• No results found

Year 1 Year 2


Increased cycling results in better perceived health 0.003 (0.050)

Figure 2 Significant effects between active travel and perceived health

Regarding the relationship between perceived health and distance travelled, we found a significant effect for bicycles. The distance a person cycles has a significantly positive impact on their perceived health (Figure 2); consequently, Dutch people’s perceived health increases if they cycle greater distances. We found no significant effects between perceived health and distance travelled by e-bike or on foot, nor pertaining to the relationship between perceived health and number of trips via active transport modes.

Walking is thus the only active travel that leads to decreased BMI, while cycling results in increased perceived health. However, this does not mean that these are the only health benefits of active travel, as much of the available literature reveals the positive impact that active travel or exercise in general has on subjective health, the burden of diseases and life expectancy, for example.

Follow-up research

This research is limited in that we had only limited available information about health. The MPN provides detailed insights into the respondents’ travel behaviour, but health-related information is limited to BMI and perceived health. Consequently, it is impossible to reveal the full extent of the relationship between active travel and health, and thus we recommend follow-up research. Potential subjects for further research could include the relationship between mental health and active mobi- lity in the Netherlands, which remains unclear, as does the precise impact that active travel has on absenteeism or vitality.


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