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ELASTIC MODULI 1. Introduction

In document at Low Temperatures (pagina 126-137)

Measurement Techniques

3.4. ELASTIC MODULI 1. Introduction

This monograph includes elastic moduli because they form an important 'link' between the thermal expansion and the heat capacity; that is, they determine the changes in dimensions which result from changes in internal energy and pressure.

They also furnish a means of calculating the lattice contribution to Cv in the low temperature (long wave) limit from the Debye temperature


which is calculated as an average over the CAp. (see Section 2.9). Likewise the pressure derivatives of the elastic moduli give values of the elastic mode gammas


Measurement Techniques 119

from which can be calculated the weighted average 'Y~l (see Section 2.9) and hence the lattice contribution to u or


in the low temperature limit.

This short section on techniques for measuring elastic moduli is intended to show some of the problems and levels of accuracy in determining B , X and individual moduli

CA/J. (or SA/J.). The elastic moduli are measured in a variety of ways, both static and dynamic. The static methods include pressure-volume measurements which yield the isothermal compressibility (or bulk modulus), and linear stress-strain measurements which can give Young's modulus E, Poisson's ratio u and shear modulus G. For isotropic materials two of these three parameters determine XT or BT. For single crystals stress-strain data can also give the principal axial values of X.

The dynamic (adiabatic) methods include measurement oflow frequency torsional or flexural vibrations, ultrasonic velocities, ultrasonic resonant spectroscopy, inelastic neutron scattering, and Brillouin scattering. Ultrasonic velocity measurement is the most common as it is applicable at all temperatures to crystals of different symmetries and to polycrystals and glasses. For small (rv 1 mm) crystals, resonant ultrasonic spectroscopy has developed as a valuable tool to determine all the principal moduli from a single set of measurements and become practicable by the advent of high speed computers. The opto-acoustic techniques (Brillouin scattering and laser-induced phonon spectroscopy) are especially well suited to study of microcrystals (rv 0.1 mm).

As illustrated in Fig. 1.3 for Kel, the principal moduli vary rather slowly with temperature (except near a phase transition) and approach a constant value as T -+

O. At higher temperatures, T ~


isothermal and adiabatic values of cA/J. fall nearly linearly for most solids. The 'linear' slope of Bs (T) is related to the volume expansion coefficient by the Anderson-Griineisen parameter 8s = - (


In B s /


In V) p

The relatively slow change with temperature means that for most measurements of elastic moduli, temperature control is not a prime requirement. Major errors in ultrasonic data arise from other factors; they are of the order of tenths of a percent so that smaIl drifts in T are not as serious as they are when measuring Cp or u.

3.4.2. Equation of State Methods

Dilatometric Measurements of V (P, T). PVT measurements do not give indi-vidual moduli but are a useful source of compressibility (and bulk modulus) values over a wide range of temperature and pressure, particularly suited to solidified gases or very soft materials which are not easy to obtain or handle in single crystal form.

Examples are the measurements on the alkaline earths [And90a] and rare gas solids.

120 Chapter 3

Packard and Swenson [pac63] describe a piston-cylinder method of measuring the change in volume of solid Xe from 20--160 K at pressures up to 2 GPa. Such soft materials have a very low shear strength so that the pressure applied via the piston is effectively hydrostatic. Values of bulk modulus resulting for the alkali metals and alkaline earths have error bars of ±0.5% [And83b].

X-Ray and Neutron Lattice Spacing. Measurements oflattice spacing by X-ray or neutron diffraction as a function of pressure (and volume) do not give individual moduli but can provide linear compressibilities as well as volume compressibility for polycrystals and single crystals. This is very useful for obtaining values of Xa,b,c on sintered compacts as well as on polymers for which ultrasonic methods can be difficult; for example, the measurements of BT for YBa2Cu306+s [Jor90] and polyethylene [Sak66].

3.4.3. Young's Modulus, Poisson's Ratio and Shear Modulus

By applying a tensile stress to a solid rod and measuring the change in length and diameter, values are obtained for Young's modulus E and Poisson's ratio u from which the isothermal bulk modulus can be calculated:

B = E/3{1-2u); B=EG/{9G-3E) (3.14) The vibrating reed method uses the flexural (or torsional) motion of a thin bar, clamped at one end. The free end oscillates at a natural frequency depending on length and thickness of the bar and is proportional to VE, the Young's modulus sound velocity, i.e., from E

= pvi:.

