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Eligibility BBa degree

In document Executive Summary (pagina 40-43)

7. Reflection

7.4 Eligibility BBa degree

The thesis project allowed me to demonstrate my skills and knowledge from the entire International Business and Management program, showcasing my worthiness for the BBa degree. The BBa degree stands for the ability of the student to take on a process-oriented view in the international business environment, and have an in-depth understanding of the interdependent business activities of a company and its industry. I believe to be fully equipped with understanding of the international business activities of a company, throughout its entire supply chain.

In addition to having acquired the necessary knowledge, I have also gained the understanding of cross-cultural communications, and critical thinking skills, that will benefit me professionally and personally. The thesis enhanced these skills, by the various obstacles that I overcame and the methodology that I had to construct independently. One of these obstacles was the data collection phase, in which I was facing a large research objective and a very limited time horizon. I narrowed down my scope, and managed my time in such a way that I would still be able to complete the research in the appropriate time.

The thesis project has ultimately proven that I am able to apply the above-mentioned knowledge and skills in different areas, for example: research design, analyses of a market, interviewing experts, and strategic planning. I therefore feel prepared for my career and will continue developing myself as an international business professional.

7.5 Summary

Ultimately, the thesis research project was a large responsibility that demonstrates my ability to work and conduct research independently to produce a cohesive report that integrates the knowledge I have acquired during my years as an IBMS-student.

My professional-related skills were broadened by the international aspect of the thesis placement; both related to business awareness and the intercultural element. This was due to the intercultural working environment, and the international trends that influenced my research regarding innovative or exemplary methods of international real estate appraisal processes.

My generic competencies evolved on a multitude of levels, consisting of: interpersonal, task-oriented, and intra-personal competencies. My communication and leadership skills developed due to the independent nature of the thesis, and having to meet the high standards required by my supervisors and the RBS. Task-oriented skills, related to my research and management skills, increased because of the necessity to deal with the time and resource scope and understanding of conducting the relevant research. The intra-personal competency was entirely integrated into my research objective, which made it a necessity for me to have this skill developed. The nature of the thesis dealt exactly with the essence of this competency, being related to ethics and responsibility of our resource consumption and efficiency.

The entire thesis process has allowed me to holistically expand my skills as a leader, researcher, and systems thinker.



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In document Executive Summary (pagina 40-43)