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Personal Information/ Persoonlijke informatie Name/ Naam:

Age/ Leeftijd:

Profession/ Beroep:

Education/ Onderwijs:

Questionnaire/ Vragenlijst:

1. For how many years are you a volunteer or worker with opera Spanga? What is your role there?

Hoeveel jaar bent u vrijwilliger of medewerker bij opera Spanga? Wat is jouw rol daar?

2. For what reason did you first join and why dο you rejoin every year? What do you enjoy the most?

Om welke reden ben je voor het eerst lid geworden en waarom doe je elk jaar weer mee? Waar geniet je het meest van?

3. While working with opera Spanga, did you notice any change in your physical condition or your modd?

Merkte u tijdens het werken met opera Spanga enige verandering in uw humeur of fysieke conditie?

4. Has this experience changed your ideas about anything?

Heeft deze ervaring uw ideeën over iets veranderd?

5. Did you improve any of your skills or gained new ones?

Heb je je vaardigheden verbeterd of nieuwe verworven?

6. Do you think that the way people see you or the way you see yourself has changed?

Denkt u dat de manier waarop mensen u zien of de manier waarop u uzelf ziet, is veranderd?

7. Did your relationship with other local residents change after working with the Opera?

Is uw relatie met andere buurtbewoners veranderd na uw samenwerking met de Opera?

8. Do you feel differently about the place you live after joining Opera Spanga?

Voel je je anders over de plek waar je woont nadat je bij Opera Spanga bent gekomen?

9. Do you think Opera Spanga influences the local economy and the image of Spanga?

Denk je dat Opera Spanga de lokale economie en het imago van Spanga beïnvloedt?

10.Did you join any other similar project or a community organisation? Would you lead one?

Heb je je aangesloten bij een ander kunstproject of een maatschappelijke organisatie?

Zou jij er een leiden?


Participant 1 (J)

1. 1 jaar, ik ben manusje van alles; decorbouw, klusjesman en parkeerhulp.

1 year, I am a jack of all trades; set construction, handyman and parking assistant.

2. Ik ben al 30 jaar geïnteresseerd en volg opera Spanga, maar had door mijn werk geen tijd om mee te werken. Nu wel.

I have been interested and follow opera Spanga for 30 years, but had no time to participate due to my work. Now it is.

I became curious about Opera Spanga because Corina was our nextdoor neighbour, so i heard about it from the beginning. We always visited the generale repetitie, because we got invited. We never go to other opera performances, we are more like rockers (our favourite band is Nightwish, symphonic metal).


Ik heb geen veranderingen opgemerkt, ik voel me goed en opgewekt, zowel bij opera Spanga als in het dagelijks leven.

I have not noticed any changes, I feel good and cheerful both at opera Spanga and in everyday life.


Nee, het heeft me bevestigd in mijn mening dat alle mensen gelijk zijn, of ze nu uit Nederland, België, Marokko of Griekenland komen.

No, it has confirmed my opinion that all people are equal, whether they come from the Netherlands, Belgium, Morocco or Greece.


Ik ben beter geworden in het timmeren en bouwen, en ik heb leren samenwerken.

I've gotten better at carpentry and building, and I've learned to work together.


Dat idee heb ik niet.

I don't have that idea.


Ik ben met andere mensen, vrijwilligers, in aanraking gekomen die ik voorheen niet goed kende.

I have come into contact with other people, volunteers, whom I did not know well before.


Nee, opera Spanga was voor mij een vast gegeven in Spanga, al meer dan 30 jaar.

No, opera Spanga has been a permanent fixture in Spanga for more than 30 years.

I have noticed sometimes when we meet new people, they have heard about Spanga because of opera Spanga.


Nee, want de meeste medewerkers komen van ver weg. Alleen misschien de B en B die wat verdient aan de overnachtingen.

No, because most of the employees come from far away. Only maybe the B and B that earns something from the overnight stays.


Nee nog niet maar ik sta er wel voor open.

No, not yet, but I'm open to it.

Participant 2 (M) 1.

1 jaar, meehelpen in de keuken.

1 year, help in the kitchen.


Wij kennen Corina al 35 jaar. Begin jaren 1990 hebben we medewerkers van opera Spanga in huis gehad als logeeradres. Vanaf het begin (1989) hebben we de voorstelngen gezien.

Vanaf 2022 zijn we minder gaan werken en hebben daardoor meer tijd gekregen, waardor het mogelijk was zelf mee te werken aan de opera.

