcocks, 2015). Fortunately, these tasks

are ideal candidates to be handled by RPA, so knowledge workers have more time to focus

on higher-order, value added tasks (Leopold et al., 2018).

Even though RPA has been deployed within various organizations, research is very

limited. Apart from case studies verifying the proclaimed benefits (Aguirre & Rodriguez,

2017), investigating its effect on the IT function (Willcocks et al., 2015b) or its utilization in

Global Business Services (Willcocks et al., 2017) and Shared Services (Lacity & Willcocks,

2016c; Suri et al., 2017), insights on how multiple organizations within different sectors

have utilized and deployed RPA, are missing. Therefore, the first research goal is to: (1)

create a mapping of the as-is situation of RPA with regards to deployment and utilization. So far,

RPA has been utilized to a limited extent, as it is mostly targeted at simple, standardized BPs

(Barnett, 2015), without any customer involvement (Aguirre & Rodriguez, 2017). Multiple

authors (Barnett, 2015; Hill, 2016; Penttinen et al., 2018) claim that the real potential of

RPA lies in its ability to support the more complex BPs, traditionally the domain of knowledge

workers. This untapped potential could offer a solution to the research problem at hand.

However, as KiBPs cannot be handled without human participation (Scheithauer &

Hellmann, 2013), end-to-end automation is not possible. So, one could argue that due to

the different nature of KiBPs, RPA is not an applicable solution. This research will challenge

that point of view, as KiBPs are not monolithic entities (Davenport et al., 1996). Besides

the unstructured, creative and knowledge related aspects, more often than not, KiBPs also

consist of recurring, predefined tasks (Huber et al., 2013; Hauder et al., 2014; Kemsley,

2015; Auer et al., 2016), which might be suitable for automation. This is acknowledged by

Işik et al. (2013), as they conclude that certain parts of KiBPs are eligible for automation,

while other parts depend entirely on human knowledge and execution. So, looking at a BP

as a whole for automation is too coarse-grained (Koorn, Leopold, & Reijers, 2018) and a

focus on task-level is recommended (Chui et al., 2015; Arntz et al., 2016). Therefore, a

task-based approach (Aarons et al., 2006) is proposed to be able to decompose KiBPs and

determine the extent to which RPA can be leveraged. The suggested solution refers to an

interplay between human and robot, each performing tasks for which they are suited best

(Lacity & Willcocks, 2016a; vom Brocke et al., 2018). However, this rises the question,

“what should be done by humans and what should be automated?” (van der Aalst et al.,

2018). Accordingly, the second goal is to: (2) derive a taxonomy of types of tasks, allocate

these to either a software robot or knowledge worker and offer pointers to identify them.

While knowing the types of tasks that are eligible for RPA, it is still a considerable challenge

to effectively identify suitable candidate tasks (Leopold et al., 2018). Consequently, targeting

the wrong candidate is found to be the root cause of most failed RPA projects (Lamberton

et al., 2017; Rutaganda et al., 2017). Therefore, the third research goal is to: (3) structure


the search for suitable RPA candidates by designing a framework that provides guidance in such

an assessment, as structured procedures are a helpful instrument to support organizations

in addressing such a challenge (Zellner, 2013).

This thesis is structured by two parts consisting of three sub-questions [Table 1]. By

answering the sub-questions, this study will meet the aforementioned research goals and

address the main research question, which is formulated as follows: “To what extent can



be leveraged in order to improve KiBPs?”.




What is the as-is situation with regards to the deployment and utilization of RPA within organizations?


What is the applicability of RPA to KiBPs?


How can the suitability of tasks in relation to the potential of RPA be assessed in a structured way?

Table 1:

Overview of the sub-questions, which each consist of multiple implicitly answered questions [Fig. 13, Appx. A.1],

which are related to the relevant concepts as shown in Fig. 14, Appx. A.2.


Theoretical Background

As the research problem cannot be meaningfully examined in reference to only one theory

or concept, the existing views in literature have been synthesized (Jabareen, 2009; Imenda,

2014) into a conceptual framework [Fig. 1] to provide a comprehensive understanding of

the phenomena within the scope of this research. Two major streams of research are related

to this thesis: (1) knowledge-intensive business processes (KiBPs) and (2) Robotic Process

Automation (RPA). These concepts together form the theoretical base of this research. In the

upcoming subsections both concepts will be explained as well as their relations to others.

Figure 1:

The conceptual framework underlying this research, constructed in UML (OMG, 2015). Extended from: Dumas et al.

(2013a, p.6). The concepts in bold represent the core of this thesis. An enlarged version can be found in Fig. 18, Appx. B.3.


This study focuses specifically on RPA, as this technology is maturing, whereas more advanced solutions, such


3.1 Business processes

Organizations perform BPs to deliver a product or a service to its customers. Dumas et al.

(2013a, p.1) define a BP as “a chain of events, activities and decisions” that ultimately add

value to the organization and its customers. These activities are performed in coordination

to realize a certain business goal (Weske, 2012b, p.5). There are different types of BPs and

they can be classified along different dimensions.

