• No results found

because males seem to like these elements slightly more than women, and in the survey 80% of the stores had elements. This could be a reason for this significant interaction effect. This means that the main research question “How do various elements of an in-store social retail experience affect the store visit intention of consumers regarding luxury fashion brands?” can be answered with that these elements have a positive effect on store visit intention of consumers in the luxury fashion industry.

While these results indicate very strongly that these three elements have a positive effect on store visit intention of millennials and Generation Z, recommendations for future research could still be made. For example, the store visit intention could be investigated when there are sufficient stores with these elements built in the general shopping environment, when this concept is more widely known to the public. Also, future research could conduct in-depth interviews to gain a deep understanding into why consumers have these intentions. Finally, future research could investigate the effects of these three elements on other aspects, like brand-consumer relationships.


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