We have known Corina for 35 years. In the early 1990s we had employees of opera Spanga in house as a guest address. From the beginning (1989) we have seen the performances.

From 2022 we started working less and therefore got more time, which made it possible to participate in the opera ourselves.





Het geeft enig inzicht in de complexiteit van het organiseren van een productie. In mijn geval het naast elkaar bereiden van 2 buffetten (spelers enerzijds; gasten anderzijds)

It provides some insight into the complexity of organising a production. In my case preparing 2 buffets side by side (players on the one hand; guests on the other)


Nieuwe dingen geleerd in de keuken.

Learned new things in the kitchen.





Ja, met sommige mensen heb je nu persoonlijker contact.

Yes, you now have more personal contact with some people.


Nee, Opera Spanga maakte eigenlijk al 35 jaar deel uit van mijn leefomgeving. Het is, naast ooievaars, waar Spanga bekend om staat.

No, Opera Spanga had actually been part of my living environment for 35 years. It is, besides storks, what Spanga is known for.


Ja, doordat er lokaal wordt ingekocht (levensmiddelen) verhoogd het omzetten van lokale ondernemers. Ook trekt het mensen aan die anders niet naar onze regio waren gekomen. Het levert dus direct en indirect een bijdrage aan de toeristensector.

Yes, because local purchasing (food) increases the turnover of local entrepreneurs. It also attracts people who would otherwise not have come to our region. It thus contributes directly and indirectly to the tourism sector.




Participant 3 (JB) 1.

Ik begon met vrijwilligerswerk bij de opera toen ik 14/15 jaar oud was, dit was in de zomer van 2018, dus ongeveer al 5 jaar. In het eerste jaar begon ik met helpen bij de

kaartverkoop tent en het scheuren van de kaartjes bij de deur. Het jaar daarop hielp ik Zahra in de keuken, overdag met klusjes en tijdens de voorstellingen met de afwas.

Afgelopen jaar heb ik weer bij de kaartverkoop en kaarten check geholpen.

I started volunteering at the opera when I was 14/15 years old, this was in the summer of 2018, so about 5 years already. In the first year I started helping at the ticket booth and tearing the tickets at the door. The following year I helped Zahra in the kitchen, with chores during the day and with the dishes during the shows. Last year I helped with the ticket sales and ticket check.


Ik ben komen helpen bij de opera omdat mijn ouders Zahra en Corina al heel lang kennen. Ik wilde ook graag helpen en ik vond de gezelligheid ook erg leuk. Ik geniet het meest van het zien van het proces van de opbouw van de opera. Ook is het leuk om met veel verschillende mensen te praten en mensen te leren kennen.

I came to help at the opera because my parents have known Zahra and Corina for a long time. I also wanted to help and I also really enjoyed the fun. What I enjoy most is seeing the process of building the opera. It is also nice to talk to many different people and get to know people.


Nee, er zijn wel eens wat minder leuke momenten geweest, maar er waren veel meer leuke momenten!

No, there have been some less fun moments, but there were many more fun moments!


De ervaring van de opera en de diversiteit van mensen die meehelpen tijdens de opera heeft mij geholpen om breder te denken over dingen. Ook heb ik veel nieuwe dingen leren kennen.

The experience of the opera and the diversity of people who help during the opera helped me to think more broadly about things. I also learned a lot of new things.


Ik heb tijdens de opera vooral mijn sociale vaardigheden verbeterd. Toen ik 14 was, was ik totaal niet sociaal en door veel mensen te helpen en ook gasten te helpen, heb ik wel echt geleerd om socialer te worden.

I mainly improved my social skills during the opera. When I was 14 I wasn't social at all and by helping a lot of people and also helping guests I really learned to become more social.


Ik denk het niet.

No, I don’t think so.





Ik voelde mij altijd al trots over Spanga, maar het is fijn om te vertellen dat er elk jaar zoiets groots wordt georganiseerd in zo’n klein dorp.

I always felt proud of Spanga, but it's nice to say that something so big is organised every year in such a small village.


Ik denk het wel, qua de economie wordt het café wel vaker bezocht doordat de opera zoveel bekijks zoekt. Vooral mensen die lokaal iets willen eten of gewoon even langskomen. Ook wordt door de opera het dorp Spanga meer op de kaart gezet, er zullen vast genoeg mensen zijn die anders nooit van het dorp hadden gehoord.

