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Long-distance bus transport

In document Geachte leden van de Staten, (pagina 78-83)

12. International long-distance bus lines connect various major Dutch cities to numerous cities abroad.

No clear picture emerges from comparing the buses and trains operating on various exemplary

14. Municipalities generally welcome the arrival of long-distance bus services, as they render munici-palities more accessible. As bus terminal operators, EU legislation dictates that municimunici-palities must grant all transport operators access to stations if so requested. Should a lack of capacity occur, alternate locations can be allocated, which, in terms of transport, is not always ideal.

15. Long-distance bus transport has enjoyed considerable growth in recent years, both in terms of supply and trip numbers. In 2018, Flixbus, the key supplier in this market segment, made approxima-tely 3.5 million international bus trips to/from the Netherlands. Comparatively, NS Dutch Railways estimated a total of some 7 million long-distance international train trips in 2018 (via Thalys, Eurostar, IC Brussels, ICE and IC Berlin).

16. Long-distance bus transport is expected to continue growing in the short term. The bus market in Germany, which was liberalised earlier than elsewhere, enjoyed impressive growth from 2011-2016, but thereafter long-distance bus transport began to decrease, as long-distance train travel increased – an occurrence for which no explanations are offered.

17. Long-distance bus companies increasingly offer domestic routes as part of their international cabotage. Depending on the situation, this could require the relevant public transport authorities (province or metropolitan area) to issue exemptions from concession obligations. The European Commission aims to abolish these conditions on cabotage. Passengers could benefit from further liberalisation of the long-distance bus market.


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Bijlage A:


In document Geachte leden van de Staten, (pagina 78-83)