BPs can be categorized according to their degree of structuring (Weske, 2012b; Di Ciccio

et al., 2015). Highly structured BPs, such as (1) administrative BPs and (2) production

work-flows, reflect predictable routine work with low flexibility and controlled interactions among

process participants. All outcomes and decisions are defined a priori. Programmed BPs such

as (3) Straight Through Processing do not require any human involvement. Structured work

with ad hoc exceptions is similar, but includes external events and exceptions. In many BPs,

(e.g. insurance claim handling) work is rather unstructured, but with predefined segments and

proceed on an ad hoc basis. For these (4) ad hoc BPs, a process model is not defined, but

there are structured parts (e.g. explicit actions, specified templates or guidelines). Loosely

structured BPs are not subject to any prescriptive procedures, but policies and business rules

implicitly frame the BP. A set of possible tasks may be predefined, but their execution order

is not known. These (5) collaborative BPs rely heavily on the collaboration between the

process participants. Unstructured BPs are unpredictable and highly flexible, only their goal

is known. In these (6) truly unique cases, knowledge workers, rely on their experience and

the BP emerges as they decide on the tasks to be executed as well as their order.

The degree of repetition (Weske, 2012b) follows more or less from the degree of

structur-ing, (i.e. if a process is highly structured it is often very repetitive, whereas an unstructured

process is likely to be unrepeatable). Moreover, the focus of a BP can be either human-centric

or system-centric (Georgakopoulos et al., 1995), which is related to another important

dimen-sion: the knowledge involved, a continuum between explicit and tacit knowledge (Marjanovic

& Seethamraju, 2008). Explicit knowledge prescribes how tasks should be executed and

defines the roles and responsibilities and can be documented (e.g. work instructions,

proce-dures and policies), whereas tacit knowledge, such as know-how or experience, is usually

not documented anywhere. It is very difficult to communicate but could be externalized

into practices. Combining these four dimensions leads to the following model [Fig. 2].

Figure 2:

This model indicates the types of BPs according to their focus, the degree of repetition, structuring and the knowledge

that is involved. It is only conceptual and is intended to serve as a general visual overview. In this model the core concepts of this

thesis will be positioned [Fig. 20]. An enlarged version is shown in Fig. 19, which can be found in Appx. C.1.

3.1.1 Knowledge-intensive business processes

To better support knowledge workers, BPs can be defined less rigidly, so that tasks can be

executed in any order or repeatedly until the goal is met. These type of BPs, also KiBPs,


are characterized by high levels of complexity, the occurrence of unexpected events (Unger,

Leopold, & Mendling, 2015) and depend largely on human involvement for decision-making

(Işik et al., 2012). The knowledge worker has to deal with a high degree of uncertainty,

as the order of the tasks they need to perform may be highly variable (ter Hofstede et

al., 2015). To address this uncertainty, a goal is defined to align activities and resources

accordingly (Panian, 2011). The most important discriminator


in determining if a BP is

knowledge-intensive or not, is the knowledge-prevalence, it refers to the extensive knowledge

required and number knowledge sources consulted during execution. Other important

discriminators are the required collaboration and creativity, goal-orientation, data-centricity,

adaptability, and process as well as decision-making complexity. For predictability, eligibility

for automation, structuredness and repeatability, no clear discretionary power was found (Işik

et al., 2013). Moreover, Marjanovic (2005) shows that there are BPs which are very-well

structured, routine, and knowledge-intensive at the same time. So, these discriminators

are not suitable to differentiate between KiBPs and non-KiBPs. In conclusion, although the

knowledge-intensity of a BP generally increases along the degree of structuring, almost all

the types of BPs discussed above may include elements that make them knowledge-intensive

(Di Ciccio et al., 2015). KiBPs are positioned in the BP model accordingly [Fig. 5].

Interpretation / Judgement



L evel of in te rdepen den ce Complexity of work



Routine Collaborative groups Individual actors Information-intensive Knowledge-intensive

Figure 3:

Classification structure for KiBPs

(Dav-enport, 2015), with a split to information-intensive

BPs (Megill, 2013).

As this research proposes a task-based approach,

KiBPs need to be decomposed. A first step is to

clas-sify them according to a validated structure

(Dav-enport, 2015; Margaryan et al., 2011). This

ma-trix [Fig. 3], based on the degree of expertise and

the level of coordination in work, indicates four

dif-ferent types of KiBPs and has similarities to the BP

model in [Fig. 2]. Transactional work, is structured,

routine and reliant on formal rules and procedures

whereas collaborative work is more improvisational

and reliant on deep expertise across multiple

func-tions and teams. Integrative work is fairly structured,

systematic and repeatable, although higher levels of

collaboration often lead to more process complexity.

Lastly, expert work is more judgment-oriented and reliant on individual expertise and

ex-perience. More recent, Megill (2013) argues that transactional and integrative work is

rather information-intensive whereas expert and collaborative work is considered

knowledge-intensive. Looking at ends of the knowledge dimension, Marjanovic and Seethamraju (2008)

identified at the left, operational BPs, which are highly repetitive, reliant on procedures

(explicit knowledge), and often supported by Workflow Management Systems (WfMSs).