I think so, in terms of the economy, the café is visited more often because the opera is so popular. Especially people who want to eat something local or just stop by. The opera also puts the village of Spanga more on the map, there will probably be enough people who would otherwise never have heard of the village.


Nee en nee.

No and no.

Participant 4 (A) 1.

Al vanaf de eerste opera van Corina bij haar thuis als sponsor en klusjes doen.

Ever since Corona's first opera at her house as a sponsor and doing chores.


Als sponsor omdat Corina mij elke keer vraagt.

As a sponsor because Corina asks me every time.


Laatste twee Opera’s gaven mij wel meer stres als hoofd tecniek.

The last two Operas did give me more stress as head of technical stuff.


Neen geenzins.

No not at all.


Niet dat ik weet.

Not that I know.


Ja , denk dat ik beetje vrijer ben geworden.

Yes, I think I've become a bit freer . I feel freer in the things I can say and the way I communicate with people.

This also maybe has something to do with getting older!


Nee, ik denk van niet.

No I do not think so.


Nee , helemaal niet.

No not at all.


Volgens mij wel.

I think so.


Nee, niet van plan.

No, not planning.

Participant 5 (F) 1.

I have worked with Opera Spanga since 1995 as figurant (extra) in most of the stage productions and several of the opera films. Also translating into English texts for the website, etc.


I have been fascinated by opera since I was a teenager and saw live performances in Philadelphia and New York. Later I taught in Cologne, Germany for seven years in the 1970's and saw virtually the who;e repertoire in Cologne, Berlin and other opera houses. Shortly after I moved to a village near Spanga, Corina van Eijk started Opera Spanga and I attended the first several productions. I was overwhelmed by the quality of her work and how much she was able to achieve with little means. In 1995 Spanga needed lots of extras for Samson and Delilah and I jumped at the chance to be in the middle of an opera production. After that I was hooked, sometimes being the on;y non-singer in a production.


The change in my physical condition has to do with getting older and older!!!


For the first years I worked with Spanga in the school holidays from my job at the International School of Rotterdam. I was intrigued by being involved in a different working environment. At school I was the one who shaped the curriculum and was responsible largely for what happened in the classroom. At school you are pulled in

different directions by demands of students and colleagues. At the opera everyone in production, cast and crew were always working towards one goal, the premiere.

Over the years I have net a great many singers and other musicians and learned to have great admiration for their work. Most of them were free-lancers, and I learned how difficult it can be not to have regular steady employment. In my teaching career from 1968 to 2005, there was never a year when I didn't have a fulltime job.


I am an amateur clarinet player and have performed in various ensembles over gthe years.. Before Spanga I often had stage fright before and even during performances. In Spanga I often had to go on stage (sometimes alone) with 500 or more people watching in the audience. That experience really helped!


I feel that I have gained a certain respect from friends and acquaintances who have attended Opera Spanga productions and I am proud to be a part of such a well-known phenomenon. I also feel more confident in performing and public speaking.


Working with Spanga always gave me something to talk about when I met up with locals.


Since I hadn't grown up in the area and had always lived in big cities, it took me a while to get used to the area when I came here in my 40's. This began to change when Opera Spanga brought its magic to the meadows. This was especially true in the early years when the opera was given in an enormous tent with an open side facing the landscape, which became part of the decor. This created some unforgettable images.

For example, at the end of the opera, when he realized that the body in the sack was his daughter, Rigoletto ran off-stage and onto the flood-lit field and continued to run becoming smaller and smaller as if he were headed straight into the jaws of hell.

Another example: In Trittico, by the time Il Tabarro started, the overcast sky visible behind the tent had darkened. At a dramatic point in the action, the c;ouds lifted and the moon shone out in her full glory. There was an audible collective gasp from the audiencee, as if Corina had planned this! I remember many times biking past the location afterv the end of the season and seeing only the ditch which had been the orchestra oit filled with water. The magic was gone, but I could still vividly remember all the people who had made it happen. Connecting Spanga with my new place made me love both even more.


Other than purchases made locally for the needs of the opera production and the fact local accomidations like B&B were used by people who attended, I couldn't say.


After I stopped teaching and moved here permanently I felt the need to have more musical contacts than those opportunities offered by Opera Spanga. In the meantime I play clarinet in four different ensembles more or less in this area. I have also joined a local senior citizens' fitness group.

Participant 6 (R ) 1.

