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Ondersteuning en Europees beleid


EACEA (2013, januari). Grant agreement for an action with multiple benificiaries

3. Ondersteuning en Europees beleid

Wat was rol van de contact- en steunpunten voor u ? Kon dit beter?

Wat zijn goede punten en slechte punten van de contact- en steunpunten voor u?

Zwaktepunten of sterktes van de programma’s zelf? Wat kan beter?

Bent u op de hoogte van wat het kunstendecreet biedt voor internationale werking van organisaties ?

4. opsomming mogelijke succesfactoren ! !

9.2 B







Deze bijlage is zowel Engelstalig als Nederlandstalig samengesteld. Niet voor elk programma worden de inhoudelijke doelstellingen en praktische zaken meegedeeld maar er werd wel gepoogd de meest relevante informatie voor culturele organisaties te verzamelen. Bovendien wordt voor elk programma doorgelinkt naar de website voor meer informatie omtrent het inhoudelijke programma en de oproepen.

Deze bijlage werd samengesteld aan de hand van diverse bronnen. In de eerste plaats de officiële websites van de Europese subsidieprogramma’s. Ten tweede werd gebruik gemaakt van de Vlevagids (2014) en de website van het Kennis Centrum Sociaal Europa (http://www.kcse.eu/programma/2014-2020/europees-fonds-voor-regionale-ontwikkeling) omwille van het mooie en duidelijke overzicht dat deze instanties bieden.

a. Creative Europe (2014-2020): culture sub-programme i. Cooperation projects


Category 1: smaller scale cooperation projects Project leader + at least 2 partners

3 different countries

Max. 200 000 EUR – 60 % co funding Category 2: larger scale cooperation projects Project leader + at least 5 partners

6 different countries

Max. 2 000 000 EUR – 50 % co funding Doelstellingen en prioriteiten:


1. to support the capacity of the European CCS (cultural and creative sectors)

2. to contribute to audience development + improve access to cultural and creative works 3. to contribute to innovation and creativity

Priorities (for call October 2015):

- Promoting the transnational mobility of artists and professionals with a view to enabling them to cooperate internationally and to internationalise their careers and activities in the Union and beyond, when possible on the basis of long-term strategies, and promoting the transnational circulation of cultural and creative works, the aim of which is to promote cultural exchanges, intercultural dialogue, understanding for cultural diversity and social inclusion;

- Strengthening audience development as a means of stimulating interest in and improving access to European cultural and creative works and tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Audience development seeks to help European artists/cultural professionals and their works reach as many people as possible across Europe and extend access to cultural works to under-represented groups. It also seeks to help cultural organisations adapt to the need to engage in new and innovative ways with audiences both to retain them, to build new audiences, diversify audiences including reaching current "non-audiences", and to improve the experience for both existing and future audiences and deepen the relationship with them;

- Fostering creativity, innovative approaches to creation, and new ways of ensuring spillover effects to other sectors. Developing and testing new and innovative models of revenue, management and marketing for the cultural sectors, in particular as regards the digital shift. A particular focus shall be given on supporting activities enabling cultural professionals to gain new skills, on those having an educational dimension and on those seeking to foster intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding among people from different cultures or backgrounds as well as to build on culture with a view to helping counter all forms of discrimination.

Voor wie:

Organisations (leader + partners):

- active in the cultural and creative sectors - exist as a legal person since at least 2 years

- legally established in one of the participating countries

(EU Member States + acceding/candidate/potential countries + EFTA countries + Switzerland + European Neighbourhood Policy, the two last under conditions)

Natural persons may not apply for a grant

Door wie:

EACEA Deadlines:

Publication call Deadline selection Start project

July year n-1 1st Wednesday

October year n-1 March year n

May - december year n (small) Juin – December year n (larger)

Opmerking met betrekking tot kunsten- en culturele sector:

Als voornaamste programma van het Creatief Europa programma (70% van het budget gaat naar de samenwerkingsprogramma’s), is dit bij uitstek het belangrijkste en meest voor de hand liggende Europees financieringsinstrument voor culturele organisaties.

