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bevat de algemene conclusies en geeft aanbevelingen voor toekomstige ontwikkelingen op het gebied van

General conclusions

Hoofdstuk 6 bevat de algemene conclusies en geeft aanbevelingen voor toekomstige ontwikkelingen op het gebied van


I feel a bit stressed (really) to write possibly the most popular chapter of my thesis. Honestly, a bit more than three years passed by too quickly and I do believe it was one of the most amazing times of my life. I liked everything about my PhD: environment, challenges, science and most of all I liked people around me.

First of all I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Stamatialis for the opportunity to work on this amazing project. I really appreciate your encouragements when I was down and your enthusiasm when everything was going “according to the plan”. I do believe that my research would not be successful without “the helicopter view” during our meetings as sometimes I was getting lost in small details. Thank you, Dimitrios.

Importantly, I am also really grateful to my graduation committee for their time and effort spent on reading my thesis and coming to my defense. Prof. Dr. D. W. Grijpma, Prof. Dr. N. E. Benes, Prof. Dr. R. Masereeuw, Prof. Dr. Ing. J. Vienken and Dr. K.G.F. Gerritsen – thank you all.

I would also like to thank Karin Hendriks, our BST magician, for all the work and help you have done. Thank you for making my arrival, life and even “life after PhD” less stressful regarding administrative issues.


and for short talks near coffee machine. Thank you Lydia for your priceless contribution, for our HPLC struggles and for our short trips to Utrecht, I really appreciate the work you’ve done.

Big thanks go to my beloved office mates: Aga (Dr. Evil), Aysun, Bade, Jia and Vincent. Thank you for unbelievable environment, talks and fun we had. Aga, thank you for being so concentrated and energetic in everything you do, it always inspired me when I feel lazy. I wish you and Mateo (master cook) all the best in Denmark. Aysun, I know everything will be fine, stay strong as you are. Bade, Vincent and Jia, thank you for being essential part of our nice office environment.

Natalia, I already told you that I am really happy that you joined BST: without you my PhD life would not be so bright and enjoyable. Thank you for being the most reliable person in BST for eating early lunch (or two) and for always being brutally honest (I do miss it now). I wish you and Felix all the best and hope to see you both at my defense.

Kasia, my muffin buddy, thank you for great time. There is a lot to say “thank you” for: warm welcome upon my arrival, funny complaints when I try to leave party at 10 (or earlier) and for your amazing ability to understand my frustrations. It was also really fun to travel with you and Emi to Rome and Japan. I hope we will continue to discover the world. Also thank you for agreeing to be my paranymph.


but you are setting just a new level. Thank you for all your help, talks and agreeing to be my paranymph.

Next I would like to thank my gym buddies, Renaud and Bas (and now also Dooli), for sharing my enthusiasm about early morning workout. I do hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.

I think I do not need to introduce Ilaria here, it feels like everyone knows you already. Thank you for introducing so much laugh and fun to my already dynamic life.

My brave students Esmee, Meina and Tiago, I really appreciate you joining me on my way to this thesis.

Additionally I want to acknowledge all the rest of the BST group for creating unbelievable environment in the group: Thijs, Mike, Nick, Frits, Erwin, Tony, Gijs, Hui, Iris, Jonas, Deby, Djadhank, Praneeth (extra thanks for your unbelievable Indian food), Tushar, Dwi, Jai, Suvi, Duco, Pia, Gert-Jan, Dalila, Jos and Sebastien. It was a pleasure to meet you all.

I would also like to extend my acknowledgments to Tymen, who “adopted” me after my PhD time was over. I really appreciate your trust in me and all words of advice you give me on a daily basis.


and I hope we will stay in touch wherever life will send us.

Lia (aka Linda), I was really fortunate to meet you here. For already 4 years you are making this place sunnier and wormer. I really appreciate your patience and enthusiasm with which you treat my strange ideas and for sharing my passion for Asian food and Placebo. My PhD life would not be that great without your support. Beijinhos.


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