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Platform Pack2SaveFood

In document Food loss and packaging (pagina 112-118)


10 Communication Proposal

10.2 Platform Pack2SaveFood

The Pack2SaveFood platform will be further explained with inspiring examples. This platform is set up in the context of this project in order to inventory all possible innovations with regards to packaging and food loss and to further disseminate them. This platform is targeted at novices, interested in the subject of food loss and packaging. In this way, via the platform

www.pack2savefood.org, a call was launched, targeted at students, designers, companies and research institutions, to think about innovative packaging that combat food loss. The website, www.pack2savefood.rog, with information on the call, will be dissolved after the course of the project. The material that was collected during the course of the project; inspiring examples, articles, innovation ideas of (mainly) students, were collected on the Pinterest site:

http://www.pinterest.com/pack2savefood/ and this platform will be further maintained after the completion of the project. It was primarily students who answered the call. A number of schools were thereby proactively approached with the question to integrate a design or research project around this subject in the 2013-2014 academic programme. A number of schools, such as the University of Antwerp, the University of Ghent and Thomas More Mechelen loaned their

cooperation to some fifty ‘pins’ on the inspiration board of Pack2SaveFood regarding the results of these student projects (collected on the Pinterest board ‘student ideas | students’). Various students also entered their ideas for the OVAM Ecodesign Award 2014. The ‘Bready’ (see figure) even earned a nomination. Other schools also approached (such as the University of Hasselt) responded positively to the call, but could not take up any additional projects in their programme

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Figure 44: Melpunt Verpakkingen of the Kennisinstituut Duurzaam Verpakken


for the 2013-2014 academic calendar. The assignments had to in fact be amenable to the curriculum of the schools involved. Concretely this meant that the innovation scope must go broader than only packaging innovation and the most frequent ideas dealt then also primarily with product, ICT and system innovations. Two groups working at the University of Ghent even incorported ideas for combatting food loss in the restaurant of their school.

On the occasion of the call, a group of 17 students of Product Development from the University of Antwerp, kept a journal for 2 weeks on drinks spillage. After the term, it was asked how they could themselves adapt their behaviour and to which product or packaging innovations would one agree with. Because the sampling is very small, and the period is very short, one needs to interpret the figures carefully. The spillage of carbonated soft drinks for these students was between 20 cl and a half of a litre per week. The most common causes are leftovers in glass where the carbonation is gone, leftovers in larger bottles where the carbonation is gone, and five students had an accident with a can or a glass that was knocked over. Larger losses were noted for water from bottles, up to 70 cl per week. The two most important causes are portions that were too large and poured out and water in bottles with an odour or where the carbonation is gone. Options that the students are considering themselves: buying smaller packages, no longer pouring water out but directly drinking from the bottles, buying re-closable bottles instead of cans, using smaller glasses for soft drinks, innovative glasses or packaging that keep soft drinks cool longer and the carbonation longer after opening the packaging, and the provision of a tap system in the student room to be used by more students.

Figure 45: Idea from a University of Ghent student in response to the call.

Figure 46: Seventeen students of Product Development kept a journal of

drink spillage for 2 weeks.

A number of companies also submitted an idea or recent innovation on the occasion of the call, such as the Tetra Top® by Tetra Pak, which is to be simply separated by the user into different material components. Because the packaging is completely open, it is easier to make them completely empty (see figure). Other inspiring examples by companies were investigated by the research team; companies proactively approached, and the output of this was also placed on the boards. In total, there are 370 Pins posted on 24 thematically divided boards.

ON 22/04/2014, Flanders’ FOOD published an overview of all research and project initiatives in the food industry concerning food loss as an opportunity for innovation and also published the call in the context of this project. (http://www.flandersfood.com/artikel/2014/04/22/voedselverlies-als-opportuniteit-voor-innovatie) The call made to the research centres was answered by Food2Know. As a contribution for this project, they made a survey at the Horeca Expo 2013. At a booth at the expo, visitors were asked to fill out the survey on the spot. The survey was

answered by some 300 respondents, primarily students. The results are not representative as a sampling for the Flemish population but still delivered a number of qualitative insights on the consumer perceptions regarding packaging and food loss. Other parties also showed readiness to possibly be wiling to work together in later stages for research on the subject (for example, Test Aankoop, VLAM).

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Figure 47: Tetra Top®, submitted by Tetra Pak.


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In document Food loss and packaging (pagina 112-118)