• No results found

Seagrass ecosystems are threatened by eutrophication (Chapter 2, 6) and trace metal pollution (Chapter 5), as a result of increased human activities in coastal areas. We showed that such threats to seagrass ecosystem functioning can be discovered by using seagrass nutrient and metal concentrations as bioindicators.

The indicator function of seagrasses may also be used to gain insight in plant-level processes, as our findings illustrated that rhizome starch can be indicative of seagrass winter survival (Chapter 3). Next to promoting plankton bloom and subsequent reduction of light availability, eutrophication also promotes the input of organic matter in seagrass beds. This organic matter is mainly decomposed anaerobically, resulting in toxic sediment sulfide levels, which may affect seagrass meadow-scale dynamics (Chapter 2,4), due to the lack of density-dependent feedbacks in low seagrass densities. Seagrasses all over the world are coping with sulfide stress, but we discovered that a three-stage mutualism between seagrasses, lucinid bivalves and their sulfide-oxidizing gill bacteria globally enables growth of seagrasses in organic sediments (Chapter 7). The importance of this keystone mutualism is illustrated in Chapter 9, which showed that breakdown of this mutualism may lead to accelerated habitat degradation. Another benthic animal that frequently inhabits seagrass beds is the lugworm Arenicola marina.

Seagrasses and lugworms are involved in a biomechanical warfare, as they display

contrasting properties. In addition to the negative effects of lugworm bioturbation by burial, we found that lugworms may also negatively affect seagrasses by altering biogeochemistry; lugworm activity increases nutrient fluxes, promoting detrimental epiphyte bloom on seagrass leaves (Chapter 8). These examples (Chapter 7, 8, 9) emphasize the importance of including species interactions in seagrass ecosystem studies.

Based on our findings, I conclude that it is important to study all levels and aspects of biogeochemical stressors on seagrass ecosystems, from plant- to meadow-scale (Figure 10.4) and including species interactions, to gain a deeper understanding of ecosystem functioning, in order to provide useful tools for seagrass conservation, management, and restoration.

Figure 10.4 Graphical abstract of this thesis. Chapter numbers are indicated in red. Proportions of plants and animals are not based on real measures and species composition is not a realistic reproduction of a real-life seagrass ecosystem.


We would like acknowledge the following people for their contributions to this synthesis: Marieke van Katwijk, Tjeerd Bouma, Wouter Suykerbuyk, Wim Giesen, Dick de Jong, Tjisse van der Heide, , Jelle Eygensteyn, Rien van de Gaag, Leon Lamers, Jan de Brouwer, and Chantal Huijbers.

Chapter 10 Synthesis

Resilience & Restoration

Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4

What are the biogeochemical constraints for seagrass patch survival and expansion?

What are the bottlenecks for the winter survival of Zostera noltii in the Oosterschelde?

What are the effects of local environmental conditions and feedbacks on the resilience of seagrasses?

High porewater sulfide and ammonium concentrations are toxic constraints to seagrass patch expansion and survival.

Autumn starch reserves indicate next year’s growth success of Zostera noltii.

Local environmental conditions, such as sediment grain size and organic matter level, and feedbacks affect disturbance-recovery dynamics of intertidal seagrasses.

Question Answer


Chapter 5

Chapter 6

What is the overall status of trace metals in seagrass beds worldwide and in the Caribbean in particular?

What is the nutrient status of the seagrass beds on Curaçao and Bonaire?

Seagrasses are good bioindicators of trace metal pollution in coastal ecosystems worldwide. Additionally, some bays in the Caribbean are heavily polluted by trace metals, which may form a potential threat to higher trophic levels.

Eutrophication threatens important nursery habitats on Curaçao in Spanish Water Bay and Piscadera Bay.

B iogeochemical species interactions

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

How do seagrasses worldwide cope with sulfide stress in organic sediments?

What is the biogeochemical effect of lugworm activity on seagrasses?

What happens with the three-stage seagrass-lucinid-gill-bacteria symbiosis in seagrass beds under desiccation stress?

A common mutualistic interaction between seagrasses, lucinid bivalves and their symbiotic gill-bacteria forms the foundation of seagrass ecosystems by reducing sulfide stress.

Lugworms do not relieve sulfide stress to seagrasses, but instead stimulate nutrient fluxes from the porewater to the surface water, which in turn promote detrimental algal bloom on the leaves.

A mutualism-breakdown due to desiccation stress accelerates habitat degradation in seagrass beds.

Table 10.1 Overview of questions and answers in this thesis



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