• No results found

There are several research questions that can be pursued as a continuation of this project:

The embedding dimensions selected for TE estimation are very important as they impact the estimate and alter the computational load. Ideally, the embedding dimension of the target signal should be optimized such that self-prediction is maximized, to separate information storage from information transfer Lizier et al. (2008). Investigating how embedding dimensions impact TE estimation results is therefore an interesting question.

The high computational demand of TE depends on both the sample size and especially on dimensionality. Therefore, reducing the size of the dataset while retaining as much information as possible can be greatly beneficial. In terms of reducing dimensionality, a variety of well know meth-ods from literature could be tried, such as PCAJolliffe and Cadima(2016) or IsomapTenenbaum (2000).

Once a causal graph has been established using a causal inference method, a natural next step is to quantify a notion of how “influential” each node is in the graph. Some recent papersStreicher and Sandrock (2019), Murin et al. (2018) have proposed using centrality measures from graph theory to quantify this (although within structural causal models caution is required Dablander and Hinne(2019)). On the other hand, centrality measures have been found to correlate with the firing rate of a neuronFletcher and Wennekers(2018), rendering them important in this specific case. This research direction might be fruitful; in this context, controlling for edge multiplicity might be important.

Considering the time-dynamic context, the above idea opens up more possibilities. Given a multivariate time series dataset over the same time scale, multiple consecutive time windows may be causally analyzed with any method presented here. This would result in a sequence of directed graphs being derived from the dataset - and the influence metric of each node would be a time series itself. These time series may be subsequently analyzed, e.g. using standard time series analysis techniquesHyndman and Athanasopoulos (2018), or even clustered, using e.g. dynamic time warping M¨uller (2007). Clustering similarly-behaving nodes (i.e. variables of the system) can be promising in revealing underlying subsystems, that may have been invisible otherwise -simplifying the network.

This sequence of directed graphs can be further explored. Anomaly detection in dynamic networksRanshous et al.(2015) may be performed on it, interestingly combining causal inference (that yields a directed graph) with the time-dynamic context (graph changing over time) and the end goal (prognostics/diagnostics). For this direction to be sensible, a high-quality causality method is required. The current project extensively researched that. The time-varying causal evolution of a time series dataset was studied inJiang et al. (2017).

With regards to non-stationary TE estimation, an alternative approach that was not considered in this work may be based onHegger et al.(2000). In this paper, the authors argue that if a time series is non-stationary because of a slow drift, it may suffice for its analysis to over-embed it, i.e.

appropriately increase the embedding dimension.

The concept of copula entropy Nelsen(2007), was shown to be the same with mutual inform-ation Ma and Sun(2008). Since then, it has been used in relation to Granger Causality Hu and Liang (2014), and more recently for TE estimation Jian (2019) as well as in applications Hao and Singh(2015), Sun et al.(2019). Further researching copula entropy in relation to TE could provide another research direction.

In this project, exact results for transfer entropy were derived in a random walk system.

Aspiring to generalize these results, a time series decomposition method that contains a random walk as one of its components may be useful. A suitable fit might be provided by the Beveridge-Nelson decomposition Beveridge and Nelson (1981) that decomposes a non-stationary ARIMA process to a stationary time series and a random walk.

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