3.4.4. Ultrasonic Methods

The velocity of a sound wave in a uniform solid in general depends on the directions of propagation and polarization, as described in Section 2.8.7. But in a bulk sample of an isotropic material (polycrystal with randomly oriented crystallites or glassy) there are only two sound velocities, VI (longitudinal) and Vt (transverse or shear), which together yield values of the adiabatic bulk and rigidity moduli:

( 2



Bs = P VI -


Vt , Gs =PV~ (3.15)

These are related to other elastic coefficients such as Es and Us (Section 2.8.3). Es is also given directly by


for longitudinal waves in a thin rod.

For cubic crystals, three independent velocities suffice to specify the individual moduli

• cfl



from longitudinal wave in [100] direction

Measurement Techniques 121

• c!.



from transverse wave in [110] direction with [100] polarization

• c,s


(cft -cf2)/2

from transverse wave in [110] direction with [lIO) polar-ization.

Additional or alternative values are provided by:

• cf


(cft +cf2 +2c!.)/2

from longitudinal wave in [110] direction

• c!.

from transverse wave in [100] direction with arbitrary polarization.

For crystals with axial synnnetry, there are five or six independent moduli to be determined, and for orthorhombic crystals there are nine.

The 'standard' method of determining the velocity of a compressive sound wave or shear wave, typically of frequency 10-30 MHz, is by timing the passage of a pulse through a crystal of about 5-10 mm thickness. The sample is cut and lapped to have two parallel faces, to one (or both) of which is bonded a piezoelectric transducer. This is usually a quartz crystal, X-cut for longitudinal waves, AC- or Y-cut for shear wave;


is also used. The bonding agents are carefully chosen to minimize attenuation and avoid cracking due to expansion mismatch. Depending on temperature range and the sample, they include Dow Coming 200 silicone, Nonaq grease, Salol, ethylene glycol, epoxy and organic liquid mixtures, e.g., 4-methyl,l-pentene [McS64, Bat67]. For higher frequencies thin films of CdS, ZnS, ZnO have been used as transducers. The path of the ultrasonic wave (or pulse) involves reflection from a specimen boundary and occupies a time interval of '" lOlLS for waves of velocity '"


cm·s-t . Figure 3.11 shows the measuring circuit described in McSkimin's review [McS64].

Various techniques for determining .the transit times (and velocity) have been reviewed in volumes of Physical Acoustics, edited originally by Warren Mason and published by Academic Press from 1964 onwards. They include:

• Pulse echo technique in which the time of passage is measured directly on an oscilloscope. A single transducer or two separate transducers can be used for transmitting and receiving. A single transducer is preferred (Fig. 3.11).

• Pulse superposition method which measures the time between any given wave crest in one echo and a crest in a later echo. This avoids errors due to the time delay in the bond and which can amount to a few parts in 104 [McS64]. Later developments of this 'pulse echo overlap' (PEO) technique are described by Papakadis [pap90]. Note that corrections for the transducer-bond phase shift can be made by varying the sample length or transducer configuration as shown by Jackson et al. [JacSl].

• Continuous wave resonance method has proved useful with thin samples and for measuring small changes in velocity [BoI63].




8 a:




OSCILLOSCOPE Fig. 3.11. Measuring circuit for high-frequency pulse technique [McS64].



Measurement Tedmlques 113




~----1 Attenuator 1 - - _ ...


( b)

Fig. 3.12. Block diagram of the phase comparison methods in [Ale66. p. 278].

• Phase comparison methods which compare the phase of an rf signal which has traversed the specimen with a reference signal which has traversed an-other path. These are capable of high sensitivity and have been important in measuring the small velocity changes ($ 1 in 106) which occur during a norrnal-superconducting transition or with the application of a strong mag-netic field to a metal. Alers [Ale66] reviews variants of these methods of which two are illustrated by the block diagram in Fig. 3.12. Spetzler and colleagues have described the use of GHz sound waves for interferometry, applicable to small samples and very high pressures (see for example [Spe96]).

