• No results found

5 Overall conclusion

5.5 Final conclusion


space, using several parameters, such as the number of infected persons, the duration of the activity and the ventilation regime.

UV radiation: From scientific literature it appears that natural and simulated sunlight and/or UV radiation can neutralize coronavirus particles within minutes. In the literature, various applications are discussed working on the basis of UV radiation. Some examples:

UVC batteries in ventilation grids or UVC lights in special ceiling lamps.

Significance for indoor and outdoor events

From all of the above, we conclude that:

• Ventilation will help mitigate the risks for indoor events, in combination with applications working on the basis of UV radiation.

• As a reminder we would like to note that the risk of infection is sufficiently small at outdoor events and we even find firm evidence in literature that additional measures will have a significant impact to further mitigate the transmission of the virus.

5.5 Final conclusion

Based on the current scientific literature, our conclusion is:

Outdoor events do not lead to an unacceptable risk for visitors or their contacts, simply because transmission hardly takes place out of doors.

For indoor events there is a real risk of infection, but the mortality risk for healthy people below the age of 65, once they are infected, lies below the usual standard of one in every one hundred thousand per year if the chance of infection at the event is less than 10%. We would like to point out here that the relative risk of infection (as opposed to the number of visitors) is smaller in a large and adequately ventilated event location than in bars or restaurants. This point to a not explicatable difference in policy for indoor events with that for bars and restaurant where a certain infection risk is, rightly, accepted.

Besides the individual risk for the visitor of indoor events, there is also, of course, the risk of a visitor infecting other people. Here we also find a difference in policy with other activities that are allowed to take place. Theoretically speaking, this risk can be limited by appealing to the sense of responsibility of visitors of events and to ask them to limit their social engagement with other, more vulnerable, people for two weeks following their

attendance at an event.


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