Links website:


ii. (Literary translations) Wat?

Creative Europe supports initiatives for the translation and promotion of literary works across EU markets, with the aim of increasing access to and readership of high quality European literature.

! Geen mogelijkheid (beeldende) kunstensector iii. European platforms


- Supporting:

the mobility of creators and artists

promotion and showcasing of emerging talent from other European countries

stimulation of a genuine Europe-wide programme of cultural and artistic activities

contribution to audience development

providing visibility to Europe's values and different cultures - Especially for emerging talent, through a Europe-wide programme

- Organisations joining together within a platform: common artistic vision to the fore + helping its members to improve their audience development techniques

Doelstellingen en prioriteiten:


1. to foster the development of emerging talent and stimulate the transnational mobility of cultural and creative players and circulation of works, with the potential to exert a broad influence on the cultural and creative sectors and to provide for lasting effects;

2. to help increase recognition and visibility of cultural and creative artists and creators with a strong commitment in terms of European programming through communications activities and

branding strategy, including, where appropriate, the creation of a European quality label.


- fostering the mobility and the visibility of creators and artists, in particular emerging ones and those lacking international exposure;

- stimulating a genuine Europe-wide programming of cultural and artistic activities with the view of facilitating access to non-national European cultural works via international touring,

events,exhibitions and festivals, etc.;

- implementing a communication and branding strategy, including, where appropriate, the development of a European quality label (or an equivalent recognition activity) to identify and promote the members of the platform having demonstrated a strong and high quality professional commitment towards the objectives of the platform in particular and the objectives of Creative Europe, in general;

- contributing to greater audience development through extensive use of information and communication technologies and innovative approaches. To find out more about the audience development priority, please refer to Annex 2 of these guidelines.

- providing visibility to Europe's values and different cultures, thus creating greater awareness about the European Union (hereafter "the EU").

Voor wie:

- Organisations active in the cultural and creative sectors

- Platforms must consist of a coordinating entity from any of the countries participating in the Culture Sub-programme

- Minimum of 10 member organisations - at least 5 from EU Member States or EFTA countries.

Door wie:

EACEA Deadlines:

Opmerking met betrekking tot kunsten- en culturele sector:

Mogelijk voor organisaties, bijvoorbeeld AB Belgique maar grote focus op publiek ! niet voor alle kunstvormen even makkelijk

Link website:


iv. European networks Wat?

Publication call Deadline Selection Framework Partnership Agreement Start project

- Supporting the activities of networks that aim to:

foster the development of skills, competences and know-how

test innovative approaches to audience development

test new business and management models

enable international cooperation and career development in the EU and beyond

facilite access to professional opportunities

- To reinforce the cultural and creative sectors' capacity to operate transnationally and internationally, and to adapt to change

- Max. EUR 250 000/ year. Financial contributions cannot exceed 80% of the total eligible costs of the project

Doelstellingen en prioriteiten:


- to offer co-financing in order to implement activities aiming at strengthening the capacity of the cultural and creative sectors to operate trans-nationally and internationally and to adapt to change;

- to offer co-financing with a view to achieving the general objectives of fostering and promoting cultural and linguistic diversity and strengthening the competitiveness of the cultural and creative sectors, also through the promotion of innovation.


- supporting actions providing cultural and creative players with skills, competences and know-how that contribute to strengthening the cultural and creative sectors, including encouraging adaptation to digital technologies, testing innovative approaches to audience development and testing of new business and management models;

- supporting actions enabling cultural and creative players to cooperate internationally and to internationalise their careers and activities in the Union and beyond, when possible on the basis of long-term strategies;

- providing support to strengthen European cultural and creative organisations and international networking in order to facilitate access to professional opportunities.