• The sing-around system which employs two transducers, one as transmitter and one as receiver, and can also detect very small changes in velocity. In the version developed by Forgacs (see [Ale66]), a received pulse arriving after a transit time T is used to retrigger the transmitter, so that the circuit becomes an oscillator whose frequency is about 1/ T Hz. Frequency shifts of a few parts in 107 can be detected.

Techniques for measuring ultrasonic velocities at very high pressures have been reviewed by Heydemann [Hey71], Jackson and Niesler [Jac82] (see also more recent measurements up to 10 GPa [Nie89, Li96]). Most involve piston or anvil methods which are not particularly suited to the cryogenic range.

Measuring systems for ultrasonic velocities have been available from various com-panies including Anutech Pty. (ANU, Canberra, Australia), Krautkramer Branson (Lewistown, Penn. USA), Karl Deutsch (Wuppertal, Germany), Matec Instruments (Northborough, Mass.), Parametrics Inc. (Waltham, Mass.), Ritec Inc. (Warwick,


frequency synthesizer

PM out

sample preamp

Chapter 3

lock-in amplifier

in ref out

Fig. 3.13. Schematic diagram of electronics for a resonant ultrasonic system in [May92, p. 391].

Rhode Is.), Utex Inc. (Ontario, Canada).

3.4.5. Resonant Ultrasonic Spectrometry

Most of the ultrasonic methods are difficult to use with crystal dimensions less than a millimeter; for example, for a thickness of 0.5 mm pulse transit times are much less than a microsecond so that GHz transmitters are needed. The resonant spec-trometry method, pioneered largely by Soga, Ohno, Kumazawa and others [And95aJ and later at Los Alamos [Mig93, Mig97J is well suited to small crystals but requires sophisticated computing. This has been made easier in recent years with the develop-ment of smaller and cheaper high speed computers. The crystal is usually in the form of a polished rectangular parallelepiped to the comers of which are loosely attached two transducers. These may be small piezoelectric plastic films, one acting as driver to supply a sweep frequency to the crystal and the other monitoring the spectral response (Figs. 3.13, 3.14). Maynard et al. [May92J have reviewed this method and its application to small crystals of La2Cu04 and quartz. Values of CIl,C33 etc. for the latter differ by less than 1 % from those obtained by the more usual ultrasonic pulse methods (see also book by Migliori and Sarrao [Mig97]).

1 1



~ ~

0.6 1.0 1.4

frequency (MHz)

Fig. 3.14. Ultrasonic spectrum for undoped La2CU04 [May92, p. 397].

Measurement Techniques 125



Fig. 3.15. Brillouin spectra of a xenon crystal for different orientations from Stoicheff in [Kle77, p. 1003].

126 Chapter 3

3.4.6. Neutron and Opto-Acoustic Scattering

Neutron scattering. Thermal neutrons have energies and wavelengths comparable with those of the vibrating ions. Inelastic scattering of neutrons yields information about the energy-wave number relations for the phonons involved and hence the w{ q) curves for the principal modes. These can extend over the entire range of q out to the zone boundary and allow the phonon density of states to be calculated. The accuracy of determining the wave velocity d w / d q at low frequencies is less than that achieved with ultrasonics and the method requires crystal dimensions comparable with the ultrasonic technique. For a few relatively compressible solids, measurements of w{q) have also been done under pressure which yield volume dependences of the frequencies and hence values of 'Yi up to high wave numbers. An example is RbI which was measured up to 0.3 GPa by Blaschko et al. [Bla75].

Brillouin scattering. Photons of visible light are also scattered by phonons and can provide information about phonon energies, particularly with the use of a laser source: there is a 'Doppler' shift of the wave velocity of the scattered light. However the photon energies are very much larger than the phonon energies and therefore energy or frequency shifts are small. The photon wave numbers are small compared with the Brillouin zone dimensions so that data are obtained only about the long wave phonons (near q=O). Examples of the use of Brillouin spectroscopy for deter-mining the elastic constants of rare gas solids are given in a review by Stoicheff in [Kle77, Ch. 16]. This review shows typical cryostats and spectra for Ne, Ar, Xe etc.

