• No results found



and magical explanations reflected the range of ideas present in the media discourse equally in both groups. Similarly, children from both groups alike employed rational, non-rational, and “in-between strategies” (Zinn 2016:348) involving their intuitive disease models, trust, and magical elements of thinking to assess and manage the risk of contagion. Their risk assessment was further shaped by and entangled with their interactions with others and materials. Here, they identified safe and risky categories of bodies and materials, attributing, for instance, face masks and Corona tests equally protective qualities. Finally, the children’s tactics of navigating the identified risks revealed a delicate interplay of the structure given by the Corona measures and the children’s agency. Here, rule adherence not only served to avoid conflicts with parents or

teachers but also created a sense of safety. In contrast, defying the measures allowed for additional freedom. By constantly shifting between adherence and defiance depending on the context, the children balanced liberties and security within the shifting environment of the pandemic.

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