At the right, there are practice-oriented BPs, highly knowledge-intensive, dependant on

experiential knowledge, collaboration and problem solving activities, and best supported

by groupware systems. In between, there is case handling [Fig. 20], an approach that

supports knowledge workers by taking into account their expertise and experience to drive

and control the case (Reijers et al., 2003; van der Aalst et al., 2005). Typically, there is

one customer-facing officer in charge of each case (Weske, 2012a, p.362) and policies are

used to help the knowledge worker stay within predefined boundaries, whereas practices

develop while they handle the non-standard cases. More recent, case handling is referred

to as Dynamic (Le Clair & Moore, 2009) or Adaptive Case Management (ACM) (Hauder

et al., 2014). WfMSs are very restrictive, as they prescribe the activities and their execution

ordering, there is little room for knowledge workers to deviate, therefore, KiBPs are often

supported by ACM systems (Pillaerds & Eshuis, 2017). ACM systems coordinate the work


For example, “required creativity” instead of “needs a lot of creativity”. A complete overview of all discriminators


needed to handle a case in a flexible manner by organizing all of the relevant information

into one place and allows for unexpected changes (Motahari-Nezhad & Swenson, 2013).

3.2 Business process automation

To improve BPs, organizations can either follow the principles of Business Process

Re-engineering (BPR) or BPI. BPR is a radical reorganization of the process whereas BPI aims

at a continuous and incremental improvement (Zellner, 2011). Richter-von Hagen et al.

(2005) argue that it is not possible to reorganize KiBPs in such a radical way as often the

improvement has to be realized in an environment where the BPs are still being executed.

As incremental improvement for KiBPs is recommended (Davenport, 2015; Manfreda et al.,

2015), the suggested solution aims to realize improvement trough BPI by means of BPA.

Apart from the automation of human labor, BPA can be realized through either heavyweight

IT, which are proven technologies (e.g. back-end system automation) developed through

software engineering by IT professionals, or lightweight IT, which is driven by business users’

need for quick solutions and enabled by new digital technologies such as RPA (Bygstad,

2017; Stople et al., 2017; Penttinen et al., 2018). To realize BPA, organizations can, extend

the current IT system (e.g. create new features through software development), purchase a

BPM solution with BPA extension or buy a middleware solution. In contrast, they can acquire

a special purpose tool such as RPA (Mohapatra, 2009).

3.2.1 Robotic Process Automation



e fr




(# o f sim ila r cases) RPA candidates requires human capabilities traditional BPA

Different case types

(sorted by frequency)

Figure 4:

The long tail of work indicating the

poten-tial RPA candidates. Adapted from: van der Aalst et

al. (2018).

RPA is an inexpensive software-based solution, and

differs from traditional IT solutions in various ways



The most important aspects are its short time to

imple-ment, its easiness to configure and the quick return

on investment. As the robot mimics the human

inter-action with IT systems, it is able to move the mouse,

replicate keystrokes and navigate within an UI by

following conditional logic. Other capabilities are

re-lated to data handling and processing (e.g. accessing,

gathering, migrating, analyzing, validating,

manip-ulating, and updating data across multiple systems).

RPA is not a part of the organization’s IT

infrastruc-ture, but rather sits on top of it. As it operates via the

presentation layer, no underlying systems

program-ming logic is touched. So, it provides a non-invasive way for integration with limited to no

change to the IT landscape and BPs. Due to its modular design, and versatility, robots are

easily modifiable, components can be easily reused and the robot switch to other processes

if needed. A robot can be configured as “unattended” (i.e. on a server) to automate BPs

end-to-end, or when human intervention is needed, as “attended” (i.e. on the desktop,

triggered by the user). Furthermore, it creates an audit trail of every step executed, so it can

provide insight to process performance. Since it leverages existing IT, access authorization

is inherited and RPA is considered enterprise-safe.

Fig. 4

depicts the “long tail of work”, which shows that in work, 80% of the cases can

be explained by 20% of the case types. Traditional BPA through heavyweight IT addresses

the most frequent cases types. The remaining 20% of the cases are not considered for

BPA, as it would be too expensive (e.g. due to unavailable APIs, or because of legacy or

proprietary systems) and are therefore often handled manually. However, these cases, cover


A complete overview of all relevant characteristics, capabilities, benefits and success measures in relation to


80% of the case types and are much more time-consuming. RPA shows its potential here, as

it enables automation of BPs which have been previously considered too costly. As RPA is

technology-agnostic, it provides multi-system support via front-end-integration. Therefore, it

is possible to integrate RPA with any software used by a human worker, regardless of its

openness to third party integration. So, RPA can be leveraged to automate the middle part

of the graph, where costly and difficult IT development would otherwise be needed.

Once implemented, RPA is able to realize a major impact in all four performance

di-mensions (Reijers & Mansar, 2005). It enables significant cost savings (e.g. through FTE

reduction), is able to decrease throughput time by increasing efficiency and realizes

produc-tivity gains as it has the ability to work 24/7. In terms of external quality, implementations

often result in a higher customer satisfaction, enhanced compliance and improved accuracy.

Looking at internal quality, robots enable the workers to refocus on higher value activities

which increases job satisfaction. With regards to flexibility, the robots enhance agility as they

can easily be scaled up and down to handle demand fluctuations and seasonal variations.

The most common pitfalls, barriers, risks and limitations are shown in Table 2.





Targeting an unsuitable candidate, using a wrong delivery method

(e.g. waterfall), not taking the IT infrastructure into account,

incor-rect leadership, no long term vision and weak change management.

Rutaganda et al. (2017),

Lamberton et al. (2017),

Suri et al. (2017)


Lack of resources, potential suitable BPs or higher management

support. Also, fear of job loss and budget constraints.