(Fig. 3.15). They found differences up to a few percent for these moduli compared with values obtained with ultrasonics but this may be due to imperfections in the solid gas samples.

Data on small quartz crystals (0.3 mm) have given longitudinal wave velocities with errors of less than 2%. From these measurements Weidner et al. [Wei75]

estimate a minimum sample size of


0.1 mrn.

Laser induced phonon spectroscopy. This technique is also applicable to small crystals. Elastic waves are generated in the crystal by the interference of two laser pulses. Brown et al. [Bro89] describes the application to a small olivine crystal with resulting uncertainties of less than 1 % in the elastic moduli.

3.4.7. Data Sources

The major compilations of elastic moduli are in:

• Volumes of Landolt-Bomstein IIIIl [Hea66] supplemented by Vol. IW2 [Hea69]; followed by a new compilation in Vol. 111111 [Hea79] with sup-plement in Vol. TIII18 [Hea84]; finally a replacement Vol. IIII29a prepared by Every and McCurdy [Eve92].

Measurement Techniques 127

• The handbook on Single Crystal Elastic Constants and Calculated Aggregate Properties by Simmons and Wang [Sim71).

• Elasticity of Minerals, Glasses, and Melts by Bass in the Handbook of Physical Constants from the American Geophysical Union [Bas95].

• Review of Elastic Constants of Transition Metals by Steinemann and Fisher [Ste81).

• Elastic Constants of Mantle Minerals at High Temperatures by Anderson and Isaak, which includes room temperature data on MgO, CaO, NaCI, KCI, MnO, and some silicates [And95b).

• Tables by Sumino and Anderson in Handbook of Physical Properties of Rocks, Vol.



T. H. K. Barron et al., Heat Capacity and Thermal Expansion at Low Temperatures

© Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York 1999

Chapter 4



This monograph is primarily devoted to cryogenic solids but, inevitably, the question is asked" ... What is the difference in heat capacity, thermal expansion, or bulk modulus between gas, liquid and solid? ... " Gases are dilute assemblies of atoms (or molecules), so that their properties depend on the kinetic energy of translation and for molecules also on energies of rotation and other "internal energies"; at normal pressures mutual interaction is usually a small perturbation. By contrast, liquids and solids are both about 1000 times more dense, and interactions play a dominant rOle. Liquids and dense gases are more difficult to model than crystals, because they lack the long range order which allows us to apply the concept of periodicity to the vibrating atoms and the electron gas (Chs. 2 and 6); also the hindered translational and rotational motions are not approximated by harmonic vibrations. Thus the three phases require separate discussion.

The conditions under which the phases can exist are conveniently shown in a P, T phase diagram, as for the simple example of the monatomic Ar (Fig. 4.1). There are two special points labelled in this diagram: at the triple point (T"Pt ) solid, liquid and gas can all coexist; and at the critical point (Tc, Pc) the distinction between the two fluid phases disappears. The solid-liquid coexistence (melting) curve in this range has a slope of about 4 MPa·K-1 (40 bar·K-1), and is much steeper than the gas-liquid" curve. Most phase diagrams are similar to this, except that often they are more complex because of the existence of different solid phases; also, for a few systems the line between solid and fluid slopes backward. The outstanding exception is helium, for which there is no triple point and the fluid phase extends to T = O.

For most substances Tt is above 0 DC. The liquid does not then exist in the cryogenic region, and the vapor only at very low pressures, approximating closely to an ideal gas. But some important systems have lower triple points (Table 4.1), and so, like helium, can be used as cryogenic fluids. We therefore discuss in order dilute classical gases in Section 4.2, liquids in Section 4.3, and quantum fluids in Section


130 Cbapter4 80




-.:::-~ 40 °60 80 100 a..

20 solid


L -________ ~ ______ ~~ T __________ ~~


50 100 150

T (K)

Fig. 4.1. Phase diagram of argon. T is the triple point. C is the critical point. Inset shows region near T with pressure scale enlarged.

4.4, including the unique properties of the helium isotopes.

4.2. GASES

In document at Low Temperatures (pagina 126-137)