! Unlike under the European platforms scheme, the objectives and priorities of the support to European networks are "business to business" oriented

Voor wie:

- Networks active in the cultural and creative sectors

- Networks must consist of a minimum of 15 member organisations from at least 10 different countries participating in the Culture Sub-programme.

- At least 5 of these must have their legal seats in 5 different Member States or EFTA countries.

Door wie:


Deadlines: only two calls during 2014-2020 :

1st call: closed (March 2014)

2nd call for proposals (four year framework partnership agreements):


Opmerking met betrekking tot kunsten- en culturele sector:

Voor netwerkorganisaties die business to business werken. Niet interessant voor culturele organisaties die projecten willen verwezenlijking. Participatie kan wel internationaal netwerk verstevigen.

Link website: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/creative-europe/opportunities/culture-support/eu-networks_en.htm

b. Creative Europe : cross-sector strand Wat?

Three primary functions:

1. The establishment of a Guarantee Facility targeting the cultural and creative sectors : launched in 2016

2. The promotion of transnational policy cooperation support the exchange of experiences and know-how relating to new business and management models

3. Supporting a network of Creative Europe Desks Voor wie:

- The Guarantee Facility: for micro, small, and medium sized organisations in the sector, as well as to improve the risk-assessment capacities of participating financial intermediaries

Door wie:

- action grants + operating grants

- Structure: implemented through two Strands and a horizontal Action:

Publication of

• Strand 1: European remembrance: Raise awareness of remembrance, common history and values and the Union's aim.

• Strand 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation: Encourage democratic and civic participation of citizens at Union level. Measures in this strand are: 1) Town Twinning, 2) Networks of Towns, 3) Civil Society Projects


- Public local/regional authorities or non -profit organisations, including civil society organisations, survivors' associations, and cultural, youth, educational and research organisations.

-Preference is given to transnational projects.

Max: 100

Only for towns/ municipalities or their twinning committees or other non-profit organisations representing local authorities.

For: Towns/municipalities or their twinning committees or networks;

• Other levels of local/regional authorities;

• federations/ associations of local authorities.

• Non-profit organisations representing local authorities

non profit organisations, including civil society organisations, educational, cultural or research institutions

Max. 150 000 EUR

Doelstellingen en prioriteiten:

Under the overall aim of bringing the Union closer to citizens the general objectives are:

- to contribute to citizens' understanding of the Union, its history and diversity;

- to foster European citizenship and to improve conditions for civic and democratic participation at Union level.

Specific objectives shall be pursued on a transnational level or with a European dimension:

- raise awareness of remembrance, common history and values and the Union's aim that is to promote peace, its values and the well-being of its peoples by stimulating debate, reflection and development of networks;

- encourage democratic and civic participation of citizens at Union level, by developing citizens' understanding of the Union policy making-process and promoting opportunities for societal and intercultural engagement and volunteering at Union level.

+ Annual priorities: Applicants are encouraged to develop projects in line with the objectives of the Programme and targeting the annual priorities. The annual priorities will be announced on the website of EACEA and European Commission.


Strand 1: European Remembrance


Deadline for submission* Eligibility period: Projects must start between 1 March 1 August of the same year as the deadline

and 31 January of the year after the deadline

Strand 2. Democratic engagement and civic participation

Measure Deadline for

submission* Eligibility period: Projects must start between Town-Twinning

1 March 1 July of the same year of the deadline and 31 March of the year after the deadline

1 September 1 January and 30 September of the year after the deadline Networks of Towns

1 March 1 July and 31 December of the same year as the deadline 1 September 1 January and 30 June of the year after the deadline Civil Society Projects

1 March 1 August of the same year as the deadline and 31 January of the year after the deadline

Door wie : EACEA Link website:


d. Erasmus +

i. Onderwijs en opleiding Wat?