Suri et al. (2017)


RPA is limited as it makes use of isolated systems and is inferior to

back-end integration when it comes to performance and robustness.

Grung-Olsen (2017)


Underestimating the complexity involved in coordinating a large

number of robots, its proneness to failure due to dependencies to

underlying applications, and security and privacy issues.

Penttinen et al. (2018)

Table 2:

Overview of the challenges, barriers, risks and limitations in relation to RPA.

Currently, RPA is predominantly used to automate routine administrative tasks that

typically require a person to interact with multiple IT systems (Barnett, 2015). Fig. 5

depicts the position of RPA accordingly. It shows that there is no overlap with KiBPs. As

stated, the real potential of RPA lies in its ability to support KiBPs. This untapped potential

indicates the focus area of this research. The scope of this study is limited to KiBPs that are

supported through case handling as these rely on both practices as well as procedures, which

offer ground for RPA.

Figure 5:

The overlap between the untapped potential of RPA (in red), KiBPs (in blue) and BPs supported by case handling (in

black), indicating the focus area of the BPs that will be targeted by the framework. An enlarged version along with separate ones

can be found in Appx. C.2, pp.34-36.



Research Design

This research follows a cross-sectional design (Bryman, 2015). As RPA is a relatively new

type of technology and academic research on the topic is scarce, an inductive research

approach is taken on (Bryman, 2015), because this will set some ground for future research.

This study is considered exploratory as it seeks to generate theoretical insights rather than

test theory (Flick, 2014). A qualitative research strategy is construed because it allows for

small sample sizes, intense contact with the field of study and can be used to acquire a

broad understanding of the problem at hand as well as analyzing the issue from multiple

perspectives (Gray, 2013). The research methodology of this study [Fig. 6] adapted the

principles of design science (Hevner et al., 2004), which is based on the design of an artifact

to solve the research problem at hand. By use of the proposed artifact (the framework), this

thesis aims to address the main research question.

4.1 Approach to literature review

To determine relevant literature, several search criteria have been used within conference

proceedings and bibliographic databases [Appx. B.2]. A concept-centric approach (Webster

& Watson, 2002) has been adopted, as this allows for a better synthesis of the literature

and thus constructing a conceptual framework. This is complemented with a backward and

forward author search (Levy & Ellis, 2006). A systematic method [Fig. 16, Appx. B.1]

was followed to ensure a relatively complete census of the literature. Literature analysis was

performed through keywording (Petersen et al., 2008) and open coding (Khandkar, 2009),

so (categories of) concepts and other factors (e.g. characteristics and capabilities of RPA, or

discriminators of KiBPs) relevant to the research could be derived.

(Academic) literature

Problem statement; Suggested solution

Definitions; Relevant factors to KiBPs and RPA Theoretical background; Model of BPs 1. Case studies; 2. Transcripts; 3. (Academic) iterature Framework to identify candidate tasks for RPA Mapping of the as-is situation of RPA; Case studies Recordings of the interviews Interview guideline; List with experts

Taxonomy of types tasks; Role allocation to robots and knowledge workers;


(Academic) literature



Write up results, discussion, conclusions, implications and future research

Mapping and Design

Map as-is situation of RPA Derive taxonomy of types of tasksand design framework


Meta-analysis of

case studies Content analysis of transcriptsand literature analysis

Data collection

Gather case studies from

vendors and service providers Conduct semi-structuredexpert interviews

Definition and Identification

Literature analysis (e.g. RPA capabilities or KiBP characteristicsDerive relevant factors )

Exploration and Problem formulation


review Synthesize to conceptual framework Explorativeinterviews


Contribution of

this study

Figure 6:

The research methodology consisting of five phases (based on Hevner et al. (2004)). Per phase the the in and output are

indicated along with the contribution of this study. Note the split between part A and B. More detailed intermediate procedural

steps are shown in Fig. 21 and Table 5, which can be found Appx. D.


4.2 Data collection and data analysis methods

Data was gathered through methodological triangulation. Next to literature, the three primary

sources were: (1) explorative interviews, (2) conducted case studies, and (3) in-depth expert

interviews. Three unstructured explorative interviews were conducted in the first phase of

the research to explore the field, gain a better understanding of the problem domain, set

up an interview guideline and compile a list of suitable interviewees. For part A, to gain

insights into RPA implementations in practice, a multitude of conducted case studies has

been collected from five different vendors


complemented with two service providers. With

regards to part B, to obtain useful knowledge, in-depth interviews with experts in the field

were conducted (Bogner et al., 2009).

These interviews were semi-structured as it allowed for the coverage of different topics

(i.e. RPA as well as KiBPs) during the span of the interview. Moreover, it offered the ability

to explore the perceptions and opinions of the interviewees, to probe and to adjust the

guide to interviewees with a different background (Barriball & While, 1994). To avoid

group thinking, the interviews were individual (Bryman, 2015). Interview guidelines were

prepared in advance, based on literature and relate to the three sub-questions. The sequence

of the questions asked varied per interview and based on what was considered a significant

reply, further questions were asked (Bryman, 2015). After an initial group of interviewees

was identified, others were found through snowball sampling (Biernacki & Waldorf, 1981).

