• No results found

Stakeholder analysis helps to identify and understand key stakeholders’ concerns as well as their ex-pectations from the project. This chapter identifies the main stakeholders of the project. The stakeholder identification process, their interests, and communication channels used are also discussed in this chap-ter.

3.1 Stakeholder identification

Stakeholder analysis is a process of identifying people who are interested in the project or affected by the project; grouping these people according to their levels of participation, interest, and influence in the project; and determining how best to engage and communicate with each of these stakeholder groups throughout the project period. In this project, a stakeholder analysis matrix [8] is used to help identify-ing, prioritizidentify-ing, and grouping important stakeholders. This matrix categorizes stakeholders into a 2x2 grid based on their influence (power), interest, and levels of participation in the project. In order to address and monitor different stakeholder concerns, the following techniques were applied throughout the project:

• Stakeholders who hold high power and high interest need to be managed closely.

• Stakeholders who hold high power and low interest need to be kept satisfied.

• Stakeholders who hold low power and high interest need to be kept informed.

• Stakeholders who hold low power and low interest need to be monitored.

Figure 7 shows the stakeholder analysis matrix of this project. The vertical axis represents the power a stakeholder holds that could affect the project. The horizontal axis represents the interests and level of participation a stakeholder has toward the project. Several stakeholders based on their roles were iden-tified and mapped into the matrix, as can be seen clearly in the figure below. A detailed explanation of their interests and roles are discussed in subsection 3.2.

Figure 7: Stakeholder analysis matrix


3.2 Stakeholder interests

The concerns, interests, and involvement for the main stakeholders that are identified in the stakeholder identification subsection above are described here. These concerns are later mapped or translated into the project requirements. The following stakeholder-specific aspects are used to describe the main stakeholder concerns, as shown in Table 1.

• Goals: Their goals or interest in the project

• Roles: Their roles in the project

• Acceptance criteria: Their expectations from the project

• Involvement: Their availability and the communication channels used

Table 1: Main stakeholder concerns and interests Camiel Rouweler: Project supervisor from ASML


• Demonstrate feasibility and added value of redesigning an existing C implementation of an image sensor subsystem driver into a new equivalent OO variant.

• Demonstrate the challenges and best practices in C++ driver de-velopment that can serve as a benchmark for next dede-velopments in the image sensing domain group of ASML.

• Integrate the new OO prototype with other subsystem components.


• Provide guidance on the project.

• Evaluate progress and provide feedback.

• Evaluate project deliverables.

• Review project technical report.

Acceptance criteria

• Weekly and monthly progress reports.

• Prototype for the image sensor subsystem driver using OOD and C++.

• Proof of concept of the redesign solution that provides extendibil-ity for new sensors and relays.

• Proof of concept for integrating the prototype with existing other C components.

• Final report for the project findings.


• Weekly meetings and additional ad-hoc meetings throughout the project duration and monthly PSG meetings alongside other stake-holders.

Tom Verhoeff: Project supervisor from TU/e


• Guide the trainee throughout the project duration.

• Ensure that the solution design fulfills the defined project goal.


• Provide guidance on the project.

• Evaluate project progress and provide feedback.


• Evaluate trainee’s overall performance and provide feedback.

• Review project technical report.

Acceptance criteria • Regular project progress update.

• The project process management, design, and realization meet the requirement of the PDEng Software Technology program.

• Final report for the project findings.

Involvement • Biweekly meetings and monthly PSG meetings alongside other stakeholders.

Fernando Velho Dutra: Managerial supervisor from ASML


• Demonstrate feasibility and added value of redesigning an existing component into a new equivalent OO variant.

• Knowledge, challenges, and experiences gained on migrating from C into C++.


• Provide guidance and managerial support to the trainee.

• Evaluate progress and provide feedback.

• Evaluate the performance and approach of the trainee as well as provide feedback on potential improvements.

Acceptance criteria

• Regular project progress report.

• Keep all stakeholders informed about the project methodology and progress.

Involvement • Monthly PSG meetings and additional ad-hoc meetings.

The concerns and involvements for the main stakeholders that have to be managed closely or need to be kept satisfied are described in detail in Table 1. Additional stakeholder concerns and interests are discussed in Table 2. The involvement with these stakeholders is by ad-hoc meetings or email commu-nication.

Table 2: Additional stakeholder concerns and interests

Stakeholder Interest Concerns

PDEng ST management Successful completion of the pro-ject.

The project fulfills the criteria for completion.

Technical mentor Demonstrating the redesigning of the image sensor subsystem driver by applying the OO approach. Eval-uate the integrability of the imple-mented prototype with other com-ponents that are implemented in C.

The project fulfills the criteria for completion, and the prototype of the project acts as a reference for future use of C++ language as a standard in the image sensing do-main group.


Stakeholder Interest Concerns

Image sensor subsystem software development team

Software development using the OO approach helps to have effi-cient, flexible, reusable, and main-tainable code. This motivates the development team to transit from old C to C++, which allows them to facilitate their development and de-liver a high-quality product to their customer.

The OO approach (C++) transi-tion might introduce additransi-tional burdens such as studying and ap-plying the OO approach using C++. Documentation of all the ex-periences and practices gained in this project solves this problem.