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In document 2. ANTI-DOPING LEGISLATION (pagina 104-107)


7.2. Seizures

7.2.1 Number of doping seizures

In 2010, SKAT seized 123,984 tablets and ampoules (includ-ing 64,800 in transit), 7,883 ml (liquid) and 7,700 grams of powder (see Figure 7.1).

7.2.2 Shipped from which countries?

Based on the number of cases, most of the drugs seized by SKAT were shipments from the USA, Denmark, China, Thai-land and Hong Kong. In total, SKAT confiscated doping from 26 different countries in 2010 (see Table 7.1).

7.2.3 Destination countries

The main destinations for the shipments seized by SKAT in 2010 were Denmark, USA and Portugal (see Table 7.2).

7.2.4 Transit countries

In 2010, SKAT seized one shipment of 64,800 units of AAS on a passenger flight transiting Denmark on its way from Thailand to Finland.

One shipment of 500 units of AAS was seized from a passenger flight from Thailand to Denmark via Turkey.

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Tablets and ampoules (units) Tablets and ampoules TRANSIT (units) ML


Figure 7.1 Seizures – Doping (Danish Customs)

Shipping country Number of cases Percentage

USA 41 27.3%

Denmark 31 20.7%

China 21 14%

Thailand 15 10%

Hong Kong 9 6%

Table 7.1. Extracts of statistics from SKAT 2010

Destination Number of cases Percentage

Denmark 114 75.8%

USA 19 12.8%

Portugal 6 4%

Table 7.2. Extracts of statistics from SKAT 2010 0

100 200 300 400 500

2008 2009 2010 2011 (jan-jun)

Figure 7.2: Total number of seizures of doping agents by

Swedish Customs, 2008–2011. Source: Swedish Customs Figure 7.3: Amounts of doping agents (tablets, fluids and powders) seized by Swedish Customs. Source: Swedish Customs.

0 30000 60000 90000 120000 150000 180000 210000 240000 270000 300000

2008 2009 2010 2011 (jan-jun) Powder, gram Tablets, number Fluid, ml.

7.2.5 Seized doping substances

SKAT seized the following preparations in 2010:

Anadrol (Oxymetholone) IGF–1

Anavar (Oxandrolone) Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate)

Andriol Mesterolone (Proviron)

Androstenedione Nandrolone

Boldenone (Equipoise) Oxymetholone

Clenbuterol Pentadex 300 (5 testosterones)

Cut Mix (Trenbolone, Testosterone and

Masteron) Pregnenolone

Deca Durabolin Primobolan

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Sustanon Dianabol (Metandrostenolone/

Methandienone) Testosterone Cypionate

Erythropoietin (EPO) Testosterone Enanthate Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Testosterone Propionate Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Testoviron (2 testosterones)

Diamondtropin Trenbolone

Somatropin Winstrol (Stanozolol)

(Source: SKAT)

The Netherlands 7.2. Seizures

7.2.1 Number of doping seizures

The authority in the Netherlands which is responsible for tackling the illegal trafficking of medicines is the Healthcare In-spectorate (IGZ). In the context of the overall illegal trafficking of medicines it also intercepts doping substances. The IGZ does not keep records of illegal doping substances which it inter-cepts. Probably a considerable number of products are involved.

At the request of the IGZ and the World Customs Organisa-tion, in one week in October 2010, Dutch Customs seized 99 packages containing a total of 24,596 potentially harm-ful illegal medicines. Countries of origin were mainly China, Hong Kong and India. This action was carried out within the framework of Operation Pangea III, an international campaign against the illegal trafficking of medicines via the Internet. In the same week, 76 arrests were made worldwide. A total of 267,855 suspect packages were inspected by Customs from the 40 participating countries. This led to the seizure of 10,916 packages containing around 1 million pills in total with a total estimated value of around EUR 2 million. The seizure of illegal medicines mainly involved erection pills, slimming medication, sleeping pills, AAS, anti-depressives, painkillers, heart medica-tion, insulin, cholesterol-lowering pills, hair growth drugs and anti-cancer medicines (IGZ, 2011).

During the last week of September 2011, a global action was once more undertaken in which Interpol was also involved.

This time an estimated 2.5 million pills were seized (IGZ, personal communication).

7.2.2 Shipped from which countries?

Most doping-designated items and specifically AAS primarily come from Iran, Thailand, Pakistan, Turkey, Greece and, to a lesser extent, China (IGZ, personal communication).