To include different perspectives, four categories of experts


have been identified: (1) service

providers, (2) vendors, (3) domain experts and (4) end-users. The interviewees have been

selected based on their background, experience and expertise on the subject (Bogner et al.,

2009). The interviewee was considered to be an expert when they had at least one year of

(work) experience on the matter.

To find emergent themes and patterns in the gathered qualitative data, inductive content

analysis (Elo & Kyngäs, 2008) and open coding (Khandkar, 2009) was applied. Next to

this, deductive content analysis (Elo & Kyngäs, 2008) was used against the coding scheme

derived from literature. To realize a mapping of the current deployment and utilization

of RPA implementations, a meta-analysis, traditionally a quantitative measure but adapted

to qualitative case studies (Stall-Meadows & Hyle, 2010), was carried out so that the data

from these studies could be assimilated, compared and systematically analyzed.


Analysis, Mapping and Design

5.1 Part A: The as-is situation of the deployment and utilization of RPA implementations

Findings from the expert interviews as well as meta-analysis on the case studies (N=121)

show that the majority of RPA implementations have been carried out on basic, standardized

BPs where the customer is not directly involved (e.g.) as these BPs are the most

straightfor-ward to automate and often present the largest business case. Furthermore, as mentioned

by many interviewees, currently, RPA is almost always set up as an unattended solution,

meaning the BP is automated end-to-end, with little or no human involvement. In the cases

where there were still human workers involved this was either for exception handling or

the BP was redesigned in such away that all the tasks performed by humans are clustered

together at a single point in the BP (either at the start, middle or end).

RPA is for most part deployed in the FSI (40.5%) and TMT (14.9%) sector [Fig. 8].

Within these sectors, banking, telecom and insurance are the largest industries [Fig. 7] in


These vendors are considered to be leaders or strong performers in the RPA market [Fig. 22, Appx. F.1].


Service providers implement RPA or ACM systems, vendors develop the actual RPA or ACM technology, domain

experts have expertise in field of KiBPs and end-users are organizations where RPA is already implemented. For an

overview of all interviewees, see Table 6 and Table 7, in Appx. E.


terms of RPA deployment. With regards to utilization, seven unique use-case categories have

been identified along with a multitude of sample use-cases, these could either be related

to the (1) back office, such as back office administration (e.g. finance, accounting, HR or

payroll), IT operations, or supply chain management (e.g. sales, order management or

procurement), (2) front office, such as customer service or (3) non-function specific use-cases,

such as data handling and processing, enabling digital transformation and services, or

connecting process islands and legacy systems. Looking at the total sample, Fig. 8 shows

that the majority (53%) of projects have been utilized in back office related BPs.

14 15 11 9 13 5 9 4 1 5 3 2 2 8 3 9 3 3 2 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 14.0% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Insu ranc e Bank ing & Ca pital M arke ts Fina ncia l Ser vices Inve stmen t Man agem ent Tele com , Med ia & E nter tainm ent Tech nolo gy Heal th & Soc ial C are Civi l Gov ernm ent Defe nse, S ecur ity & Just ice Cons umer Pro duct s Tran spor t, Ho spita lity & Serv ices Auto motiv e Reta il, W hole sale & D istrib ution Heal th C are Life S cienc es Busin ess Pr oces s Ou tsou rcing Oil, Gas & C hem icals Powe r & U tilities Mining & M etal s Overview of # and % of cases per industry, N=121

Figure 7:

An overview of the percentage and number of cases per industry, sample of case studies is N=121. As the majority of

case studies is from internal material, the sector and industry grouping used by Deloitte is adopted. An enlarged version can be

found in Appx. G.1, pp.75-77.

By use of deductive content analysis, a mapping of the current deployment per sector

and industry plotted against the utilization per use-case has been constructed in the form

of a heatmap


. It can be seen, that in almost all sectors back office administration is the

highest ranked use-case. Exceptions are the TMT and BPO sector, where the customer service

use-case is utilized most. Lastly, the projects deployed within the FSI sector and utilized for

back office administration show a major outlier whereas supply chain management shows

with 3.3% the lowest utilization in the sample.

Figure 8:

Overview of the percentage of cases per sector, sample of case studies is N=121. The categories of use-cases that

organizations could utilize are adapted from Redwood (n.d.) and Thoughtonomy (2017), two RPA vendors. Enlarged versions

can be found in Appx. G.1, pp.75-77, whereas an overview of the sample use-cases can be found on p.78

Through inductive content analysis and open coding, three different categories of

prob-lems that drive organizations to adopt RPA solutions have been identified. These categories

can be broken down into eleven distinct issues and reasons for adoption. These could be

(1) performance related (e.g. a lack of quality or insight in the process), (2) due to external

forces and pressures, such as (expected) increasing volumes, cost and efficiency pressures

because of a highly competitive market, strict regulatory demands or increased customer

expectations or (3) the complexity involved, such as a complex IT landscape (e.g. high number

of legacy systems or mainframes) or data-intensive processes (i.e. a lot of different screens,


applications or sources). The data shows that more than half of the issues organizations

face, which drive RPA adoption, are performance related, whereas the external forces such

as regulatory, customer and market demands (e.g. cost and efficiency pressures) are least

relevant in the decision to initiate an RPA project. However, pinpointing to one particular

reason is not possible, as in practice, multiple factors play a role.