• buitenlandse acties,

• onderwijs,

• onderzoek en innovatie

• werkgelegenheid Kernacties:

Kernactie 1: individuele leermobiliteit, gedecentraliseerde actie aan te vragen bij EPOS vzw in Vlaanderen

Kernactie 2: samenwerking voor innovatie en uitwisseling van goede praktijken

Kernactie 3: Ondersteuning voor beleidshervormingen gecoördineerd op Europees niveau Voor wie:

elke publieke of private organisatie die werkzaam is op het gebied van onderwijs, beroepsopleiding, jeugd en breedtesport kan aanvragen indienen in het kader van dit programma.


• EU-lidstaten, Europese Economische Ruimte, Kandidaat-lidstaten, Zwitserland, Andere:

derde landen.

Door wie:

EPOS Vlaanderen (gedecentraliseerde acties), EACEA (gecentraliseerde acties) Link website met deadlines en meer:

http://ec.europa.eu/education/opportunities/index_nl.htm http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus_en

ii. Jeugd Wat?

Youth in Action-luik voor jeugdprojecten zet in op:

• leermobiliteit voor jongeren en jeugdwerkers en –organisaties: voor betere kern- competenties en vaardigheden van (kansarme) jongeren, grotere democratische participatie, meer participatie aan de arbeidsmarkt, actief burgerschap, inter- culturele dialoog, sociale inclusie en solidariteit;

• kwaliteitsverbetering in jeugdwerk via nauwere samenwerking in de sector of met andere sectoren;

• flankerende beleidshervormingen op lokaal, regionaal en nationaal niveau voor beter onderbouwd jeugdbeleid;

• erkenning van niet-formeel en informeel leren via Europese instrumenten en uitwisseling van goede praktijken en op

• een grotere internationale dimensie van jongerenactiviteiten en een grotere rol voor jeugdwerkers, jeugdleiders en jeugdorganisaties in buitenlandse acties van de Unie.

Voor wie:

- jongeren van 13 tot 30 jaar en

- elke publieke of private organisatie die werkzaam is op het gebied van onder-

wijs, beroepsopleiding, jeugd en breedtesport kan aanvragen indienen in het kader van dit programma.


• EU-lidstaten, Europese Economische Ruimte, Kandidaat-lidstaten, Zwitserland, Andere:

derde landen.

Door wie:

JINT vzw, Vlaams contactpunt Link website met deadlines en meer:

http://ec.europa.eu/youth/programme/index_en.htm (iii. Sport)

e. EU Programmes 2014-2020 i. Horizon 2020


- the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020)

- includes funding measures to support all forms of innovation in SMEs and aims at encouraging multidisciplinary collaborations (including international participation) with a view to tackling societal challenges

- the SME instrument will address the financing gap in developing high-potential, but high-risk innovative ideas of small companies and bringing them closer to the market

- +/- 20 areas of research - themes:

Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges

Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing

Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy

Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy Smart, Green and Integrated Transport

Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens Fast Track to Innovation Pilot (2015-2016)

Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Science with and for Society

European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Euratom

Voor wie:

open to everyone /alle juridische entiteiten Door wie:

Europese Commissie

Website met deadlines en meer:


ii. COSME Wat?

- COSME is the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) with a planned budget of €2.3bn.

- COSME will support SMEs in four areas:

Improving access to finance for SMEs in the form of equity and debt

Improving access to markets

Improving framework conditions for the competitiveness and sustainability of Union enterprises

Promoting entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial culture Voor wie:

• lokale besturen,

• regionale en bovenlokale besturen,

• internationale organisaties,

• koepelorganisaties,

• kmo’s,

• ngo’s en

• opleidingscentra.

