• No results found

Participating in the research will not expose you to any appreciable risk or discomfort and you will not be exposed to any explicitly offensive material

For more information, you can contact the researcher, Ricardo Acuña Martín

(ricardo.acunamartin@students.uva.nl). For any complaints or further questions about the study, please contact the Ethics Committee:

ASCoR Secretariat Ethics Committee

University of Amsterdam PO Box 15793

1001 NG Amsterdam Tel: +31 205253680

Email: ascor-secr-fmg@uva.nl

Thank you in advance for your support.

Ricardo Acuña Martín

Graduate School of Communication, University of Amsterdam.

Page Break

Q1 By checking the box below as a sign of informed consent you agree, fully and voluntarily, to participate in this research study and you agree with the following statements: I want to participate in the study and I agree that my data will be collected and recorded anonymously, and under no circumstances will be shared with other parties or used for commercial purposes. I have read and understand clearly the information about the research provided in the previous page. I am 18 years old or older.


Yes, I agree with the statements above (1)

End of Block: Block 1: Introduction

Start of Block: Block 2: Nationality confirmation Q2 Are you a Dutch citizen?


Yes (1)


No (2)

End of Block: Block 2: Nationality confirmation

Start of Block: Block 2: Other nationality Q2a Where are you from?


Germany (1)


Austria (2)


Belgium (3)


Luxembourg (4)


Denmark (5)


Sweden (6)


Finland (7)


Other (9)

End of Block: Block 2: Other nationality

Start of Block: Block 3: Political ideology (Control variable)

This first section is interested in your political positioning, your feelings towards the European Union and your experiences in other countries before concluding with some

questions about Dutch and European politics. If you are not Dutch the questions will be about politics in your country and / or Europe.

Q3 In political matters, people talk about ‘‘the left’’ and ‘‘the right’’. The next scale ranges from 0 (left) to 10 (right).

Which number best describes your position?*

*Please, be aware that if you want to stay in number 5 you need to move the slider and put it back at 5 afterwards.

Left Right

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Political positioning ()

End of Block: Block 3: Political ideology (Control variable)

Start of Block: Block 4: European Identity (Control Variable)

Q4 In the following, I present you some statements about your feelings towards the European Union. Please, indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with them:

Strongly disagree (1) (1)

Disagree (2) (2)

Slightly disagree (3) (3)

Neither agree or disagree (4) (4)

Slightly agree (5) (5)

Agree (6) (6)

Strongly agree (7) (7)

I am proud to be an European

Union citizen. (1)

o o o o o o o

Being a citizen of

the European

Union means a lot to me.


o o o o o o o

I feel close to fellow Europeans

. (3)

o o o o o o o

End of Block: Block 4: European Identity (Control Variable)

Start of Block: Block 5: EU Cross-border practices (Control variables)

Q5 Please, answer the next questions regarding your experiences in other countries and/or with citizens from other countries:

Have you ever lived in another country for three or more consecutive months?


Yes (1)


No (2)

Q5a In which country have you lived for three or more consecutive months? Please list them all:


Page Break

Q6 How many friends and/or close contacts from other countries do you have?


None (1)


From 1 to 3 (2)


More than 3 (3)

Q6a From how many different countries these friends and/or close contacts are?


1 (1)


2 (2)


3 or more (3)

End of Block: Block 5: EU Cross-border practices (Control variables)

Start of Block: Block 6a: Political Knowledge (Control Variable, Dutch)

Political interest

Now I would like to ask you some questions about Dutch and European politics. In this page, feel free to answer in Dutch if needed. This study is solely interested in your perceptions, so don't worry if you don't know the answers. If that would be the case, please do not look for the correct answer and advance to the next question without answering.

Q7 How interested are you in...?

No interested at all Very interested

1 2 3 4 5

Dutch Politics ()

European Union Politics ()

Q8 How often does the general election take place in the Netherlands? Please indicate the number of years.


Q9 Who was the Dutch Minister of Finance (Minister van Financiën) in the last Rutte government? (Before the March General Election)


Q10 Although the official headquarters of the EU are in Strasbourg (France), in which other European city are the majority of the European Parliament meetings held?


Q11 Who is the President of the European Commision?


End of Block: Block 6a: Political Knowledge (Control Variable, Dutch)

Start of Block: Block 6b: Political Knowledge (Control Variable, Germany)

Now I would like to ask you some questions about German and European politics. In this page, feel free to answer in German if needed. This study is solely interested in your perceptions, so don't worry if you don't know the answers. If that would be the case, please do not look for the correct answer and advance to the next question without answering.

Q7b How interested are you in...?

No interest at all Very interested

1 2 3 4 5

German Politics ()

European Union Politics ()

Q8b Approximately, how often does the Bundestag election (Bundestagswahl) take place in Germany? Please indicate the number of years.


Q9b Although the official headquarters of the EU are in Strasbourg (France), in which other European city are the majority of the European Parliament meetings held?


Q10b Who is the Federal Minister of Finance (Bundesministerium der Finanzen) in Germany?


Q11b Who is the President of the European Commision?