Zes jaar vrijwilliger bij Opera Spanga. Daarvoor was ik vrijwillige medewerker bij het gemeentelijke bureau voor het zoeken van vrijwilligers. Opera Spanga (OS) vroeg daar

aan mij of het bureau of er mogelijke vrijwilligers voor OS waren. Geen. Toen heb ik mezelf bij OS gemeld. Ik begon als manusje voor alles. Opbouw, runner, Verkeersplan en Parkeren, afbouw, coördinator vrijwilligers, educatief medewerker…

Six years as a volunteer at Opera Spanga. Before that I was a voluntary employee at the municipal office for the search for volunteers. Opera Spanga (OS) asked me or the agency whether there were possible volunteers for OS. No. Then I reported myself to OS. I started as a jack of all trades. Construction, runner, traffic plan and parking, dismantling, volunteer coordinator, educational assistant…


Voor informatie telefoneerde ik met de toenmalige productieleider, Eva. Haar verhaal, haar vragen en antwoorden inspireerden mij tot aanmelding. De voornaamste reden om mee te helpen was nieuwsgierigheid. De opera wereld was volkomen onbekend voor mij. Daarbij houd ik van avonturen. Ik was klaar voor een nieuwe uitdaging en OS kon me goed gebruiken. De toenmalige technische man (Stephan) was een goede begeleider. Ik werd langzamerhand een enthousiast bewonderaar van opera’s en van Corina, De regisseur en artistiek leider van OS.

For information I telephoned the then production manager, Eva. Her story, her questions and answers inspired me to apply. The main reason for helping was curiosity.

The opera world was completely unknown to me. I also like adventures. I was ready for a new challenge and OS could use me. The then technical man (Stephan) was a good supervisor. I gradually became an enthusiastic admirer of operas and of Corina, the director and artistic director of OS.


De eerste jaren waren geweldigen ik leerde veel. In die eerste jaren ontdekte ik wel dat de wereld van de opera totaal anders zijn dan mijn wereld en de wereld van mijn omgeving. Dat gevoel groeide en duidelijker voor mij. Er werd wel gesproken over “De familie Opera Spanga” maar daar hoorde ik niet bij. Ik werkte heel hard en stond altijd.

Mijn vrienden en familie verklaarden mij regelmatig voor gek. Maar voor mij overheerste het positieve. Ik ontving wel bedankjes en complimentjes maar de waardering voelde ik amper. Het laatste jaar ging dat beter maar toen was de aanslag op mijn fysiek al ingegaan.

The first years were great and I learned a lot. In those first years I discovered that the world of opera is completely different from my world and the world of my environment.

That feeling grew and became clearer to me. There was talk about “The Opera Spanga family” but I was not one of them. I worked very hard and always stood. My friends and family regularly thought I was crazy. But for me the positive prevailed. I received thanks and compliments, but I hardly felt the appreciation. In the last year that went better, but then the attack on my physical had already started.


Ik heb in de afgelopen jaren veel veranderingen ondergaan. Met name veel waardering voor het opera in het algemeen en speciaal voor cast en crew van OS.

Daar tegenover staat dat de opera wereld op afstand bleef. Niet alleen voor mij maar ook voor de mensen om mij heen. Ik ben een fan van opera geworden. Veel mensen die mij hielpen met het werk bij OS, haakten teleurgesteld af.

Ik heb een grote boost gehad op het gebied van kunst en cultuur. Een eigen productie, theaterbezoek, musea, hulp bij productie, zelfs mee spelen.

I have undergone many changes in recent years. Particular appreciation for opera in general and especially for the cast and crew of OS.

On the other hand, the opera world kept its distance. Not only for me but also for the people around me. I have become a fan of opera. Many people who helped me with the work at OS dropped out disappointed.

I have had a big boost in the field of art and culture. Your own production, theater visits, museums, help with production, even playing along.


Veel geleerd en goede veranderingen. Tenminste dat vind ik.

Eén ervan was de sociale contacten met de omgeving.

In mijn vorige baan was dat ook al een kwaliteit en is nog sterker geworden.

Dat vind ik, maar jammer genoeg niet iedereen bij OS.

Learned a lot and good changes. At least I think so.

One of them was the social contacts with the environment.

That was already a quality in my previous job and it has become even stronger.

I think so, but unfortunately not everyone at OS.


De groei van zelfvertrouwen. Betere samenwerking en begrip met de crew. Ondanks de drukte.

The growth of self-confidence. Better cooperation and understanding with the crew.

Despite the crowds.