Looking at the objectives and what is achieved afterwards, by far most of the success

measures are related to the time, internal quality and cost dimension. Moreover, the focus on

customer satisfaction (8.6%) and compliance (5.9%) is minimal. Apart from a few interesting

exceptions, the goals set-up beforehand and the impact realized correspond roughly for

almost all the success measures. Zooming in on the heatmaps, the most notable differences

are seen in the decrease in throughput time, which is not much of a focus point beforehand

(10.2%) but turns out to be a relevant success factor after implementation (17.2%). In

addition, one sees that the objectives set on productivity and customer satisfaction are far

higher than what is realized afterwards.

To conclude, looking at the approaches to automation (Sampath & Khargonekar, 2018),

with respect to the issues that drive adoption, the goals organizations have set, and the

impact realized afterwards, the as-is situation is categorized as performance-driven. The

heatmaps show that the majority (56.5%) of underlying reasons that drive organizations

to adopt RPA are performance related. Furthermore, the data shows that the main goals

set-up beforehand are related to FTE reduction, improvement of accuracy and productivity

gains while the focus on customer and job satisfaction is the lowest.

5.2 Part B: Towards an interplay between software robot and knowledge worker

Interpretation / Judgement



L evel of in te rdepen den ce Complexity of work



Routine Collaborative groups Individual actors

Software robot Knowledge worker

Figure 9:

The four different types of KiBPs as

in-dicated by the classification structure, (Davenport,

2015) allocated to either a software robot or a

knowledge worker.

In contrast to the as-is situation, which is performance

focused and has only 10.2% of the cases targeted at

the enhancement of employee morale, the suggested

solution is an “attended” RPA solution, which aims to

be human worker centered (Sampath & Khargonekar,

2018), meaning the solution will not replace

work-ers, but initiate new forms of interaction between

humans, the knowledge workers, and technology,

the software robots (Lacity & Willcocks, 2016a; vom

Brocke et al., 2018). It will redefine the role of the

knowledge worker in such a way that they are

liber-ated from mundane non-value adding tasks and be

able to focus at tasks that require human intelligence.

Given the nature of KiBPs, and the capabilities and

characteristics of RPA, it is impossible to automate a KiBP end-to-end, meaning the process

will be fully automated without any human involvement. Therefore, RPA can only be applied

to certain extent. This extent depends largely on the composition of the KiBP. Given the

classification structure [Fig. 9], KiBPs that are largely transactional or integrative can

be automated to a higher extent than collaborative or expert KiBPs. However, a more

fine granular view is required on work in which automated and manual tasks are blended

together (Koorn et al., 2018). To allocate roles at a task-level, a taxonomy of types of tasks

has been derived from literature.

A taxonomy of types of tasks.

The taxonomy is constructed along the focus dimension

(from system to human-centric), where Dumas, van der Aalst, and ter Hofstede (2005)

have identified three classifications of BPs: Application-to-Application (A2A),

Person-to-Application (P2A), and Person-to-Person (P2P). As this research proposes a task-based

approach, these classifications will be drilled down to the finest level of detail: types of


tasks. These classifications reflect three groups of tasks as indicated by Dumas et al. (2018a,

p.372), which each consist of different types. A2A BPs only involve fully automated tasks,

which are carried out by applications or external (web) services. These tasks are related to

data exchange or execution (e.g. running a script or service). In contrast, P2P BPs primarily

involve manual tasks, which require are performed by process participants without the aid

of any IT. These tasks are in need of typical human traits (e.g. emotions or compassion),

creativity or innovation. They are characterized by a cognitive component, such as the

ability to think, reason, solve problems or interact with others. P2A BPs, consist mostly of

user tasks, which sit in-between automated and manual tasks. These tasks are performed by

a process participant with the assistance of IT (i.e. human-computer-interaction). Besides

information exchange and low cognitive tasks, these tasks are mostly related to information

processing (i.e. information acquisition, unification, basic analysis and decision-making).

The interplay between robot and knowledge worker.

Given the capabilities and

char-acteristics of RPA and the multiple interviews with vendors, service providers and domain

experts the types of task indicated in the taxonomy have been allocated to either a software

robot or a knowledge worker [Fig. 10]. While constructing this role allocation, any task

that is already automated by a traditional heavyweight IT solution, has been excluded. User

tasks that require the process participant to interact with IT systems are perfect candidates

for RPA, whereas manual tasks are well suited to be performed by knowledge workers as

these require typical human cognitive capabilities.

Figure 10:

A classification of BPs according to their

focus, drilled down to a taxonomy of types tasks

(left) and an overview of the role allocation per task

type (right). A more detailed version can be found

in Appx. G.2, p.83.

Software robots are able to perform information

exchange tasks (e.g. handling incoming email), some

low cognitive tasks (e.g. performing predefined

calcu-lations or standardized reporting) or tasks related to

information processing. Typically, these types of tasks

require a lot of keystroke operations, UI navigation

and access to multiple different sources (i.e. working

through multiple screens of IT systems, applications

or websites). As they often require a high degree of

repetitive manual handling, these types of tasks are

seen as unsatisfying, and are prone to human error,

labor-intensive and time-consuming. Other

impor-tant pointers for identification, is that these types of

tasks are the most suitable for the robot if they are

methodical, simple, highly standardized and occur

with limited to no exceptions during its execution (i.e.

a basic procedure). Moreover, if the tasks involves

a lot of legacy IT or proprietary systems that have

no (publicly) available API, it is a perfect candidate

for RPA. However, it is important to note, that for

the robot to work properly, the task at hand should

include only digitized and structured data, and

de-cisions that are rule-based (i.e. follow explicit and

well-documented, predefined rules). Also, the task

should be mature and stable (i.e. executed within a

landscape with a predefined set of IT systems that

remain the same every time a task is performed and

is not affected by any major IT-driven development effort). Lastly, software robots are

ideal for types of tasks where, regulatory or compliance requirements ask for an audit trail,

out-of-office support is needed (i.e. it should be available 24/7) or when accuracy and


consistency, with regards to the output, are of importance.

