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Japan: Andanchi Residence

In document World Alzheimer Report 2020 (pagina 151-154)

Name of the day care

centre Andanchi Residence

Company Mirai Kikaku Co., Ltd.

Address 7–4–1 Arai,


City/Town Sendai

State/Province Miyagi ZIP/Postal Code 984–0032

Country Japan

Email Address miraikikaku.will@gmail.

com Web site or additional material


w1oR0DtGrlihfDklxTN?usp=sharing https://www.g-mark.org/award/



While listening to the person’s life history and tastes, in addition to the staff, we will support roles and favourite activities while having a relationship with nursery school children and people with disabilities.

How well does the design of the building support this vision: self-report

Very well.

What are the most important elements in design

z Provision of places that are shared with the surrounding community



A candy shop is set up at the entrance to allow local children to easily enter the housing for the elderly and interact with the elderly with dementia.

入り口に駄菓子屋を設置し、地域の子供達が気軽に、高 齢者住宅に入れるデザインにして、認知症高齢者との交 流を図っている。

There is a wood burning stove in the common room, where you can relax and enjoy tea. there are also cases in which calmness is restored by watching the fire and enjoying the smell of firewood.

談話室には薪ストーブがあり、ゆっくりとお茶を飲んだ り過ごすことが出来る。火を見ることや薪の匂いによ り、落ち着きを取り戻すケースもある。

A landscape festival in a large garden. The landscape makes it easy for people in the surrounding area to come and take a walk, but you can also interact with other generations.

広い庭での夏祭りの様子。周辺地域の方々が気軽に来れ るランドスケープにしており、散歩はもちろんだが、多 世代交流ができる。

Miso making for many generations. The finished miso is used for meals.

In the large living/dining space, we hold exchange events and rent out places to the local community to encourage daily exchanges.

多世代での味噌作りの様子。出来上がった味噌は、食事 に使用している。広いリビングダイニングスペースでは 交流イベントや地域の方への場所の貸し出しを行い、日 常的な交流を促している。

As a whole, solid wood flooring is used, and the living and dining room is designed with a mixture of new furniture and old furniture.

全体的に、無垢の木の床材を使い、リビングダイニング は、敢えて家具を統一せず、新しい家具や古い家具を織 り交ぜながら、空間デザインを行っている。


Andanchi opened in 2018 and included a day care centre designed for people living with dementia.

Approximately 25 people attend per day.

Trip hazards both inside and out have been minimised by avoiding steps and contrasting floor finishes. Safety features such as fences, door locks or other barriers to movement are not obvious.

The places that attendees often want to go to, such as sitting areas, gardens, a toilet or activity spaces are not easily seen from where they spend most of their time.

Staff can not easily see the attendees from where they spend most of their time.

A moderate amount of emphasis has been placed on reducing noise levels and a lot of emphasis has been placed on reducing clutter. The doors that are not intended to be used by people living with dementia are not camouflaged. A moderate amount of emphasis has been placed on the use of colour, contrast or lighting to highlight those things that the attendees may wish to find, the toilet door for example.

The way to the outside space is not able to be seen clearly from all parts of the building, partially obscuring the way attendees walk from the inside of the building to the outside and back in again.

A moderate amount of emphasis has been placed on providing objects and activities for attendees to engage with as they move around and a slight emphasis has been placed on creating engagement destinations at the end of corridors.

The style of furniture is very familiar to the attendees as are many decorations throughout the home. Attendees may bring in their own, familiar objects.

There are many places where attendees can choose to be by themselves or with a small number of people.


In document World Alzheimer Report 2020 (pagina 151-154)