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While a large body of academic literature has been dedicated to understanding the formation of digital transformation strategies, solely a small portion of academic literature has been dedicated to understanding the practices carried out by organizational actors during the execution of digital transformation strategies, i.e., the practices associated with the execution of digital transformation. In this thesis, the actions of leaders, i.e., leadership actions, are claimed to have an influence on the ability to carry out the practices associated with the execution of digital transformation. Thus, this research assesses the influence of leadership actions on the ability to carry out the practices associated with the execution of digital transformation.

This phenomenon was explored in the empirical context of the higher education industry.

A single case study was conducted as the aim was to produce high-quality theory exploring a critical case (e.g., Gustafsson, 2017; Saunders et al., 2018): the University of applied sciences in Suriname. The case was divided into two unique sub-units, i.e., leaders and followers, in order to explore the case while considering the influence of the position, i.e., leader or follower, of an organizational actor and the associated attributes on the perspective of the sub-unit. Thus, the used qualitative research method ultimately regarded a single, embedded case study.

Assessment of the findings identified after thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted for said case study reveals that leaders must ensure that (a) employee autonomy is able to be cultivated in order to facilitate the ability of followers to carry out the practices associated with the execution of digital transformation, and (b) followers commit to the digital transformation strategy in order to counter the inhibiting influence that a low level of commitment has on the ability of followers to carry out the practices associated with the execution of digital transformation. Overall, the two conclusions contribute to (a) strategy literature, (b) digital transformation literature, (c) leadership literature, (d) entrepreneurship literature, and (e) change management literature. In addition, the two conclusions answer the research question, i.e., leadership actions can have a facilitating or inhibiting influence on the ability to carry out the practices associated with the execution of digital transformation.


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Appendix A

Interview Framework for the Leaders

Interview framework for the leaders in English

1. Could you describe a recent digital transformation?

2. Could you indicate which of the eleven practices associated with the execution of digital transformation you believe are carried out by the people you lead?

• Could you describe how you believe the people you lead carry out these practices?

3. What do you believe are the top 3 facilitators of the ability to carry out the practices associated with the execution of digital transformation for the people you lead?

• Are you responsible for any of these facilitators? Describe your answer.

4. What do you believe are the top 3 inhibitors of the ability to carry out the practices associated with the execution of digital transformation for the people you lead?

• Are you responsible for any of these inhibitors? Describe your answer.

5. To what extent do you believe the facilitators compensate for the inhibitors?

Interview framework for the leaders in Dutch

1. Kunt u een recente digitale transformatie beschrijven?

2. Kunt u aangeven welke van de elf handelingen voor het tot stand brengen van digitale transformatie door uw medewerkers worden uitgevoerd?

• Kunt u beschrijven hoe deze handelingen door uw medewerkers worden uitgevoerd?

3. Welke top 3 factoren vindt u het belangrijkst om het uitvoeren van de handelingen voor het tot stand brengen van digitale transformatie te vergemakkelijken voor uw


• Welke van deze factoren past u toe om het uitvoeren van deze handelingen te vergemakkelijken? Motiveer uw antwoord.

4. Welke top 3 factoren maken het naar uw mening moeilijk voor uw medewerkers om de handelingen voor het tot stand brengen van digitale transformatie uit te voeren?

• Welke van deze factoren maken het naar uw mening moeilijk voor uw medewerkers om deze handelingen uit te voeren? Motiveer uw antwoord.

5. In hoeverre denkt u dat de factoren die die de handelingen voor het tot stand brengen van digitale transformatie makkelijk maken opwegen tegen de factoren die het moeilijk maken?

Appendix B

Interview Framework for the Followers

Interview framework for the followers in English 1. Could you describe a recent digital transformation?

2. Could you indicate which of the eleven practices associated with the execution of digital transformation you carry out?

• Could you describe how you carry out these practices?

3. What are the top 3 facilitators of the ability to carry out the practices associated with the execution of digital transformation that you experience?

• Is your leader responsible for any of these facilitators? Describe your answer.

4. What are the top 3 inhibitors of the ability to carry out the practices associated with the execution of digital transformation that you experience?

• Is your leader responsible for any of these inhibitors? Describe your answer.

5. To what extent do the facilitators compensate for the inhibitors?

Interview framework for the followers in Dutch

1. Kunt u een recente digitale transformatie beschrijven?

2. Kunt u aangeven welke van de elf handelingen voor het tot stand brengen van digitale transformatie door u worden uitgevoerd.

• Kunt u beschrijven hoe u deze handelingen uitvoert.

3. Welke top 3 factoren vindt u het belangrijkst om het uitvoeren van de handelingen voor het tot stand brengen van digitale transformatie te vergemakkelijken?

• Welke van deze factoren past uw leidinggevende toe om het uitvoeren van deze handelingen te vergemakkelijken? Motiveer uw antwoord.

4. Welke top 3 factoren maken het naar uw mening moeilijk om de handelingen voor het tot stand brengen van digitale transformatie uit te voeren?

• Welke van deze factoren past uw leidinggevende toe die het uitvoeren van deze handelingen moeilijk maken? Motiveer uw antwoord.