On the other hand, the knowledge worker is suited best to perform tasks that require

human intelligence, interaction or physical activity. So, tasks that are typically performed

without without any aid of IT systems. Typically, these kind of tasks include complex

decisions which call for (subjective) judgment, human interpretation, social intelligence,

such as being aware of others’ reactions, or emotions (i.e. the ability to provide support

or compassion). Moreover, knowledge workers are capable of handling tasks that involve

non-digitized (e.g. speech or handwritten input) or unstructured data (e.g. images, video).

Other important pointers to look out for are the communication and collaboration skills

involved. As opposed to software robots, knowledge workers have the ability to work and

interact with others and communicating effectively through verbal conversation and writing.

Lastly, tasks that are in need of unusual or clever ideas about a certain situation, creative

ways to solve a problem or a response to a sudden change in the environment are best

handled by a knowledge worker.

As shown in cases in practice


, knowledge workers and robots can work together. This

is in the form of an attended solution, which is installed on the desktop of the user. As

stated by the KiBP domain experts, in such an interplay, the robot will serve as a “digital

assistant” to the knowledge worker. For example, the robot could gather and consolidate the

required information, while the knowledge worker is then guided by the robot via on-screen

prompts or pop-ups to provide support on how to handle the situation. When input from the

knowledge worker is needed, an “user-exit” appears, along with the relevant information

to take action. Typically, the knowledge worker will then analyze the information, make

a decision based on judgment, or validate the steps realized by a robot. However, both

Appian as well as Pega, two ACM vendors with RPA add-ons, argued that to achieve this

synergy between human and robot, you would need an ACM platform to realize the process

orchestration. RPA software solutions itself are not able to route the process between human

and robot. Furthermore, such a platform offers the ability to create a new unified interface

which is linked to all the underlying systems so information only needs to be entered once,

after which they will be synced across all the relevant applications.

Task Task Task Task Task Task Task Task Task Task Task




Figure 11:

The result of the framework,

which plots the potential candidate tasks

based on their score on suitability as well as


Unlocking the untapped potential.


aforemen-tioned pointers offer some direction, however it still does

not provide a methodical approach to assess the

suitabil-ity of candidate tasks. So, how can the suitabilsuitabil-ity of tasks

in relation to the untapped potential of RPA be assessed

in a structured way? Based on extensive literature

anal-ysis, a list with 18 characteristics which determine the

suitability of candidates have been identified


. This has

been cross-referenced with the transcripts from the expert

interviews to ensure no important aspects were missing.

Next, these characteristics have been categorized into

three main levels, each with their own conditions, which

comprise the framework [Fig. 12]. The potential

candi-date tasks should meet different criteria in all three levels in order to determine its potential.

The framework starts with the (0) knock-outs, which are a series of hard criteria (yes or no

questions) that need to be met in order for RPA to function properly. Any condition that is

not met leads to termination of this task to move through the rest of the framework. Second,

the framework assesses the (2) suitability, which is a series of soft requirements on which

the user of the framework should appoint a score (0-5). Even without meeting some of these


See Appx. G.2, p.86, for an overview of exemplar cases with an interplay between human and robot.


conditions, the task could still be a suitable candidate. However, the higher the score of the

task at hand the more suitable it is for RPA. This level verifies if it is logical to automate the

candidate task and checks it against some technical related criteria. Lastly, the framework

forces the candidate through a series of factors which determine the potential impact in

terms of business value. The framework appoints a score based on the number of questions

that are addressed satisfactory.

The framework results in a graph which indicates the potential of the candidates based

on their score with regards to suitability and impact [Fig. 11]. It is limited to assessing

the initial potential, before any configuration, and is intended to serve as a supporting tool

for organizations who are considering to adopt RPA to improve KiBPs. The tool results in a

shortlist of suitable candidates. The tasks that show the most potential (top right corner)

need to be evaluated in more detail, but this is for future studies.


A series of hard criteria that need to be met in order for RPA to function properly, any condition that is not met leads to termination of this task to move through the rest of the framework.


A series of soft requirements, the higher the score of the task at hand the more suitable it is for RPA, these criteria could either task or technical related.


A series of factors which determine the potential impact of the task in terms of business value.





candidate tasks

Figure 12:

A simplified view of the framework, which aims to structure the search for suitable RPA candidates by providing

supporting tools that helps to guide such an assessment. The detailed framework can be found in Appx. G.2, p.88-89.


Discussion and Conclusion

This study looked into the extent to which RPA can be leveraged to improve KiBPs. To prove

the claim that RPA is currently only utilized to a limited extent (Barnett, 2015), the goal of

the first part of the research process was to create a mapping of the current deployment

and utilization of RPA within different organizations. Results of a meta-analysis of case

studies (N=121) show that RPA is indeed for most part targeted at simple, standardized

BPs as it mainly utilized in back office administration (e.g. Finance, Accounting or HR).

