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Horeca: Hebben jullie laatst een week gehad waarin je dacht de docenten doen anders dan normaal?

De docent als linking pin: een docentenperspectief op leerlingbetrokkenheid


5. Horeca: Hebben jullie laatst een week gehad waarin je dacht de docenten doen anders dan normaal?

 Wanneer was dat?  Wat was er anders? Wat vond je er van?

Zijn jullie je anders gaan gedragen doordat de docenten anders deden? Waarom wel/niet? Moeten docenten dat vaker doen en waarom wel of niet?

Hebben jullie nog tips voor de docenten?

 Als leerlingen niets gemerkt hebben vragen wat ze vinden van de begeleiding en het lesgeven van docenten en de manier waarop ze door docenten benaderd worden.

6. De afsluiting van het gesprek:

 Aangeven dat dit de laatste vraag is en vragen of de leerlingen zelf nog wat willen toevoegen aan het interview.

 Bedanken voor het interview.

 Herhalen wat het vervolgproces is: dus uitwerken, voorleggen aan leerlingen en na akkoord analyseren. Citaten worden in het onderzoek geanonimiseerd.



Code book action research

Analyses using the Interconnected Model of Professional Growth. Codes and their meanings based on Voogt et al. (2011).

Codes describing (changes within) domains

Code Domain Description Coded example from the data

EXT External


Description of the stimuli and/or support offered to the


‘The meeting starts with (…) and a presentation of the results of questionnaires administered to the students.

Mean emotional engagement teacher: 3.35

Mean emotional engagement school: 3.21…’. (P20)* (CH)- PERS (Change) in personal domain Description of someone’s beliefs, knowledge and skills related to teaching or evidence of a change in teacher beliefs,

knowledge and skills.

‘Students often start out enthusiastic, but their enthusiasm decreases during the school year. They don’t like to start at the bottom, although they understand they have to.’ (P77) (CH)- PRAC (Change) in domain of practice Description of teaching practice or research practice or evidence of a change in teaching practice and/or research practice.

‘Yes, I have definitely changed my way of acting. I became more consistent in handling the rules.’(P116)

(CH)- CONS (Change) in domain of consequences Description of learner outcomes or evidence of a change in learner outcomes.

‘Remarkably, most students received a grade for manufacturing. That was not the case in previous years.’ (P102)


Codes describing enactment processes between domains

Code Enactment Processes

Description Coded example from the data

EN- PERS- EXT From personal domain to external domain Evidence on how teachers’ beliefs, knowledge and skills influence their participation in the external domain.

(Question asked to the action researcher) ‘It would be interesting to find out whether SDV students score differently compared to students from other departments.’ (P20) EN-EXT- PRAC From external domain to domain of practice

Evidence on how the stimuli offered to the teachers were used to change teaching practice.

‘From the conversations with the

students I learned (…). Thus I have given them their assignments on paper

(…).’(P84) EN- CONS- PRAC From domain of consequence to domain of practice Evidence on how learner outcomes influence teachers’ teaching practice.

‘Almost nothing changed with the students this week. Teachers did. We decided to make agreements about how to start this next year.’ (P2)

EN- PERS- PRAC From personal domain to domain of practice Evidence on how teachers’ beliefs, knowledge and skills influence their teaching practice.

‘Furthermore we have determined that it is important to design a manual for the conversations so that students come out well. Now most information is provided by the teacher. It would be good to ask more open questions.’(P23)

179 Codes describing reflection processes between domains

Code Reflection Processes

Description Coded example from the data

RE- EXT- PERS Reflection on external domain influencing personal domain

Evidence that teachers’ reflection on the stimuli offered in the external domain, influences teachers’ beliefs,

knowledge and skills or recalls certain beliefs.

‘Like in the other teams students score the lowest on performance motivation (Presented by the action researcher). Teachers suggest that students were more performance oriented in former times. But it could also be explained by age (…).’ (P77) RE- PRAC- PERS Reflection on domain of practice influencing personal domain

Evidence that teachers’ reflection on their teaching and/or research practice influences teachers’ beliefs, knowledge and skills.

‘Alternation would probably help as well. The Dutch lesson was once in another classroom and the students were much more on time and more motivated than usual.’ (P97) RE- PRAC- CONS Reflection on domain of practice influencing domain of consequence

Evidence that teachers’ reflection on their teaching and/or design practice influences the learner outcomes from the change.

‘How my colleagues and I function at that location resulted in the desired consequences. Students achieve within 6 month a higher level in relation to school work but also in their social functioning.’ (P90) RE- CONS- PERS Reflection on domain of consequence influencing personal domain

Evidence that teachers’ reflection on the outcomes of the change on learners influences their beliefs,

knowledge and skills.

‘The self- reflection of those kids

(insight). They know exactly where they are. They are real rascals, but if you talk with those boys about which skills they have and which they have to develop, then they know exactly what they have mastered and what they should work on.’ (P33) RE-PERS- CONS Personal domain influencing reflection on domain of consequence

Evidence that teachers’ beliefs, knowledge and skills influence their reflection on outcomes on of the change on learners.

‘The purpose of the study is that the skills form fosters students' involvement with their own learning process. With the skills form we raise the students’ consciousness that it is not only about grades but also about behavior and attitude. During the conversations it now becomes clear to students that it is not only about grades, now the thing to do is to hold this consciousness during the school year.’ (P23)


Other codes

ENV Environment Factors in the change

environment that hinder or facilitate the intervention (as reported in the findings).

‘The only problem is the internships. It is a pity that we have not found an

internship for everyone (…).’ (P110)



Jolien van Uden (Enschede, 1983) obtained her gymnasium degree at the Christelijke Scholengemeenschap Walcheren in Middelburg. She then began the bachelor's degree program in Educational Design, Management and Media at the University of Twente. She graduated and received her bachelor’s degree in 2007 with a thesis on the relation between personality traits and learning styles in higher vocational education. She studied one semester on the Freie Universität in Berlin with an Erasmus grant. In 2007 she completed her master's degree in Educational Science and Technology at the University of Twente. She wrote her master’s thesis on ‘Teacher involvement with competence-based education’. After graduating she traveled four months in South America before she began working as a researcher and policy advisor at a Vocational and Educational Training Center, ‘ROC van Twente’ in Hengelo. As a policy advisor she has supported teacher teams with curriculum development and the implementation of Dutch language (reading, writing, speaking) and arithmetic within the educational programs. Furthermore, she is chair of the group of educational policy advisors who represent the different Colleges. During their monthly meetings they discuss different educational topics. From 2011 up to the present, she has advised the executive board and teacher teams about implementation of ‘Focus op vakmanchap,’ an action plan presented by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences that includes different measures to be implemented in the curricula of all programs of study in vocational education. She presides over a ‘Focus group’ in which each staff department is represented and where tips and tools to support teams implementing the different measures are collaboratively created. She also participates in the policy group that is leading the reform of level 1 programs at ROC van Twente. As a researcher she is a member of the research group ‘Educational arrangements in social context’ and in 2009 she began her research project that is described in this dissertation. In 2012 she received the ‘Best Poster Award 2012’ at the Educational Research Days in Wageningen for her poster and presentation.