7.2.3 Destination countries

For many of the substances, the Netherlands is their final desti-nation. However, the Netherlands itself is also a country which produces doping-designated substances. These substances are then exported to neighbouring countries and Scandinavia.

7.2.4 Transit countries

The Netherlands is not really considered to be a transit country (IGZ, personal communication).

7.2.5 Seized doping substances

Various substances are involved, such as AAS but also including growth hormones.

Sweden 7.2. Seizures

The illegal use of doping agents in Sweden is fuelled mainly by preparations imported illegally over the border. Preparations are smuggled into the country in vehicles and personal luggage, or in the post when people place orders – for the most part – on the Internet (National Criminal Investigations Department &

Swedish Customs, 2009). Tablets, capsules and injection fluids have been found in seizures since 1993. Powders were noted for the first time in the seizure statistics for 2006. Pure powder is less bulky and probably harder for Customs to find than the same amount of active substance present in a ready-mixed in-jection fluid, for example. The small quantity of powder can be prepared to make a large number of tablets, ensuing big profits for the manufacturer (Swedish National Institute of Public Health, 2009).

The steady increase in quantities seized, along with the number of seizures, indicates abuse which is extensive and growing.

Customs and the police estimate that at least 50% of seized preparations are entirely fake or deviate from the original in some other way (National Criminal Investigations Department

& Swedish Customs, 2009).


Statistics concerning the number of seizures of doping agents are available from Swedish Customs and the police. In Figure 7.2 and 7.3 are statistics from the last three years plus the first six months of 2011.

7.2.1. Amounts

No authority has recorded annual prices for doping agents with a view to keeping statistics. Current prices for online sales can

be seen on the relevant websites, but knowledge is limited of the levels applicable to trade other than via the Internet. How-ever, prices on the illegal market have been quite stable over the years of online trade (Moberg & Hermansson, 2006). The ille-gal market for doping agents is lucrative, and profitability from illegal handling is on a par with the corresponding handling of narcotics. Buying in pure powder and turning this into usable preparations which are then sold on results in big profits. Act-ing as a middleman for finished preparations is also profitable (Swedish National Institute of Public Health, 2009).

Examples of street prices in cities, small quantities

AAS, ampoules (1 ml): EUR 5–9 each 2 ml: EUR 10–12 each AAS, tablets (5 mg): EUR 0.10–0.40 each 50 mg: EUR 2–5 each Genotropin (growth hormone) 16 IE: approx.

EUR 77 each 36 IE: approx. EUR 130 each

(National Criminal Investigations Department & Swedish Customs, 2009).

7.2.2. Shipped from which countries?

As regards preparations intended for the illegal market in Sweden, countries such as China, Russia and Bulgaria are com-mon, but countries such as Spain and Portugal also appeared in 2009. Preparations are either in the form of ready-packed illegal preparations or as active substances which are prepared and packed in Sweden or outside the country (National Criminal Investigations Department & Swedish Customs, 2009).

7.2.4. Transit countries

Police information and operations show that products are smuggled on to Norway. However, the extent to which Sweden acts as a transit country is unclear (Swedish National Institute of Public Health, 2009).

7.2.5. Seized doping substances

Illegal manufacturing normally takes place in China and India.

The active substances are then prepared to form tablets and injection fluid, for the most part. According to the National Criminal Investigations Department, the majority of doping agents sold are prepared in “underground laboratories” both in and outside Sweden. These underground laboratories are not controlled production premises, but are usually unsanitary areas located in basements, store rooms or old warehouses. The raw substance is mixed with substances such as oil in cement mixers or food processors if injection fluid is to be prepared. Fillers and binding agents are used if tablets are to be produced. No formal knowledge of chemistry is required for this. Tablets are stamped and ampoules are filled before then being packaged and marked with the company’s homemade label. The declaration of contents on the label rarely matches what the tablets actually contain (Swedish National Institute of Public Health, 2009).

Poland 7.2. Seizures 7.2.1. The amount

In 2010 100,000 units of AAS were seized.

In 2009 18,000 units of AAS were seized.

In 2008 25,000 units of AAS were seized.

7.2.5. Seized doping substances

In some cases it is difficult to give the exact name of the prepa-ration because it is generally described as an AAS. Examples of precisely named preparations seized in the last three years include: deca-durabolin, cidoteston, sustanon, testosterone, nandrolone.


7.3. Workflows (e.g. does seizure at customs lead to a

In document 2. ANTI-DOPING LEGISLATION (pagina 104-107)