This is in support of previous findings (Barnett, 2015; Aguirre & Rodriguez, 2017; Suri

et al., 2017). With regards to deployment, results show that RPA solutions are often set

up as the unattended variant and for most part have been deployed within the FSI and

TMT sector. Insights from an interviewee, which claimed RPA is for most part deployed

within the public sector (due to a high amount of legacy IT) are in contradiction with the

results, as findings show this only accounts for 11.6%. In addition, new insights have been

provided on common issues and factors that influence the decision to adopt RPA, objectives

that have been set up beforehand, and impact that has been realized after implementation.

From the multiple heatmaps it is concluded that the as-is situation can be categorized as

performance-focused. The heatmaps show that the most common reasons to adopt RPA are

all performance related (i.e. the error rate, degree of manual interventions or cycle time,

are considered to be too high). Contrary to expectations, all of the external forces (e.g.

regulatory demands, customer expectations, or cost and efficiency pressures) are of low

influence. Most surprisingly is cost pressure being one of the lowest scoring factors (5.6%).


For the second part, this study looked into the applicability of the RPA to KiBPs. As

traditional BPI techniques have already been used to improve KiBPs, but have been proven

to be ineffective, this research investigated the possibilities that RPA has to offer. Due to

the different nature of KiBPs, it is not possible to automate these processes end-to-end.

Therefore, a less coarse-grained, task-based approach is recommended to determine which

tasks should be executed by a robot and which tasks should be performed by software robots.

Findings show that, in relation to a taxonomy of types of tasks derived from literature, user

tasks that are considered data-intensive, repetitive or rule-based, and which require a lot

keystroke operations or access to different sources, are well suited for software robots. On

the other hand, manual tasks which require higher cognitive skills, subjective judgment,

human interpretation, or any form of emotional or social intelligence, fit best with the

knowledge worker.

As it is a considerable challenge to effectively identify suitable RPA candidate tasks, a

framework to structure this search has been derived from literature as well as 21 interviews

with experts in the field. The potential of the candidate is determined by checking against a

set of knock-out criteria and an assessment of the suitability (i.e. requirements related to

the task at hand or technical criteria) and impact (i.e. the business value). The proposed

framework serves as a structured operational approach for the act of determining how RPA

could be applied in practice to improve KiBPs.

In conclusion, the extent to which RPA is applicable to a KiBP differs per process and is

dependant on the composition of the KiBP. If the majority of the tasks that the KiBP consists

of are either transactional or integrative work, the extent to which RPA can applied is quite

high, if most of the tasks are either classified as collaborative or expert work, most of the

work has to be realized by a knowledge worker. This extent can be determined by use of the


6.1 Implications, limitations and future research

The implications of this study are valuable for academics and practitioners alike. First, it

offers new insights on the current deployment and utilization of RPA, issues that drive

RPA adoption, objectives set before and impact realized after an RPA project. Moreover, it

provides a taxonomy of types of tasks and allocates these to either a knowledge worker or

robot along with pointers to identify them. Lastly, it proposes a framework to structure the

search for suitable RPA candidate tasks.

This research has its limitations. First, the case studies that have been analyzed were

mostly (71 out of 121) gathered from RPA vendors. A potential bias in this data is related

to the impact due to the implementations. As the goal of a vendor is to generate sales, it is

likely that only success stories have been published and results might be exaggerated. To

minimize this bias, the magnitude of the business value that was realized with the projects

has not been taken into account. Furthermore, to diversify, data has been collected from five

different vendors but also data from service providers has been incorporated. To increase

the validity, data for internal reference at Deloitte Consulting (52 out of 121 cases) has been

included. Another potential bias is due the qualitative nature of this study. The potential

effects of self-reported data should be taken into account. As data has been collected through

semi-structured interviews, selective memory could lead to skewed results. To mitigate this

risk, the important passages of the conducted interviews were reviewed by the interviewees.

For future research, the practical implications of the framework could be validated by

conducting multiple assessments within organizations. Other interesting directions would be

to address the applicability of newer technologies such as cognitive automation and artificial

intelligence or to focus on process orchestration by investigating how software robots and

knowledge workers can work seamlessly together.



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The, the one thing I guess that I see it improving especially when we look at let’s say the drop ship process that I mentioned that’s fully implemented is, you will always

While inside our bank, if you work with 300 auditors and you start with a group of three and that becomes four, then you can really start small and eventually scale up.” [Head

In this paper a design science approach is used to develop a selection model that solves the problem for the case organisation.. This model follows the characteristic of IT

The results of the case studies have shown that P-KIBS firms rely almost solely on inter-personal knowledge sharing mechanisms at all organizational levels in the process of

This revised framework is then applied to the process of Baker Tilly to show what is needed to be able to realise the automation.. A proposal is

Process mining can enhance the implementation of Robotic Process Automation by increasing process understanding, checking process quality, evaluating the impact of implementation,

The first one involves the main relationship we are interested in; “Firms with a higher degree of RPA experience a significantly higher degree of financial firm performance.” For

The competitive use of resources, and the network and relations are the two determinants in this perspective found to influence the country selection decision