End of Block: Block 6b: Political Knowledge (Control Variable, Germany)

Start of Block: Block 6c: Political Knowledge (Control variable, No Dutch, No German) Now I would like to ask you some questions about European politics. This study is solely interested in your perceptions, so don't worry if you don't know the answers. If that would be the case, please do not look for the correct answer and advance to the next question without answering.

Q7c How interested are you in...?

No interest at all Very interested

1 2 3 4 5

National Politics ()

European Union Politics ()

Q9c Although the official headquarters of the EU are in Strasbourg (France), in which other European city are the majority of the European Parliament meetings held?


Q11c Who is the President of the European Commision?


End of Block: Block 6c: Political Knowledge (Control variable, No Dutch, No German)

Start of Block: Block 7: Experiment introduction

In the following page, you will see a brief news article published in a Dutch newspaper on May 18th 2020. For the purpose of this study it has been translated into English. Please, take your time to read it thoroughly as you will not be able to read it again once you advance to the next section of the survey. Only after 40 seconds, the button to advance to the next page will appear.

Please, click on the button below to continue.

End of Block: Block 7: Experiment introduction

Start of Block: Block 8a: Control Group STIMULUS 1

End of Block: Block 8a: Control Group

Start of Block: Block 8b: Low competence stimulus STIMULUS 2

End of Block: Block 8b: Low competence stimulus

Start of Block: Block 8c: High warmth stimulus STIMULUS 3

End of Block: Block 8c: High warmth stimulus

Start of Block: Block 8d: Low competence / High warmth stimulus STIMULUS 4

End of Block: Block 8d: Low competence / High warmth stimulus Start of Block: Block 9: Support for EU solidarity (DV)

Once you have read the previous news article, please answer the following questions:

Q12 Please, indicate to what extent do you agree or disagree with these statements about the European Union (EU):

*If you are not Dutch consider your own nationality or country when the statements mention Dutch / The Netherlands.

Strongly disagree (1) (1)

Disagree (2) (2)

Slightly disagree (3) (3)

Neither agree or disagree (4) (4)

Slightly agree (5) (5)

Agree (6) (6)

Strongly agree (7) (7)

The solidarity

between the richer and poorer

member states should be one of the core values

of the EU.


o o o o o o o

In times of crisis, richer EU

member states should give

financial help to another EU

member states facing severe economic

and financial difficulties.


o o o o o o o

The Netherland

s should keep allocating

national funds to help EU countries

having economic difficulties.


o o o o o o o

Too much money is going from

Dutch taxpayers to other EU



o o o o o o o

Every EU country

should tackle its economic difficulties on its own.


o o o o o o o

The Netherland

s financial help to other EU

member states should be allocated to

help Dutch citizens instead. (6)

o o o o o o o

End of Block: Block 9: Support for EU solidarity (DV)

Start of Block: Block 10: Emotions (Mediators)

Q13 To what extent did you feel one or more of the following emotions towards Southern Europe citizens?

1 (Not at all) (1)

2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (Very

much) (5) Anger (1)

o o o o o

Sympathy (2)

o o o o o



o o o o o

Pity (4)

o o o o o

End of Block: Block 10: Emotions (Mediators)

Start of Block: Block 11: Open question (stereotype) & manipulation check

Q14 Regardless the content of the article you read, how would you describe Southern Europe citizens (Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, Portuguese)?

Please, use from 1 to 3 words to answer:


Page Break

Q15 To what extent the article you read described Southern Europe citizens as*:

*Please be aware that this refears to how the article described them, not about your perception

Not at all Very much

1 2 3 4 5

Lazy / incompetent ()

Friendly / welcoming ()

End of Block: Block 11: Open question (stereotype) & manipulation check

Start of Block: Block 12: Demographics

Intro Demographics Thank you! You're almost done. Before completing the questionnaire, I would like to ask you for some sociodemographic information.

Q16 What is your gender?


Male (1)


Female (2)


Non-binary / third gender (3)


Prefer not to say (4) Q17 What is your age?


Q18 What is the highest level of education you have completed?


Less than a high school diploma (1)


High school diploma or equivalent (2)


MBO (3)


Bachelor's degree (HBO, WO, BA, BS, BSc) (4)


Master's degree (e.g. MA, MS, MEd) (5)


Doctorate degree (e.g. PhD, EdD) (6)


Other (please specify) (7)


End of Block: Block 12: Demographics

Start of Block: Block 13: Debriefing

Congratulations, you are done! Please, press the button on the bottom of the page before leaving in order to save your answers

Before the completion of the survey, I have some important additional information to share with you. Please read carefully before submitting your answer:

This questionnaire was part of an experiment designed to test whether the presence or absence of certain stereotypes in the media portrayal of Southern Europe citizens has an effect on the level of support for solidarity among European Union member states.

Therefore, a different version of the same news article was randomly shown to every respondent. In total, there were four different versions: one of them portrayed Southern Europe citizens as welcoming/friendly; other portrayed them as lazy/incompetent; other presented them as both welcoming/friendly and lazy/incompetent and the last one (control group) did not contain any kind of stereotypical depiction.

The news article you saw is not real and has been specifically constructed for this experiment.

Except the invented quotes attributed to “sources close to the Dutch negotiators” in the