Door wie:

Europese Commissie

Vlaams contactpunt: ‘Enterprise Europe Network’ Vlaanderen Website met deadlines en meer:

http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/cosme/index.html#c,c alls=CallIdentifier.Status/t/FORTHCOMING/1/1/0&CallIdentifier.Status/t/OPEN/1/1/0&CallI dentifier.Status/t/CLOSED/0/1/0&+PlannedOpeningDate/asc

ec.europa.eu/cip/cosme/index_en.htm f. Structural funds

a. European Regional and Development Fund : ERDF a. OP Flanders


The Programme aims to boost economic growth in the region and to contribute to achieving the Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Through investments that will support the knowledge economy, SMEs and the transition towards a low carbon economy, It should create jobs and boost productivity. EU funding will be targeted according to the unique strengths and development needs of the region.

- Financial information:

Total OP budget: 430,441,841.00 € Total EU contribution: 173,565,258.00 € Prioriteiten en doelstellingen

Het operationeel meerjarenprogramma 2014-2020 is opgebouwd rond 4 inhoudelijke prioriteitsassen en 1 as Technische Bijstand;

Prioritaire as 1: Stimuleren van onderzoek, technologische ontwikkeling en innovatie

1.1 Versterken van de infrastructuur voor onderzoek en innovatie (O&I) en van de capaciteiten voor de ontwikkeling van topprestaties op dit gebied, en de bevordering van van expertisecentra, met name die van Europees belang.

Prioritaire as 2: Versterken van het concurrentievermogen van KMO’s

2.1 Bevordering van het ondernemerschap, met name door de economische exploitatie van nieuwe ideeën te vergemakkelijken en door het oprichten van nieuwe bedrijven aan te moedigen, eveneens via starterscentra

2.2 Ontwikkeling en uitvoering van nieuwe bedrijfsmodellen voor kmo’s, in het bijzonder voor internationalisering.

3: Bevorderen van de overgang naar een koolstofarme economie 3.1 Ondersteunen van energie-efficiëntie, slim energiebeheer en het gebruik van hernieuwbare energie in openbare infrastructuur, met inbegrip van openbare gebouwen, en in de woningbouwsector

3.2. Het bevorderen van koolstofarme strategieën voor alle soorten gebieden, met name stedelijke gebieden, inclusief het bevorderen van duurzame, multimodale stedelijke mobiliteit en aanpassingsmaatregelen die van belang zijn voor de vermindering van de uitstoot

3.3 Het bevorderen van energie-efficiëntie en het gebruik van hernieuwbare energie in ondernemingen

3.4 Bevorderen van de productie en distributie van energie uit hernieuwbare bronnen 4: Bevorderen van een duurzame grootstedelijke ontwikkeling

4.1 Ondersteunen van investeringen voor de aanpassing aan de klimaatverandering, inclusief ecosysteemgerichte benaderingen

4.2 Maatregelen tot verbetering van het stadsmilieu, opwaardering van steden, sanering en ontsmetting van oude bedrijfsterreinen, de vermindering van de luchtverontreiniging en bevordering van lawaaireductiemaatregelen

4.3 Verstrekken van steun voor fysieke, economische en sociale sanering van achtergestelde gemeenschappen in stedelijke en rurale gebieden

Voor wie ?

Regio’s: Antwerpen, Limburg, Oost-Vlaanderen, Vlaams Brabant, West-Vlaanderen > Vlaams Gewest.

Door wie ?

Agentschap Ondernemen Deadlines :

Oproepen worden gelanceerd binnen de verschillend prioriteiten : lopende oproepen kunnen teruggevonden worden op: http://www.agentschapondernemen.be/artikel/lopende-en-afgesloten-projectoproepen

Link website:

http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/atlas/programmes/2014-2020/belgium/2014be16rfop002 http://www.agentschapondernemen.be/efro

i. OP Brussels Wat?

- The ERDF Programme aims to boost economic growth and contribute to achieving the Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, as well as the realisation of economic, social and territorial cohesion in an urban region. EU funding will be targeted according to the specific strengths and development needs of the region. 19% of the overall

- The ERDF Programme aims to boost economic growth and contribute to achieving the Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, as well as the realisation of economic, social and territorial cohesion in an urban region. EU funding will be targeted according to the specific strengths and development needs of the region. 19% of the overall